1,860 research outputs found

    Denoising Deep Neural Networks Based Voice Activity Detection

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    Recently, the deep-belief-networks (DBN) based voice activity detection (VAD) has been proposed. It is powerful in fusing the advantages of multiple features, and achieves the state-of-the-art performance. However, the deep layers of the DBN-based VAD do not show an apparent superiority to the shallower layers. In this paper, we propose a denoising-deep-neural-network (DDNN) based VAD to address the aforementioned problem. Specifically, we pre-train a deep neural network in a special unsupervised denoising greedy layer-wise mode, and then fine-tune the whole network in a supervised way by the common back-propagation algorithm. In the pre-training phase, we take the noisy speech signals as the visible layer and try to extract a new feature that minimizes the reconstruction cross-entropy loss between the noisy speech signals and its corresponding clean speech signals. Experimental results show that the proposed DDNN-based VAD not only outperforms the DBN-based VAD but also shows an apparent performance improvement of the deep layers over shallower layers.Comment: This paper has been accepted by IEEE ICASSP-2013, and will be published online after May, 201

    Exploration and Optimization of Noise Reduction Algorithms for Speech Recognition in Embedded Devices

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    Environmental noise present in real-life applications substantially degrades the performance of speech recognition systems. An example is an in-car scenario where a speech recognition system has to support the man-machine interface. Several sources of noise coming from the engine, wipers, wheels etc., interact with speech. Special challenge is given in an open window scenario, where noise of traffic, park noise, etc., has to be regarded. The main goal of this thesis is to improve the performance of a speech recognition system based on a state-of-the-art hidden Markov model (HMM) using noise reduction methods. The performance is measured with respect to word error rate and with the method of mutual information. The noise reduction methods are based on weighting rules. Least-squares weighting rules in the frequency domain have been developed to enable a continuous development based on the existing system and also to guarantee its low complexity and footprint for applications in embedded devices. The weighting rule parameters are optimized employing a multidimensional optimization task method of Monte Carlo followed by a compass search method. Root compression and cepstral smoothing methods have also been implemented to boost the recognition performance. The additional complexity and memory requirements of the proposed system are minimum. The performance of the proposed system was compared to the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) standardized system. The proposed system outperforms the ETSI system by up to 8.6 % relative increase in word accuracy and achieves up to 35.1 % relative increase in word accuracy compared to the existing baseline system on the ETSI Aurora 3 German task. A relative increase of up to 18 % in word accuracy over the existing baseline system is also obtained from the proposed weighting rules on large vocabulary databases. An entropy-based feature vector analysis method has also been developed to assess the quality of feature vectors. The entropy estimation is based on the histogram approach. The method has the advantage to objectively asses the feature vector quality regardless of the acoustic modeling assumption used in the speech recognition system

    Emotion Recognition from Speech with Acoustic, Non-Linear and Wavelet-based Features Extracted in Different Acoustic Conditions

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    ABSTRACT: In the last years, there has a great progress in automatic speech recognition. The challenge now it is not only recognize the semantic content in the speech but also the called "paralinguistic" aspects of the speech, including the emotions, and the personality of the speaker. This research work aims in the development of a methodology for the automatic emotion recognition from speech signals in non-controlled noise conditions. For that purpose, different sets of acoustic, non-linear, and wavelet based features are used to characterize emotions in different databases created for such purpose

    TASE: Task-Aware Speech Enhancement for Wake-Up Word Detection in Voice Assistants

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    Wake-up word spotting in noisy environments is a critical task for an excellent user experience with voice assistants. Unwanted activation of the device is often due to the presence of noises coming from background conversations, TVs, or other domestic appliances. In this work, we propose the use of a speech enhancement convolutional autoencoder, coupled with on-device keyword spotting, aimed at improving the trigger word detection in noisy environments. The end-to-end system learns by optimizing a linear combination of losses: a reconstruction-based loss, both at the log-mel spectrogram and at the waveform level, as well as a specific task loss that accounts for the cross-entropy error reported along the keyword spotting detection. We experiment with several neural network classifiers and report that deeply coupling the speech enhancement together with a wake-up word detector, e.g., by jointly training them, significantly improves the performance in the noisiest conditions. Additionally, we introduce a new publicly available speech database recorded for the TelefĂłnica's voice assistant, Aura. The OK Aura Wake-up Word Dataset incorporates rich metadata, such as speaker demographics or room conditions, and comprises hard negative examples that were studiously selected to present different levels of phonetic similarity with respect to the trigger words 'OK Aura'. Keywords: speech enhancement; wake-up word; keyword spotting; deep learning; convolutional neural networ
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