4,958 research outputs found

    Localizing Region-Based Active Contours

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    ©2008 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or distribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.DOI: 10.1109/TIP.2008.2004611In this paper, we propose a natural framework that allows any region-based segmentation energy to be re-formulated in a local way. We consider local rather than global image statistics and evolve a contour based on local information. Localized contours are capable of segmenting objects with heterogeneous feature profiles that would be difficult to capture correctly using a standard global method. The presented technique is versatile enough to be used with any global region-based active contour energy and instill in it the benefits of localization. We describe this framework and demonstrate the localization of three well-known energies in order to illustrate how our framework can be applied to any energy. We then compare each localized energy to its global counterpart to show the improvements that can be achieved. Next, an in-depth study of the behaviors of these energies in response to the degree of localization is given. Finally, we show results on challenging images to illustrate the robust and accurate segmentations that are possible with this new class of active contour models

    DoctorEye: A clinically driven multifunctional platform, for accurate processing of tumors in medical images

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    Copyright @ Skounakis et al.This paper presents a novel, open access interactive platform for 3D medical image analysis, simulation and visualization, focusing in oncology images. The platform was developed through constant interaction and feedback from expert clinicians integrating a thorough analysis of their requirements while having an ultimate goal of assisting in accurately delineating tumors. It allows clinicians not only to work with a large number of 3D tomographic datasets but also to efficiently annotate multiple regions of interest in the same session. Manual and semi-automatic segmentation techniques combined with integrated correction tools assist in the quick and refined delineation of tumors while different users can add different components related to oncology such as tumor growth and simulation algorithms for improving therapy planning. The platform has been tested by different users and over large number of heterogeneous tomographic datasets to ensure stability, usability, extensibility and robustness with promising results. AVAILABILITY: THE PLATFORM, A MANUAL AND TUTORIAL VIDEOS ARE AVAILABLE AT: http://biomodeling.ics.forth.gr. It is free to use under the GNU General Public License

    Segmentation of Three-dimensional Images with Parametric Active Surfaces and Topology Changes

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    In this paper, we introduce a novel parametric method for segmentation of three-dimensional images. We consider a piecewise constant version of the Mumford-Shah and the Chan-Vese functionals and perform a region-based segmentation of 3D image data. An evolution law is derived from energy minimization problems which push the surfaces to the boundaries of 3D objects in the image. We propose a parametric scheme which describes the evolution of parametric surfaces. An efficient finite element scheme is proposed for a numerical approximation of the evolution equations. Since standard parametric methods cannot handle topology changes automatically, an efficient method is presented to detect, identify and perform changes in the topology of the surfaces. One main focus of this paper are the algorithmic details to handle topology changes like splitting and merging of surfaces and change of the genus of a surface. Different artificial images are studied to demonstrate the ability to detect the different types of topology changes. Finally, the parametric method is applied to segmentation of medical 3D images

    An extension of min/max flow framework

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    In this paper, the min/max flow scheme for image restoration is revised. The novelty consists of the fol- 24 lowing three parts. The first is to analyze the reason of the speckle generation and then to modify the 25 original scheme. The second is to point out that the continued application of this scheme cannot result 26 in an adaptive stopping of the curvature flow. This is followed by modifications of the original scheme 27 through the introduction of the Gradient Vector Flow (GVF) field and the zero-crossing detector, so as 28 to control the smoothing effect. Our experimental results with image restoration show that the proposed 29 schemes can reach a steady state solution while preserving the essential structures of objects. The third is 30 to extend the min/max flow scheme to deal with the boundary leaking problem, which is indeed an 31 intrinsic shortcoming of the familiar geodesic active contour model. The min/max flow framework pro- 32 vides us with an effective way to approximate the optimal solution. From an implementation point of 33 view, this extended scheme makes the speed function simpler and more flexible. The experimental 34 results of segmentation and region tracking show that the boundary leaking problem can be effectively 35 suppressed

    An improved level set method for vertebra CT image segmentation

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    Active Contours and Image Segmentation: The Current State Of the Art

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    Image segmentation is a fundamental task in image analysis responsible for partitioning an image into multiple sub-regions based on a desired feature. Active contours have been widely used as attractive image segmentation methods because they always produce sub-regions with continuous boundaries, while the kernel-based edge detection methods, e.g. Sobel edge detectors, often produce discontinuous boundaries. The use of level set theory has provided more flexibility and convenience in the implementation of active contours. However, traditional edge-based active contour models have been applicable to only relatively simple images whose sub-regions are uniform without internal edges. Here in this paper we attempt to brief the taxonomy and current state of the art in Image segmentation and usage of Active Contours