522 research outputs found

    Conforming restricted Delaunay mesh generation for piecewise smooth complexes

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    A Frontal-Delaunay refinement algorithm for mesh generation in piecewise smooth domains is described. Built using a restricted Delaunay framework, this new algorithm combines a number of novel features, including: (i) an unweighted, conforming restricted Delaunay representation for domains specified as a (non-manifold) collection of piecewise smooth surface patches and curve segments, (ii) a protection strategy for domains containing curve segments that subtend sharply acute angles, and (iii) a new class of off-centre refinement rules designed to achieve high-quality point-placement along embedded curve features. Experimental comparisons show that the new Frontal-Delaunay algorithm outperforms a classical (statically weighted) restricted Delaunay-refinement technique for a number of three-dimensional benchmark problems.Comment: To appear at the 25th International Meshing Roundtabl

    JIGSAW-GEO (1.0): locally orthogonal staggered unstructured grid generation for general circulation modelling on the sphere

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    An algorithm for the generation of non-uniform, locally-orthogonal staggered unstructured spheroidal grids is described. This technique is designed to generate very high-quality staggered Voronoi/Delaunay meshes appropriate for general circulation modelling on the sphere, including applications to atmospheric simulation, ocean-modelling and numerical weather prediction. Using a recently developed Frontal-Delaunay refinement technique, a method for the construction of high-quality unstructured spheroidal Delaunay triangulations is introduced. A locally-orthogonal polygonal grid, derived from the associated Voronoi diagram, is computed as the staggered dual. It is shown that use of the Frontal-Delaunay refinement technique allows for the generation of very high-quality unstructured triangulations, satisfying a-priori bounds on element size and shape. Grid-quality is further improved through the application of hill-climbing type optimisation techniques. Overall, the algorithm is shown to produce grids with very high element quality and smooth grading characteristics, while imposing relatively low computational expense. A selection of uniform and non-uniform spheroidal grids appropriate for high-resolution, multi-scale general circulation modelling are presented. These grids are shown to satisfy the geometric constraints associated with contemporary unstructured C-grid type finite-volume models, including the Model for Prediction Across Scales (MPAS-O). The use of user-defined mesh-spacing functions to generate smoothly graded, non-uniform grids for multi-resolution type studies is discussed in detail.Comment: Final revisions, as per: Engwirda, D.: JIGSAW-GEO (1.0): locally orthogonal staggered unstructured grid generation for general circulation modelling on the sphere, Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 2117-2140, https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-10-2117-2017, 201

    A frontal approach for internal node generation in Delaunay triangulations

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    The past decade has known an increasing interest in the solution of the Euler equations on unstructured grids due to the simplicity with which an unstructured grid can be tailored around very complex geometries and be adapted to the solution. It is desirable that the mesh can be generated with minimum input from the user, ideally, just specifying the boundary geometry and, perhaps, a function to prescribe some desired mesh size. The internal nodes should then be found automatically by the grid generation code. The approach we propose here combines the Delaunay triangulation with ideas from the advancing front method of Peraire et al. and LÖhner et al . Both methods are briefly reviewed in Section 1. Our method uses a background grid to interpolate local mesh size parameters that is taken from the triangulation of the given boundary nodes. Geometric criteria are used to find a set of nodes in a frontal manner. This set is subsequently introduced into the existing mesh, thus providing an update Delaunay triangulation. The procedure is repeated until no more improvement of the grid can be achieved by inserting new nodes.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/50209/1/1650170305_ftp.pd

    Proven angular bounds and stretched triangulations with the frontal Delaunay method

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/76717/1/AIAA-1993-3347-182.pd

    Constrained Delaunay tetrahedral mesh generation and refinement

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    A {\it constrained Delaunay tetrahedralization} of a domain in R3\mathbb{R}^3 is a tetrahedralization such that it respects the boundaries of this domain, and it has properties similar to those of a Delaunay tetrahedralization. Such objects have various applications such as finite element analysis, computer graphics rendering, geometric modeling, and shape analysis. This article is devoted to presenting recent developments on constrained Delaunay tetrahedralizations of piecewise linear domains. The focus is for the application of numerically solving partial differential equations using finite element or finite volume methods. We survey various related results and detail two core algorithms that have provable guarantees and are amenable to practical implementation. We end this article by listing a set of open questions

    Monotonic solution of heterogeneous anisotropic diffusion problems

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    Anisotropic problems arise in various areas of science and engineering, for example groundwater transport and petroleum reservoir simulations. The pure diffusive anisotropic time-dependent transport problem is solved on a finite number of nodes, that are selected inside and on the boundary of the given domain, along with possible internal boundaries connecting some of the nodes. An unstructured triangular mesh, that attains the Generalized Anisotropic Delaunay condition for all the triangle sides, is automatically generated by properly connecting all the nodes, starting from an arbitrary initial one. The control volume of each node is the closed polygon given by the union of the midpoint of each side with the "anisotropic" circumcentre of each final triangle. A structure of the flux across the control volume sides similar to the standard Galerkin Finite Element scheme is derived. A special treatment of the flux computation, mainly based on edge swaps of the initial mesh triangles, is proposed in order to obtain a stiffness M-matrix system that guarantees the monotonicity of the solution. The proposed scheme is tested using several literature tests and the results are compared with analytical solutions, as well as with the results of other algorithms, in terms of convergence order. Computational costs are also investigate

    Locally optimal Delaunay-refinement and optimisation-based mesh generation

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    The field of mesh generation concerns the development of efficient algorithmic techniques to construct high-quality tessellations of complex geometrical objects. In this thesis, I investigate the problem of unstructured simplicial mesh generation for problems in two- and three-dimensional spaces, in which meshes consist of collections of triangular and tetrahedral elements. I focus on the development of efficient algorithms and computer programs to produce high-quality meshes for planar, surface and volumetric objects of arbitrary complexity. I develop and implement a number of new algorithms for mesh construction based on the Frontal-Delaunay paradigm - a hybridisation of conventional Delaunay-refinement and advancing-front techniques. I show that the proposed algorithms are a significant improvement on existing approaches, typically outperforming the Delaunay-refinement technique in terms of both element shape- and size-quality, while offering significantly improved theoretical robustness compared to advancing-front techniques. I verify experimentally that the proposed methods achieve the same element shape- and size-guarantees that are typically associated with conventional Delaunay-refinement techniques. In addition to mesh construction, methods for mesh improvement are also investigated. I develop and implement a family of techniques designed to improve the element shape quality of existing simplicial meshes, using a combination of optimisation-based vertex smoothing, local topological transformation and vertex insertion techniques. These operations are interleaved according to a new priority-based schedule, and I show that the resulting algorithms are competitive with existing state-of-the-art approaches in terms of mesh quality, while offering significant improvements in computational efficiency. Optimised C++ implementations for the proposed mesh generation and mesh optimisation algorithms are provided in the JIGSAW and JITTERBUG software libraries

    Learning Delaunay Surface Elements for Mesh Reconstruction

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    We present a method for reconstructing triangle meshes from point clouds. Existing learning-based methods for mesh reconstruction mostly generate triangles individually, making it hard to create manifold meshes. We leverage the properties of 2D Delaunay triangulations to construct a mesh from manifold surface elements. Our method first estimates local geodesic neighborhoods around each point. We then perform a 2D projection of these neighborhoods using a learned logarithmic map. A Delaunay triangulation in this 2D domain is guaranteed to produce a manifold patch, which we call a Delaunay surface element. We synchronize the local 2D projections of neighboring elements to maximize the manifoldness of the reconstructed mesh. Our results show that we achieve better overall manifoldness of our reconstructed meshes than current methods to reconstruct meshes with arbitrary topology

    Métodos multimalla geométricos en mallas semi-estructuradas de Vorono

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    En este proyecto se presenta un metodo de discretización de ecuaciones en derivadas parciales en mallas triangulares semi-estructuradas usando volumenes finítos y como punto representativo el punto de Voronoi. La posterior discretización se resualve usando metodos multimalla semi-estructurados y se presentan un conjunto de nuevos suavizadores asi como un algoritmo de Galerkin de tipo RAP para cuando las condiciones no son homogeneas en toda la superficie. Finalmente se muestran un conjunto de ejemplo numéricos para demostrar los resultados obtenidos
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