756 research outputs found

    Deep D-Bar: Real-Time Electrical Impedance Tomography Imaging With Deep Neural Networks

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    The mathematical problem for electrical impedance tomography (EIT) is a highly nonlinear ill-posed inverse problem requiring carefully designed reconstruction procedures to ensure reliable image generation. D-bar methods are based on a rigorous mathematical analysis and provide robust direct reconstructions by using a low-pass filtering of the associated nonlinear Fourier data. Similarly to low-pass filtering of linear Fourier data, only using low frequencies in the image recovery process results in blurred images lacking sharp features, such as clear organ boundaries. Convolutional neural networks provide a powerful framework for post-processing such convolved direct reconstructions. In this paper, we demonstrate that these CNN techniques lead to sharp and reliable reconstructions even for the highly nonlinear inverse problem of EIT. The network is trained on data sets of simulated examples and then applied to experimental data without the need to perform an additional transfer training. Results for absolute EIT images are presented using experimental EIT data from the ACT4 and KIT4 EIT systems

    Comparing D-Bar and Common Regularization-Based Methods for Electrical Impedance Tomography

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    Objective: To compare D-bar difference reconstruction with regularized linear reconstruction in electrical impedance tomography. Approach: A standard regularized linear approach using a Laplacian penalty and the GREIT method for comparison to the D-bar difference images. Simulated data was generated using a circular phantom with small objects, as well as a \u27Pac-Man\u27 shaped conductivity target. An L-curve method was used for parameter selection in both D-bar and the regularized methods. Main results: We found that the D-bar method had a more position independent point spread function, was less sensitive to errors in electrode position and behaved differently with respect to additive noise than the regularized methods. Significance: The results allow a novel pathway between traditional and D-bar algorithm comparison

    A Direct D-Bar Method for Partial Boundary Data Electrical Impedance Tomography With a Priori Information

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    Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) is a non-invasive imaging modality that uses surface electrical measurements to determine the internal conductivity of a body. The mathematical formulation of the EIT problem is a nonlinear and severely ill-posed inverse problem for which direct D-bar methods have proved useful in providing noise-robust conductivity reconstructions. Recent advances in D-bar methods allow for conductivity reconstructions using EIT measurement data from only part of the domain (e.g., a patient lying on their back could be imaged using only data gathered on the accessible part of the body). However, D-bar reconstructions suffer from a loss of sharp edges due to a nonlinear low-pass filtering of the measured data, and this problem becomes especially marked in the case of partial boundary data. Including a priori data directly into the D-bar solution method greatly enhances the spatial resolution, allowing for detection of underlying pathologies or defects, even with no assumption of their presence in the prior. This work combines partial data D-bar with a priori data, allowing for noise-robust conductivity reconstructions with greatly improved spatial resolution. The method is demonstrated to be effective on noisy simulated EIT measurement data simulating both medical and industrial imaging scenarios

    A Data-Driven Edge-Preserving D-bar Method for Electrical Impedance Tomography

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    In Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT), the internal conductivity of a body is recovered via current and voltage measurements taken at its surface. The reconstruction task is a highly ill-posed nonlinear inverse problem, which is very sensitive to noise, and requires the use of regularized solution methods, of which D-bar is the only proven method. The resulting EIT images have low spatial resolution due to smoothing caused by low-pass filtered regularization. In many applications, such as medical imaging, it is known \emph{a priori} that the target contains sharp features such as organ boundaries, as well as approximate ranges for realistic conductivity values. In this paper, we use this information in a new edge-preserving EIT algorithm, based on the original D-bar method coupled with a deblurring flow stopped at a minimal data discrepancy. The method makes heavy use of a novel data fidelity term based on the so-called {\em CGO sinogram}. This nonlinear data step provides superior robustness over traditional EIT data formats such as current-to-voltage matrices or Dirichlet-to-Neumann operators, for commonly used current patterns.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figure

    Robust Computation in 2D Absolute EIT (A-EIT) Using D-Bar Methods with the “EXP” Approximation

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    Objective Absolute images have important applications in medical Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) imaging, but the traditional minimization and statistical based computations are very sensitive to modeling errors and noise. In this paper, it is demonstrated that D-bar reconstruction methods for absolute EIT are robust to such errors. Approach The effects of errors in domain shape and electrode placement on absolute images computed with 2-D D-bar reconstruction algorithms are studied on experimental data. Main Results It is demonstrated with tank data from several EIT systems that these methods are quite robust to such modeling errors, and furthermore the artefacts arising from such modeling errors are similar to those occurring in classic time-difference EIT imaging. Significance This study is promising for clinical applications where absolute EIT images are desirable, but previously thought impossible

    Incorporating a Spatial Prior into Nonlinear D-Bar EIT imaging for Complex Admittivities

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    Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) aims to recover the internal conductivity and permittivity distributions of a body from electrical measurements taken on electrodes on the surface of the body. The reconstruction task is a severely ill-posed nonlinear inverse problem that is highly sensitive to measurement noise and modeling errors. Regularized D-bar methods have shown great promise in producing noise-robust algorithms by employing a low-pass filtering of nonlinear (nonphysical) Fourier transform data specific to the EIT problem. Including prior data with the approximate locations of major organ boundaries in the scattering transform provides a means of extending the radius of the low-pass filter to include higher frequency components in the reconstruction, in particular, features that are known with high confidence. This information is additionally included in the system of D-bar equations with an independent regularization parameter from that of the extended scattering transform. In this paper, this approach is used in the 2-D D-bar method for admittivity (conductivity as well as permittivity) EIT imaging. Noise-robust reconstructions are presented for simulated EIT data on chest-shaped phantoms with a simulated pneumothorax and pleural effusion. No assumption of the pathology is used in the construction of the prior, yet the method still produces significant enhancements of the underlying pathology (pneumothorax or pleural effusion) even in the presence of strong noise.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure

    A Hybrid Segmentation and D-bar Method for Electrical Impedance Tomography

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    The Regularized D-bar method for Electrical Impedance Tomography provides a rigorous mathematical approach for solving the full nonlinear inverse problem directly, i.e. without iterations. It is based on a low-pass filtering in the (nonlinear) frequency domain. However, the resulting D-bar reconstructions are inherently smoothed leading to a loss of edge distinction. In this paper, a novel approach that combines the rigor of the D-bar approach with the edge-preserving nature of Total Variation regularization is presented. The method also includes a data-driven contrast adjustment technique guided by the key functions (CGO solutions) of the D-bar method. The new TV-Enhanced D-bar Method produces reconstructions with sharper edges and improved contrast while still solving the full nonlinear problem. This is achieved by using the TV-induced edges to increase the truncation radius of the scattering data in the nonlinear frequency domain thereby increasing the radius of the low pass filter. The algorithm is tested on numerically simulated noisy EIT data and demonstrates significant improvements in edge preservation and contrast which can be highly valuable for absolute EIT imaging

    Graph Convolutional Networks for Model-Based Learning in Nonlinear Inverse Problems

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    The majority of model-based learned image reconstruction methods in medical imaging have been limited to uniform domains, such as pixelated images. If the underlying model is solved on nonuniform meshes, arising from a finite element method typical for nonlinear inverse problems, interpolation and embeddings are needed. To overcome this, we present a flexible framework to extend model-based learning directly to nonuniform meshes, by interpreting the mesh as a graph and formulating our network architectures using graph convolutional neural networks. This gives rise to the proposed iterative Graph Convolutional Newton-type Method (GCNM), which includes the forward model in the solution of the inverse problem, while all updates are directly computed by the network on the problem specific mesh. We present results for Electrical Impedance Tomography, a severely ill-posed nonlinear inverse problem that is frequently solved via optimization-based methods, where the forward problem is solved by finite element methods. Results for absolute EIT imaging are compared to standard iterative methods as well as a graph residual network. We show that the GCNM has strong generalizability to different domain shapes and meshes, out of distribution data as well as experimental data, from purely simulated training data and without transfer training