302 research outputs found

    Neural networks-based robust adaptive flight path tracking control of large transport

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    For the ultralow altitude airdrop decline stage, many factors such as  actuator nonlinearity, the uncertain atmospheric disturbances, and model  unknown nonlinearity affect the precision of trajectory tracking. A robust  adaptive neural network dynamic surface control method is proposed. The  neural network is used to approximate unknown nonlinear continuous  functions of the model, and a nonlinear robust term is introduced to  eliminate the actuator’s nonlinear modeling error and external disturbances. From Lyapunov stability theorem, it is rigorously proved that all the signals in the closed-loop system are bounded. Simulation results confirm the perfect tracking performance and strong robustness of the proposed method

    Robusno adaptivno upravljanje istosmjernim servomotorom s nelinearnom širokom zračnosti

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    In this paper, the problem of driving angular position of a direct current servomotor system with unmodeled wide backlash nonlinearity is addressed. In order to tackle this problem, a control scheme based on an adaptive super twisting algorithm is proposed. In order to implement the proposed controller, information about angular velocity is estimated by means of a robust differentiator. Based on a simplified model of the system, the proposed scheme increases robustness against unmodeled dynamics as backlash, as not all the parameters of the system nor the bounds of the perturbations are required to be known. Experimental results considering a wide backlash angle near to 2*PI, illustrate the feasibility and performance of the proposed control methodology.U ovom radu bavi se problemom kutnog pozicioniranja istosmjernog sevomotora s nemodeliranom nelinearnošću široke zračnosti. Za rješenje tog problema predlaže se korištenje upravljačke sheme bazirane na algoritmu adaptivnog uvijanja. Kako bi se implementiralo predloženo upravljanje, kutna brzina estimira se korištenjem robusnog diferencijatora. Bazirana na pojednostavljenom modelu sustava, predložena shema povećava robustnost u odnosu na nemodeliranu dinamiku kao što je zračnost. Pritom nije potrebno poznavanje svih parametara sustava niti očekivane granice smetnji. Eksperimetalni rezultati, koji uzimaju u obzir široki kut zračnosti od skoro pi$, ilustriraju izvodljivost i učinkovitost predloženog algoritma upravljanja

    Adaptive neural network control of a robotic manipulator with unknown backlash-like hysteresis

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    This study proposes an adaptive neural network controller for a 3-DOF robotic manipulator that is subject to backlashlike hysteresis and friction. Two neural networks are used to approximate the dynamics and the hysteresis non-linearity. A neural network, which utilises a radial basis function approximates the robot's dynamics. The other neural network, which employs a hyperbolic tangent activation function, is used to approximate the unknown backlash-like hysteresis. The authors also consider two cases: full state and output feedback control. For output feedback, where system states are unknown, a high gain observer is employed to estimate the states. The proposed controllers ensure the boundedness of the control signals. Simulations are also performed to show the effectiveness of the controllers

    H∞ control for networked systems with random communication delays

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    Copyright [2006] IEEE. This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Such permission of the IEEE does not in any way imply IEEE endorsement of any of Brunel University's products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by writing to [email protected]. By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.This note is concerned with a new controller design problem for networked systems with random communication delays. Two kinds of random delays are simultaneously considered: i) from the controller to the plant, and ii) from the sensor to the controller, via a limited bandwidth communication channel. The random delays are modeled as a linear function of the stochastic variable satisfying Bernoulli random binary distribution. The observer-based controller is designed to exponentially stabilize the networked system in the sense of mean square, and also achieve the prescribed H∞ disturbance attenuation level. The addressed controller design problem is transformed to an auxiliary convex optimization problem, which can be solved by a linear matrix inequality (LMI) approach. An illustrative example is provided to show the applicability of the proposed method

    Control of mechanical systems with backlash problem

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    Intelligent control of nonlinear systems with actuator saturation using neural networks

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    Common actuator nonlinearities such as saturation, deadzone, backlash, and hysteresis are unavoidable in practical industrial control systems, such as computer numerical control (CNC) machines, xy-positioning tables, robot manipulators, overhead crane mechanisms, and more. When the actuator nonlinearities exist in control systems, they may exhibit relatively large steady-state tracking error or even oscillations, cause the closed-loop system instability, and degrade the overall system performance. Proportional-derivative (PD) controller has observed limit cycles if the actuator nonlinearity is not compensated well. The problems are particularly exacerbated when the required accuracy is high, as in micropositioning devices. Due to the non-analytic nature of the actuator nonlinear dynamics and the fact that the exact actuator nonlinear functions, namely operation uncertainty, are unknown, the saturation compensation research is a challenging and important topic with both theoretical and practical significance. Adaptive control can accommodate the system modeling, parametric, and environmental structural uncertainties. With the universal approximating property and learning capability of neural network (NN), it is appealing to develop adaptive NN-based saturation compensation scheme without explicit knowledge of actuator saturation nonlinearity. In this dissertation, intelligent anti-windup saturation compensation schemes in several scenarios of nonlinear systems are investigated. The nonlinear systems studied within this dissertation include the general nonlinear system in Brunovsky canonical form, a second order multi-input multi-output (MIMO) nonlinear system such as a robot manipulator, and an underactuated system-flexible robot system. The abovementioned methods assume the full states information is measurable and completely known. During the NN-based control law development, the imposed actuator saturation is assumed to be unknown and treated as the system input disturbance. The schemes that lead to stability, command following and disturbance rejection is rigorously proved, and verified using the nonlinear system models. On-line NN weights tuning law, the overall closed-loop performance, and the boundedness of the NN weights are rigorously derived and guaranteed based on Lyapunov approach. The NN saturation compensator is inserted into a feedforward path. The simulation conducted indicates that the proposed schemes can effectively compensate for the saturation nonlinearity in the presence of system uncertainty