51,941 research outputs found

    Incidencia de los Robos y Hurtos en el Sistema de Seguros Agrarios Español.

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    Este trabajo se estudia la viabilidad técnica de incorporar al actual Sistema de Seguros Agrarios Español la cobertura de los robos y hurtos en el medio rural, calculando la prima pura base (Ppb) para todas las producciones agrícolas, ganaderas y medios de producción asegurables dentro del sistema de los Seguros Agrarios Combinados. Los resultados indican que los robos se producen con una mayor influencia sobre los elementos de los riegos por aspersión y de los invernaderos, y la Ppb en consecuencia es la más alta de todos los bienes asegurables. Les siguen en importancia las explotaciones de ganado ovino-caprino y, en cuanto a las producciones agrícolas, destaca el olivar

    On the benefits of robo-advice in financial markets

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    Robo-advisors are novel tools in financial markets that provide investors with low-cost financial advice, usually based on individual characteristics like risk attitudes. In a portfolio choice experiment running over 10 weeks, we study how much investors benefit from robo advice. We also study whether robos increase financial market participation. The treatments are whether investors just receive advice, have a robo making all decisions for them, or have to trade on their own. We find no effect on initial market participation. But robos help investors to avoid mistakes, make rebalancing more frequent, and overall yield portfolios much closer to the utility maximizing ones. Robo-advisors that implement the recommendations by default do significantly better than those that just give advice

    Dual function of Slit2 in repulsion and enhanced migration of trunk, but not vagal, neural crest cells

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    Neural crest precursors to the autonomic nervous system form different derivatives depending upon their axial level of origin; for example, vagal, but not trunk, neural crest cells form the enteric ganglia of the gut. Here, we show that Slit2 is expressed at the entrance of the gut, which is selectively invaded by vagal, but not trunk, neural crest. Accordingly, only trunk neural crest cells express Robo receptors. In vivo and in vitro experiments demonstrate that trunk, not vagal, crest cells avoid cells or cell membranes expressing Slit2, thereby contributing to the differential ability of neural crest populations to invade and innervate the gut. Conversely, exposure to soluble Slit2 significantly increases the distance traversed by trunk neural crest cells. These results suggest that Slit2 can act bifunctionally, both repulsing and stimulating the motility of trunk neural crest cells

    A Study on Roles of Slit2 in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells

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    Slit家族蛋白是一种进化上高度保守的细胞外分泌糖蛋白。对Slit的研究最初的重点是它在神经生长的作用,Slit作为配体通过与跨膜受体Roundabout(Robo)结合在中枢神经系统轴突导向中起到重要的作用。近些年的研究发现Slits与Robos在一些肿瘤中异常表达,说明Slit/Robo信号在肿瘤的发生发展过程中起到重要的作用。 Oncomine数据库的检索结果显示,与正常组织相比,肝细胞癌中受体Robo1的表达量有显著的增加,而Slit2的表达量则有一定的差别,多数情况下表现为下调。并且多数研究发现,在不同的肿瘤中配体Slits与受体Robos的表达存在着不一致性,而且Slit/Rob...Slits are a family of secreted glycoprotein conserved in evolution. Early research of Slits was focused on their effects in neuronal guidance. Binding with a transmembrane receptor family of Roundabout (Robo), the ligand Slit plays a critical role in the central nervous system (CNS) axonal guidance. Recent studies showed that both Slits and Robos were abnormally expressed in some cancers, indicati...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院_细胞生物学学号:2162012115245

    Receptor tyrosine phosphatases regulate axon guidance across the midline of the Drosophila embryo

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    Neural receptor-linked protein tyrosine phosphatases (RPTPs) are required for guidance of motoneuron and photoreceptor growth cones in Drosophila. These phosphatases have not been implicated in growth cone responses to specific guidance cues, however, so it is unknown which aspects of axonal pathfinding are controlled by their activities. Three RPTPs, known as DLAR, DPTP69D, and DPTP99A, have been genetically characterized thus far. Here we report the isolation of mutations in the fourth neural RPTP, DPTP10D. The analysis of double mutant phenotypes shows that DPTP10D and DPTP69D are necessary for repulsion of growth cones from the midline of the embryonic central nervous system. Repulsion is thought to be triggered by binding of the secreted protein Slit, which is expressed by midline glia, to Roundabout (Robo) receptors on growth cones. Robo repulsion is downregulated by the Commissureless (Comm) protein, allowing axons to cross the midline. Here we show that the Rptp mutations genetically interact with robo, slit and comm. The nature of these interactions suggests that DPTP10D and DPTP69D are positive regulators of Slit/Roundabout repulsive signaling. We also show that elimination of all four neural RPTPs converts most noncrossing longitudinal pathways into commissures that cross the midline, indicating that tyrosine phosphorylation controls the manner in which growth cones respond to midline signals

    Tres pérdidas patrimoniales significativas

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    Es presenten tres casos significatius de pèrdues patrimonials degudes a robatoris o exportacions il•lícites. Es pretén cridar l’atenció sobre la limitada eficàcia de la normativa relativa a aquests temes.Se presentan tres casos significativos de pérdidas patrimoniales debidas a robos o exportaciones ilícitas. Se pretende llamar la atención sobre la limitada eficacia de la normativa relativa a estas cuestiones

    Requirement for Slit-1 and Robo-2 in zonal segregation of olfactory sensory neuron axons in the main olfactory bulb

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    The formation of precise stereotypic connections in sensory systems is critical for the ability to detect and process signals from the environment. In the olfactory system, olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) project axons to spatially defined glomeruli within the olfactory bulb (OB). A spatial relationship exists between the location of OSNs within the olfactory epithelium (OE) and their glomerular targets along the dorsoventral axis in the OB. The molecular mechanisms underlying the zonal segregation of OSN axons along the dorsoventral axis of the OB are poorly understood. Using robo-2/ (roundabout) and slit-1/ mice, we examined the role of the Slit family of axon guidance cues in the targeting of OSN axons during development. We show that a subset of OSN axons that normally project to the dorsal region of the OB mistarget and form glomeruli in the ventral region in robo-2/ and slit-1/ mice. In addition, we show that the Slit receptor, Robo-2, is expressed in OSNs in a high dorsomedial to low ventrolateral gradient across the OE and that Slit-1 and Slit-3 are expressed in the ventral region of the OB. These results indicate that the dorsal-to-ventral segregation of OSN axons are not solely defined by the location of OSNs within the OE but also relies on axon guidance cues

    De robos y sueños

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    Sobre El origen (Inception) de Christopher Nolan con Leonardo Di Caprio, Ken Watanabe, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ellen Page y Marion Cotillard