812 research outputs found

    Greening Consumer Electronics: Moving Away From Bromine and Chlorine

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    Presents case studies of seven electronics companies that have engineered environmental solutions that eliminate the use of most brominated and chlorinated chemicals that generate toxic materials. Discusses global standards and regulations

    Impact of product-related environmental regulations / voluntary requirements on Thai firms

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    The rules governing the trade of goods in global markets have shifted toward non-tariff measures related to environmental and chemical safety. Unlike traditional environmental/safety requirements, the scope of modern regulations covers products’ environmental performance and chemical safety. To comply with these modern regulations, production practices along the entire supply chain must be realigned to manage certain chemical substances incorporated into the final product. This paper examines the implications of product-related environmental and chemical safety regulations on different firms operating in Thailand


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    This paper consists of design and development of rotator for antenna positioning according to the desired azimuth and elevation. The rotator is to have the capability to be manually controlled (press button switch) or software driven. It should incorporate safety stop switches as well as position and speed sensors in order to achieve smooth movement and correct stopping position. The basic principle needs to be studies are speed control using the microcontroller, exact angle of position movement, and stoppable motor can be done in time due to emergency cases. As larger load is applied to the device, the large inertia will need to be compensated to achieve a good dynamic. For position and speed regulation in antenna system, a DC motor will need to be used as the primary driver along with the appropriate in mechanical coupling. The appropriate and suitable rotator need to be chosen for better result in speed and position

    Role of laboratories for adapting product-related environmental regulations (PRERs)

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    This paper examines how a country which has been successful in creating agglomeration of a manufacturing industry has faced various types of product-related environmental regulations. Then the paper shows how the government and testing laboratory have taken measures to adapt to PRERs overseas in response to the needs by firms affected by regulations. In reaction to the introductions of PRERs overseas, Malaysia also has introduced equivalent policies domestically, proving that PRERs have spread to Malaysia

    Developing a NASA Lead-Free Policy for Electronics - Lessons Learned

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is not required by United States or international law to use lead-free (Pb-free) electronic systems but international pressure in the world market is making it increasingly important that NASA have a Pb-free policy. In fact, given the international nature of the electronics market, all organizations need a Pb-free policy. This paper describes the factors which must be taken into account in formulating the policy, the tools to aid in structuring the policy and the unanticipated and difficult challenges encountered. NASA is participating in a number of forums and teams trying to develop effective approaches to controlling Pb-free adoption in high reliability systems. The activities and status of the work being done by these teams will be described. NASA also continues to gather information on metal whiskers, particularly tin based, and some recent examples will be shared. The current lack of a policy is resulting in "surprises" and the need to disposition undesirable conditions on a case-by-case basis. This is inefficient, costly and can result in sub-optimum outcomes

    Spacecraft Electrical Connector Selection and Application Processes

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    This assessment was initiated by the NASA Engineering & Safety Center (NESC) after a number of recent "high profile" connector problems, the most visible and publicized of these being the problem with the Space Shuttle's Engine Cut-Off System cryogenic feed-thru connector. The NESC commissioned a review of NASA's connector selection and application processes for space flight applications, including how lessons learned and past problem records are fed back into the processes to avoid recurring issues. Team members were primarily from the various NASA Centers and included connector and electrical parts specialists. The commissioned study was conducted on spacecraft connector selection and application processes at NASA Centers. The team also compared the NASA spacecraft connector selection and application process to the military process, identified recent high profile connector failures, and analyzed problem report data looking for trends and common occurrences. The team characterized NASA's connector problem experience into a list of top connector issues based on anecdotal evidence of a system's impact and commonality between Centers. These top issues are as follows, in no particular rank order: electrically shorted, bent and/or recessed contact pins, contact pin/socket contamination leading to electrically open or intermittencies, connector plating corrosion or corrosion of connector components, low or inadequate contact pin retention forces, contact crimp failures, unmated connectors and mis-wiring due to workmanship errors during installation or maintenance, loose connectors due to manufacturing defects such as wavy washer and worn bayonet retention, damaged connector elastomeric seals and cryogenic connector failure. A survey was also conducted of SAE Connector AE-8C1 committee members regarding their experience relative to the NASA concerns on connectors. The most common responses in order of occurrence were contact retention, plating issues, worn-out or damaged coupling mechanisms, bent pins, contact crimp barrel cracking and torn seals. In addition to these common themes, responses included issues with markings, dimensional errors on the build, contact/socket damage (handling), manufacturing defects and customer misapplication and mishandling. The NESC team concluded that considering the large quantity and wide variety of connectors successfully flown on human and robotic space applications, the number of failures is quite low. However, "high profile" failures with significant cost, schedule, safety, and/or mission success impacts continue to occur. It was also concluded that connector failures occur throughout a system's life-cycle with the majority of connector issues application related. A number of recommendations were identified for improving NASA connector selection processes and overall space connector reliability and performance

    Remanufacturing and product design: designing for the 7th generation

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    The following is taken directly from the research report. This report investigates Design for Remanufacture in terms of both detailed product design and the business context in which Design for Remanufacture may operate. Key Study Objectives • To understand the link between design and remanufacture • To understand how Design for Remanufacture can lead to increased innovation and Sustainable Development (SD) • To identify proactive strategies to further Design for Remanufactur

    Strategic group mapping and strategy canvas analysis of the environmental consulting sector : a project-based dissertation on the German Market : a public archival data web-content analysis

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    Nesta dissertação na modalidade de projeto tive a oportunidade de entrar em contacto com uma Pequena Média empresa no setor de consultoria ambiental, onde me foi pedido para realizar uma análise à competição no mercado alemão, focando-me em mercados específicos em que a empresa se planeia especializar (Nanomateriais, Biocidas e Instrumentos Médicos). É possível observar que as leis ambientais mais restritivas, desenvolvimentos dentro da química e consciência ambiental estão a criar um grande potencial para crescimento e relevância deste setor. Gestão estratégica e categorização estratégica desenvolveram muitas correntes de pesquisa e no entanto, ferramentas estratégicas ainda não foram utilizadas para analisar o setor da Consultoria ambiental, que tem sido negligenciado na literatura. Através de uma análise de dados de arquivamento públicos (websites, páginas de LinkedIn, e relatórios anuais), foi possível aplicar ferramentas estratégicas (Mapeamento de grupos estratégicos e o Canvas estratégico) a uma amostra de 57 empresas de consultoria ambiental no mercado alemão assim como recolher sinais de competitividade e tamanho das empresas. Nesta análise pode-se comprovar que a revolução digital, sustentabilidade e responsabilidade corporativa já se encontram presentes nesta indústria, que várias empresas oferecem tanto apoio ambiental com foco regulatório e de gestão como um apoio ambiental com foco cientifico, procurando eficiência ambiental e redução de desperdício, e que nanomateriais parecem ser o mercado menos presente em websites, comparativamente com o mercado dos biocidas e dos instrumentos médicos. Este trabalho permitiu demonstrar o valor que ferramentas estratégicas podem ter, mesmo quando aplicado a informação publica, neste caso de websites, e também demonstrar as respetivas limitações, permitindo-nos ter uma melhor visão das nuances estratégicas e estrutura de um setor negligenciado. Para além disso, o contexto da análise estratégica também demonstra que o Brexit pode agir como um catalisador de expansão geográfica, o que é um impacto estratégico que ainda não tinha sido estudado previamente em empresas nesta indústria.In this project-based dissertation I had the chance to work with an environment consulting SME, where I was asked to do a competitor analysis of the German Market in particular sectors in which they will focus on (Nanomaterials, Biocides and Medical Devices). It is possible to observe that the increasingly stringent environmental policies, chemistry developments and environmental consciousness are creating a great potential for the growth in size and relevance of this sector. Strategic management and strategic categorization have developed into many streams of research, and however, strategic tools still haven’t been used to describe the environmental consulting sector, which has been overlooked in the literature. Through an analysis of public archival data (Company website, LinkedIn and annual reports), it was possible apply the Strategic group mapping and Strategy canvas frameworks to a sample of 57 environmental consulting companies in the German market, as well as to collect other signs of competitiveness and size. In this analysis it was found that the digital revolution, sustainability and corporate responsibility are already present in this industry, it was found that many companies are providing not only environmental regulatory and managerial support but at the same time providing scientific support, focusing on environmental efficiency and waste management, and that nanomaterials seem to be the least featured market in companies websites comparatively to biocides and medical devices. This paper allowed to demonstrate the value that strategic tools can have, even when applied to public website-content, as well as to demonstrate their limitations, allowing us to give a better overview of the strategic nuances and structure of an overlooked sector. Moreover, the context of this company’s strategic analysis also showcases that Brexit can act as a catalyst of geographical expansion, which is a strategical impact in this industry that hasn’t been studied before for companies in this industry

    Cross-functional environmental initiatives : addressing Restriction of Hazardous Substance (RoHS) technical challenges at Sun Microsystems

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    Thesis (M.B.A.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management; and, (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering; in conjunction with the Leaders for Manufacturing Program at MIT, 2005.Includes bibliographical references (p. 113-115).The European Union (EU) passed the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive, effective January 2006, banning the sale of electronics equipment containing lead and five other hazardous substances into EU countries. The RoHS Directive is driving an accelerated transition to lead-free technology and products across the electronics industry. Lead is commonly used in component finishes and is a key material in the solder process used to attach components to printed circuit boards. Lead-free technical challenges include implementing significant changes in component plating and circuit board assembly. Although the industry has collaborated to produce viable technical options, various lead-free solutions have trade-offs among cost, reliability, and short-term availability. Given regulatory deadlines and potential loss of EU sales, Sun and others in the electronics industry are impelled to make material and process changes based on less data and information than they would typically act on. Sun's RoHS technical team was staffed from the Central Engineering group and developed RoHS specifications that go beyond basic compliance in order to address known lead-free reliability issues. However, lead-free requirements included in RoHS technical specifications have significant supply chain implications with respect to cost, operations, and strategy in addition to reliability impact. The technical team has the capacity to address general lead-free technology and engineering challenges, but it is not staffed to conduct broader business impact analysis. Industry supply base readiness varies widely; not all suppliers will meet RoHS deadlines and related Sun specifications.(cont.) Product reliability and cost targets vary, but components and suppliers are common to a range of products. The technical team has experienced supplier and product group push-back in response to certain reliability-driven lead-free requirements. The question of whether Sun's reliability-driven requirements should be implemented uniformly across all products has been raised. In order to address this question and support informed decisions during the transition to lead-free, the team needed to consider the broader business and operations context as well as summarize and communicate relevant technical information. This involved thinking about the impact of RoHS specifications from an operations perspective, assessing relevant industry capability and trends, considering specification modifications or alternatives that would facilitate near term implementation, and considering alignment with longer term supply chain strategy. Additionally, challenges facing the technical team highlight two ways in which the RoHS Directive is setting a precedent in the electronics industry. First, RoHS is an environmental initiative driving significant change across the industry value chain. This raises both tactical issues of how to coordinate and maintain industry consistency and efficiency, and strategic questions of when to collaborate vs. where competitive advantage may be gained. Second, within each company, RoHS impacts virtually all functional groups and cannot be implemented without broad coordination and effort.(cont.) While this is similar to non-environmental cross-functional initiatives, most companies have not dedicated resources to environmental strategy and planning, nor have they integrated environmental issues into existing functions. Thus the capability to (a) strategically assess environmental activity as an investment with potential returns, (b) proactively drive tactical environmental programs, and (c) make meaningful progress on environmental and social issues is insufficient, contributing to the firefighting nature of RoHS activity and criticism of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs. The RoHS initiative illustrates the case for investing resources in forward looking corporate environmental planning and strategy.by Tamara Greenlaw.S.M.M.B.A

    Technology Evaluation for Environmental Risk Mitigation Compendium

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    The Technology Evaluation for Environmental Risk Mitigation (TEERM) Principal Center and its predecessor organization the Acquisition Pollution Prevention Program (AP2) supported the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in identifying technology solutions to risks and costs to NASA programs driven by environmental regulations and requirements. TEERM researched the commercial and government marketplace to locate viable and available technologies that met NASAs needs. TEERM focused on addressing environmentally-driven risks of direct concern to NASA programs and facilities, including hazardous materials in NASA operations and materials that became obsolescent because of environmental regulations. TEERM projects aimed to reduce cost; ensure the health and safety of people, assets, and the environment; promote efficiency; and minimize duplication. Major TEERM and AP2 projects focused on waste minimization and hazardous waste treatment, recycling, corrosion prevention and control, solvent and ozone depleting substances substitution, and aqueous based cleaners. In 2017, NASA made the decision to terminate the TEERM Principal Center. This Compendium Report documents TEERM and AP2 project successes. The Compendium Report traces the evolution of TEERM based on evolving risks and requirements for NASA and its relationship to the Space Shuttle Program, the United States Department of Defense, the European Space Agency, and other public and private stakeholders. This Compendium Report also documents project details from Project Summaries and Joint Test Plans and describes project stakeholders and collaborative effort results
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