116,959 research outputs found

    An Analytical Review of Different Concepts of Riba (Interest) in the Sub-Continent

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    The traditional concept of Riba (interest) is an excess amount on loan, which creditor receives from debtor on the repayment of loan. There is almost a consensus on the sprit of this concept that it is traditional thought or school; but along with that some other point of views also exist, which present Riba, in somewhat different ways, will be termed as non-traditional approach in this paper. Both of these schools are agreed on the point that, Riba is just restricted to debt, and the increment on it is Riba; but the main difference among these is that: former approach claims that, each and every addition on loan, regardless of purpose and time duration of loan is Riba; but, the later approach demand’s some room for that on different grounds. Actually both of them do not have any sound base. When the concept of unearned income (the income, which is not the result of human labor), is a recognized fact in Islamic economics in different forms, like: ijara (rent), Mudoraba and Mazara’a (Share Cropping); then definitely no logical reason is left to avoid excess income on loan. Both approaches are just unable to give a concrete concept of Riba.Riba, Interest, Rent, Share Cropping

    The Influence of international boards validation upon the architecture curriculum in the Arab region

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    Well recognized accreditation and validation bodies ensure that architecture graduates will be technically competent who are capable of defining multiple career paths within a changing societal context. These accrediting bodies require an accredited program to produce graduates who are able to solve architectural design problems, including the integration of technical systems, environmental systems, and health and safety requirements; and comprehend architects' roles and responsibilities in society. The criteria at which the accrediting bodies work and their influence on Architecture schools, the students and syllabus in Arab region are discussed. The RIBA and the CAA are the key professional bodies that perform accreditation beyond their original national borders. In this paper the RIBA validation system will be discussed in order to find out to what extent such validation process can affect the teaching and curriculum structure within architectural schools. The paper presents the validation process carried out at the Architectural Engineering and Environmental Design Department, Arab Academy for Science and Technology (AAST). The AAST architectural department is the first architecture school to be accredited by the RIBA accreditation board in the Arab region

    Konsep Riba dalam Alquran dan Literatur Fikih

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    The majority of commentators (jumhûr al-mufassirîn) argued that the reference of riba is a gift (al-‘athiyyah) of one person to another, not with the aim of reaching Allah\u27s pleasure. However, riba was just to get a mere worldly rewards. The Qur\u27an did not explicitly mention the prohibition of riba. Therefore, the scholars differ on what is really meant by riba in Qur\u27an verses. Some scholars say the meaning of riba in the Quran is forbidden riba or riba nasî\u27ah. In this article, the concept of riba is studied based onthe Jurisprudence literatureDOI

    Combining typing and size constraints for checking the termination of higher-order conditional rewrite systems

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    In a previous work, the first author extended to higher-order rewriting and dependent types the use of size annotations in types, a termination proof technique called type or size based termination and initially developed for ML-like programs. Here, we go one step further by considering conditional rewriting and explicit quantifications and constraints on size annotations. This allows to describe more precisely how the size of the output of a function depends on the size of its inputs. Hence, we can check the termination of more functions. We first give a general type-checking algorithm based on constraint solving. Then, we give a termination criterion with constraints in Presburger arithmetic. To our knowledge, this is the first termination criterion for higher-order conditional rewriting taking into account the conditions in termination


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    Diskursus riba telah lama diperbincangkan baik dalam tataran akademik maupun pada kitab-kitab klasik. Akan tetapi, hingga saat ini pengambilan riba masih saja terjadi diberbagai aktivitas, baik dalam aktivitas jual beli, hutang piutang, maupun transaksi-transaksi lainnya. Dalam mu’amalah (ekonomi Islam), riba tidak hanya dipandang sebagai hal yang haram untuk dilakukan, seperti yang telah dijelaskan dalam al-Qur’an pada empat tahap ayat riba, merupakan perbuatan yang tidak memiliki moralitas bagi pelaku riba. Pelarangan riba tidak hanya terjadi pada masa Islam, melainkan sebelum Islam menjadi agama, agama lain (Yahudi dan Nasrani) juga melarang pengambilan riba. Dengan demikian, riba membutuhkan penjelasan secara kongkrit baik dari segi legalitas dalam hukum Islam, sejarah, dampak dari pengambilan riba dan pandangan Islam terhadap riba

    Riba dalam Perspektif Hadīs Nabi Saw

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    Ada dua jenis riba, yakni riba\u27 nasi\u27ah dan fadhl. Riba\u27 nasi\u27ah berhubungan dengan tambahan atas pinjaman, dan merupakan pertambahan bersyarat yang diperoleh orang yang mengutangkan dari orang yang berutang lantaran penangguhan. Sedangkan riba\u27 fadhl adalah riba dalam bentuk penukaran uang dengan uang atau barang komsumsi dengan barang komsumsi dengan tambahan. Jadi riba\u27 fadhl adalah jenis riba yang penukaran suatu benda (komuditas) yang sama namun kualitas dan kuantitasnya berbeda. Maka pada akhirnya ulama memandang bahwa hukum asal riba adalah haram, tidak haram melainkan mubah dan karena itu implikasi kajian ini ialah menyatakan bahwa sangat penting bagi umat Islam untuk mengikuti keyakinan dalam hatinya mana haram dan mengikuti keyakinan dalam hatinya mana tidak haram

    Riba in La-riba contracts:where to turn in Islamic home financing?

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    Even as the BBA model has not made a complete exit from Islamic home financing, the musharkah mutanaqisa partnership (MMP) model is fast gaining popularity with the jurists and the bankers alike as a truly interest free alternative. This paper reproduces our earlier evidence that the MMP model is no different from the conventional home financing involving interest. In this context it refers to actual cases from some countries, especially the US, where MMP is gaining ground. We shall reiterate that our Diminishing Balance Model (DBM) in several ways over the MMP..Key words: Islam; home finance; interest based model; MMP model; DBM

    Window-Dependent Bases for Efficient Representations of the Stockwell Transform

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    Since its appearing in 1996, the Stockwell transform (S-transform) has been applied to medical imaging, geophysics and signal processing in general. In this paper, we prove that the system of functions (so-called DOST basis) is indeed an orthonormal basis of L^2([0,1]), which is time-frequency localized, in the sense of Donoho-Stark Theorem (1989). Our approach provides a unified setting in which to study the Stockwell transform (associated to different admissible windows) and its orthogonal decomposition. Finally, we introduce a fast -- O(N log N) -- algorithm to compute the Stockwell coefficients for an admissible window. Our algorithm extends the one proposed by Y. Wang and J. Orchard (2009).Comment: 27 pages, 6 figure

    ONTOLOGI RIBA DALAM HADIS (Kajian Tematik Hadis Ahkam)

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    This article contains a thematic study of Ahkam's hadith on the ontology of riba. This study is included in the library research category. The study method used is descriptive analytical. Primary data in this study came from nine primary hadith books, namely Al-Kutub Al-Tis'ah consisting of Sahih Al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abu Daud, Sunan Al-Tirmizi, Sunan Al-Nasa'I, Sunan Ibn Majah. , Muwatha 'Malik, Sunan Al-Darimi, and Musnad Ahmad. As for data collection techniques, the author uses the android application "Jami 'Al-Kutub Al-Tis'ah" from the Arabia for Information & Technology institute. The results of this study indicate that riba can be mapped into two classifications; riba al-Ba'i and riba of al-Duyun. The categorization of riba into these two types is a simple and simple division. If riba occurs in a buying and selling transaction, it is called riba al-Ba'i. Furthermore, if riba occurs in accounts payable transactions, it is called riba al-Duyun. Then not all buying and selling occurs riba, and not all accounts payable transactions are considered riba
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