7 research outputs found

    A Survey of Appliactions and Researches on Schema Matching between GIS Spatial Data

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    Evaluierung von Blocking-Verfahren zum effizienten Matching großer Ontologien in den Lebenswissenschaften

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    Das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit ist die Konzeption und Entwicklung von Blocking-Verfahren. Diese sollen anhand ausgewählter Matchprobleme in den Lebenswissenschaften vergleichend analysiert werden. Dabei kommen verschiedene Fragenstellungen auf: Wie stark reduzieren verschiedene Blocking-Verfahren den Suchraum? Führt die Verwendung von Blocking-Verfahren zu einem effizienteren Matching im Vergleich zum vollständigen Abgleich der Ontologien? Werden dabei Mappings von hoher Qualität bestimmt

    Rewrite Techniques for Performance Optimization of Schema Matching Processes

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    A recurring manual task in data integration, ontology alignment or model management is finding mappings between complex meta data structures. In order to reduce the manual effort, many matching algorithms for semi-automatically computing mappings were introduced. Unfortunately, current matching systems severely lack performance when matching large schemas. Recently, some systems tried to tackle the performance problem within individual matching approaches. However, none of them developed solutions on the level of matching processes. In this paper we introduce a novel rewrite-based optimization technique that is generally applicable to different types of matching processes. We introduce filter-based rewrite rules similar to predicate push-down in query optimization. In addition we introduce a modeling tool and recommendation system for rewriting matching processes. Our evaluation on matching large web service message types shows significant performance improvements without losing the quality of automatically computed results

    Reconciling Schema Matching Networks

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    Depto. de Mineralogía y PetrologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEpu