112 research outputs found

    Tailoring Transactional Memory to Real-World Applications

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    Transactional Memory (TM) promises to provide a scalable mechanism for synchronizationin concurrent programs, and to offer ease-of-use benefits to programmers. Since multiprocessorarchitectures have dominated CPU design, exploiting parallelism in program

    Insights into the Fallback Path of Best-Effort Hardware Transactional Memory Systems

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    DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-43659-3Current industry proposals for Hardware Transactional Memory (HTM) focus on best-effort solutions (BE-HTM) where hardware limits are imposed on transactions. These designs may show a significant performance degradation due to high contention scenarios and different hardware and operating system limitations that abort transactions, e.g. cache overflows, hardware and software exceptions, etc. To deal with these events and to ensure forward progress, BE-HTM systems usually provide a software fallback path to execute a lock-based version of the code. In this paper, we propose a hardware implementation of an irrevocability mechanism as an alternative to the software fallback path to gain insight into the hardware improvements that could enhance the execution of such a fallback. Our mechanism anticipates the abort that causes the transaction serialization, and stalls other transactions in the system so that transactional work loss is mini- mized. In addition, we evaluate the main software fallback path approaches and propose the use of ticket locks that hold precise information of the number of transactions waiting to enter the fallback. Thus, the separation of transactional and fallback execution can be achieved in a precise manner. The evaluation is carried out using the Simics/GEMS simulator and the complete range of STAMP transactional suite benchmarks. We obtain significant performance benefits of around twice the speedup and an abort reduction of 50% over the software fallback path for a number of benchmarks.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Reusable Concurrent Data Types

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    This paper contributes to address the fundamental challenge of building Concurrent Data Types (CDT) that are reusable and scalable at the same time. We do so by proposing the abstraction of Polymorphic Transactions (PT): a new programming abstraction that offers different compatible transactions that can run concurrently in the same application. We outline the commonality of the problem in various object-oriented languages and implement PT and a reusable package in Java. With PT, annotating sequential ADTs guarantee novice programmers to obtain an atomic and deadlock-free CDT and let an advanced programmer leverage the application semantics to get higher performance. We compare our polymorphic synchronization against transaction-based, lock-based and lock-free synchronizations on SPARC and x86-64 architectures and we integrate our methodology to a travel reservation benchmark. Although our reusable CDTs are sometimes less efficient than non-composable handcrafted CDTs from the JDK, they outperform all reusable Java CDTs

    Lock Holder Preemption Avoidance via Transactional Lock Elision

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    Abstract In this short paper we show that hardware-based transactional lock elision can provide benefit by reducing the incidence of lock holder preemption, decreasing lock hold times and promoting improved scalability

    Consistent state software transactional memory

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    Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia InformáticaAs the multicore CPUs start getting into everyone’s computers, concurrent programming must start covering, not only the scientific and enterprise applications, but also every computer application we all use in our daily lives. Since the introduction of software transactional memory [ST95,HLMWNS03], this topic has had a strong interest by the scientific community as it has the potential of greatly facilitating concurrent programming by hiding the concurrency issues under the transactional layer. This thesis builds on the TL2 STM engine [DON06], which is one of the top performing to date. We have explored different design alternatives focusing on performance and safety. With our research we have achieved performance improvements and better safety properties of the engine. We have also achieved a much better understanding of the design alternatives and their impacts. During the course of this thesis we have come across several tough concurrency bugs and we have created a list of testing patterns, which proved to be useful in finding and reproducing several problems. This thesis describes the cutting edge of STM engine technology, elaborates on the design of a new STM engine and reports on the experimental results obtained

    Consistent and efficient output-streams management in optimistic simulation platforms

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    Optimistic synchronization is considered an effective means for supporting Parallel Discrete Event Simulations. It relies on a speculative approach, where concurrent processes execute simulation events regardless of their safety, and consistency is ensured via proper rollback mechanisms, upon the a-posteriori detection of causal inconsistencies along the events' execution path. Interactions with the outside world (e.g. generation of output streams) are a well-known problem for rollback-based systems, since the outside world may have no notion of rollback. In this context, approaches for allowing the simulation modeler to generate consistent output rely on either the usage of ad-hoc APIs (which must be provided by the underlying simulation kernel) or temporary suspension of processing activities in order to wait for the final outcome (commit/rollback) associated with a speculatively-produced output. In this paper we present design indications and a reference implementation for an output streams' management subsystem which allows the simulation-model writer to rely on standard output-generation libraries (e.g. stdio) within code blocks associated with event processing. Further, the subsystem ensures that the produced output is consistent, namely associated with events that are eventually committed, and system-wide ordered along the simulation time axis. The above features jointly provide the illusion of a classical (simple to deal with) sequential programming model, which spares the developer from being aware that the simulation program is run concurrently and speculatively. We also show, via an experimental study, how the design/development optimizations we present lead to limited overhead, giving rise to the situation where the simulation run would have been carried out with near-to-zero or reduced output management cost. At the same time, the delay for materializing the output stream (making it available for any type of audit activity) is shown to be fairly limited and constant, especially for good mixtures of I/O-bound vs CPU-bound behaviors at the application level. Further, the whole output streams' management subsystem has been designed in order to provide scalability for I/O management on clusters. © 2013 ACM

    Performance models of concurrency control protocols for transaction processing systems

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    Transaction processing plays a key role in a lot of IT infrastructures. It is widely used in a variety of contexts, spanning from database management systems to concurrent programming tools. Transaction processing systems leverage on concurrency control protocols, which allow them to concurrently process transactions preserving essential properties, as isolation and atomicity. Performance is a critical aspect of transaction processing systems, and it is unavoidably affected by the concurrency control. For this reason, methods and techniques to assess and predict the performance of concurrency control protocols are of interest for many IT players, including application designers, developers and system administrators. The analysis and the proper understanding of the impact on the system performance of these protocols require quantitative approaches. Analytical modeling is a practical approach for building cost-effective computer system performance models, enabling us to quantitatively describe the complex dynamics characterizing these systems. In this dissertation we present analytical performance models of concurrency control protocols. We deal with both traditional transaction processing systems, such as database management systems, and emerging ones, as transactional memories. The analysis focuses on widely used protocols, providing detailed performance models and validation studies. In addition, we propose new modeling approaches, which also broaden the scope of our study towards a more realistic, application-oriented, performance analysis

    Transactional Data Structures

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