7 research outputs found

    Multi-user virtual environments for physical education and sport training

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    For effective learning and training, virtual environments may provide lifelike opportunities, and researchers are actively investigating their potential for educational purposes. Minimal research attention has been paid to the integration of multi-user virtual environments (MUVE) technology for teaching and practicing real sports. In this chapter, the authors reviewed the justifications, possibilities, challenges, and future directions of using MUVE systems. The authors addressed issues such as informal learning, design, engagement, collaboration, learning style, learning evaluation, motivation, and gender, followed by the identification of required elements for successful implementations. In the second part, the authors talked about exergames, the necessity of evaluation, and examples on exploring the behavior of players during playing. Finally, insights on the application of sports exergames in teaching, practicing, and encouraging real sports were discussed

    Intelligence through generations: millennials and centennials

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    Se presentan los resultados obtenidos en la construcción de baremos del Test de Matrices Progresivas de Raven, para la ciudad de La Plata, Argentina; y su comparación con aquellos de los años 1964 y 2000. Se seleccionó una muestra de 933 sujetos de 19 a 30 años de edad, con educación secundaria completa. El instrumento fue administrado en presencia de un examinador, de manera colectiva y sin límite de tiempo. Los resultados se analizaron en cuatro grupos de edad: 19-20 años, 21-22 años, 23-24 años y 25-30 años y se compararon con los baremos anteriores. Se constató que el efecto Flynn es seguido de un Efecto Meseta: luego del aumento significativo de los puntajes durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX, se aprecia una detención de tal crecimiento. Las razones que explicaron el crecimiento de los puntajes no resultan suficientes para poder entender que ya no aumenten. Los sujetos evaluados se corresponden con los denominados nativos digitales. Lo que caracteriza a estos grupos generacionales denominados Millennials y Centennials, está ligado al desarrollo tecnológico. Sobre esta base construyen un modo de entender el mundo y de comunicarse, tan particular y diferente a lo conocido que podría estar impactando sobre las puntuaciones obtenidas en la prueba.This article shows the results in the construction of the Raven Progressive Matrices Test’s norms, for La Plata, Argentina. These results were compared with the results obtained in 1964 and 2000. A sample of 933 subjects of 19-30 years old that have completed the high school was selected. The Test was administrated collectively, without time limit and with the examiner’s presence. The results have been analyzed in four age groups: 19-20, 21-22, 23-24 and 25-30 years old, and then compared with the previous norms. It was found that the Flynn Effect is followed by a Plateau Effect: after a significant growth of average scores during the second half of the 20th century this effect has now stopped. The reasons that had explained their growth are not enough to explain this detention. The evaluated subjects are digital natives. These generational groups’ (Millennials and Centennials) characteristics are linked to technological advance. They build over this their ways of seeing the world and communicating. This could be having an impact on the scores, causing the Plateau Effect.Facultad de Psicologí

    Assessing Millennials. Remarks on intelligence from the Raven’s Progressive Matrices

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    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar una reflexión acerca de la inteligencia en las nuevas generaciones y comparar su desempeño con el de generaciones anteriores, en virtud de los resultados obtenidos en la actualización de baremos para el Test de Matrices Progresivas de Raven, escala general, para la ciudad de La Plata, Argentina, para las edades 19-30 años. Dicha reflexión se vuelve necesaria al haberse observado una detención del Efecto Flynn. La muestra estuvo conformada con 947 participantes de ambos sexos. Según la edad, se dividió la muestra en cuatro intervalos: 19-20 años, 21-22 años, 23-24 años y 25-30 años. Los resultados obtenidos en el estudio actual se compararon con los baremos obtenidos en los años 1964 y 2000, para los mismos grupos etarios de la misma ciudad. Se observa un amesetamiento y un pequeño descenso en los puntajes medios del Test entre las normas del 2000 y el estudio actual. En consonancia con investigaciones recientes realizadas en otros países, los resultados obtenidos permiten mostrar una desaceleración e incluso estancamiento del aumento de los puntajes directos necesarios para alcanzar el rendimiento promedio en cada rango de edad. No obstante, se postula que a diferencia de dichas investigaciones, el efecto hallado no es de techo sino de meseta. Las contribuciones al debate causal sobre este efecto se basan en las perspectivas ligadas a las dimensiones generacionales, y en particular a las características de la llamada generación Y o “Millennials”.The aim of the current paper is to present a discussion regarding intelligence in new generations and to compare their performance with that of previous ones on the basis of the results obtained in Raven’s Progressive Matrices norms updating for 19-to-30 year-old people in La Plata, Argentina. This is a compelling discussion after having found an arrest on the Flynn effect. The sample consisted of 947 male-female participants. Based on age, they were split in four intervals: ages 19-20, 21-22, 23-24 and 25-30 years old. The results obtained in this study were compared with the norms from 1964 and 2000 regarding the same age and city as well. A plateau effect and a slight decrease on the average scores in the test were found between the 2000 norms and the current study. In accordance with recent research from other countries, these results show a deceleration and even an arrest of the direct scores needed to reach an average score in each age-group. However, unlike such research we propose that the found effect is not a top but a plateau one. The contributions to the debate on its causes are based on generational dimension-linked perspectives, and on the so-called generation Y or the ‘Millennials’ characteristics in particular.Facultad de Psicologí

    Raven’s Progressive Matrices, Argentinean Norms for ages 19 to 30 and Flynn Effect

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    El objetivo de este artículo es presentar los resultados definitivos del proyecto de investigación dedicado a la construcción de baremos para el Test de Raven, Escala General (Raven, Raven, & Court, 2003), para las edades de 19 a 30 años en la ciudad de La Plata, Argentina. La muestra estuvo conformada por 979 participantes y se dividió en cuatro intervalos de edad. Los resultados mostraron que a medida que aumenta la edad de los participantes, el rendimiento promedio de los grupos mejora; y que la heterogeneidad mostrada en sus respuestas resulta similar entre grupos. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los rendimientos de ambos sexos, ni entre los resultados actuales y los baremos del año 2000. Se constata una detención del incremento de puntajes esperable según el efecto Flynn. Se ensayan discusiones en torno a las diferencias cognitivas intergeneracionales que podrían originar este fenómeno, y se compara estos resultados con los obtenidos en otros países.This article aims to show the final results of the research project devoted to build norms for Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices (Raven, Raven, & Court, 2003), on subjects aged 19 to 30 years old in the city of La Plata, Argentina. The sample consisted of 979 subjects of both sexes, and was divided into four age groups. The results show that as the participant’s age increases, the average group’s performance improves, and variability remains similar between groups. There were no statistically significant differences found between sexes, or between the current results and those from the 2000 norms. It was found that the scores’ increase, expected according to the Flynn effect, has stopped, and the possible intergenerational cognitive differences which could explain this phenomenon are discussed. These results are also compared with those from recent research made in other countries.Facultad de Psicologí

    Test de Raven, baremos argentinos para el rango 19-30 años y efecto Flynn

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    This article aims to show the final results of the research  project devoted to build norms for Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices (Raven, Raven, & Court, 2003), on subjects aged 19 to 30 years old in the city of La Plata, Argentina. The sample consisted of 979 subjects of both sexes, and was divided into four age groups. The results show that as the participant’s age increases, the average group’s performance improves, and variability remains similar between groups. There were no statistically significant differences found between sexes, or between the current results and those from the 2000 norms. It was found that the scores’ increase, expected according to the Flynn effect, has stopped, and the possible intergenerational cognitive differences which could explain this phenomenon are discussed. These results are also compared with those from recent research made in other countries.El objetivo de este artículo es presentar los resultados definitivos del proyecto de investigación dedicado a la construcción de baremos para el Test de Raven, Escala General (Raven, Raven, & Court, 2003), para las edades de 19 a 30 años en la ciudad de La Plata, Argentina. La muestra estuvo conformada por 979 participantes y se dividió en cuatro intervalos de edad. Los resultados mostraron que a medida que aumenta la edad de los participantes, el rendimiento promedio de los grupos mejora; y que la heterogeneidad mostrada en sus respuestas resulta similar entre grupos. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los rendimientos de ambos sexos, ni entre los resultados actuales y los baremos del año 2000. Se constata una detención del incremento de puntajes esperable según el efecto Flynn. Se ensayan discusiones en torno a las diferencias cognitivas intergeneracionales que podríanoriginar este fenómeno, y se compara estos resultados con los obtenidos en otros países

    Immersive virtual reality and education: a study into the effectiveness of using this technology with preservice teachers.

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    Immersive virtual reality (IVR) is a rapidly advancing technology utilized across varying education fields for learning and educational applications. IVR provides the capabilities of computer simulations and embodied cognition experiences through a hands-on activity, making it a natural step to improve learning. Creating educational applications in IVR for use with students and preservice teachers could be a laborious and costly endeavor and require teacher belief in its effectiveness, so research is essential to investigate whether these applications are useful in advancing prekindergarten through Grade 12 (P-12) student learning. Research in this field is new, limited, and practically void of its use in P-12 learning environments. This inquiry expanded upon the literature on IVR technology in education and preservice teacher use of technology. Specifically, the purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of IVR technology on preservice teachers through an experience focused on the American Civil Rights Movement, specifically on knowledge attainment, lesson planning effectiveness, and motivation for future use in their instructional practice. Participants were 21 elementary preservice teachers in a diverse metropolitan university. Results indicated participants in the IVR group significantly increased scores on a content test, reported engagement with the experience, and indicated likelihood to use IVR with their future students

    Progettazione, realizzazione e testing di un ambiente di realtà virtuale immersiva per l’apprendimento

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    This thesis presents the results of the research activities carried out during the PhD course in Philosophy, Epistemology and History of Culture at the University of Cagliari. The doctorate is part of the "Innovative Doctorates with industrial characterization" (PON-RI - XXXIII cycle), aimed at the promotion and strengthening of higher education in line with the needs of the national production system and with the National Strategy of Intelligent Specialization 2014-2020 approved by the European Commission. The research project mainly concerned the study of perception-action cycles in immersive virtual reality (VR) environments in order to understand how to better design virtual environments for learning and teaching, testing the collaboration between psychology, education and computer science. During the doctoral period, through the close collaboration between the research group of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Philosophy of the University of Cagliari, the Lawrence Technological University of Detroit and the Software House "Infora", it was possible to design and develop a laboratory for immersive virtual reality called VirtuaLab (VLab), with the aim of analysing the impact on procedural learning of different combinations of structural and functional characteristics and implementable scenarios. The thesis is structured in three parts. The first part examines the theoretical aspects related to the use of virtual reality in areas ranging from learning to health professions, including entertainment and industrial training: the first chapter is dedicated to the definition of the concept of virtual reality and a detailed description of the different types of virtual reality available to the broad public. The following chapter contains a reasoned bibliographic review of the studies that have examined the different applications and objectives that virtual reality has encountered over time, regarding virtual environments dedicated to learning and professional training. The second part introduces the VirtuaLab software (VLab) which was developed for the thesis work and its main characteristics. The third part of the thesis presents two experiments carried out with the designed software: starting with the presentation of the first experiment carried out with a first version of the VLab software, Virtual Kitchen 1.0, focused on the analysis of the effects of different approaches in the presentation and execution of a procedure (implicit feedback VS explicit feedback), in order to evaluate its effectiveness in relation to procedural learning in immersive virtual reality environments. In the next chapter the main changes to which the VLab environment has been subjected are exposed thanks to the analysis carried out on the user experience of the subjects participating in the experiment with VK 1.0, and subsequently a second experiment is presented realized with the modified VLab software (Virtual Kitchen 2.0 or VK 2.0), aimed to verify the effects on performance and learning of two different tutorial modes (textual VS visual), to test the effect on the procedural learning in immersive VR environments. At the end of the thesis work, the results of the experiments are presented and possible future developments of the VirtuaLab software are discussed