2 research outputs found

    Simultaneous Multithreading Applied to Real Time

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    Existing models used in real-time scheduling are inadequate to take advantage of simultaneous multithreading (SMT), which has been shown to improve performance in many areas of computing, but has seen little application to real-time systems. The SMART task model, which allows for combining SMT and real time by accounting for the variable task execution costs caused by SMT, is introduced, along with methods and conditions for scheduling SMT tasks under global earliest-deadline-first scheduling. The benefits of using SMT are demonstrated through a large-scale schedulability study in which we show that task systems with utilizations 30% larger than what would be schedulable without SMT can be correctly scheduled

    Revisiting Symbiotic Job Scheduling

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    International audience—Symbiotic job scheduling exploits the fact that in a system with shared resources, the performance of jobs is impacted by the behavior of other co-running jobs. By coscheduling combinations of jobs that have low interference, the performance of a system can be increased. In this paper, we investigate the impact of using symbiotic job scheduling for increasing throughput. We find that even for a theoretically optimal scheduler, this impact is very low, despite the substantial sensitivity of per job performance to which other jobs are coscheduled: for example, our experiments on a 4-thread SMT processor show that, on average, the job IPC varies by 37% depending on coscheduled jobs, the per-coschedule throughput varies by 69%, and yet the average throughput gain brought by optimal symbiotic scheduling is only 3%. This small margin of improvement can be explained by the observation that all the jobs need to be eventually executed, restricting the job combinations a symbiotic job scheduler can select to optimize throughput. We explain why previous work reported a substantial gain from symbiotic job scheduling, and we find that (only) reporting turnaround time can lead to misleading conclusions. Furthermore , we show how the impact of scheduling can be evaluated in microarchitectural studies, without having to implement a scheduler