4 research outputs found

    Connectivity as a Two-Edged Sword: Mirroring the Multifaceted Field of Constant Connectivity

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    Constant connectivity is a phenomenon brought about by our interconnected world. However, it is not just a multidisciplinary field investigated by researchers from the IS field, organization studies, management studies and psy-chology, but also an actual challenge which knowledge workers face every day. This literature review provides a thematic but also methodological overview of this still young research field on three levels: (1) the paradigm funnel, (2) units of analysis (individual, organizational, societal) and (3) four different thematic streams in the literature. On the basis of the lacks discovered in the paradigm funnel, omitting society as unit of analysis, and thematic gaps in the existing literature, an avenue for future research is developed. Furthermore, as constant connectivity and, virtual communication, respectively became a success factor for companies, I reveal important managerial implications for practitioners derived from my thematic analysis

    An empirical investigation of smartphone technology acceptance among Universiti Utara Malaysia students

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    This study investigated smartphone technology acceptance among Universiti Utara Malaysian (UUM) students by using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The rapid diffusion of computer technology into smartphone increases smartphone penetration among Universiti Utara Malaysia students. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship of Perceived Ease of Use (PEU) and Perceived Usefulness (PU) as independent variables, and Attitude (ATT) and Behavioural intention (BI) as dependent variables on Smartphone Technology Acceptance among Universiti Utara Malaysia students. In addition, in this research Gender was used as a moderator to test the relationship between Attitude (ATT) and Behavioural intention (BI). In order to collect data a total of 500 questionnaires were distributed to (UUM) final year and postgraduate students in three colleges COB, CAS and COLGIS. The hypothesis results showed that there was a significant relationship among the four variables except Gender. This was because Gender failed to moderate in explaining the relationship between Attitude (ATT) and Behavioural intention (BI). On the other hand the statistical result showed that there was partial mediation effect of Perceived Usefulness (PU) on the relationship between Perceived Ease (PEU) of Use and Attitude (ATT) on Smartphone Technology Acceptance among Universiti Utara Malaysian students. Furthermore the researcher found that there was a significant relationship between both the dependent variables - Attitude (ATT) and Behavioural intention (BI) on smartphone technology acceptance among UUM students. The overall finding showed that technology advancement and breakthrough design of smartphone technology are the key factors that attract Universiti Utara Malaysia students to accept smartphone technology. On the other hand, usefulness and ease of use of the smartphone technology play important roles in influencing (UUM) students to have the intention to use smartphone technology in accomplishing their personal tasks. This is because the usefulness of smartphone technology with promising results makes (UUM) students rely heavily on this device

    Adopci贸n de las aplicaciones m贸viles de b煤squeda y reserva de restaurantes: una extensi贸n y ampliaci贸n de la UTAUT-2

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    Les aplicacions m貌bils de recerca i reserva de restaurant (AMRRR) son un canal molt efica莽 per accedir a les recents demandes de les actuals generacions digitals. Es per tant primordial, que els propietaris de restaurants i de les AMRRR coneguin els factors determinants de l鈥檃cceptaci贸 i l鈥櫭簊 de les AMRRR per part dels consumidors. La segona versi贸 del model de la teoria de l鈥檃cceptaci贸 i l鈥櫭簊 de la tecnologia (UTAUT-2) de Venkatesh, Thong i Xu (2012) es un dels models recentment utilitzats per la literatura acad猫mica per mesurar l鈥檃cceptaci贸 de les tecnologies de la informaci贸 i de les comunicacions (TIC) en el context del consum privat. No obstant aix貌, en aquesta tesis, considerem que no es del tot adequat per analitzar el particular ecosistema de les aplicacions m貌bils. Per aquest motiu, aquesta tesis proposa una versi贸 estesa i amplificada del model de la UTAUT-2 que permeti identificar els factors determinants de la intenci贸 d鈥櫭簊 i de l鈥櫭簊 de les AMRRR, aix铆 com millorar el seu poder predictiu. Per adequar el nostre model al context objecte d鈥檈studi v脿rem modificar el model de la UTAUT-2 mitjan莽ant la incorporaci贸 del constructe de la credibilitat percebuda i la expansi贸 del constructe de la influencia social. V脿rem realitzar una enquesta entre residents a l鈥橢stat Espanyol amb tel猫fon m貌bil intel路ligent (smartphone) i usuaris de les AMRRR (n=1202). Les dades es van analitzar mitjan莽ant un model d鈥檈quacions estructurals (SEM). V脿rem estimar els par脿metres del model de les matrius de vari脿ncies y covari脿ncies fen servir el programa estad铆stic EQS 6.2. Els resultats obtinguts indican que la quantitat total de vari脿ncia en la variable dependent intenci贸 d鈥櫭簊 (R2=0,717) es explicada, per ordre d鈥檌mport脿ncia, per l鈥檋脿bit, la credibilitat percebuda, la motivaci贸 hed貌nica, l鈥檕rientaci贸 a l鈥檈stalvi en el preu, l鈥檈xpectativa de millora en el resultat, la disminuci贸 en l鈥檈sfor莽, les condicions facilitadores i la influ猫ncia social. Pel que fa a la quantitat total de vari脿ncia en la variable dependent 煤s (R2=0,581) es explicada, per ordre d鈥檌mport脿ncia, per l鈥檋脿bit, la intenci贸 d鈥櫭簊 i les condicions facilitadores. Per tant, aquesta tesis posa en relleu la import脿ncia de l鈥檋脿bit en relaci贸 a la intenci贸 d鈥櫭簊 i l鈥櫭簊 de les AMRRR. A m茅s, destaca la import脿ncia de la credibilitat percebuda en relaci贸 a la intenci贸 d鈥櫭簊 de les AMRRR. De la mateixa manera, el nostre model resulta tenir un poder predictiu superior que la UTAUT-2 en el context de les AMRRR i per tant contribueix a incrementar el coneixement de l鈥櫭簊 de les AMRRR en el sector de la hoteleria. Els resultats d鈥檃questa tesis ens permeten proposar diferents respostes que millorin la gesti贸 de les AMRRR. Per acabar, expliquem les limitacions de la investigaci贸 aix铆 com proposem futures l铆nies d鈥檌nvestigaci贸.Las aplicaciones m贸viles de b煤squeda y reserva de restaurante (AMBRR) son un canal muy eficaz para acceder a las recientes demandas de las actuales generaciones digitales. Es por tanto primordial, para los propietarios de restaurantes y de las AMBRR, conocer los factores determinantes de la aceptaci贸n y el uso de las AMBRR por parte de los consumidores. La segunda versi贸n del modelo de la teor铆a de la aceptaci贸n y el uso de la tecnolog铆a (UTAUT-2) de Venkatesh, Thong y Xu (2012) es uno de los modelos recientemente utilizados por la literatura para medir la aceptaci贸n y el uso de las tecnolog铆as de la informaci贸n y de las comunicaciones (TIC) en el contexto del consumo privado. Sin embargo, en esta tesis consideramos que no es del todo adecuado para analizar el particular ecosistema de las aplicaciones m贸viles. Por este motivo, esta tesis propone una versi贸n extendida y ampliada del modelo de la UTAUT-2, que permita identificar los factores determinantes de la intenci贸n de uso y el uso de las AMBRR as铆 como mejorar su poder predictivo. Para adecuar nuestro modelo al contexto objeto de estudio modificamos el modelo de la UTAUT-2 mediante la incorporaci贸n del constructo de la credibilidad percibida y la expansi贸n del constructo de la influencia social. Realizamos una encuesta entre residentes en Espa帽a con tel茅fono m贸vil inteligente (smartphone) y usuarios de las AMBRR (n=1202). Los datos se analizaron mediante un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM). Estimamos los par谩metros del modelo de las matrices de varianzas y covarianzas usando el programa estad铆stico EQS 6.2. Los resultados obtenidos indican que la cantidad total de varianza de la variable dependiente intenci贸n de uso (R2=0,717) es explicada, por orden de importancia, por el h谩bito, la credibilidad percibida, la motivaci贸n hed贸nica, la orientaci贸n al ahorro en el precio, la expectativa de mejora en el resultado, la expectativa de disminuci贸n en el esfuerzo, las condiciones facilitadoras y la influencia social. Por lo que respecta a la cantidad total de varianza de la variable dependiente uso (R2 = 0,581) es explicada, por orden de importancia, por el h谩bito, la intenci贸n de uso y las condiciones facilitadoras. Por lo tanto, esta tesis pone de relieve la importancia del h谩bito en relaci贸n a la intenci贸n de uso y el uso de las AMBRR. Adem谩s destaca la importancia de la credibilidad percibida con respecto a la intenci贸n de uso de las AMBRR. Asimismo nuestro modelo resulta tener un mayor poder predictivo que la UTAUT-2 en el contexto de las AMBRR y por tanto contribuye a incrementar el conocimiento del uso de las AMBRR en el sector de la restauraci贸n. Los resultados de esta tesis nos permiten proponer diferentes soluciones que mejoren la gesti贸n de las AMBRR. Por 煤ltimo, explicamos las limitaciones de la investigaci贸n as铆 como proponemos futuras l铆neas de investigaci贸n.Mobile applications for restaurant searches and/or reservations (MARSR) are critical for restaurants targeting the new demand of digital generations. Thus, it is essential for both restaurant and MARSR owners to understand the determinant factors of the acceptance and use of MARSR by the customers. The second version of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology model (UTAUT-2), by Venkatesh, Thong, and Xu (2012), is one of the latest models used in the literature to measure the acceptance and use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the consumer environment. However, in this thesis, we do not consider it completely adequate to analyze the singular ecosystem of mobile applications. Accordingly, this thesis proposes an extended and expanded version of UTAUT-2, that allows the identification of the determinant factors of behavioral intentions and use of MARSR as well as to improve its predictive power. Thus, to better suit our model to the subject of our investigation, we modified the UTAUT-2 with the addition of the perceived credibility construct and the expansion of the social influence construct. We conducted a survey among Spanish residents who have a smartphone and who are users of MARSR (n=1,202). The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). We estimated the models from the matrices of variances and covariances using the maximum likelihood procedure with EQS 6.2 statistical software. The results gathered from the structural equation models indicate that the variance in intentions to use (R2=0.717), is explained, in order of importance, by habit, perceived credibility, hedonic motivation, price-saving orientation, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, and social influence. As regards to the variance in the dependent variable use (R2 = 0.581) is explained, in order of impact, by habit, intentions to use, and facilitating conditions. In the final analysis, this study highlights the key role of the habit construct with respect to behavioral intentions and use of MARSR. Additionally, it brings to light the significance of the perceived credibility construct in relation to the intention to use MARSR. Moreover, our model turns out to have a superior predictive power than the UTAUT-2 in the MARSR context and hence contributes to the increase of knowledge about the use of mobile applications in the hospitality sector. The findings of this thesis permit us to propose different mechanisms for the improvement of MARSR management. Finally, we explain the study limitations and propose further areas of research

    Revisiting social influence in the ubiquitous computing era

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    This paper revisits the social influence construct in the era of ubiquitous computing. Despite its rather broad origins in psychology, social influence has to date been operationalized rather narrowly in the information technology adoption literature. We report on a study of mobile technology users in which we studied various social influences on these individuals. We isolate four distinct variants of social influence, operating in both inbound and outbound directions, each with positive and negative impacts. The study integrates three different dimensions of social influence into an analytical framework to facilitate future research. © 2012 IEEE