136 research outputs found

    Inhomogeneous extreme forms

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    G.F. Voronoi (1868-1908) wrote two memoirs in which he describes two reduction theories for lattices, well-suited for sphere packing and covering problems. In his first memoir a characterization of locally most economic packings is given, but a corresponding result for coverings has been missing. In this paper we bridge the two classical memoirs. By looking at the covering problem from a different perspective, we discover the missing analogue. Instead of trying to find lattices giving economical coverings we consider lattices giving, at least locally, very uneconomical ones. We classify local covering maxima up to dimension 6 and prove their existence in all dimensions beyond. New phenomena arise: Many highly symmetric lattices turn out to give uneconomical coverings; the covering density function is not a topological Morse function. Both phenomena are in sharp contrast to the packing problem.Comment: 22 pages, revision based on suggestions by referee, accepted in Annales de l'Institut Fourie

    New upper bounds for kissing numbers from semidefinite programming

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    Recently A. Schrijver derived new upper bounds for binary codes using semidefinite programming. In this paper we adapt this approach to codes on the unit sphere and we compute new upper bounds for the kissing number in several dimensions. In particular our computations give the (known) values for the cases n = 3, 4, 8, 24.Comment: 17 pages, (v4) references updated, accepted in Journal of the American Mathematical Societ

    Optimality and uniqueness of the (4,10,1/6) spherical code

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    Linear programming bounds provide an elegant method to prove optimality and uniqueness of an (n,N,t) spherical code. However, this method does not apply to the parameters (4,10,1/6). We use semidefinite programming bounds instead to show that the Petersen code, which consists of the midpoints of the edges of the regular simplex in dimension 4, is the unique (4,10,1/6) spherical code.Comment: 12 pages, (v2) several small changes and corrections suggested by referees, accepted in Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series

    Local Covering Optimality of Lattices: Leech Lattice versus Root Lattice E8

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    We show that the Leech lattice gives a sphere covering which is locally least dense among lattice coverings. We show that a similar result is false for the root lattice E8. For this we construct a less dense covering lattice whose Delone subdivision has a common refinement with the Delone subdivision of E8. The new lattice yields a sphere covering which is more than 12% less dense than the formerly best known given by the lattice A8*. Currently, the Leech lattice is the first and only known example of a locally optimal lattice covering having a non-simplicial Delone subdivision. We hereby in particular answer a question of Dickson posed in 1968. By showing that the Leech lattice is rigid our answer is even strongest possible in a sense.Comment: 13 pages; (v2) major revision: proof of rigidity corrected, full discussion of E8-case included, src of (v3) contains MAGMA program, (v4) some correction

    New upper bounds for kissing numbers from semidefinite programming

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    Recently A. Schrijver derived new upper bounds for binary codes using semidefinite programming. In this paper we adapt this approach to codes on the unit sphere and we compute new upper bounds for the kissing number in several dimensions. In particular our computations give the (known) values for the cases n = 3, 4, 8, 24

    Semidefinite programming, multivariate orthogonal polynomials, and codes in spherical caps

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    We apply the semidefinite programming approach developed in arxiv:math.MG/0608426 to obtain new upper bounds for codes in spherical caps. We compute new upper bounds for the one-sided kissing number in several dimensions where we in particular get a new tight bound in dimension 8. Furthermore we show how to use the SDP framework to get analytic bounds.Comment: 15 pages, (v2) referee comments and suggestions incorporate

    Computational Approaches to Lattice Packing and Covering Problems

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    We describe algorithms which address two classical problems in lattice geometry: the lattice covering and the simultaneous lattice packing-covering problem. Theoretically our algorithms solve the two problems in any fixed dimension d in the sense that they approximate optimal covering lattices and optimal packing-covering lattices within any desired accuracy. Both algorithms involve semidefinite programming and are based on Voronoi's reduction theory for positive definite quadratic forms, which describes all possible Delone triangulations of Z^d. In practice, our implementations reproduce known results in dimensions d <= 5 and in particular solve the two problems in these dimensions. For d = 6 our computations produce new best known covering as well as packing-covering lattices, which are closely related to the lattice (E6)*. For d = 7, 8 our approach leads to new best known covering lattices. Although we use numerical methods, we made some effort to transform numerical evidences into rigorous proofs. We provide rigorous error bounds and prove that some of the new lattices are locally optimal.Comment: (v3) 40 pages, 5 figures, 6 tables, some corrections, accepted in Discrete and Computational Geometry, see also http://fma2.math.uni-magdeburg.de/~latgeo

    Introduction to Sporadic Groups

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    This is an introduction to finite simple groups, in particular sporadic groups, intended for physicists. After a short review of group theory, we enumerate the 1+1+16=181+1+16=18 families of finite simple groups, as an introduction to the sporadic groups. These are described next, in three levels of increasing complexity, plus the six isolated "pariah" groups. The (old) five Mathieu groups make up the first, smallest order level. The seven groups related to the Leech lattice, including the three Conway groups, constitute the second level. The third and highest level contains the Monster group M\mathbb M, plus seven other related groups. Next a brief mention is made of the remaining six pariah groups, thus completing the 5+7+8+6=265+7+8+6=26 sporadic groups. The review ends up with a brief discussion of a few of physical applications of finite groups in physics, including a couple of recent examples which use sporadic groups