53 research outputs found

    Digital watermarking in medical images

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University, 05/12/2005.This thesis addresses authenticity and integrity of medical images using watermarking. Hospital Information Systems (HIS), Radiology Information Systems (RIS) and Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (P ACS) now form the information infrastructure for today's healthcare as these provide new ways to store, access and distribute medical data that also involve some security risk. Watermarking can be seen as an additional tool for security measures. As the medical tradition is very strict with the quality of biomedical images, the watermarking method must be reversible or if not, region of Interest (ROI) needs to be defined and left intact. Watermarking should also serve as an integrity control and should be able to authenticate the medical image. Three watermarking techniques were proposed. First, Strict Authentication Watermarking (SAW) embeds the digital signature of the image in the ROI and the image can be reverted back to its original value bit by bit if required. Second, Strict Authentication Watermarking with JPEG Compression (SAW-JPEG) uses the same principal as SAW, but is able to survive some degree of JPEG compression. Third, Authentication Watermarking with Tamper Detection and Recovery (AW-TDR) is able to localise tampering, whilst simultaneously reconstructing the original image

    Digital watermarking in medical images

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    This thesis addresses authenticity and integrity of medical images using watermarking. Hospital Information Systems (HIS), Radiology Information Systems (RIS) and Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (P ACS) now form the information infrastructure for today's healthcare as these provide new ways to store, access and distribute medical data that also involve some security risk. Watermarking can be seen as an additional tool for security measures. As the medical tradition is very strict with the quality of biomedical images, the watermarking method must be reversible or if not, region of Interest (ROI) needs to be defined and left intact. Watermarking should also serve as an integrity control and should be able to authenticate the medical image. Three watermarking techniques were proposed. First, Strict Authentication Watermarking (SAW) embeds the digital signature of the image in the ROI and the image can be reverted back to its original value bit by bit if required. Second, Strict Authentication Watermarking with JPEG Compression (SAW-JPEG) uses the same principal as SAW, but is able to survive some degree of JPEG compression. Third, Authentication Watermarking with Tamper Detection and Recovery (AW-TDR) is able to localise tampering, whilst simultaneously reconstructing the original image.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Security strategies in genomic files

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    There are new mechanisms to sequence and process the genomic code, discovering thus diagnostic tools and treatments. The file for a sequenced genome can reach hundreds of gigabytes. Thus, for further studies, we need new means to compress the information and a standardized representation to simplify the development of new tools. The ISO standardization group MPEG has used its expertise in compressing multimedia content to compress genomic information and develop its ´MPEG-G standard’. Given the sensitivity of the data, security is a major identified requirement. This thesis proposes novel technologies that assure the security of both the sequenced data and its metadata. We define a container-based file format to group data, metadata, and security information at the syntactical level. It includes new features like grouping multiple results in a same file to simplify the transport of whole studies. We use the granularity of the encoder’s output to enhance security. The information is represented in units, each dedicated to a specific region of the genome, which allows to provide encryption and signature features on a region base. We analyze the trade-off between security and an even more fine-grained approach and prove that apparently secure settings can be insecure: if the file creator may encrypt only specific elements of a unit, cross-checking unencrypted information permits to infer encrypted content. Most of the proposals for MPEG-G coming from other research groups and companies focused on data compression and representation. However, the need was recognized to find a solution for metadata encoding. Our proposal was included in the standard: an XML-based solution, separated in a core specification and extensions. It permits to adapt the metadata schema to the different genomic repositories' frameworks, without importing requirements from one framework to another. To simplify the handling of the resulting metadata, we define profiles, i.e. lists of extensions that must be present in a given framework. We use XML signature and XML encryption for metadata security. The MPEG requirements also concern access rules. Our privacy solutions limit the range of persons with access and we propose access rules represented with XACML to convey under which circumstances a user is granted access to a specific action among the ones specified in MPEG-G's API, e.g. filtering data by attributes. We also specify algorithms to combine multiple rules by defining default behaviors and exceptions. The standard’s security mechanisms protect the information only during transport and access. Once the data is obtained, the user could publish it. In order to identify leakers, we propose an algorithm that generates unique, virtually undetectable variations. Our solution is novel as the marking can be undone (and the utility of the data preserved) if the corresponding secret key is revealed. We also show how to combine multiple secret keys to avoid collusion. The API retained for MPEG-G considers search criteria not present in the indexing tables, which highlights shortcomings. Based on the proposed MPEG-G API we have developed a solution. It is based on a collaboration framework where the different users' needs and the patient's privacy settings result in a purpose-built file format that optimizes query times and provides privacy and authenticity on the patient-defined genomic regions. The encrypted output units are created and indexed to optimize query times and avoid rarely used indexing fields. Our approach resolves the shortcomings of MPEG-G's indexing strategy. We have submitted our technologies to the MPEG standardization committee. Many have been included in the final standard, via merging with other proposals (e.g. file format), discussion (e.g. security mechanisms), or direct acceptance (e.g. privacy rules).Hi han nous mètodes per la seqüenciació i el processament del codi genòmic, permetent descobrir eines de diagnòstic i tractaments en l’àmbit mèdic. El resultat de la seqüenciació d’un genoma es representa en un fitxer, que pot ocupar centenars de gigabytes. Degut a això, hi ha una necessitat d’una representació estandarditzada on la informació és comprimida. Dins de la ISO, el grup MPEG ha fet servir la seva experiència en compressió de dades multimèdia per comprimir dades genòmiques i desenvolupar l'estàndard MPEG-G, sent la seguretat un dels requeriments principals. L'objectiu de la tesi és garantir aquesta seguretat (encriptant, firmant i definint regles d¿ accés) tan per les dades seqüenciades com per les seves metadades. El primer pas és definir com transportar les dades, metadades i paràmetres de seguretat. Especifiquem un format de fitxer basat en contenidors per tal d'agrupar aquets elements a nivell sintàctic. La nostra solució proposa noves funcionalitats com agrupar múltiples resultats en un mateix fitxer. Pel que fa la seguretat de dades, la nostra proposta utilitza les propietats de la sortida del codificador. Aquesta sortida és estructurada en unitats, cadascuna dedicada a una regió concreta del genoma, permetent una encriptació i firma de dades específica a la unitat. Analitzem el compromís entre seguretat i un enfocament de gra més fi demostrant que configuracions aparentment vàlides poden no ser-ho: si es permet encriptar sols certes sub-unitats d'informació, creuant els continguts no encriptats, podem inferir el contingut encriptat. Quant a metadades, proposem una solució basada en XML separada en una especificació bàsica i en extensions. Podem adaptar l'esquema de metadades als diferents marcs de repositoris genòmics, sense imposar requeriments d’un marc a un altre. Per simplificar l'ús, plantegem la definició de perfils, és a dir, una llista de les extensions que han de ser present per un marc concret. Fem servir firmes XML i encriptació XML per implementar la seguretat de les metadades. Les nostres solucions per la privacitat limiten qui té accés a les dades, però no en limita l’ús. Proposem regles d’accés representades amb XACML per indicar en quines circumstàncies un usuari té dret d'executar una de les accions especificades a l'API de MPEG-G (per exemple, filtrar les dades per atributs). Presentem algoritmes per combinar regles, per tal de poder definir casos per defecte i excepcions. Els mecanismes de seguretat de MPEG-G protegeixen la informació durant el transport i l'accés. Una vegada l’usuari ha accedit a les dades, les podria publicar. Per tal d'identificar qui és l'origen del filtratge de dades, proposem un algoritme que genera modificacions úniques i virtualment no detectables. La nostra solució és pionera, ja que els canvis es poden desfer si el secret corresponent és publicat. Per tant, la utilitat de les dades és mantinguda. Demostrem que combinant varis secrets, podem evitar col·lusions. L'API seleccionada per MPEG-G, considera criteris de cerca que no són presents en les taules d’indexació. Basant-nos en aquesta API, hem desenvolupat una solució. És basada en un marc de col·laboració, on la combinació de les necessitats dels diferents usuaris i els requeriments de privacitat del pacient, es combinen en una representació ad-hoc que optimitza temps d’accessos tot i garantint la privacitat i autenticitat de les dades. La majoria de les nostres propostes s’han inclòs a la versió final de l'estàndard, fusionant-les amb altres proposes (com amb el format del fitxer), demostrant la seva superioritat (com amb els mecanismes de seguretat), i fins i tot sent acceptades directament (com amb les regles de privacitat)

    Security strategies in genomic files

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    There are new mechanisms to sequence and process the genomic code, discovering thus diagnostic tools and treatments. The file for a sequenced genome can reach hundreds of gigabytes. Thus, for further studies, we need new means to compress the information and a standardized representation to simplify the development of new tools. The ISO standardization group MPEG has used its expertise in compressing multimedia content to compress genomic information and develop its ´MPEG-G standard’. Given the sensitivity of the data, security is a major identified requirement. This thesis proposes novel technologies that assure the security of both the sequenced data and its metadata. We define a container-based file format to group data, metadata, and security information at the syntactical level. It includes new features like grouping multiple results in a same file to simplify the transport of whole studies. We use the granularity of the encoder’s output to enhance security. The information is represented in units, each dedicated to a specific region of the genome, which allows to provide encryption and signature features on a region base. We analyze the trade-off between security and an even more fine-grained approach and prove that apparently secure settings can be insecure: if the file creator may encrypt only specific elements of a unit, cross-checking unencrypted information permits to infer encrypted content. Most of the proposals for MPEG-G coming from other research groups and companies focused on data compression and representation. However, the need was recognized to find a solution for metadata encoding. Our proposal was included in the standard: an XML-based solution, separated in a core specification and extensions. It permits to adapt the metadata schema to the different genomic repositories' frameworks, without importing requirements from one framework to another. To simplify the handling of the resulting metadata, we define profiles, i.e. lists of extensions that must be present in a given framework. We use XML signature and XML encryption for metadata security. The MPEG requirements also concern access rules. Our privacy solutions limit the range of persons with access and we propose access rules represented with XACML to convey under which circumstances a user is granted access to a specific action among the ones specified in MPEG-G's API, e.g. filtering data by attributes. We also specify algorithms to combine multiple rules by defining default behaviors and exceptions. The standard’s security mechanisms protect the information only during transport and access. Once the data is obtained, the user could publish it. In order to identify leakers, we propose an algorithm that generates unique, virtually undetectable variations. Our solution is novel as the marking can be undone (and the utility of the data preserved) if the corresponding secret key is revealed. We also show how to combine multiple secret keys to avoid collusion. The API retained for MPEG-G considers search criteria not present in the indexing tables, which highlights shortcomings. Based on the proposed MPEG-G API we have developed a solution. It is based on a collaboration framework where the different users' needs and the patient's privacy settings result in a purpose-built file format that optimizes query times and provides privacy and authenticity on the patient-defined genomic regions. The encrypted output units are created and indexed to optimize query times and avoid rarely used indexing fields. Our approach resolves the shortcomings of MPEG-G's indexing strategy. We have submitted our technologies to the MPEG standardization committee. Many have been included in the final standard, via merging with other proposals (e.g. file format), discussion (e.g. security mechanisms), or direct acceptance (e.g. privacy rules).Hi han nous mètodes per la seqüenciació i el processament del codi genòmic, permetent descobrir eines de diagnòstic i tractaments en l’àmbit mèdic. El resultat de la seqüenciació d’un genoma es representa en un fitxer, que pot ocupar centenars de gigabytes. Degut a això, hi ha una necessitat d’una representació estandarditzada on la informació és comprimida. Dins de la ISO, el grup MPEG ha fet servir la seva experiència en compressió de dades multimèdia per comprimir dades genòmiques i desenvolupar l'estàndard MPEG-G, sent la seguretat un dels requeriments principals. L'objectiu de la tesi és garantir aquesta seguretat (encriptant, firmant i definint regles d¿ accés) tan per les dades seqüenciades com per les seves metadades. El primer pas és definir com transportar les dades, metadades i paràmetres de seguretat. Especifiquem un format de fitxer basat en contenidors per tal d'agrupar aquets elements a nivell sintàctic. La nostra solució proposa noves funcionalitats com agrupar múltiples resultats en un mateix fitxer. Pel que fa la seguretat de dades, la nostra proposta utilitza les propietats de la sortida del codificador. Aquesta sortida és estructurada en unitats, cadascuna dedicada a una regió concreta del genoma, permetent una encriptació i firma de dades específica a la unitat. Analitzem el compromís entre seguretat i un enfocament de gra més fi demostrant que configuracions aparentment vàlides poden no ser-ho: si es permet encriptar sols certes sub-unitats d'informació, creuant els continguts no encriptats, podem inferir el contingut encriptat. Quant a metadades, proposem una solució basada en XML separada en una especificació bàsica i en extensions. Podem adaptar l'esquema de metadades als diferents marcs de repositoris genòmics, sense imposar requeriments d’un marc a un altre. Per simplificar l'ús, plantegem la definició de perfils, és a dir, una llista de les extensions que han de ser present per un marc concret. Fem servir firmes XML i encriptació XML per implementar la seguretat de les metadades. Les nostres solucions per la privacitat limiten qui té accés a les dades, però no en limita l’ús. Proposem regles d’accés representades amb XACML per indicar en quines circumstàncies un usuari té dret d'executar una de les accions especificades a l'API de MPEG-G (per exemple, filtrar les dades per atributs). Presentem algoritmes per combinar regles, per tal de poder definir casos per defecte i excepcions. Els mecanismes de seguretat de MPEG-G protegeixen la informació durant el transport i l'accés. Una vegada l’usuari ha accedit a les dades, les podria publicar. Per tal d'identificar qui és l'origen del filtratge de dades, proposem un algoritme que genera modificacions úniques i virtualment no detectables. La nostra solució és pionera, ja que els canvis es poden desfer si el secret corresponent és publicat. Per tant, la utilitat de les dades és mantinguda. Demostrem que combinant varis secrets, podem evitar col·lusions. L'API seleccionada per MPEG-G, considera criteris de cerca que no són presents en les taules d’indexació. Basant-nos en aquesta API, hem desenvolupat una solució. És basada en un marc de col·laboració, on la combinació de les necessitats dels diferents usuaris i els requeriments de privacitat del pacient, es combinen en una representació ad-hoc que optimitza temps d’accessos tot i garantint la privacitat i autenticitat de les dades. La majoria de les nostres propostes s’han inclòs a la versió final de l'estàndard, fusionant-les amb altres proposes (com amb el format del fitxer), demostrant la seva superioritat (com amb els mecanismes de seguretat), i fins i tot sent acceptades directament (com amb les regles de privacitat)

    Security strategies in genomic files

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    There are new mechanisms to sequence and process the genomic code, discovering thus diagnostic tools and treatments. The file for a sequenced genome can reach hundreds of gigabytes. Thus, for further studies, we need new means to compress the information and a standardized representation to simplify the development of new tools. The ISO standardization group MPEG has used its expertise in compressing multimedia content to compress genomic information and develop its ´MPEG-G standard’. Given the sensitivity of the data, security is a major identified requirement. This thesis proposes novel technologies that assure the security of both the sequenced data and its metadata. We define a container-based file format to group data, metadata, and security information at the syntactical level. It includes new features like grouping multiple results in a same file to simplify the transport of whole studies. We use the granularity of the encoder’s output to enhance security. The information is represented in units, each dedicated to a specific region of the genome, which allows to provide encryption and signature features on a region base. We analyze the trade-off between security and an even more fine-grained approach and prove that apparently secure settings can be insecure: if the file creator may encrypt only specific elements of a unit, cross-checking unencrypted information permits to infer encrypted content. Most of the proposals for MPEG-G coming from other research groups and companies focused on data compression and representation. However, the need was recognized to find a solution for metadata encoding. Our proposal was included in the standard: an XML-based solution, separated in a core specification and extensions. It permits to adapt the metadata schema to the different genomic repositories' frameworks, without importing requirements from one framework to another. To simplify the handling of the resulting metadata, we define profiles, i.e. lists of extensions that must be present in a given framework. We use XML signature and XML encryption for metadata security. The MPEG requirements also concern access rules. Our privacy solutions limit the range of persons with access and we propose access rules represented with XACML to convey under which circumstances a user is granted access to a specific action among the ones specified in MPEG-G's API, e.g. filtering data by attributes. We also specify algorithms to combine multiple rules by defining default behaviors and exceptions. The standard’s security mechanisms protect the information only during transport and access. Once the data is obtained, the user could publish it. In order to identify leakers, we propose an algorithm that generates unique, virtually undetectable variations. Our solution is novel as the marking can be undone (and the utility of the data preserved) if the corresponding secret key is revealed. We also show how to combine multiple secret keys to avoid collusion. The API retained for MPEG-G considers search criteria not present in the indexing tables, which highlights shortcomings. Based on the proposed MPEG-G API we have developed a solution. It is based on a collaboration framework where the different users' needs and the patient's privacy settings result in a purpose-built file format that optimizes query times and provides privacy and authenticity on the patient-defined genomic regions. The encrypted output units are created and indexed to optimize query times and avoid rarely used indexing fields. Our approach resolves the shortcomings of MPEG-G's indexing strategy. We have submitted our technologies to the MPEG standardization committee. Many have been included in the final standard, via merging with other proposals (e.g. file format), discussion (e.g. security mechanisms), or direct acceptance (e.g. privacy rules).Hi han nous mètodes per la seqüenciació i el processament del codi genòmic, permetent descobrir eines de diagnòstic i tractaments en l’àmbit mèdic. El resultat de la seqüenciació d’un genoma es representa en un fitxer, que pot ocupar centenars de gigabytes. Degut a això, hi ha una necessitat d’una representació estandarditzada on la informació és comprimida. Dins de la ISO, el grup MPEG ha fet servir la seva experiència en compressió de dades multimèdia per comprimir dades genòmiques i desenvolupar l'estàndard MPEG-G, sent la seguretat un dels requeriments principals. L'objectiu de la tesi és garantir aquesta seguretat (encriptant, firmant i definint regles d¿ accés) tan per les dades seqüenciades com per les seves metadades. El primer pas és definir com transportar les dades, metadades i paràmetres de seguretat. Especifiquem un format de fitxer basat en contenidors per tal d'agrupar aquets elements a nivell sintàctic. La nostra solució proposa noves funcionalitats com agrupar múltiples resultats en un mateix fitxer. Pel que fa la seguretat de dades, la nostra proposta utilitza les propietats de la sortida del codificador. Aquesta sortida és estructurada en unitats, cadascuna dedicada a una regió concreta del genoma, permetent una encriptació i firma de dades específica a la unitat. Analitzem el compromís entre seguretat i un enfocament de gra més fi demostrant que configuracions aparentment vàlides poden no ser-ho: si es permet encriptar sols certes sub-unitats d'informació, creuant els continguts no encriptats, podem inferir el contingut encriptat. Quant a metadades, proposem una solució basada en XML separada en una especificació bàsica i en extensions. Podem adaptar l'esquema de metadades als diferents marcs de repositoris genòmics, sense imposar requeriments d’un marc a un altre. Per simplificar l'ús, plantegem la definició de perfils, és a dir, una llista de les extensions que han de ser present per un marc concret. Fem servir firmes XML i encriptació XML per implementar la seguretat de les metadades. Les nostres solucions per la privacitat limiten qui té accés a les dades, però no en limita l’ús. Proposem regles d’accés representades amb XACML per indicar en quines circumstàncies un usuari té dret d'executar una de les accions especificades a l'API de MPEG-G (per exemple, filtrar les dades per atributs). Presentem algoritmes per combinar regles, per tal de poder definir casos per defecte i excepcions. Els mecanismes de seguretat de MPEG-G protegeixen la informació durant el transport i l'accés. Una vegada l’usuari ha accedit a les dades, les podria publicar. Per tal d'identificar qui és l'origen del filtratge de dades, proposem un algoritme que genera modificacions úniques i virtualment no detectables. La nostra solució és pionera, ja que els canvis es poden desfer si el secret corresponent és publicat. Per tant, la utilitat de les dades és mantinguda. Demostrem que combinant varis secrets, podem evitar col·lusions. L'API seleccionada per MPEG-G, considera criteris de cerca que no són presents en les taules d’indexació. Basant-nos en aquesta API, hem desenvolupat una solució. És basada en un marc de col·laboració, on la combinació de les necessitats dels diferents usuaris i els requeriments de privacitat del pacient, es combinen en una representació ad-hoc que optimitza temps d’accessos tot i garantint la privacitat i autenticitat de les dades. La majoria de les nostres propostes s’han inclòs a la versió final de l'estàndard, fusionant-les amb altres proposes (com amb el format del fitxer), demostrant la seva superioritat (com amb els mecanismes de seguretat), i fins i tot sent acceptades directament (com amb les regles de privacitat).Postprint (published version

    Design of a secure architecture for the exchange of biomedical information in m-Health scenarios

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    El paradigma de m-Salud (salud móvil) aboga por la integración masiva de las más avanzadas tecnologías de comunicación, red móvil y sensores en aplicaciones y sistemas de salud, para fomentar el despliegue de un nuevo modelo de atención clínica centrada en el usuario/paciente. Este modelo tiene por objetivos el empoderamiento de los usuarios en la gestión de su propia salud (p.ej. aumentando sus conocimientos, promocionando estilos de vida saludable y previniendo enfermedades), la prestación de una mejor tele-asistencia sanitaria en el hogar para ancianos y pacientes crónicos y una notable disminución del gasto de los Sistemas de Salud gracias a la reducción del número y la duración de las hospitalizaciones. No obstante, estas ventajas, atribuidas a las aplicaciones de m-Salud, suelen venir acompañadas del requisito de un alto grado de disponibilidad de la información biomédica de sus usuarios para garantizar una alta calidad de servicio, p.ej. fusionar varias señales de un usuario para obtener un diagnóstico más preciso. La consecuencia negativa de cumplir esta demanda es el aumento directo de las superficies potencialmente vulnerables a ataques, lo que sitúa a la seguridad (y a la privacidad) del modelo de m-Salud como factor crítico para su éxito. Como requisito no funcional de las aplicaciones de m-Salud, la seguridad ha recibido menos atención que otros requisitos técnicos que eran más urgentes en etapas de desarrollo previas, tales como la robustez, la eficiencia, la interoperabilidad o la usabilidad. Otro factor importante que ha contribuido a retrasar la implementación de políticas de seguridad sólidas es que garantizar un determinado nivel de seguridad implica unos costes que pueden ser muy relevantes en varias dimensiones, en especial en la económica (p.ej. sobrecostes por la inclusión de hardware extra para la autenticación de usuarios), en el rendimiento (p.ej. reducción de la eficiencia y de la interoperabilidad debido a la integración de elementos de seguridad) y en la usabilidad (p.ej. configuración más complicada de dispositivos y aplicaciones de salud debido a las nuevas opciones de seguridad). Por tanto, las soluciones de seguridad que persigan satisfacer a todos los actores del contexto de m-Salud (usuarios, pacientes, personal médico, personal técnico, legisladores, fabricantes de dispositivos y equipos, etc.) deben ser robustas y al mismo tiempo minimizar sus costes asociados. Esta Tesis detalla una propuesta de seguridad, compuesta por cuatro grandes bloques interconectados, para dotar de seguridad a las arquitecturas de m-Salud con unos costes reducidos. El primer bloque define un esquema global que proporciona unos niveles de seguridad e interoperabilidad acordes con las características de las distintas aplicaciones de m-Salud. Este esquema está compuesto por tres capas diferenciadas, diseñadas a la medidas de los dominios de m-Salud y de sus restricciones, incluyendo medidas de seguridad adecuadas para la defensa contra las amenazas asociadas a sus aplicaciones de m-Salud. El segundo bloque establece la extensión de seguridad de aquellos protocolos estándar que permiten la adquisición, el intercambio y/o la administración de información biomédica -- por tanto, usados por muchas aplicaciones de m-Salud -- pero no reúnen los niveles de seguridad detallados en el esquema previo. Estas extensiones se concretan para los estándares biomédicos ISO/IEEE 11073 PHD y SCP-ECG. El tercer bloque propone nuevas formas de fortalecer la seguridad de los tests biomédicos, que constituyen el elemento esencial de muchas aplicaciones de m-Salud de carácter clínico, mediante codificaciones novedosas. Finalmente el cuarto bloque, que se sitúa en paralelo a los anteriores, selecciona herramientas genéricas de seguridad (elementos de autenticación y criptográficos) cuya integración en los otros bloques resulta idónea, y desarrolla nuevas herramientas de seguridad, basadas en señal -- embedding y keytagging --, para reforzar la protección de los test biomédicos.The paradigm of m-Health (mobile health) advocates for the massive integration of advanced mobile communications, network and sensor technologies in healthcare applications and systems to foster the deployment of a new, user/patient-centered healthcare model enabling the empowerment of users in the management of their health (e.g. by increasing their health literacy, promoting healthy lifestyles and the prevention of diseases), a better home-based healthcare delivery for elderly and chronic patients and important savings for healthcare systems due to the reduction of hospitalizations in number and duration. It is a fact that many m-Health applications demand high availability of biomedical information from their users (for further accurate analysis, e.g. by fusion of various signals) to guarantee high quality of service, which on the other hand entails increasing the potential surfaces for attacks. Therefore, it is not surprising that security (and privacy) is commonly included among the most important barriers for the success of m-Health. As a non-functional requirement for m-Health applications, security has received less attention than other technical issues that were more pressing at earlier development stages, such as reliability, eficiency, interoperability or usability. Another fact that has contributed to delaying the enforcement of robust security policies is that guaranteeing a certain security level implies costs that can be very relevant and that span along diferent dimensions. These include budgeting (e.g. the demand of extra hardware for user authentication), performance (e.g. lower eficiency and interoperability due to the addition of security elements) and usability (e.g. cumbersome configuration of devices and applications due to security options). Therefore, security solutions that aim to satisfy all the stakeholders in the m-Health context (users/patients, medical staff, technical staff, systems and devices manufacturers, regulators, etc.) shall be robust and, at the same time, minimize their associated costs. This Thesis details a proposal, composed of four interrelated blocks, to integrate appropriate levels of security in m-Health architectures in a cost-efcient manner. The first block designes a global scheme that provides different security and interoperability levels accordingto how critical are the m-Health applications to be implemented. This consists ofthree layers tailored to the m-Health domains and their constraints, whose security countermeasures defend against the threats of their associated m-Health applications. Next, the second block addresses the security extension of those standard protocols that enable the acquisition, exchange and/or management of biomedical information | thus, used by many m-Health applications | but do not meet the security levels described in the former scheme. These extensions are materialized for the biomedical standards ISO/IEEE 11073 PHD and SCP-ECG. Then, the third block proposes new ways of enhancing the security of biomedical standards, which are the centerpiece of many clinical m-Health applications, by means of novel codings. Finally the fourth block, with is parallel to the others, selects generic security methods (for user authentication and cryptographic protection) whose integration in the other blocks results optimal, and also develops novel signal-based methods (embedding and keytagging) for strengthening the security of biomedical tests. The layer-based extensions of the standards ISO/IEEE 11073 PHD and SCP-ECG can be considered as robust, cost-eficient and respectful with their original features and contents. The former adds no attributes to its data information model, four new frames to the service model |and extends four with new sub-frames|, and only one new sub-state to the communication model. Furthermore, a lightweight architecture consisting of a personal health device mounting a 9 MHz processor and an aggregator mounting a 1 GHz processor is enough to transmit a 3-lead electrocardiogram in real-time implementing the top security layer. The extra requirements associated to this extension are an initial configuration of the health device and the aggregator, tokens for identification/authentication of users if these devices are to be shared and the implementation of certain IHE profiles in the aggregator to enable the integration of measurements in healthcare systems. As regards to the extension of SCP-ECG, it only adds a new section with selected security elements and syntax in order to protect the rest of file contents and provide proper role-based access control. The overhead introduced in the protected SCP-ECG is typically 2{13 % of the regular file size, and the extra delays to protect a newly generated SCP-ECG file and to access it for interpretation are respectively a 2{10 % and a 5 % of the regular delays. As regards to the signal-based security techniques developed, the embedding method is the basis for the proposal of a generic coding for tests composed of biomedical signals, periodic measurements and contextual information. This has been adjusted and evaluated with electrocardiogram and electroencephalogram-based tests, proving the objective clinical quality of the coded tests, the capacity of the coding-access system to operate in real-time (overall delays of 2 s for electrocardiograms and 3.3 s for electroencephalograms) and its high usability. Despite of the embedding of security and metadata to enable m-Health services, the compression ratios obtained by this coding range from ' 3 in real-time transmission to ' 5 in offline operation. Complementarily, keytagging permits associating information to images (and other signals) by means of keys in a secure and non-distorting fashion, which has been availed to implement security measures such as image authentication, integrity control and location of tampered areas, private captioning with role-based access control, traceability and copyright protection. The tests conducted indicate a remarkable robustness-capacity tradeoff that permits implementing all this measures simultaneously, and the compatibility of keytagging with JPEG2000 compression, maintaining this tradeoff while setting the overall keytagging delay in only ' 120 ms for any image size | evidencing the scalability of this technique. As a general conclusion, it has been demonstrated and illustrated with examples that there are various, complementary and structured manners to contribute in the implementation of suitable security levels for m-Health architectures with a moderate cost in budget, performance, interoperability and usability. The m-Health landscape is evolving permanently along all their dimensions, and this Thesis aims to do so with its security. Furthermore, the lessons learned herein may offer further guidance for the elaboration of more comprehensive and updated security schemes, for the extension of other biomedical standards featuring low emphasis on security or privacy, and for the improvement of the state of the art regarding signal-based protection methods and applications

    Optimisation of Tamper Localisation and Recovery Watermarking Techniques

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    Digital watermarking has found many applications in many fields, such as: copyright tracking, media authentication, tamper localisation and recovery, hardware control, and data hiding. The idea of digital watermarking is to embed arbitrary data inside a multimedia cover without affecting the perceptibility of the multimedia cover itself. The main advantage of using digital watermarking over other techniques, such as signature based techniques, is that the watermark is embedded into the multimedia cover itself and will not be removed even with the format change. Image watermarking techniques are categorised according to their robustness against modification into: fragile, semi-fragile, and robust watermarking. In fragile watermarking any change to the image will affect the watermark, this makes fragile watermarking very useful in image authentication applications, as in medical and forensic fields, where any tampering of the image is: detected, localised, and possibly recovered. Fragile watermarking techniques are also characterised by a higher capacity when compared to semi-fragile and robust watermarking. Semifragile watermarking techniques resist some modifications, such as lossy compression and low pass filtering. Semi-fragile watermarking can be used in authentication and copyright validation applications whenever the amount of embedded information is small and the expected modifications are not severe. Robust watermarking techniques are supposed to withstand more severe modifications, such as rotation and geometrical bending. Robust watermarking is used in copyright validation applications, where copyright information in the image must remains accessible even after severe modification. This research focuses on the application of image watermarking in tamper localisation and recovery and it aims to provide optimisation for some of its aspects. The optimisation aims to produce watermarking techniques that enhance one or more of the following aspects: consuming less payload, having better recovery quality, recovering larger tampered area, requiring less calculations, and being robust against the different counterfeiting attacks. Through the survey of the main existing techniques, it was found that most of them are using two separate sets of data for the localisation and the recovery of the tampered area, which is considered as a redundancy. The main focus in this research is to investigate employing image filtering techniques in order to use only one set of data for both purposes, leading to a reduced redundancy in the watermark embedding and enhanced capacity. Four tamper localisation and recovery techniques were proposed, three of them use one set of data for localisation and recovery while the fourth one is designed to be optimised and gives a better performance even though it uses separate sets of data for localisation and recovery. The four techniques were analysed and compared to two recent techniques in the literature. The performance of the proposed techniques vary from one technique to another. The fourth technique shows the best results regarding recovery quality and Probability of False Acceptance (PFA) when compared to the other proposed techniques and the two techniques in the literature, also, all proposed techniques show better recovery quality when compared to the two techniques in the literature

    JPEG XR scalable coding for remote image browsing applications

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    The growing popularity of the Internet has opened the road to multimedia and interactivity, emphasizing the importance of visual communication. In this context, digital images have taken a lead role and have an increasing number of applications. Consider, for example, the spread that digital cameras and mobile devices such as mobile phones have become in recent years. Thus, it arises the need for a flexible system that can handle images from different sources and are able to adapt to a different view. The importance of this issue lies in the application scenario: today there are datastores with a large number of images saved in JPEG format and systems for rendering digital images are various and with very different characteristics with each other. The ISO/IEC committee has recently issued a new format, called JPEG-XR, created explicitly for the modern digital cameras. The new coding algorithm JPEG-XR, can overcome various limitations of the first JPEG algorithm and provides viable alternatives to the JPEG2000 algorithm. This research has primarily focused on issues concerning the scalability of the new format of digital images.Additional scalability levels are fundamental for image browsing applications, because enable the system to ensure a correct and efficient functioning even when there is a sharp increase in the number of resources and users.Scalability is mostly required when dealing with large image database on the Web in order to reduce the transferred data, especially when it comes to large images. The interactive browsing also requires the ability to access to arbitrary parts of the image. The starting point is the use of a client-server architecture, in which the server stores a database of JPEG XR images and analyzes requests from a client. Client and server communicate via HTTP and use an exchange protocol. In order to minimize the transferred information, the JPEG XR coded file format should make use of the frequency mode order and partitioning of images into optimized tiles. The main goal is transmitting only some subset of the available sub-band coefficients. This is necessary to allow access an interactive access to portion of images, that are downloaded and displayed, minimizing the amount of data transferred and maintaining an acceptable image quality.The proposed architecture has of course prompted a study of errors in transmission on unreliable channel, such as the wireless one, and the definition of possible optimizations/variants of the codec in order to overcome its own limitations. Image data compressed with JPEG XR when transmitted over error-prone channels is severely distorted. In fact, due to the adaptive coding strategies used by the codec, even a single bit error causes a mismatch in the alignment of the reading position from the bit-stream, leading to completely different images at the decoder side. An extension to the JPEG XR algorithm is proposed, consisting in an error recovery process enabling the decoder to realign itself to the right bit-stream position and to correctly decode the most part of the image. Several experiments have been performed using different encoder parameter and different error probabilities while image distortion is measured by PSNR objective metric. The simplicity of the proposed algorithm adds very little computational overhead and seems very promising as confirmed by objective image quality results in experimental tests

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 16. Number 2.

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