6,296 research outputs found

    The benefits of hybridising electrodialysis with reverse osmosis

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    A cost analysis reveals that hybridisation of electrodialysis with reverse osmosis is only justified if the cost of water from the reverse osmosis unit is less than 40% of that from a stand-alone electrodialysis system. In such cases the additional reverse osmosis costs justify the electrodialysis cost savings brought about by shifting salt removal to higher salinity, where current densities are higher and equipment costs lower. Furthermore, the analysis suggests that a simple hybrid configuration is more cost effective than a recirculated hybrid, a simple hybrid being one where the reverse osmosis concentrate is fed to the electrodialysis stack and the products from both units are blended, and a recirculated being one hybrid involving recirculation of the electrodialysis product back to the reverse osmosis unit. The underlying rationale is that simple hybridisation shifts salt removal away from the lowest salinity zone of operation, where salt removal is most expensive. Further shifts in the salinity at which salt is removed, brought about by recirculation, do not justify the associated increased costs of reverse osmosis.Hugh Hampton Young Memorial FellowshipCenter for Clean Water and Clean Energy at MIT and KFUPM (Project R15-CW-11

    Feasibility analysis and simulation of reverse electrodialysis for the regeneration of power in desalination plants

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    This document presents a multi-faceted parametric review on the reverse electrodialysis process regarding ideal and real feed solutions. A hybrid forward osmosis - reverse electrodialysis model is presented for the optimal utilisation of desalination brine effluent for electrical power generation. The power generated is recommended to offset the high energy requirements of seawater reverse osmosis desalination due to relative proximity of brine. The proposed large scale reverse electrodialysis plant has the potential to minimise both capital and operating expenditure of an up-scaled system while maximising net power output. A multi-variable optimisation of the process is achieved using the simulation model derived within the study, concluding with a 10.3% reduction in the specific energy consumption of Perth’s Seawater Desalination Plant located in Kwinana when utilising a series-parallel arrangement of reverse electrodialysis units. However, the model is not specific to a Western Australian context and can be used wherever an opportunity for salinity gradient power generation exists

    Assisted reverse electrodialysis : a novel technique to decrease reverse osmosis energy demand

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    Assisted reverse electrodialysis (ARED) was introduced as a pre-desalination technique for seawater reverse osmosis (RO) for drinking water production. ARED is comparable to an additional applied pressure along the osmotic pressure in pressure assisted osmosis; a small voltage is applied in the same direction as the open cell voltage to increase the desalination speed compared to reverse electrodialysis (RED). This decreases the required membrane area. The concentration of the dilute compartment increases significantly during ARED operation due to the increased speed of desalination. This results in an overall decrease in total cell resistance. Although the energy demand for ARED is higher than for RED, the ARED-RO process still achieves a decrease in overall energy requirements at higher RO recoveries when compared to stand-alone RO. However, ion-exchange membrane prices will have to come down to 1-10 €/m² for the ARED-RO hybrid to become economically viable at current energy prices

    Key physicochemical characteristics governing organic micropollutant adsorption and transport in ion-exchange membranes during reverse electrodialysis

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    The co-generation of electricity and electrodialysis of seawater in a hybrid system is a promising approach to overcome water scarcity. Reverse electrodialysis harvests energy from the salinity gradient, where seawater is used as a high salinity stream while secondary treated wastewater can be used as a sustainable low salinity stream. Treated wastewater contains organic micropollutants, which can be transported to the seawater stream. The current research establishes a connection between adsorption and transport of organic micropollutants in ion exchange membranes, using a cross-flow stack in adsorption and zero-current experiments. To mimic the composition of treated wastewater, a mixture of nineteen organic micropollutants of varied physicochemical characteristics (e.g. size, charge, polarity, hydrogen donor/acceptor count, hydrophobicity) at environmentally relevant concentrations was used. Depending on the charge, micropollutants develop different types of mechanisms responsible for short-distance interactions with ion-exchange membranes, which has a direct influence in their transport behavior. This study provides a rational basis for the optimization/design of next-generation ion-exchange membranes, in which the permeability toward organic micropollutants should be also included. This investigation highly contributes to understanding the potential hazard posed by organic micropollutants in reverse electrodialysis in seawater desalination systems, where treated wastewater is used as a low salinity stream

    Optimization of net power density in Reverse Electrodialysis

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    Reverse Electrodialysis (RED) extracts electrical energy from the salinity difference between two solutions using selective ion exchange membranes. In RED, conditions yielding a large net power density (NPD) are generally desired, due to the still large cost of the membranes. NPD depends on a large number of physical and geometric parameters. Some of these, for example the inlet concentrations of concentrate and diluate, can be regarded as “scenario” variables, imposed by external constraints (e.g., availability) or chosen by different criteria than NPD maximization. Others, namely the thicknesses HCONC, HDIL and the velocities UCONC, UDIL in the concentrate and diluate channels, can be regarded as free design parameters and can be chosen so as to maximize NPD. In the present study, a simplified model of a RED stack was coupled with an optimization algorithm in order to determine the conditions of maximum NPD in the space of the variables HCONC, HDIL,UCONC, UDIL for different sets of “scenario” variables. The study shows that an optimal choice of the free design parameters for any given scenario, as opposed to the adoption of standard fixed values for the same parameters, may provide significant improvements in NPD

    Reverse electrodialysis – Multi effect distillation heat engine fed by lithium chloride solutions

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    Salinity Gradient Heat Engines (SG-HEs) have been proposed as a promising technology for converting low-temperature heat into electricity. The SG-HE includes two different processes: (i) a salinity gradient process where the salinity gradient between two solutions is converted into electricity and (ii) a thermal regeneration process where low-grade heat (T<100°C) is used to re-establish the original salinity gradient of the two streams. Among the proposed working solutions, aqueous solution of lithium chloride has been identified as one of the most promising thanks to its remarkable solubility and activity. In this work, a process model to study the performance of a SG-HE constituted by a Reverse ElectroDialysis (RED) unit coupled with a Multi Effect Distillation (MED) unit fed with lithium chloride solution is presented. The influence of the concentration of the inlet solution in the RED unit and the temperature difference in the evaporators of the MED unit on the performance were evaluated by considering ideal membranes. Furthermore, the impact of membrane permselectivity and resistance on the system performance was evaluated. Results showed promising system efficiencies, making this technology attractive for conversion of low-grade heat (<100°C) into electricity, but membrane properties should be enhanced

    Integration of monopolar and bipolar electrodialysis for valorization of seawater reverse osmosis desalination brines: Production of strong acid and base

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    Water scarcity in the Mediterranean basin has been solved by using seawater desalination reverse osmosis technology (SWD-RO). This technology produces brine which is discharged back into the sea resulting in an environmental impact on marine ecosystems. Under the circular economy approach, the aim of this work is to recover resources from NaCl-rich brine (~60-70 g/L), e.g. in the form of NaOH and HCl, by integration of two ion exchange-based membrane technologies and quantify the electrical energy consumption. Electrodialysis (ED) incorporating monovalent selective cation exchange membranes as divalent ions purification and concentration of the NaCl present in the SWD-RO brine, was integrated with bipolar membrane ED (EDBM) to produce NaOH and HCl. Current densities of 0.30–0.40 kA/m2 at two temperature ranges simulating different seawater temperature regimes (15-18 ºC and 22-28ºC) were tested and a pure NaCl solution was used as starting concentrate stream. NaCl-rich brines with 100 or 200 gNaCl/L were obtained by ED and then introduced in the EDBM stack producing HCl and NaOH up to 2 M, depending on the initial concentrations. A minimum energy consumption of 1.7 kWh/kgNaOH was calculated when working by EDBM with initial concentrations of 104 g NaCl/L and 0.24 M HCl and NaOH.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Fluorescence spectroscopy applied to the optimisation of a desalting step by electrodialysis for the characterisation of marine organic matter

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    The isolation and characterisation of marine dissolved organic matter (DOM) are still not readily achieved today. The study of this chemically complex material is particularly difficult, especially as it is hindered by the high salinity of seawater. It is therefore essential to develop a method in which a sufficient quantity of marine organic matter can be collected for structural analyses. Reverse osmosis (RO) is often used for the concentration of DOM from freshwaters, due to the fact that DOM is not modified during RO and that DOC recoveries are high (about 80%). Unfortunately, RO cannot be used directly to isolate marine DOM,since both salts and organic matter are concentrated during the process. Therefore, marine samples have to be desalted before their concentration by RO. Our aim was to develop a desalting step of seawater by electrodialysis (ED), whilst minimising DOM modifications and losses. The process was first developed with small volumes (2 L) of artificial and Mediterranean seawater and was then applied to larger volumes.We showed that 20 L of Mediterranean seawater could be rapidly desalted (in less than 7 h) and, by monitoring the quality of DOM in desalted subsamples collected during ED using spectrofluorometry, that the quality of DOM was not significantly modified. It was concluded that desalted samples were still representative of the initial seawater samples. It should be noted, however, that care has to be taken in choosing the ratio of the volume of water to be desalted over the membrane surface area in order to limit DOM modifications and losses. Electrodialysis efficiently removed up to 75% of the salts present in the seawater samples whilst recovering most of unaltered DOM. ED and RO could then be combined in order to isolate, concentrate and characterise marine organic matter

    Innovations in electromembrane processes

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    Electromembrane processes are increasingly important group of separation methods, widely used for removal of charged components from solutions. It is a growing field of research with a plethora of both existing and still developed applications. The separation is based on ion migration across the charged membranes (a polymeric matrix with fixed charged groups, counterbalanced with mobile counter-ions), placed in the electric field. This paper presents the main electromembrane processes: electrodialysis (ED), electrodialysis reversal (EDR), electrodialysis with bipolar membrane (EDBM), electrodeionization (EDI), membrane capacitive deionization (MCDI), reverse electrodialysis (RED). We present the common applications of electromembrane processes and discuss the physical basis of the electromembrane processes. The most important parameters of the ion-exchange membranes are discussed, as well as the novel approaches towards mitigation of scaling, enhancement of mass transfer, decreasing the concentration polarization, and new hybrid electromembrane processes. Critical analysis of the possibility of energy production by reverse electrodialysis is presented