66,550 research outputs found

    Approximate Reverse Top-k Spatial-Keyword Queries

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    Location-based services are becoming more involved with our daily lives, so many works have considered efficiently retrieving useful objects from spatial-keyword databases. These works are promising on the user sides, but none of them considers the service provider sides. To gain profits and enrich recommendation lists, service providers conduct market analyses and want to know potential users who may be interested in their services. In this paper, to satisfy this requirement, we propose a new query, approximate reverse top-k spatial-keyword (ART) query. Given a set O of spatial-keyword objects, a set S of users (their locations and preferable keywords), a query object q, k, and an approximation ratio ϵ, an ART query retrieves such users that q is included in their approximate top-k results among O and q. A straightforward approach to processing this query is to run a top-k spatial-keyword search for each user in S. This is clearly expensive, as the number of users is generally large. We therefore propose PART, an efficient algorithm for ART query processing. In addition, we propose B-PART, which enables the processing of multiple ART queries in a batch. We conduct extensive experiments using real datasets, and the results demonstrate the efficiencies of our algorithms.Nishio S., Amagata D., Hara T.. Approximate Reverse Top-k Spatial-Keyword Queries. Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management 2023-July, 96 (2023); https://doi.org/10.1109/MDM58254.2023.00026

    Answering Why-not Questions on Reverse Top-k Queries

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    Why-not questions, which aim to seek clarifications on the missing tuples for query results, have recently received considerable attention from the database community. In this paper, we systematically explore why-not questions on reverse top-k queries , owing to its importance in multi-criteria decision making. Given an initial reverse top- k query and a missing/why-not weighting vector set W m that is absent from the query result, why-not questions on reverse top- k queries explain why W m does not appear in the query result and provide suggestions on how to refine the initial query with minimum penalty to include W m in the refined query result. We first formalize why-not questions on reverse top- k queries and reveal their semantics, and then propose a unified framework called WQRTQ to answer why-not questions on both monochromatic and bichromatic reverse top- k queries. Our framework offers three solutions, namely, (i) modifying a query point q , (ii) modifying a why-not weighting vector set W m and a parameter k , and (iii) modifying q , W m , and k simultaneously, to cater for different application scenarios. Extensive experimental evaluation using both real and synthetic data sets verifies the effectiveness and efficiency of the presented algorithms. </jats:p

    Efficient All Top-k Computation - A Unified Solution for All Top-k, Reverse Top-k and Top-m Influential Queries

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    Reverse spatial visual top-k query

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    With the wide application of mobile Internet techniques an location-based services (LBS), massive multimedia data with geo-tags has been generated and collected. In this paper, we investigate a novel type of spatial query problem, named reverse spatial visual top- kk query (RSVQ k ) that aims to retrieve a set of geo-images that have the query as one of the most relevant geo-images in both geographical proximity and visual similarity. Existing approaches for reverse top- kk queries are not suitable to address this problem because they cannot effectively process unstructured data, such as image. To this end, firstly we propose the definition of RSVQ k problem and introduce the similarity measurement. A novel hybrid index, named VR 2 -Tree is designed, which is a combination of visual representation of geo-image and R-Tree. Besides, an extension of VR 2 -Tree, called CVR 2 -Tree is introduced and then we discuss the calculation of lower/upper bound, and then propose the optimization technique via CVR 2 -Tree for further pruning. In addition, a search algorithm named RSVQ k algorithm is developed to support the efficient RSVQ k query. Comprehensive experiments are conducted on four geo-image datasets, and the results illustrate that our approach can address the RSVQ k problem effectively and efficiently

    Reverse Thinking in Spatial Queries

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    In recent years, an increasing number of researches are conducted on spatial queries regarding the influence of query objects. Among these queries, reverse k nearest neighbors (RkNN) query is the one studied the most extensively. Reverse k furthest neighbors (RkFN) queries is the natural complement of RkNN queries. RkNN query is introduced to reflect the influence of the query object. Since this representation is intuitive, RkNN query has attracted significant attention among the database community. Later, reverse top-k queries was introduced, and also used extensively to represent influence. In many scenarios, when we consider the influence of an spatial object, reverse thinking is involved. That is, whether an object is influential to another object is depending on how the other object assess this object, other than how this object considers the other object. In this thesis, we study three problems involves reverse thinking. We first study the problem of efficiently computing RkFN queries. We are the first to propose a solution for arbitrary value of k. Based on several interesting observations, we present an efficient algorithm to process the RkFN queries. We also present a rigorous theoretical analysis to study various important aspects of the problem and our algorithm. An extensive experimental study demonstrates that our algorithm outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithm even for k=1. The accuracy of our theoretical analysis is also verified. We then study the problem of selecting set of representative products considering both diversity and coverage based on reverse top-k queries. Since this problem is NP-hard, we employ a greedy algorithm. We adopt MinHash and KMV Synopses to assist set operations. Our experimental study demonstrates the performance of the proposed algorithm. We also study the problem of maximizing spatial influence of facility bundle based on RkNN queries. We are the first to study this problem. We prove its NP-hardness, and propose a branch-and-bound best first search algorithm that greedily select the currently best facility until we get the required number of facilities. We introduce the concept of kNN region. It allows us to avoid redundant calculation with dynamic programming technique. Experiments show that our algorithm is orders of magnitudes better than our baseline algorithm

    RkNN Query Processing in Distributed Spatial Infrastructures: A Performance Study

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    The Reverse k-Nearest Neighbor (RkNN) problem, i.e. finding all objects in a dataset that have a given query point among their corresponding k-nearest neighbors, has received increasing attention in the past years. RkNN queries are of particular interest in a wide range of applications such as decision support systems, resource allocation, profile-based marketing, location-based services, etc. With the current increasing volume of spatial data, it is difficult to perform RkNN queries efficiently in spatial data-intensive applications, because of the limited computational capability and storage resources. In this paper, we investigate how to design and implement distributed RkNN query algorithms using shared-nothing spatial cloud infrastructures as SpatialHadoop and LocationSpark. SpatialHadoop is a framework that inherently supports spatial indexing on top of Hadoop to perform efficiently spatial queries. LocationSpark is a recent spatial data processing system built on top of Spark. We have evaluated the performance of the distributed RkNN query algorithms on both SpatialHadoop and LocationSpark with big real-world datasets. The experiments have demonstrated the efficiency and scalability of our proposal in both distributed spatial data management systems, showing the performance advantages of LocationSpark