15,962 research outputs found


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    This paper exploits a natural experiment, the large destruction of capital in continental Europe during World War II, to characterize the transitional dynamics of an economy that begins with a capital stock below its steady state level. We use these regularities as a benchmark to discriminate among competing growth specifications. A model that combines non-separabilities in preferences with a technology that restricts the degree of substitutability between inputs outperforms the widely used AK and Cobb-Douglas specifications with time-separable preferences. Our results suggest that policy evaluations based in growth models that overlook non-separabilities in preferences or impose strong restrictions on the technological structure might be grossly misleading.

    Regional productivity variation and the impact of public capital stock: an analysis with spatial interaction, with reference to Spain

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    In this paper we examine whether variations in the level of public capital across Spain?s Provinces affected productivity levels over the period 1996-2005. The analysis is motivated by contemporary urban economics theory, involving a production function for the competitive sector of the economy („industry?) which includes the level of composite services derived from 'service' firms under monopolistic competition. The outcome is potentially increasing returns to scale resulting from pecuniary externalities deriving from internal increasing returns in the monopolistic competition sector. We extend the production function by also making (log) labour efficiency a function of (log) total public capital stock and (log) human capital stock, leading to a simple and empirically tractable reduced form linking productivity level to density of employment, human capital and public capital stock. The model is further extended to include technological externalities or spillovers across provinces. Using panel data methodology, we find significant elasticities for total capital stock and for human capital stock, and a significant impact for employment density. The finding that the effect of public capital is significantly different from zero, indicating that it has a direct effect even after controlling for employment density, is contrary to some of the earlier research findings which leave the question of the impact of public capital unresolved.Public capital, urban economics, spatial econometrics.


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    We present a simple model of capital accumulation where agents care about their consumption relative to the consumption of other members of society. This concern with "envy" captures the intuition behind the growing body of empirical evidence that places interpersonal comparisons as a key determinant of well-being. In this context we quantify the extent of the distortions and welfare costs associated with envy. Under conservative estimates of envy we find that the implied welfare losses are substantial. Our analysis explores the implications of alternative policy arrangements designed to minimize the effects of the consumption externality. Our results suggest that if the optimal tax policy is not politically feasible restrictions on working hours provide an alternative tool to induce a market outcome that resembles the efficient allocation achieved under a benevolent central planner.

    Using data envelopment analysis for the efficiency and elasticity evaluation of agricultural farms

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    Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a well-established relative efficiency measurement technique, which has been widely applied to evaluate the technical efficiency of agricultural units in different countries by focusing on different aspects of agricultural production. This research deals with the evaluation of efficiency through DEA in non-homogeneous agricultural production, where units produce a wide range of different outputs. The objectives are threefold. Firstly, we propose a novel methodological approach of integrating the production trade-offs concept of DEA into non-homogeneous agricultural efficiency evaluation to prevent the overstatement of the efficiency of specialist farms and overcome the issue of insufficient discrimination due to large number of outputs in the models. Secondly, we aim to integrate this methodological perspective to the theory of elasticity measurement on DEA frontiers. The efficient frontiers of DEA are not defined in functional forms as in the classical economic theory, therefore obtaining elasticity measures on them require different considerations. We introduce the production trade-offs to the elasticity measurement and derive the necessary models to calculate the elasticities of response in the presence of production trade-offs. As a third objective, before moving to the introduction of the trade-offs in elasticity measurement, for theoretical completeness, we first consider the elasticity measurement on DEA frontiers of constant returns-to-scale (CRS) technologies. Our proposed methodology and all the developed elasticity theory are illustrated in a real world case of Turkish agricultural sectors. We provide extensive empirical applications covering all the proposed theory and methodology. Among the results of this research, we provide an elasticity measurement framework, which enables us to calculate elasticities of response measures in both VRS and CRS technologies, with or without production tradeoffs included. We observe that the integration of production trade-offs provide better discrimination of efficiency scores compared to the models without trade-offs included. We also investigate how changing production trade-offs affect the efficiency and elasticity measures of the evaluated units

    Interdependent Pricing and Markup Behavior: An Empirical Analysis of GM, Ford and Chrysler

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    Our purpose in this paper is to develop and estimate a model of the US automobile industry that can be used to analyze the secular and cyclical strategic markup behavior and market structure of its three major domestic producers - - GM, Ford and Chrysler. The principal novelty in this paper is not such much in the underlying theory (we build on what Timothy Bresnahan has called the "new empirical industrial organization" literature), but rather in the actual empirical implementation of a multi-equation model sufficiently general to permit the testing of a variety of specific behavioral postulates associated with the interdependent strategic profit-maximizing behavior of GM, Ford and Chrysler. Using firm-specific annual data from 1959-83, we find that at usual levels of statistical significance, we cannot reject Cournot quantity-setting behavior, nor can we reject leader/follower quantity-setting behavior with GM as leader and Ford and Chrysler as followers; the parameter restrictions associated with leader/follower behavior are slightly more binding than those with Cournot, although the difference is not decisive. In terms of the cyclical analysis of market behavior, our most striking result is the great diversity of behavior we find among GM, Ford and Chrysler. Depending on which firm is being analyzed, there is support for the pro-cyclical "conventional wisdom" of markups (GM and Ford), as well as for the counter-cyclical "revisionist" literature (Chrysler). Diversity, rather than constancy and homogeneity, best characterizes firms in this industry.

    Administrative Costs and Production Efficiency.

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    Economists providing policy advice often justify recommendations of government non-interference in the allocation of resources between production sectors and free trade with reference to the Diamond and Mirrlees efficiency theorem. However, such policy advice may be misleading when, as is in general the case, administrative costs effectively restrict the set of feasible tax instruments available to the government. Under plausible assumptions about the administrative costs of alternative tax structures optimal government policies may in fact be associated with significant production inefficiencies.

    Measurement of Returns-to-Scale using Interval Data Envelopment Analysis Models

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI linkThe economic concept of Returns-to-Scale (RTS) has been intensively studied in the context of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The conventional DEA models that are used for RTS classification require well-defined and accurate data whereas in reality observations gathered from production systems may be characterized by intervals. For instance, the heat losses of the combined production of heat and power (CHP) systems may be within a certain range, hinging on a wide variety of factors such as external temperature and real-time energy demand. Enriching the current literature independently tackling the two problems; interval data and RTS estimation; we develop an overarching evaluation process for estimating RTS of Decision Making Units (DMUs) in Imprecise DEA (IDEA) where the input and output data lie within bounded intervals. In the presence of interval data, we introduce six types of RTS involving increasing, decreasing, constant, non-increasing, non-decreasing and variable RTS. The situation for non-increasing (non-decreasing) RTS is then divided into two partitions; constant or decreasing (constant or increasing) RTS using sensitivity analysis. Additionally, the situation for variable RTS is split into three partitions consisting of constant, decreasing and increasing RTS using sensitivity analysis. Besides, we present the stability region of an observation while preserving its current RTS classification using the optimal values of a set of proposed DEA-based models. The applicability and efficacy of the developed approach is finally studied through two numerical examples and a case study