11,922 research outputs found

    Generation of Transgenic Mice to Evaluate Promoter Activity and Specificity of Two Human Endogenous Retrovirus Long Terminal Repeats = Untersuchungen zur Promotor-AktivitÀt und -SpezifitÀt von zwei Long Terminal Repeats humaner endogener Retroviren in transgenen MÀusen

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    Generation of Transgenic Mice to Evaluate Promoter Activity and Specificity of two Human Endogenous Retrovirus Long Terminal Repeats Human Endogenous Retrovirus Long Terminal Repeats (HERV-LTRs) comprise 1.8% of the human genome (52.7 Mb). These sequences contain all the signal structures necessary for the regulation of gene transcription, such as promoters, enhancers and transcription factor binding sites. There is evidence that HERV-LTRs regulate gene expression in tissue-specific manner. This potential could be used to drive the expression of therapeutic genes, delivered by retroviral vector systems, in a safe and efficient manner. The HERV-H-H6 LTR and the HERV-L LTR were chosen for the generation of transgenic mice. Their promoter activity and specificity had prior been tested in a luciferase expression vector in vitro (Schoen et al., 2001). HERV-L was cloned into a luciferase expression vector and HERV-H-H6 was inserted into a enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) expression vector. Transgenic mice were generated by DNAmicroinjection into pronuclei of zygotes. One pBL-HERV-L transgenic line and four pEGFP-HERV-H-H6 transgenic lines were established and analyzed. While the HERV-L promoter was not active in transgenic animals, pEGFP-HERV-H-H6 was expressed in gonads of mice of two transgenic lines. As only a single, non-expressing transgenic line was available, HERV-L promoter activity and specificity could not be evaluated. Additional transgenic lines have to be established. Expression level and pattern of the HERV-H-H6 promoter indicate specificity for gonad tissue. Whether the HERV-H-H6 promoter activity is linked to steroid production in cells remains to be clarified. Evaluating promoter activity in transgenic mice in two different expression vectors is not exclusively about the promoters, but also involves knowledge about the reporter genes. Advantages and limits of current applications of both luciferase and EGFP (with focus on the EGFP gene) are described in REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE. The conjunction of EGFP with the HERV-H-H6 promoter is to be seen critically, as all published methods for detection of EGFP in mice are described with EGFP linked to strong promoters. Problems like autofluorescence in fluorescence microscopy might be encountered when weaker promoters, such as HERV-LTRs, drive EGFP expression.Untersuchungen zur Promotor-AktivitĂ€t und –SpezifitĂ€t von zwei Long Terminal Repeats humaner endogener Retroviren in transgenen MĂ€usen 1.8% des humanen Genoms bestehen aus Long Terminal Repeats Humaner Endogener Retroviren (HERV-LTRs). Solche Sequenzen enthalten alle Strukturen, die fĂŒr die Regulierung von Transkription benötigt werden: Promotoren, Enhancer and Bindungsstellen fĂŒr Transkriptionsfaktoren. Es gibt Hinweise, daß HERV-LTRs die Expression von Genen gewebespezifisch regulieren können. Eingebaut in retrovirale GenfĂ€hren, könnten HERV-LTRs therapeutische Gene sicher und effizient aktivieren. Zur Generierung transgener MĂ€use wurden der HERV-H-H6 LTR und der HERV-L LTR ausgewĂ€hlt. Deren Promoter Eigenschaften, wie AktivitĂ€t und GewebespezifitĂ€t, waren bereits in vitro untersucht worden (Schoen et al., 2001). Der HERV-L LTR wurde in einen Luciferase Expressionsvektor und der HERV-H-H6 LTR in einen Enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein (EGFP) Expressionsvektor kloniert. Transgene MĂ€use enstanden durch DNA-Mikroinjektion in den Vorkern von Zygoten. Eine pBL-HERV-L transgene Linie und vier pEGFP-HERV-H-H6 transgene Linien wurden gezĂŒchtet und auf Integration sowie Expression der Genkonstrukte untersucht. WĂ€hrend der HERV-L Promoter keine AktivitĂ€t zeigte, war Expression von pEGFP-HERV-H-H6 in KeimdrĂŒsen von MĂ€usen aus zwei transgenen Linien nachweisbar. Da fĂŒr das Genkonstrukt pBL-HERV-L nur eine einzige, nicht-exprimierende transgene Linie aufgebaut werden konnte, können keine Aussagen ĂŒber die AktivitĂ€t und GewebespezifitĂ€t des HERV-L Promoters getroffen werden. Zu diesem Zwecke mĂŒssten weitere pBL-HERV-L transgene Linien untersucht werden. Das Expressionsmuster des pEGFP-HERV-H-H6 Genkonstruktes, weißt auf eine mögliche GewebespezifitĂ€t fĂŒr KeimdrĂŒsen hin. Eine eventuelle VerknĂŒpfung der AktivitĂ€t des HERV-H-H6 LTRs mit der Produktion von Steroidhormonen mĂŒsste weitergehend geklĂ€rt werden.Da in dieser Arbeit zwei unterschiedliche Reportergen Systeme in der Maus angewandt wurden, sind im Literaturteil Vorteile und EinschrĂ€nkungen von aktuellen Nachweisverfahren beider Reportergene, mit Schwerpunkt EGFP, in Mausgewebe zusammengefasst. Die Verbindung von EGFP mit dem HERV-H-H6 Promoter ist als kritisch zu beurteilen: Alle beschriebenen Nachweisverfahren fĂŒr EGFP in der Maus grĂŒnden auf Mausmodellen, in denen das EGFP von einem starken Promoter kontrolliert wurde. Bei potenziell schwĂ€cheren Promotoren, wie HERV-LTRs, können Probleme auftreten, wie z.B. Autofluoreszenz bei der Fluoreszenzmikroskopie

    Defending the genome from the enemy within:mechanisms of retrotransposon suppression in the mouse germline

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    The viability of any species requires that the genome is kept stable as it is transmitted from generation to generation by the germ cells. One of the challenges to transgenerational genome stability is the potential mutagenic activity of transposable genetic elements, particularly retrotransposons. There are many different types of retrotransposon in mammalian genomes, and these target different points in germline development to amplify and integrate into new genomic locations. Germ cells, and their pluripotent developmental precursors, have evolved a variety of genome defence mechanisms that suppress retrotransposon activity and maintain genome stability across the generations. Here, we review recent advances in understanding how retrotransposon activity is suppressed in the mammalian germline, how genes involved in germline genome defence mechanisms are regulated, and the consequences of mutating these genome defence genes for the developing germline

    TRIM28-Regulated Transposon Repression Is Required for Human Germline Competency and Not Primed or Naive Human Pluripotency.

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    Transition from primed to naive pluripotency is associated with dynamic changes in transposable element (TE) expression and demethylation of imprinting control regions (ICRs). In mouse, ICR methylation and TE expression are each regulated by TRIM28; however, the role of TRIM28 in humans is less clear. Here, we show that a null mutation in TRIM28 causes significant alterations in TE expression in both the naive and primed states of human pluripotency, and phenotypically this has limited effects on self-renewal, instead causing a loss of germline competency. Furthermore, we discovered that TRIM28 regulates paternal ICR methylation and chromatin accessibility in the primed state, with no effects on maternal ICRs. Taken together, our study shows that abnormal TE expression is tolerated by self-renewing human pluripotent cells, whereas germline competency is not

    VlincRNAs controlled by retroviral elements are a hallmark of pluripotency and cancer

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    Background The function of the non-coding portion of the human genome remains one of the most important questions of our time. Its vast complexity is exemplified by the recent identification of an unusual and notable component of the transcriptome - very long intergenic non-coding RNAs, termed vlincRNAs. Results Here we identify 2,147 vlincRNAs covering 10 percent of our genome. We show they are present not only in cancerous cells, but also in primary cells and normal human tissues, and are controlled by canonical promoters. Furthermore, vlincRNA promoters frequently originate from within endogenous retroviral sequences. Strikingly, the number of vlincRNAs expressed from endogenous retroviral promoters strongly correlates with pluripotency or the degree of malignant transformation. These results suggest a previously unknown connection between the pluripotent state and cancer via retroviral repeat-driven expression of vlincRNAs. Finally, we show that vlincRNAs can be syntenically conserved in humans and mouse and their depletion using RNAi can cause apoptosis in cancerous cells. Conclusions These intriguing observations suggest that vlincRNAs could create a framework that combines many existing short ESTs and lincRNAs into a landscape of very long transcripts functioning in the regulation of gene expression in the nucleus. Certain types of vlincRNAs participate at specific stages of normal development and, based on analysis of a limited set of cancerous and primary cell lines, they appear to be co-opted by cancer-associated transcriptional programs. This provides additional understanding of transcriptome regulation during the malignant state, and could lead to additional targets and options for its reversal

    LDLR-Gene therapy for familial hypercholesterolaemia: Problems, progress, and perspectives

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    Coronary artery diseases (CAD) inflict a heavy economical and social burden on most populations and contribute significantly to their morbidity and mortality rates. Low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) associated familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is the most frequent Mendelian disorder and is a major risk factor for the development of CAD. To date there is no cure for FH. The primary goal of clinical management is to control hypercholesterolaemia in order to decrease the risk of atherosclerosis and to prevent CAD. Permanent phenotypic correction with single administration of a gene therapeutic vector is a goal still needing to be achieved. The first ex vivo clinical trial of gene therapy in FH was conducted nearly 18 years ago. Patients who had inherited LDLR gene mutations were subjected to an aggressive surgical intervention involving partial hepatectomy to obtain the patient's own hepatocytes for ex vivo gene transfer with a replication deficient LDLR-retroviral vector. After successful re-infusion of transduced cells through a catheter placed in the inferior mesenteric vein at the time of liver resection, only low-level expression of the transferred LDLR gene was observed in the five patients enrolled in the trial. In contrast, full reversal of hypercholesterolaemia was later demonstrated in in vivo preclinical studies using LDLR-adenovirus mediated gene transfer. However, the high efficiency of cell division independent gene transfer by adenovirus vectors is limited by their short-term persistence due to episomal maintenance and the cytotoxicity of these highly immunogenic viruses. Novel long-term persisting vectors derived from adeno-associated viruses and lentiviruses, are now available and investigations are underway to determine their safety and efficiency in preparation for clinical application for a variety of diseases. Several novel non-viral based therapies have also been developed recently to lower LDL-C serum levels in FH patients. This article reviews the progress made in the 18 years since the first clinical trial for gene therapy of FH, with emphasis on the development, design, performance and limitations of viral based gene transfer vectors used in studies to ameliorate the effects of LDLR deficiency

    A robust system for RNA interference in the chicken using a modified microRNA operon

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    AbstractRNA interference (RNAi) provides an effective method to silence gene expression and investigate gene function. However, RNAi tools for the chicken embryo have largely been adapted from vectors designed for mammalian cells. Here we present plasmid and retroviral RNAi vectors specifically designed for optimal gene silencing in chicken cells. The vectors use a chicken U6 promoter to express RNAs modelled on microRNA30, which are embedded within chicken microRNA operon sequences to ensure optimal Drosha and Dicer processing of transcripts. The chicken U6 promoter works significantly better than promoters of mammalian origin and in combination with a microRNA operon expression cassette (MOEC), achieves up to 90% silencing of target genes. By using a MOEC, we show that it is also possible to simultaneously silence two genes with a single vector. The vectors express either RFP or GFP markers, allowing simple in vivo tracking of vector delivery. Using these plasmids, we demonstrate effective silencing of Pax3, Pax6, Nkx2.1, Nkx2.2, Notch1 and Shh in discrete regions of the chicken embryonic nervous system. The efficiency and ease of use of this RNAi system paves the way for large-scale genetic screens in the chicken embryo
