23,593 research outputs found

    Retrieval Models for Genre Classification

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    Genre provides a characterization of a document with respect to its form or functional trait. Genre is orthogonal to topic, rendering genre information a powerful filter technology for information seekers in digital libraries. However, an efficient means for genre classification is an open and controversially discussed issue. This paper gives an overview and presents new results related to automatic genre classification of text documents. We present a comprehensive survey which contrasts the genre retrieval models that have been developed for Web and non-Web corpora. With the concept of genre-specific core vocabularies the paper provides an original contribution related to computational aspects and classification performance of genre retrieval models: we show how such vocabularies are acquired automatically and introduce new concentration measures that quantify the vocabulary distribution in a sensible way. Based on these findings we construct lightweight genre retrieval models and evaluate their discriminative power and computational efficiency. The presented concepts go beyond the existing utilization of vocabulary-centered, genre-revealing features and open new possibilities for the construction of genre classifiers that operate in real-time

    Enhancing timbre model using MFCC and its time derivatives for music similarity estimation

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    One of the popular methods for content-based music similarity estimation is to model timbre with MFCC as a single multivariate Gaussian with full covariance matrix, then use symmetric Kullback-Leibler divergence. From the field of speech recognition, we propose to use the same approach on the MFCCs’ time derivatives to enhance the timbre model. The Gaussian models for the delta and acceleration coefficients are used to create their respective distance matrix. The distance matrices are then combined linearly to form a full distance matrix for music similarity estimation. In our experiments on two datasets, our novel approach performs better than using MFCC alone.Moreover, performing genre classification using k-NN showed that the accuracies obtained are already close to the state-of-the-art

    Towards efficient music genre classification using FastMap

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    Automatic genre classification aims to correctly categorize an unknown recording with a music genre. Recent studies use the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence to estimate music similarity then perform classification using k-nearest neighbours (k-NN). However, this approach is not practical for large databases. We propose an efficient genre classifier that addresses the scalability problem. It uses a combination of modified FastMap algorithm and KL divergence to return the nearest neighbours then use 1- NN for classification. Our experiments showed that high accuracies are obtained while performing classification in less than 1/20 second per track
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