83 research outputs found

    Microvascular dysfunction, physical activity, and cardiometabolic diseases

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    ImageJ2: ImageJ for the next generation of scientific image data

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    ImageJ is an image analysis program extensively used in the biological sciences and beyond. Due to its ease of use, recordable macro language, and extensible plug-in architecture, ImageJ enjoys contributions from non-programmers, amateur programmers, and professional developers alike. Enabling such a diversity of contributors has resulted in a large community that spans the biological and physical sciences. However, a rapidly growing user base, diverging plugin suites, and technical limitations have revealed a clear need for a concerted software engineering effort to support emerging imaging paradigms, to ensure the software's ability to handle the requirements of modern science. Due to these new and emerging challenges in scientific imaging, ImageJ is at a critical development crossroads. We present ImageJ2, a total redesign of ImageJ offering a host of new functionality. It separates concerns, fully decoupling the data model from the user interface. It emphasizes integration with external applications to maximize interoperability. Its robust new plugin framework allows everything from image formats, to scripting languages, to visualization to be extended by the community. The redesigned data model supports arbitrarily large, N-dimensional datasets, which are increasingly common in modern image acquisition. Despite the scope of these changes, backwards compatibility is maintained such that this new functionality can be seamlessly integrated with the classic ImageJ interface, allowing users and developers to migrate to these new methods at their own pace. ImageJ2 provides a framework engineered for flexibility, intended to support these requirements as well as accommodate future needs

    Incremental vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) adaptation In subjects with peripheral vestibular hypofunction

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    The vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) is the main retinal-image stabilizing mechanism during rapid (i.e. high-frequency content) head movements. When the peripheral vestibular system is impaired, i.e. vestibular hypofunction, through disease, trauma or the aging process, the VOR response is reduced resulting in retinal image slip. Subsequently, along with other vestibular conditions, the image of the world are blurred during head movements. In these conditions, vestibular information is less accurate and reliable, introducing perceptual uncertainty due to the sensory mismatch, leading to compromised balance, gait and ability to perform daily activities. Vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT) is a set of prescribed exercises that help improve function and reduce symptoms. The main pillar of VRT are gaze-stabilization exercises (GSE) which aim to improve the VOR response (by a process we call adaptation) or compensate for vestibular hypofunction by improving other related (lower-frequency operating) systems via substitution or habituation. To date, despite their acceptance in clinical guidelines, little evidence exists showing GSE improves the high-frequency VOR response using quantitative measures. Recently, the incremental VOR adaptation (IVA) technique has shown promising results, with marked VOR adaptation after as little as 15 minutes of training. However, these preliminary studies mostly looked at healthy subjects. The few IVA patient studies had small numbers, minimal follow up, and were not compared to conventional GSE or evaluated for clinical effect. In the following thesis, I sought to determine GSE training parameters for optimal VOR adaptation, as well as perform studies to compare short and long-term clinical outcomes after conventional GSE versus IVA training in patients with isolated vestibular hypofunction

    Robots, Cyborgs, and Humans. A Model of Consumer Behavior in Services: A Study in the Healthcare Services Sector

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    La present tesi es basa en una investigació que proposa un ús futurista de l'robot i el cyborg com cirurgians oculars. El model desenvolupat investiga la intenció de l'consumidor per elegir cada cirurgià (és a dir: cirurgià robot, cirurgià cyborg o cirurgià humà). Les dades es van analitzar utilitzant la tècnica PLS-SEM. Els resultats de la investigació mostren que l'expectativa d'esforç, l'expectativa de rendiment, el risc percebut i la influència social van mostrar un impacte significatiu en la intenció d'utilitzar els serveis de l'robot cirurgià. Els resultats de el model per al cyborg cirurgià van confirmar l'impacte significatiu de l'expectativa d'esforç, l'excitació, l'expectativa de rendiment i la influència social en la intenció d'utilitzar els seus serveis. L'expectativa d'esforç i la influència social van confirmar un impacte significatiu en la intenció d'utilitzar els serveis de l'cirurgià humà. Els resultats mostren que en els tres models les variables influència social i expectativa d'esforç afecten significativament a la intenció d'utilitzar aquests serveis de cirurgia i que amb diferent intensitat entre els models per expectativa de esforç-. L'impacte de la influència social dóna una idea general sobre la naturalesa de el sector de la salut a Jordània, on una part de la societat presta més atenció a les recomanacions dels altres a l'elegir els seus cirurgians. A més, l'impacte de l'expectativa d'esforç contribueix a les expectatives per la simplicitat de l'servei dels pacients, en termes d'ús i interacció amb els cirurgians proposats. L'anàlisi multigrup va confirmar que les variables dels models estan afectant de la mateixa manera a l'comparar la intenció d'usar cyborgs i humans, i a l'comparar cyborgs i robots. No obstant això, sí que hi ha diferències significatives a l'comparar l'elecció entre robots i humans en l'impacte de l'expectativa d'esforç per utilitzar els serveis de cirurgia. D'altra banda, els participants van mostrar la seva preferència pel cirurgià humà sobre els cirurgians cyborg i robot, respectivament. Com a resultat, l'acceptació de les tecnologies de robot i cyborg per part de la societat podria donar una idea sobre la lluita esperada en el futur entre el desenvolupament de robots i la millora de les capacitats humanes.La presente tesis se basa en una investigación que propone un uso futurista del robot y el cyborg como cirujanos oculares. El modelo desarrollado investiga la intención del consumidor para elegir a cada cirujano (es decir: cirujano robot, cirujano cyborg o cirujano humano). Los datos se analizaron utilizando la técnica PLS-SEM. Los resultados de la investigación muestran que la expectativa de esfuerzo, la expectativa de rendimiento, el riesgo percibido y la influencia social mostraron un impacto significativo en la intención de utilizar los servicios del robot cirujano. Los resultados del modelo para el cyborg cirujano confirmaron el impacto significativo de la expectativa de esfuerzo, la excitación, la expectativa de rendimiento y la influencia social en la intención de usar sus servicios. La expectativa de esfuerzo y la influencia social confirmaron un impacto significativo en la intención de utilizar los servicios del cirujano humano. Los resultados muestran que en los tres modelos las variables influencia social y expectativa de esfuerzo afectan significativamente a la intención de usar esos servicios de cirugía –aunque con distinta intensidad entre los modelos para expectativa de esfuerzo-. El impacto de la influencia social da una idea general sobre la naturaleza del sector de la salud en Jordania, donde una parte de la sociedad presta más atención a las recomendaciones de los demás al elegir a sus cirujanos. Además, el impacto de la expectativa de esfuerzo contribuye a las expectativas por la simplicidad del servicio de los pacientes, en términos de uso e interacción con los cirujanos propuestos. El análisis multigrupo confirmó que las variables de los modelos están afectando de la misma manera al comparar la intención de usar cyborgs y humanos, y al comparar cyborgs y robots. Sin embargo, sí que existen diferencias significativas al comparar la elección entre robots y humanos en el impacto de la expectativa de esfuerzo para utilizar los servicios de cirugía. Por otro lado, los participantes mostraron su preferencia por el cirujano humano sobre los cirujanos cyborg y robot, respectivamente. Como resultado, la aceptación de las tecnologías de robot y cyborg por parte de la sociedad podría dar una idea sobre la lucha esperada en el futuro entre el desarrollo de robots y la mejora de las capacidades humanThe research proposes a futuristic use of robot and cyborg as surgeons in an eye surgery. Thereafter, the developed model has been applied to investigate the intention to use each surgeon (i.e. robot surgeon, cyborg surgeon, and human surgeon). The data was analyzed using the PLS-SEM technique. According to the research results, effort expectancy, performance expectancy, perceived risk, and social influence showed a significant impact on intention to use robot services. However, the results of the cyborg service model confirmed the significant impact of effort expectancy, arousal, performance expectancy, and social influence on the intention to use cyborg services. Furthermore, effort expectancy and social influence confirmed their significant impact on the intention to use human services. The results of the three models showed that the variables social influence and effort expectancy significantly affected the intention to use these surgical services, with a different intensity between the models for effort expectancy. The social influence impact gives a general idea about the nature of the healthcare sector in Jordan, where a part of society gives more attention to the recommendation from others while choosing their surgeons. Also, the effort expectancy impact contributes to patients' expectations of simplicity, in terms of use and interaction with the proposed surgeons. The multigroup analysis confirmed that the models' variables are affecting the intention to use cyborg and human service, and cyborg and robots in the same way. However, the differences were confirmed between robot and human cyborgs in terms of the impact of effort expectancy on the intention to use these services. On the other side, the participants showed their preference of the human surgeon over the cyborg and robot surgeons, respectively. As a result, the acceptance of the robot and cyborg technologies by a part of the society could give an idea about the expected struggle in the future among developing robots and enhancing human capabilities

    Towards a GIS-based Multiscale Visibility Assessment Method for Solar Urban Planning

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    Urban areas are facing a growing deployment of solar photovoltaic and thermal tech-nologies on building envelopes, both on roofs and on façades, essential for the realization of the Swiss Energy Strategy 2050. This process often occurs regardless of the desirable archi-tectural integration quality in a given urban context, which depends on socio-cultural sensitivi-ty and on the visibility of the solar modules from the public space. Visibility and visual impact are recurrent decisional factors in spatial planning processes, with practical implications in-cluding touristic and real estate promotion, outdoor human comfort, way finding, public feeling of security and advertisement. In this thesis, the definition of visibility under a geometrical, physical and psycho-physiological perspective is explored, several quantitative indicators being described and test-ed. The objective is to provide a scale-dependent methodology to assess the visibility of build-ing envelope surfaces exposed to solar radiation, which could host solar modules, in urban areas. A visibility index is determined for inclusion as a variable in a multi criteria method, cover-ing areas from the strategic broad territorial scale to the district level, including neighborhoods and clusters of buildings. Accomplished research includes the estimation of public visual inter-est on the basis of crowd-sourced photographic databases, complementing geometry-based parameters such as cumulative viewsheds and solid angles. At each scale, the visibility index is systematically overlapped on an urban sensitivity layer issued from land use and on a spatial representation of the solar energy generation potential, at an appropriate level of detail. Results indicate that stakeholders can reasonably expect to harvest a serious amount of solar energy by means of building integrated solar systems without crucially affecting public perception. In the study area located in the city of Geneva (Switzerland), more than 50 m2 / building of non-visible envelope surface receiving sufficient solar radiation for an economically viable solar re-furbishment is available over half of the buildings. Solar thermal collectors or PV panels in-stalled on scarcely visible surfaces, mainly situated in courtyards, far from the streets or in deep urban canyons, could cover about 10% of the annual heating demand or alternatively, the same share of electricity needs on a district basis. At the same time, plenty of highly visible areas remain available for high-end solar deployments, which could also serve pilot and demonstration purposes

    Diabetology: Feature Papers 2021

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    As Editor-in-Chief of the journal Diabetology, I am pleased to announce the Special Issue “Diabetology: Feature Papers 2021” is now published in book format. Diabetology (ISSN 2673-4540) is an international, peer-reviewed scientific open access journal that provides an advanced forum for studies related to epidemiology, etiology, pathophysiology, pathogenesis, management, complications, and prevention of diabetes, including the molecular, biochemical, and physiological aspects of diabetes. In this Special Issue, “Feature Papers”, we aim to publish outstanding contributions in the main fields covered by the journal, which will make a great contribution to the community. This book covers the whole spectrum of diabetology from risk screening, risk markers, pathways of disease in type 1 diabetes and insulin treatment, and management of the disease and comorbidities

    Diabetes and tuberculosis : how strong is the association and what is the public health impact?

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    PhD ThesisIntroduction : Recent research has generated discussion upon the historically noted association between tuberculosis (TB) and diabetes mellitus (DM). However, evidence on the direction of the association, its magnitude, specificity and impact remains sparse. The primary aim of this thesis was to identify whether rates of TB (all sub-types, pulmonary (PTB) and extra pulmonary (EPTB)) are raised amongst those with DM (all sub-types, type 1 (T1DM) and type 2 (T2DM)), or the converse. Further to this, to estimate the magnitude and direction of any such associations. A secondary aim of the thesis was to investigate whether key TB outcomes differ amongst those with co-morbid DM and TB comparative to those with TB disease alone. Methods : The Oxford Record Linkage Study (ORLS) is a database containing records of all hospital admissions and all deaths (regardless of where they occurred), in defined populations within the former Oxford National Health Service Region. ORLS1 covers the years 1963 to 1998 and ORLS2 covers the years 1999 to 2008, the two databases are not linkable. The Health Improvement Network (THIN) is a database containing electronic medical records collected at General Practice clinics throughout the United Kingdom (UK). Retrospective cohort analyses were carried out using data from ORLS1, ORLS2 and THIN. All patients in the datasets were classified as exposed to (having had) or unexposed to (not having had) TB (all sub-types, PTB or EPTB) and exposed or unexposed to DM (all sub-types, T1DM or T2DM). In the ORLS1 and ORLS2 datasets, standardised rate ratios (RR) and corresponding 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were calculated and compared for DM (all sub- types, T1DM and T2DM) in individuals who have had and have not had TB (all sub- types, PTB or EPTB). Similarly, RR and 95% CI were calculated and compared for TB (all sub-types, PTB or EPTB) in patients with and without DM (all sub-types, T1DM and T2DM). Within THIN datasets, the incidence rate ratio (IRR) and 95% CI of DM (all sub-types, T1DM and T2DM) were calculated using negative binomial regression, with TB (all sub-types, PTB or EPTB) as an explanatory variable. Similarly, the IRR and 95% CI for TB (all sub-types, PTB or EPTB) were calculated using negative binomial regression, with DM (all sub-types, T1DM or T2DM) as an explanatory variable. Systematic searching was performed to identify studies comparing TB outcomes amongst those with and without DM. Data from these studies were utilised to inform meta-analyses that assessed all cause mortality, bacterial clearance rate and TB relapse or recurrence rate amongst individuals with DM and co-morbid TB comparative to those with TB alone. Results Significant increases in TB rates (all sub-types) and pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) rates were identified amongst individuals with DM comparative to those without DM within the Oxford Record Linkage Study datasets. The RR of TB (all sub-types) was increased amongst individuals with DM (all sub- types) compared to those without in ORLS1 (RR 1.77 (95% CI 1.45-2.15), P-value <0.001) and ORLS2 (RR 2.56 (95% CI 1.78-3.69), P-value <0.001). The RR of PTB was also increased amongst individuals with DM (all sub-types) compared to those without in ORLS1 (RR 1.72 (95% CI 1.22-2.37), P-value <0.001) and ORLS2 (RR 3.33 (95% CI 1.51-6.62), P-value 0.001). There was a statistically significant elevation of risk for TB amongst those with T2DM compared to those without in ORLS1 (RR 1.58 (95%CI1.15-2.14), P-value 0.003) and ORLS2 (RR 3.33 (95% CI 1.51-6.62), P-value 0.001). There was no significant association between the rates of TB amongst those with T1DM compared to those without in ORLS1. The ORLS 2 dataset was too small to complete this analysis. No significant association was found between the rate of EPTB amongst those with DM comparative to those without in either ORLS1 or ORLS2. There was also no significant association between having had TB (all sub-types, PTB or EPTB) and subsequent risk of DM (all sub-types, T1DM or T2DM) in either ORLS1 or ORLS2. In THIN dataset the risk of TB (all sub-types) was found to be increased amongst individuals with DM (all sub-types), T1DM and T2DM when compared to those without. Thus, the IRR of TB (all sub-types) were significantly increased amongst individuals with DM (all sub-types) (IRR 1.50 (95%CI 1.27-1.76) P-value <0.001), T1DM (IRR 1.46 (95%CI 1.10-1.92) P-value 0.008) and T2DM (IRR 1.54 (95%CI 1.30-1.82) P-value < 0.001) compared to those without DM. The rate of PTB amongst individuals with DM (all sub-types), T1DM, or T2DM compared to those without were not significantly raised within THIN. The rate of EPTB was raised amongst those with T1DM (IRR 2.09 (95%CI 1.19-3.66), P-value 0.010) but was not raised amongst those with DM (all sub-types) (IRR 1.43 (95% CI 0.99-2.07), P-value 0.055) or those with T2DM (IRR 1.39 (95%CI 0.93-2.06), P-value 0.11) when compared to those without DM. In THIN dataset the rates of DM (all sub-types), T1DM and T2DM were found to be raised amongst individuals who have had TB (all sub-types), PTB and EPTB when compared to those who have not. The rate of DM (all sub-types) was increased amongst those who have had TB (all sub-types) (IRR 5.65 (95% CI 5.19-6.16) P-value <0.001), PTB (IRR 5.74 (95% CI 5.08-6.50) P-value <0.001) and EPTB (IRR 4.66 (95% CI 3.94-5.51) P-value <0.001) when compared to those who have not had TB. The rate of T1DM was increased amongst those who have had TB (all sub-types) (IRR 5.49 (95% CI 5.02-6.02) P-value <0.001), EPTB (IRR 0.84 (95% CI 0.35-2.03) P-value <0.001) but not amongst those who have had PTB (IRR 1.09 (95% CI 0.62-1.93) P-value 0.77) when compared to those who have not had TB. The rate of T2DM was increased amongst those who have had TB (all sub-types) (IRR 2.21 (95% CI 1.68-2.91) P-value <0.001), PTB (IRR 5.38 (95% CI 4.73-6.12) P-value <0.001) and EPTB (IRR 4.36 (95% CI 3.65-5.22) P-value <0.001) when compared to those who have not had TB. However, within THIN dataset these estimates of association were being promoted by a significant age by TB interaction effect. Utilising systematic review techniques, twenty five studies were identified which reported upon TB outcomes amongst those with compared to without DM. Meta- analyses showed individuals with co-morbid TB and DM had no significant difference in bacterial clearance rate after 2-3 months of treatment (1,675 participants, 6 trials, Relative Risk (RR) 1.38 (95% CI 0.97-1.97)), no significant difference in risk of TB recurrence & relapse (1,225 participants, 4 trials RR 1.20 (95% CI 0.93-1.54)), but a statistically significant increased risk of all cause mortality (12,128 participants, 18 trials, RR 1.97 (95% CI 1.53-2.55)) comparative to those with TB in isolation. Discussion TB risk is increased in those with compared to those without DM within a UK setting. However, it remains unclear if risk of PTB and EPTB are raised amongst those with DM comparative to those without. It also remains unclear as to whether risk of DM is increased amongst those who have had TB comparative to those who have never had TB. Individuals with co-morbid disease are at a greater risk of mortality during active TB disease than those with TB alone, however risk of TB relapse and recurrence are the same. Consideration of the association between DM and TB may become more important for improving TB control and TB treatment as DM prevalence rises in the UK and globally. In areas where TB is endemic TB screening amongst those with DM and TB prophylaxis may be needed to reduce or stabilise numbers developing active disease. Also, the increasing numbers suffering from co-morbid TB and DM will need heightened clinical attention in order to improve TB mortality outcomes.Medical Research Counci

    Biomatériaux dérivés d’une matrice extracellulaire (MEC) pour l’ingénierie tissulaire et les dispositifs médicaux

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    Abstract: Tissue engineering involves the production of whole organ or a part of it in vitro or in vivo. Decellularized organs as scaffolds for reconstructing organs have been emerging due to the potential of the ExtraCellular Matrix (ECM). ECM is a complex structure primarily composed of proteins and glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). Most common proteins include collagens, laminins, fibronectins and elastins. Several commercial products have been derived from ECM including tissue papers, 3D-printed scaffolds, and wound dressings. Bioadhesives are currently employed alone or as adjuncts to sutures to seal leaks of air or blood from organs following surgical interventions. ECM-incorporated bioadhesives could be hypothesized to not only seal leaks, but also to regenerate tissues. This thesis aims to investigate the composition and properties of ECMs derived from different porcine organs (bladders, kidneys, livers, lungs, and pancreas) using detergent-based and detergent-free methods. The first experimental work includes the design of a cell culture system to study the effect of detergent-based and detergent-free decellularized bladders on insulin-secreting rat pancreatic cell (INS-1) proliferation and functionality. ECMs were characterized initially for conservation of ultrastructure and removal of dsDNA. CyQUANT proliferation assay indicated cell proliferation following 7 days of culture on detergent-free decellularized bladders. Glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) and immunostaining confirmed that cells were functional. The second experimental work involved decellularization of the five porcine organs using the detergent-based and detergent-free methods. Two additional steps were added to the detergent-free approach (pH adjustment and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) treatment) to aid in the removal of residual hemoglobin from the organs. ECMs were characterized by staining for the removal of cellular content and conservation of ultrastructure. Further, mass spectrometry revealed better conservation of a greater number of key proteins such as collagen IV, laminins, fibronectin, and elastin in the ECM resulting from the detergent-free methods, as compared to that produced using the detergent-based one. Collagen fibers orientation measurement indicated preservation of the fibers orientation in the ECMs as compared to that measured in the native organs. The third experimental work initially screened the INS-1 cell response on different organ ECMs. INS-1 cells were functional on certain detergent-free decellularized organs following 7 days of cell culture. Finally, mouse primary pancreatic islets were seeded on the detergent-free decellularized bladders, revealing functional islets following 48 hours of culture.Le génie tissulaire consiste à construire un organe entier ou une partie de celui-ci in vitro ou in vivo. Les organes décellularisés utilisés comme échafaudages pour la reconstruction d'organes sont de plus en plus populaires en raison, entre autres, du potentiel de la matrice extracellulaire (MEC). La MEC consiste en un ensemble complexe composé principalement de protéines et de glycosaminoglycanes (GAG). Les protéines les plus courantes comprennent les collagènes, les laminines, les fibronectines et l’élastine. Plusieurs produits commerciaux sont composés de MEC, notamment des papiers tissulaires, des encres pour l’impression 3D et des pansements pour le traitement de plaies. Les bio-adhésifs sont actuellement utilisés seuls ou en complément des sutures pour sceller les fuites d'air ou de sang à la suite d’interventions chirurgicales. On pourrait supposer, par exemple, qu’un bio-adhésif incorporant la MEC permettrait non seulement de sceller une fuite, mais qu'il contribuerait également à la régénération tissulaire. Cette thèse a pour objectif général d’évaluer la composition et les propriétés de la MEC dérivée de différents organes porcins (vessie, rein, foie, poumon et pancréas) décellularisés à l'aide de méthodes utilisant un détergent et sans détergent. Également, le projet vise à développer une nouvelle famille de biomatériaux à base de MEC pour des applications en médecine. Le premier travail expérimental comprend la conception d'un système de culture cellulaire pour étudier l'effet des vessies décellularisées, avec ou sans détergent, sur la prolifération et la fonctionnalité des cellules pancréatiques (INS-1 cellules) de rat sécrétant de l'insuline en réponse à des gradients de glucose. Les MECs ont été initialement caractérisées pour la conservation de l'ultrastructure et l'élimination de l'ADN double brin. L'analyse utilisant un test de prolifération CyQUANT a indiqué une prolifération cellulaire après 7 jours de culture sur les vessies décellularisées sans détergent. La sécrétion d'insuline stimulée par le glucose (GSIS) et l'immunomarquage ont confirmé que les cellules étaient également fonctionnelles. Le deuxième travail expérimental visait la décellularisation des cinq organes porcins à l'aide d’une méthode utilisant un détergent et de méthodes sans détergent. Deux étapes supplémentaires ont été ajoutées à la technique sans détergent (ajustement du pH et traitement par éthylènediaminetétraacétate (EDTA)) afin de réduire la présence d'hémoglobine résiduelle dans les organes décellularisés. Les MECs ont été caractérisées en histologie par différentes colorations pour investiguer l'élimination du contenu cellulaire et la conservation de l'ultrastructure. De plus, la spectrométrie de masse a révélé la conservation d'un plus grand nombre de protéines clés telles que le collagène IV, les laminines, la fibronectine et l'élastine dans les MECs produites avec des méthodes sans détergent par rapport à celles résultantes de la méthode utilisant un détergent. Les mesures de l’orientation du collagène ont indiqué une conservation de l'orientation dans les MECs par rapport à la structure native. Le troisième travail expérimental a initialement investigué la réponse des cellules INS-1 exposées aux différentes MEC d'organes. Les cellules INS-1 demeuraient fonctionnelles sur certains organes décellularisés sans détergent après 7 jours de culture. Enfin, des îlots pancréatiques primaires de souris ont été ensemencés sur des vessies décellularisées sans détergent, révélant ainsi que les îlots étaient fonctionnels après 48 heures de culture