12,946 research outputs found


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    We present our work in the area of sentiment analysis for Indonesian language. We focus on bulding automatic semantic orientation using available resources in Indonesian. In this research we used Indonesian corpus that contains 9 million words from kompas.txt and tempo.txt that manually tagged and annotated with of part-of-speech tagset. And then we construct a dataset by taking all the adjectives from the corpus, removing the adjective with no orientation. The set contained 923 adjective words. This systems will include several steps such as text pre-processing and clustering. The text pre-processing aims to increase the accuracy. And nally clustering method will classify each word to related sentiment which is positive or negative. With improvements to the text preprocessing, can be achieved 72% of accuracy. Keywords: sentiment analysis, Indonesia language, automatic semantic orientation, adjective words

    Sentiment Analysis Menggunakan Rule Based Method Pada Data Pengaduan Publik Berbasis Lexical Resources

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    Public complaints merupakan salah satu bentuk partisipasi masyarakat dalam mengawasi jalannya pembangunan dan pelaksanaan pelayanan publik. Sesuai undang-undang pelayanan publik no 25 tahun 2009, instansi pemerintah penyedia layanan publik wajib menyediakan wadah untuk menampung aspirasi masyarakat baik melalui media sosial maupun website resmi pemerintah. Informasi yang diperoleh dari pengaduan masyarakat baik topik maupun sentiment dari pengaduan bisa digunakan oleh pemerintah untuk meningkatkan kepuasan masyarakat. Penelitian mengenai sentiment analysis sudah banyak dilakukan, baik menggunakan pendekatan statistik, semantik maupun keduanya. Pendekatan statistik sudah banyak sekali digunakan untuk menganalisa sentiment dari teks, sedangkan pendekatan semantik sedang menjadi hot topic saat ini. Pada pendekatan semantik, lexical resources merupakan komponen penting dalam menentukan sentiment dari sebuah teks. Salah satu contohnya Sentiwordnet dan Indonesian sentiment lexicon. Saat ini lexical resources dalam bahasa Indonesia mulai berkembang, akan tetapi lexical resource yang ada belum memiliki polarity score (bobot) yang nantinya bisa digunakan untuk menganalisa tingkat emosi yang terdapat pada teks seperti Sentiwordnet. Sentiwordnet banyak digunakan dalam opinion mining maupun sentiment analysis teks dalam bahasa inggris. Pada penelitian ini, kami mencoba memanfaatkan Sentiwordnet untuk menganalisa sentiment dari pengaduan masyarakat berbahasa Indonesia serta membandingkannya dengan sentimen leksikon Indonesia. Diperoleh nilai akurasi sebesar 47% untuk data pengaduan pada media twitter dan 56.85% untuk data pengaduan pada media center ketika menggunakan Sentiwordnet. Sedangkan pada penggunaan sentimen leksikon Indonesia diperoleh nilai akurasi sebesar 65.4% untuk data pengaduan pada media twitter dan 81.4% untuk data pengaduan pada media center. ================================================================= Public complaints were one of the kinds of public participation and awareness to public service implementation. Information from public complaints can be used by the government to improve public satisfaction. In addition, the government can obtain public sentiment from public complaints either on media social or the official government site. Many researches on sentiment analysis has been done, either used statistical method appro ach, semantic method approach or both. Statistical method approach were widely used. While semantic method approach being hot topic recently. On semantic method approach, lexical resource was an important component to classify sentiment on text. Namely Sen tiwordnet and Indonesian sentiment lexicon. Currently, Indonesian sentiment lexicon for sentiment analysis has grown. But the lexicon doesn’t have polarity score that can be measure emotion on text like Sentiwordnet. Sentiwordnet has been widely used on re searches in English. In this research we apply Sentiwordnet to classify sentiment on Indonesian public complaints with accuracy 47% either on media Twitter and 56.85% on the official government website’s data . Furthermore, we compare it with Indonesian sen timent lexicon and get the accuracy 65.4% on media Twitter and 81.4% on the official government website


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    There is a considerable number for loanwords in Indonesian language as it has been, or even continuously, in contact with other languages. The contact takes place via different media; one of them is via machine readable medium. As the information in different languages can be obtained by a mouse click these days, the contact becomes more and more intense. This paper aims at proposing an annotation model and lexical resource for loanwords in Indonesian. The lexical resource is applied to a corpus by a corpus processing software called UNITEX. This software works under local grammar framewor

    The Consociational Addition to Indonesia’s Centripetalism as a Tactic of the Central Authorities: The Case of Papua

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    In 2001 the Indonesian government agreed to the introduction in the Indonesian Papua of regional, consociational elements of power-sharing, despite the fact that the dominant model of this system in Indonesia is centripetalism. The so-called special autonomy for the Indonesian Papua has never been fully implemented, however. The article seeks to test the thesis that the Indonesian authorities' institution of consociational arrangements for Papua, and their subsequent failure to fully implement those arrangements, were, in fact, tactical moves serving to reduce the threat arising from growing pro-independence aspirations among the Papuans and to firmly attach Papuan territory to Indonesia. This article has been published in "Hemispheres" 2016, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 5-20


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    The role of noticing in the second language acquisition has been increasingly considered by some researcher in L2 acquisition. Previous studies of the effect of noticing on EFL students’ task performance have shown that noticing has significant roles, especially on students’ grammar acquisition. However, the problems concerning how noticing does have something to do with the improvement of EFL students’ writing skills still need to be explored. As known that Writing skills has become one emerging factor in second language acquisition. Therefore, this study tries to seek whether noticing can give positive effect on EFL students’ writing skills in terms of five aspects, namely: (1) content, (2), organzation (3), Language Use, (4),Vocabulary, (5), mechanic. Noticing is proposed to lead students achieve an accurate use of L2 writing skills in an appropriate context of communication by making them aware and notice the form of certain features which can help them reconstruct their interlanguage. Therefore, Noticing does not only promote the students’ accuracy and explicit knowledge, but also provide them with opportunities to communicate and negotiate meaning to improve fluency and achieve implicit knowledge on their written work


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    Since language (e.g.local languages)is an important part of a culture, it should be maintained and revitalized. When the language undergoes attrition because of global culture, many aspects in culture will also be extinct. As it is not possible to “fight against” the global culture, it would be wise to maintain the local languages by juxtaposing the local languages, Indonesian, and English. This paper is intended to offer an alternative of maintaining local languages or cultures by incorporating local wisdom into English Language Teaching(ELT)In practice, it can be a kind of multilingual teaching by juxtaposing local language(s)Indonesian, and English in school or college. The implication is the students, by being multilingual, will be able to develop multiculturalism, thus, developing also high tolerance among the existing ethnics. Local wisdom can be found in many aspects of culture, e.g. dress, food, architecture, narrative, traditional songs etc. In order to be interesting, the use of Information Technology is crucial; English teachers may collect and select authentic materials from internet, if available, and they can be presented in LCD in the classroom


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    In this paper, I would like to focus on Javanese language as indigenous language in Indonesia that needs to preserve and develop especially Javanese letters and naturalness conversation. This paper also describes important areas in which technology plays a role in language and culture revitalization and explores efforts made by Indigenous communities to preserve, maintain and revitalize their Indigenous language with the help of computer technology. Why Javanese language?, The Javanese language is becoming endangered, even though it is one of the compulsory subjects taught at Javanese schools. Students become unmotivated when they learn the language at school because of boring and irrelevant teaching and learning materials. Furthermore, their closest mentors such as teachers, parents and relatives cannot provide motivating conditions to learn the Javanese language. In order to preserve the Javanese language through education at schools, ICT-Web Design is an approach proposed for Javanese language learning. The students can learn the usage of Javanese language at a proper Javanese letters, level of politeness through a natural dialogue with ICT. An approach that is not new, but which has been under-utilized and has yet to be proven useful in Indigenous communities is the integration of technology to supplement efforts in Indigenous language education, revitalization and maintenance programs. Many Indigenous communities have embraced technologies, such as audio, video, multimedia, Internet and etc as a means to revitalize their language. However, the language revitalization employs the following categories: Indigenous language preservation; documentation and material development; and building communicative community can be applied to other Indigenous languages as well
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