25 research outputs found

    High Availability and Scalability of Mainframe Environments using System z and z/OS as example

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    Mainframe computers are the backbone of industrial and commercial computing, hosting the most relevant and critical data of businesses. One of the most important mainframe environments is IBM System z with the operating system z/OS. This book introduces mainframe technology of System z and z/OS with respect to high availability and scalability. It highlights their presence on different levels within the hardware and software stack to satisfy the needs for large IT organizations

    z/OS Internet Integration

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    Space and Earth Sciences, Computer Systems, and Scientific Data Analysis Support, Volume 1

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    This Final Progress Report covers the specific technical activities of Hughes STX Corporation for the last contract triannual period of 1 June through 30 Sep. 1993, in support of assigned task activities at Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). It also provides a brief summary of work throughout the contract period of performance on each active task. Technical activity is presented in Volume 1, while financial and level-of-effort data is presented in Volume 2. Technical support was provided to all Division and Laboratories of Goddard's Space Sciences and Earth Sciences Directorates. Types of support include: scientific programming, systems programming, computer management, mission planning, scientific investigation, data analysis, data processing, data base creation and maintenance, instrumentation development, and management services. Mission and instruments supported include: ROSAT, Astro-D, BBXRT, XTE, AXAF, GRO, COBE, WIND, UIT, SMM, STIS, HEIDI, DE, URAP, CRRES, Voyagers, ISEE, San Marco, LAGEOS, TOPEX/Poseidon, Pioneer-Venus, Galileo, Cassini, Nimbus-7/TOMS, Meteor-3/TOMS, FIFE, BOREAS, TRMM, AVHRR, and Landsat. Accomplishments include: development of computing programs for mission science and data analysis, supercomputer applications support, computer network support, computational upgrades for data archival and analysis centers, end-to-end management for mission data flow, scientific modeling and results in the fields of space and Earth physics, planning and design of GSFC VO DAAC and VO IMS, fabrication, assembly, and testing of mission instrumentation, and design of mission operations center

    Enterprise Computing: Band 1Einführung in z/OS: Band 2z/OS Internet Integration: Band 3Praktische Übungen unter z/OS

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    Das vorliegende Buch entstand aus einer zweisemestrigen Vorlesung „Enterprise Computing“, die wir gemeinsam über viele Jahre als Teil des Bachelor- oder Master-Studienganges an der Universität Leipzig gehalten haben. Das Buch führt ein in die Welt des Mainframe und soll dem Leser einen einführenden Überblick geben. Band 1 ist der Einführung in z/OS gewidmet, während sich Band 2 mit der Internet Integration beschäftigt. Ergänzend werden in Band 3 praktische Übungen unter z/OS dargestellt

    Praktische Übungen unter z/OS

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    Space Transportation System and associated payloads: Glossary, acronyms, and abbreviations

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    A collection of acronyms in everyday use concerning shuttle activities is presented. A glossary of terms pertaining to the Space Transportation System is included

    Space Transportation System and associated payloads: Glossary, acronyms, and abbreviations

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    A collection of acronyms now in everyday use in the Shuttle world are listed. It is a combination of lists that were prepared at the Kennedy and Johnson Space Centers and by the Air Force

    Space transportation system and associated payloads: Glossary, acronyms, and abbreviations

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    A collection of some of the acronyms and abbreviations now in everyday use in the shuttle world is presented. It is a combination of lists that were prepared at Marshall Space Flight Center and Kennedy and Johnson Space Centers, places where intensive shuttle activities are being carried out. This list is intended as a guide or reference and should not be considered to have the status and sanction of a dictionary

    The Third NASA Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies

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    This report contains copies of nearly all of the technical papers and viewgraphs presented at the Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies held in October 1993. The conference served as an informational exchange forum for topics primarily relating to the ingestion and management of massive amounts of data and the attendant problems involved. Discussion topics include the necessary use of computers in the solution of today's infinitely complex problems, the need for greatly increased storage densities in both optical and magnetic recording media, currently popular storage media and magnetic media storage risk factors, data archiving standards including a talk on the current status of the IEEE Storage Systems Reference Model (RM). Additional topics addressed System performance, data storage system concepts, communications technologies, data distribution systems, data compression, and error detection and correction