42 research outputs found

    Akademickie czasopisma informacyjne w katalogach OPAC, bibliotekach cyfrowych i na stronach WWW bibliotek wyższych uczelni technicznych

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    Academic magazines constitute a separate specific group of titles in the offer of academic libraries. Librarians join in their electronic publishing and university publishers assume the long-term archiving of digital resources. New trends in publishing academic magazines and a reduction in printed resources can be observed. Some titles cannot be shown in the library OPAC. There is a need for information about online resources. This article attempts to answer the question how the offer of academic magazines is presented in OPACs, digital libraries and on the library websites of selected technical universities in Poland. Attention was paid to the resources available online. In order to determine how the information about magazines in print and online is developed, the title published at a particular university as well as those titles issued by other universities in their catalogues were considered. The review of the above mentioned sources was made in the period July-September 2014

    Everything old is new again: Finding a place for knowledge structures in a satisficing world

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    The authors use an exploratory project involving Web resources related to Alzheimer’s Disease to explore ways in RDF metadata can more effectively translate the virtues of the traditional vertical file to a Web environment form using Semantic Web descriptive standards. In so doing, they argue against the separation of “bibliographic control” from the socially-embedded institutional practices of reference work, collection development, and the management of information ephemera. Libraries of the future will use specific Web technologies that lend themselves to sophisticated and rigorous knowledge structures, and link them with librarians’ skills in information harvesting and evaluatio


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    The Library 2.0 terminology was coined in 2005 by Michael E Casey in his blog entitled Library Crunch. This article discusses the implementation of Library 2.0 concept, as a continuation of the previous article by the same author which had introduced the concept. Basically, Library 2.0 is an application of Web 2.0 for library purposes. It based on two fundament¬als that are: the strength of participation and the sophisticated of information technology. For library, theses forces based on three basic transformations i.e.: from book centered to human centered, from users oriented to users centered, and from information management to knowledge management. To discuss the implementation of the concept, the author did not start from the scratch, but looking other libraries that already had undertaken the effort. Examples are taken from USA, Australia, and China. Finally, the author discusses the possibility of Indonesian Librarians to implement the Library 2.0 concept. In addition the author also gives some suggestions

    Ontology and the Semantic Web

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    This paper discusses the development of a new information representation system embodied in ontology and the Semantic Web. The new system differs from other representation systems in that it is based on a more sophisticated semantic representation of information, aims to go well beyond the document level, and designed to be understood and processed by machine. A common theme underlying these three features, i.e., turning documents into meaningful interchangeable data, reflects a rising use expectation nurtured by modern technology and, at the same time, presents a unique challenge for its enabling technologies

    Preparing Catalogers for RDA Training

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Cataloging and Classification Quarterly on 23/09/2009, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/” http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01639370903203234This article prepares catalogers for the new cataloging standard Resource Description and Access (RDA) by giving trainers and Library and Information Science (LIS) educators the information they need to plan training for themselves and their staff or students. The theoretical principles of RDA are introduced as well as the corresponding vocabulary that trainers will need to use. This is followed by an overview of the structure of RDA as compared to the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, 2nd ed. (AACR2). Examples of rule changes and options are highlighted for trainers along with a reminder to review existing cheat-sheets and manuals that are based on AACR2. Finally, types of training formats are suggested

    The RDA Revolution: Professional Reactions to RDA

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    Since 2005, when the in-development AACR3 was rechristened Resource Description and Access (RDA), the academic cataloging community has become sharply divided based on the perceived merits and shortcomings of the emerging standard. Some opponents have argued that tweaks could have kept AACR2 relevant in the digital age, while others dismiss RDA as too similar to AACR2 and too firmly grounded in a card catalog model. RDA's supporters contend that it will be an important step forward, helping lead to a post-MARC cataloging environment. This paper examines this range of opinions expressed by professional academic catalogers and seeks to identify some of the reasons this debate has often flared tempers and led to personal resentments. The paper will review published literature on the topic, feature interviews with five professional catalogers, and analyze a survey conducted by another cataloger. Analysis reveals more common ground among these differing parties than may have been expected

    Comparison of rules for transcription of the elements of area 4 of PPIAK and ISBD with corresponding elements in RDA

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    Od šezdesetih godina do danas, knjižnično je okruženje zahvatilo mnogo promjena. Zbog dinamičnih tehnoloških promjena i novih potreba korisnika, knjižnice su bile primorane pratiti korak s novim trendovima. Na području bivše Jugoslavije izrađen je Pravilnik i priručnik za izradbu abecednih kataloga (PPIAK) Eve Verona, a na međunarodnom planu su se pojavljivali specijalizirani ISBD-ovi, nedavno zamijenjeni objedinjenim izdanjem ISBD-a. Tih je godina i anglo-američka praksa ponudila svoj pravilnik, naziva Resource description and access (RDA). U prvom dijelu rada opisan je povijesni tijek izrade spomenutih pravilnika, dok se drugi dio bavi usporedbom elemenata skupine 4 PPIAK-a i ISBD-a s odgovarajućim elementima u RDA. Na kraju je prikazano istraživanje na tiskanim knjigama, čiji je cilj bio prikazati koliko se učestalo elementi za izdavanje, proizvodnju i/ili raspačavanje nalaze na obrađenoj građi.From the sixties to the present time, the library environment has undergone many changes. Due to dynamic technological changes and new user needs,libraries have been forced to follow up with new trends. In the territory of former Yugoslavia, the Code and Manual for Compiling Alphabetical Catalogues (PPIAK) was written by Eva Verona, and internationally, ISBDs appeared, which were recently replaced by a consolidated ISBD edition. During this period, the Anglo-American practice offered its own cataloguing rules called Resource description and access (RDA). In the first part of the paper, the historical course of the creation of the aforementioned cataloguing rules is described, while the second part deals with the comparison of the elements of area 4 of PPIAK and ISBD, with corresponding elements in the RDA. In the end, a research on printed books is presented, whose aim was to show how often were items of publication, production and / or distribution displayed on the processed material