4,566 research outputs found

    Resource allocation in a multicast tree

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    We consider how to allocate bandwidth in a multicast tree so as to optimize some global measure of performance. In our model each receiver has a budget to be used for bandwidth reservation on links along its path from the source, and each link has a cost function depending on the amount of total bandwidth reserved at the link by all receivers using that link. We formulate and solve a problem of allocating bandwidth in the multicast tree such that the sum of link costs is minimized

    Content Distribution by Multiple Multicast Trees and Intersession Cooperation: Optimal Algorithms and Approximations

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    In traditional massive content distribution with multiple sessions, the sessions form separate overlay networks and operate independently, where some sessions may suffer from insufficient resources even though other sessions have excessive resources. To cope with this problem, we consider the universal swarming approach, which allows multiple sessions to cooperate with each other. We formulate the problem of finding the optimal resource allocation to maximize the sum of the session utilities and present a subgradient algorithm which converges to the optimal solution in the time-average sense. The solution involves an NP-hard subproblem of finding a minimum-cost Steiner tree. We cope with this difficulty by using a column generation method, which reduces the number of Steiner-tree computations. Furthermore, we allow the use of approximate solutions to the Steiner-tree subproblem. We show that the approximation ratio to the overall problem turns out to be no less than the reciprocal of the approximation ratio to the Steiner-tree subproblem. Simulation results demonstrate that universal swarming improves the performance of resource-poor sessions with negligible impact to resource-rich sessions. The proposed approach and algorithm are expected to be useful for infrastructure-based content distribution networks with long-lasting sessions and relatively stable network environment

    Designing cost-sharing methods for Bayesian games

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    We study the design of cost-sharing protocols for two fundamental resource allocation problems, the Set Cover and the Steiner Tree Problem, under environments of incomplete information (Bayesian model). Our objective is to design protocols where the worst-case Bayesian Nash equilibria, have low cost, i.e. the Bayesian Price of Anarchy (PoA) is minimized. Although budget balance is a very natural requirement, it puts considerable restrictions on the design space, resulting in high PoA. We propose an alternative, relaxed requirement called budget balance in the equilibrium (BBiE).We show an interesting connection between algorithms for Oblivious Stochastic optimization problems and cost-sharing design with low PoA. We exploit this connection for both problems and we enforce approximate solutions of the stochastic problem, as Bayesian Nash equilibria, with the same guarantees on the PoA. More interestingly, we show how to obtain the same bounds on the PoA, by using anonymous posted prices which are desirable because they are easy to implement and, as we show, induce dominant strategies for the players

    A note on the data-driven capacity of P2P networks

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    We consider two capacity problems in P2P networks. In the first one, the nodes have an infinite amount of data to send and the goal is to optimally allocate their uplink bandwidths such that the demands of every peer in terms of receiving data rate are met. We solve this problem through a mapping from a node-weighted graph featuring two labels per node to a max flow problem on an edge-weighted bipartite graph. In the second problem under consideration, the resource allocation is driven by the availability of the data resource that the peers are interested in sharing. That is a node cannot allocate its uplink resources unless it has data to transmit first. The problem of uplink bandwidth allocation is then equivalent to constructing a set of directed trees in the overlay such that the number of nodes receiving the data is maximized while the uplink capacities of the peers are not exceeded. We show that the problem is NP-complete, and provide a linear programming decomposition decoupling it into a master problem and multiple slave subproblems that can be resolved in polynomial time. We also design a heuristic algorithm in order to compute a suboptimal solution in a reasonable time. This algorithm requires only a local knowledge from nodes, so it should support distributed implementations. We analyze both problems through a series of simulation experiments featuring different network sizes and network densities. On large networks, we compare our heuristic and its variants with a genetic algorithm and show that our heuristic computes the better resource allocation. On smaller networks, we contrast these performances to that of the exact algorithm and show that resource allocation fulfilling a large part of the peer can be found, even for hard configuration where no resources are in excess.Comment: 10 pages, technical report assisting a submissio

    QuickCast: Fast and Efficient Inter-Datacenter Transfers using Forwarding Tree Cohorts

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    Large inter-datacenter transfers are crucial for cloud service efficiency and are increasingly used by organizations that have dedicated wide area networks between datacenters. A recent work uses multicast forwarding trees to reduce the bandwidth needs and improve completion times of point-to-multipoint transfers. Using a single forwarding tree per transfer, however, leads to poor performance because the slowest receiver dictates the completion time for all receivers. Using multiple forwarding trees per transfer alleviates this concern--the average receiver could finish early; however, if done naively, bandwidth usage would also increase and it is apriori unclear how best to partition receivers, how to construct the multiple trees and how to determine the rate and schedule of flows on these trees. This paper presents QuickCast, a first solution to these problems. Using simulations on real-world network topologies, we see that QuickCast can speed up the average receiver's completion time by as much as 10Ă—10\times while only using 1.04Ă—1.04\times more bandwidth; further, the completion time for all receivers also improves by as much as 1.6Ă—1.6\times faster at high loads.Comment: [Extended Version] Accepted for presentation in IEEE INFOCOM 2018, Honolulu, H

    The evaluation of an active networking approach for supporting the QOS requirements of distributed virtual environments

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    This paper describes work that is part of a more general investigation into how Active Network ideas might benefit large scale Distributed-Virtual-Environments (DVEs). Active Network approaches have been shown to offer improved solutions to the Scalable Reliable Multicast problem, and this is in a sense the lowest level at which Active Networks might benefit DVEs in supporting the peer-to-peer architectures considered most promising for large scale DVEs. To go further than this, the key benefit of Active Networking is the ability to take away from the application the need to understand the network topology and delegate the execution of certain actions, for example intelligent message pruning, to the network itself. The need to exchange geometrical information results in a type of traffic that can place occasional, short-lived, but heavy loads on the network. However, the Level of Detail (LoD) concept provides the potential to reduce this loading in certain circumstances. This paper introduces the performance modelling approach being used to evaluate the effectiveness of active network approaches for supporting DVEs and presents an evaluation of messages filtering mechanisms, which are based on the (LoD) concept. It describes the simulation experiment used to carry out the evaluation, presents its results and discusses plans for future work
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