6,668 research outputs found

    Noise-free Stochastic Resonance in Simple Chaotic Systems

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    The phenomenon of Stochastic Resonance (SR) is reported in a completely noise-free situation, with the role of thermal noise being taken by low-dimensional chaos. A one-dimensional, piecewise linear map and a pair of coupled excitatory-inhibitory neurons are the systems used for the investigation. Both systems show a transition from symmetry-broken to symmetric chaos on varying a system parameter. In the latter state, the systems switch between the formerly disjoint attractors due to the inherent chaotic dynamics. This switching rate is found to ``resonate'' with the frequency of an externally applied periodic perturbation (either parametric or additive). The existence of a resonance in the response of the system is characterized in terms of the residence-time distributions. The results are an unambiguous indicator of the presence of SR-like behavior in these systems. Analytical investigations supporting the observations are also presented. The results have implications in the area of information processing in biological systems.Comment: 12 pages LaTex, using elsart.cls. 7 figures. To appear in Physica A (1999

    Mammalian Brain As a Network of Networks

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    Acknowledgements AZ, SG and AL acknowledge support from the Russian Science Foundation (16-12-00077). Authors thank T. Kuznetsova for Fig. 6.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Synchronization of coupled neural oscillators with heterogeneous delays

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    We investigate the effects of heterogeneous delays in the coupling of two excitable neural systems. Depending upon the coupling strengths and the time delays in the mutual and self-coupling, the compound system exhibits different types of synchronized oscillations of variable period. We analyze this synchronization based on the interplay of the different time delays and support the numerical results by analytical findings. In addition, we elaborate on bursting-like dynamics with two competing timescales on the basis of the autocorrelation function.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figure

    Neural networks with dynamical synapses: from mixed-mode oscillations and spindles to chaos

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    Understanding of short-term synaptic depression (STSD) and other forms of synaptic plasticity is a topical problem in neuroscience. Here we study the role of STSD in the formation of complex patterns of brain rhythms. We use a cortical circuit model of neural networks composed of irregular spiking excitatory and inhibitory neurons having type 1 and 2 excitability and stochastic dynamics. In the model, neurons form a sparsely connected network and their spontaneous activity is driven by random spikes representing synaptic noise. Using simulations and analytical calculations, we found that if the STSD is absent, the neural network shows either asynchronous behavior or regular network oscillations depending on the noise level. In networks with STSD, changing parameters of synaptic plasticity and the noise level, we observed transitions to complex patters of collective activity: mixed-mode and spindle oscillations, bursts of collective activity, and chaotic behaviour. Interestingly, these patterns are stable in a certain range of the parameters and separated by critical boundaries. Thus, the parameters of synaptic plasticity can play a role of control parameters or switchers between different network states. However, changes of the parameters caused by a disease may lead to dramatic impairment of ongoing neural activity. We analyze the chaotic neural activity by use of the 0-1 test for chaos (Gottwald, G. & Melbourne, I., 2004) and show that it has a collective nature.Comment: 7 pages, Proceedings of 12th Granada Seminar, September 17-21, 201

    How single neuron properties shape chaotic dynamics and signal transmission in random neural networks

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    While most models of randomly connected networks assume nodes with simple dynamics, nodes in realistic highly connected networks, such as neurons in the brain, exhibit intrinsic dynamics over multiple timescales. We analyze how the dynamical properties of nodes (such as single neurons) and recurrent connections interact to shape the effective dynamics in large randomly connected networks. A novel dynamical mean-field theory for strongly connected networks of multi-dimensional rate units shows that the power spectrum of the network activity in the chaotic phase emerges from a nonlinear sharpening of the frequency response function of single units. For the case of two-dimensional rate units with strong adaptation, we find that the network exhibits a state of "resonant chaos", characterized by robust, narrow-band stochastic oscillations. The coherence of stochastic oscillations is maximal at the onset of chaos and their correlation time scales with the adaptation timescale of single units. Surprisingly, the resonance frequency can be predicted from the properties of isolated units, even in the presence of heterogeneity in the adaptation parameters. In the presence of these internally-generated chaotic fluctuations, the transmission of weak, low-frequency signals is strongly enhanced by adaptation, whereas signal transmission is not influenced by adaptation in the non-chaotic regime. Our theoretical framework can be applied to other mechanisms at the level of single nodes, such as synaptic filtering, refractoriness or spike synchronization. These results advance our understanding of the interaction between the dynamics of single units and recurrent connectivity, which is a fundamental step toward the description of biologically realistic network models in the brain, or, more generally, networks of other physical or man-made complex dynamical units

    Transmitting a signal by amplitude modulation in a chaotic network

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    We discuss the ability of a network with non linear relays and chaotic dynamics to transmit signals, on the basis of a linear response theory developed by Ruelle \cite{Ruelle} for dissipative systems. We show in particular how the dynamics interfere with the graph topology to produce an effective transmission network, whose topology depends on the signal, and cannot be directly read on the ``wired'' network. This leads one to reconsider notions such as ``hubs''. Then, we show examples where, with a suitable choice of the carrier frequency (resonance), one can transmit a signal from a node to another one by amplitude modulation, \textit{in spite of chaos}. Also, we give an example where a signal, transmitted to any node via different paths, can only be recovered by a couple of \textit{specific} nodes. This opens the possibility for encoding data in a way such that the recovery of the signal requires the knowledge of the carrier frequency \textit{and} can be performed only at some specific node.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, submitted (03-03-2005

    Effect of noise on coupled chaotic systems

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    Effect of noise in inducing order on various chaotically evolving systems is reviewed, with special emphasis on systems consisting of coupled chaotic elements. In many situations it is observed that the uncoupled elements when driven by identical noise, show synchronization phenomena where chaotic trajectories exponentially converge towards a single noisy trajectory, independent of the initial conditions. In a random neural network, with infinite range coupling, chaos is suppressed due to noise and the system evolves towards a fixed point. Spatiotemporal stochastic resonance phenomenon has been observed in a square array of coupled threshold devices where a temporal characteristic of the system resonates at a given noise strength. In a chaotically evolving coupled map lattice with logistic map as local dynamics and driven by identical noise at each site, we report that the number of structures (a structure is a group of neighbouring lattice sites for whom values of the variable follow certain predefined pattern) follow a power-law decay with the length of the structure. An interesting phenomenon, which we call stochastic coherence, is also reported in which the abundance and lifetimes of these structures show characteristic peaks at some intermediate noise strength.Comment: 21 page LaTeX file for text, 5 Postscript files for figure

    Transient Information Flow in a Network of Excitatory and Inhibitory Model Neurons: Role of Noise and Signal Autocorrelation

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    We investigate the performance of sparsely-connected networks of integrate-and-fire neurons for ultra-short term information processing. We exploit the fact that the population activity of networks with balanced excitation and inhibition can switch from an oscillatory firing regime to a state of asynchronous irregular firing or quiescence depending on the rate of external background spikes. We find that in terms of information buffering the network performs best for a moderate, non-zero, amount of noise. Analogous to the phenomenon of stochastic resonance the performance decreases for higher and lower noise levels. The optimal amount of noise corresponds to the transition zone between a quiescent state and a regime of stochastic dynamics. This provides a potential explanation on the role of non-oscillatory population activity in a simplified model of cortical micro-circuits.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figures, to appear in J. Physiology (Paris) Vol. 9