14 research outputs found

    Resolution over Linear Equations and Multilinear Proofs

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    We develop and study the complexity of propositional proof systems of varying strength extending resolution by allowing it to operate with disjunctions of linear equations instead of clauses. We demonstrate polynomial-size refutations for hard tautologies like the pigeonhole principle, Tseitin graph tautologies and the clique-coloring tautologies in these proof systems. Using the (monotone) interpolation by a communication game technique we establish an exponential-size lower bound on refutations in a certain, considerably strong, fragment of resolution over linear equations, as well as a general polynomial upper bound on (non-monotone) interpolants in this fragment. We then apply these results to extend and improve previous results on multilinear proofs (over fields of characteristic 0), as studied in [RazTzameret06]. Specifically, we show the following: 1. Proofs operating with depth-3 multilinear formulas polynomially simulate a certain, considerably strong, fragment of resolution over linear equations. 2. Proofs operating with depth-3 multilinear formulas admit polynomial-size refutations of the pigeonhole principle and Tseitin graph tautologies. The former improve over a previous result that established small multilinear proofs only for the \emph{functional} pigeonhole principle. The latter are different than previous proofs, and apply to multilinear proofs of Tseitin mod p graph tautologies over any field of characteristic 0. We conclude by connecting resolution over linear equations with extensions of the cutting planes proof system.Comment: 44 page

    A Lower Bound for Polynomial Calculus with Extension Rule

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    On Disperser/Lifting Properties of the Index and Inner-Product Functions

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    Query-to-communication lifting theorems, which connect the query complexity of a Boolean function to the communication complexity of an associated "lifted" function obtained by composing the function with many copies of another function known as a gadget, have been instrumental in resolving many open questions in computational complexity. A number of important complexity questions could be resolved if we could make substantial improvements in the input size required for lifting with the Index function, which is a universal gadget for lifting, from its current near-linear size down to polylogarithmic in the number of inputs N of the original function or, ideally, constant. The near-linear size bound was recently shown by Lovett, Meka, Mertz, Pitassi and Zhang [Shachar Lovett et al., 2022] using a recent breakthrough improvement on the Sunflower Lemma to show that a certain graph associated with an Index function of that size is a disperser. They also stated a conjecture about the Index function that is essential for further improvements in the size required for lifting with Index using current techniques. In this paper we prove the following; - The conjecture of Lovett et al. is false when the size of the Index gadget is less than logarithmic in N. - The same limitation applies to the Inner-Product function. More precisely, the Inner-Product function, which is known to satisfy the disperser property at size O(log N), also does not have this property when its size is less than log N. - Notwithstanding the above, we prove a lifting theorem that applies to Index gadgets of any size at least 4 and yields lower bounds for a restricted class of communication protocols in which one of the players is limited to sending parities of its inputs. - Using a modification of the same idea with improved lifting parameters we derive a strong lifting theorem from decision tree size to parity decision tree size. We use this, in turn, to derive a general lifting theorem in proof complexity from tree-resolution size to tree-like Res(?) refutation size, which yields many new exponential lower bounds on such proofs

    Lifting to Parity Decision Trees via Stifling

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    We show that the deterministic decision tree complexity of a (partial) function or relation f lifts to the deterministic parity decision tree (PDT) size complexity of the composed function/relation f ◦ g as long as the gadget g satisfies a property that we call stifling. We observe that several simple gadgets of constant size, like Indexing on 3 input bits, Inner Product on 4 input bits, Majority on 3 input bits and random functions, satisfy this property. It can be shown that existing randomized communication lifting theorems ([Göös, Pitassi, Watson. SICOMP'20], [Chattopadhyay et al. SICOMP'21]) imply PDT-size lifting. However there are two shortcomings of this approach: first they lift randomized decision tree complexity of f, which could be exponentially smaller than its deterministic counterpart when either f is a partial function or even a total search problem. Second, the size of the gadgets in such lifting theorems are as large as logarithmic in the size of the input to f. Reducing the gadget size to a constant is an important open problem at the frontier of current research. Our result shows that even a random constant-size gadget does enable lifting to PDT size. Further, it also yields the first systematic way of turning lower bounds on the width of tree-like resolution proofs of the unsatisfiability of constant-width CNF formulas to lower bounds on the size of tree-like proofs in the resolution with parity system, i.e., Res(☉), of the unsatisfiability of closely related constant-width CNF formulas

    Exponential Separation Between Powers of Regular and General Resolution Over Parities

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    Proving super-polynomial lower bounds on the size of proofs of unsatisfiability of Boolean formulas using resolution over parities is an outstanding problem that has received a lot of attention after its introduction by Raz and Tzamaret [Ann. Pure Appl. Log.'08]. Very recently, Efremenko, Garl\'ik and Itsykson [ECCC'23] proved the first exponential lower bounds on the size of ResLin proofs that were additionally restricted to be bottom-regular. We show that there are formulas for which such regular ResLin proofs of unsatisfiability continue to have exponential size even though there exists short proofs of their unsatisfiability in ordinary, non-regular resolution. This is the first super-polynomial separation between the power of general ResLin and and that of regular ResLin for any natural notion of regularity. Our argument, while building upon the work of Efremenko et al., uses additional ideas from the literature on lifting theorems

    Algebraic Proofs over Noncommutative Formulas

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    AbstractWe study possible formulations of algebraic propositional proof systems operating with noncommutative formulas. We observe that a simple formulation gives rise to systems at least as strong as Frege, yielding a semantic way to define a Cook–Reckhow (i.e., polynomially verifiable) algebraic analog of Frege proofs, different from that given in Buss et al. (1997) and Grigoriev and Hirsch (2003). We then turn to an apparently weaker system, namely, polynomial calculus (PC) where polynomials are written as ordered formulas (PC over ordered formulas, for short). Given some fixed linear order on variables, an arithmetic formula is ordered if for each of its product gates the left subformula contains only variables that are less-than or equal, according to the linear order, than the variables in the right subformula of the gate. We show that PC over ordered formulas (when the base field is of zero characteristic) is strictly stronger than resolution, polynomial calculus and polynomial calculus with resolution (PCR), and admits polynomial-size refutations for the pigeonhole principle and Tseitinʼs formulas. We conclude by proposing an approach for establishing lower bounds on PC over ordered formulas proofs, and related systems, based on properties of lower bounds on noncommutative formulas (Nisan, 1991).The motivation behind this work is developing techniques incorporating rank arguments (similar to those used in arithmetic circuit complexity) for establishing lower bounds on propositional proofs

    Lifting to parity decision trees via Stifling

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    We show that the deterministic decision tree complexity of a (partial) function or relation f lifts to the deterministic parity decision tree (PDT) size complexity of the composed function/relation f ◦ g as long as the gadget g satisfies a property that we call stifling. We observe that several simple gadgets of constant size, like Indexing on 3 input bits, Inner Product on 4 input bits, Majority on 3 input bits and random functions, satisfy this property. It can be shown that existing randomized communication lifting theorems ([Göös, Pitassi, Watson. SICOMP'20], [Chattopadhyay et al. SICOMP'21]) imply PDT-size lifting. However there are two shortcomings of this approach: first they lift randomized decision tree complexity of f, which could be exponentially smaller than its deterministic counterpart when either f is a partial function or even a total search problem. Second, the size of the gadgets in such lifting theorems are as large as logarithmic in the size of the input to f. Reducing the gadget size to a constant is an important open problem at the frontier of current research. Our result shows that even a random constant-size gadget does enable lifting to PDT size. Further, it also yields the first systematic way of turning lower bounds on the width of tree-like resolution proofs of the unsatisfiability of constant-width CNF formulas to lower bounds on the size of tree-like proofs in the resolution with parity system, i.e., Res(☉), of the unsatisfiability of closely related constant-width CNF formulas