464 research outputs found

    Resolution of Linear Algebra for the Discrete Logarithm Problem Using GPU and Multi-core Architectures

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    In cryptanalysis, solving the discrete logarithm problem (DLP) is key to assessing the security of many public-key cryptosystems. The index-calculus methods, that attack the DLP in multiplicative subgroups of finite fields, require solving large sparse systems of linear equations modulo large primes. This article deals with how we can run this computation on GPU- and multi-core-based clusters, featuring InfiniBand networking. More specifically, we present the sparse linear algebra algorithms that are proposed in the literature, in particular the block Wiedemann algorithm. We discuss the parallelization of the central matrix--vector product operation from both algorithmic and practical points of view, and illustrate how our approach has contributed to the recent record-sized DLP computation in GF(28092^{809}).Comment: Euro-Par 2014 Parallel Processing, Aug 2014, Porto, Portugal. \<http://europar2014.dcc.fc.up.pt/\&gt

    A pseudospectral matrix method for time-dependent tensor fields on a spherical shell

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    We construct a pseudospectral method for the solution of time-dependent, non-linear partial differential equations on a three-dimensional spherical shell. The problem we address is the treatment of tensor fields on the sphere. As a test case we consider the evolution of a single black hole in numerical general relativity. A natural strategy would be the expansion in tensor spherical harmonics in spherical coordinates. Instead, we consider the simpler and potentially more efficient possibility of a double Fourier expansion on the sphere for tensors in Cartesian coordinates. As usual for the double Fourier method, we employ a filter to address time-step limitations and certain stability issues. We find that a tensor filter based on spin-weighted spherical harmonics is successful, while two simplified, non-spin-weighted filters do not lead to stable evolutions. The derivatives and the filter are implemented by matrix multiplication for efficiency. A key technical point is the construction of a matrix multiplication method for the spin-weighted spherical harmonic filter. As example for the efficient parallelization of the double Fourier, spin-weighted filter method we discuss an implementation on a GPU, which achieves a speed-up of up to a factor of 20 compared to a single core CPU implementation.Comment: 33 pages, 9 figure

    Parallel computation of optimized arrays for 2-D electrical imaging surveys

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    Modern automatic multi-electrode survey instruments have made it possible to use non-traditional arrays to maximize the subsurface resolution from electrical imaging surveys. Previous studies have shown that one of the best methods for generating optimized arrays is to select the set of array configurations that maximizes the model resolution for a homogeneous earth model. The Sherman–Morrison Rank-1 update is used to calculate the change in the model resolution when a new array is added to a selected set of array configurations. This method had the disadvantage that it required several hours of computer time even for short 2-D survey lines. The algorithm was modified to calculate the change in the model resolution rather than the entire resolution matrix. This reduces the computer time and memory required as well as the computational round-off errors. The matrix–vector multiplications for a single add-on array were replaced with matrix–matrix multiplications for 28 add-on arrays to further reduce the computer time. The temporary variables were stored in the double-precision Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) registers within the CPU to minimize computer memory access. A further reduction in the computer time is achieved by using the computer graphics card Graphics Processor Unit (GPU) as a highly parallel mathematical coprocessor. This makes it possible to carry out the calculations for 512 add-on arrays in parallel using the GPU. The changes reduce the computer time by more than two orders of magnitude. The algorithm used to generate an optimized data set adds a specified number of new array configurations after each iteration to the existing set. The resolution of the optimized data set can be increased by adding a smaller number of new array configurations after each iteration. Although this increases the computer time required to generate an optimized data set with the same number of data points, the new fast numerical routines has made this practical on commonly available microcomputers

    Accelerated deconvolution of radio interferometric images using orthogonal matching pursuit and graphics hardware

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    Deconvolution of native radio interferometric images constitutes a major computational component of the radio astronomy imaging process. An efficient and robust deconvolution operation is essential for reconstruction of the true sky signal from measured correlator data. Traditionally, radio astronomers have mostly used the CLEAN algorithm, and variants thereof. However, the techniques of compressed sensing provide a mathematically rigorous framework within which deconvolution of radio interferometric images can be implemented. We present an accelerated implementation of the orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP) algorithm (a compressed sensing method) that makes use of graphics processing unit (GPU) hardware, and show significant accuracy improvements over the standard CLEAN. In particular, we show that OMP correctly identifies more sources than CLEAN, identifying up to 82% of the sources in 100 test images, while CLEAN only identifies up to 61% of the sources. In addition, the residual after source extraction is 2.7 times lower for OMP than for CLEAN. Furthermore, the GPU implementation of OMP performs around 23 times faster than a 4-core CPU

    Dense Vision in Image-guided Surgery

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    Image-guided surgery needs an efficient and effective camera tracking system in order to perform augmented reality for overlaying preoperative models or label cancerous tissues on the 2D video images of the surgical scene. Tracking in endoscopic/laparoscopic scenes however is an extremely difficult task primarily due to tissue deformation, instrument invasion into the surgical scene and the presence of specular highlights. State of the art feature-based SLAM systems such as PTAM fail in tracking such scenes since the number of good features to track is very limited. When the scene is smoky and when there are instrument motions, it will cause feature-based tracking to fail immediately. The work of this thesis provides a systematic approach to this problem using dense vision. We initially attempted to register a 3D preoperative model with multiple 2D endoscopic/laparoscopic images using a dense method but this approach did not perform well. We subsequently proposed stereo reconstruction to directly obtain the 3D structure of the scene. By using the dense reconstructed model together with robust estimation, we demonstrate that dense stereo tracking can be incredibly robust even within extremely challenging endoscopic/laparoscopic scenes. Several validation experiments have been conducted in this thesis. The proposed stereo reconstruction algorithm has turned out to be the state of the art method for several publicly available ground truth datasets. Furthermore, the proposed robust dense stereo tracking algorithm has been proved highly accurate in synthetic environment (< 0.1 mm RMSE) and qualitatively extremely robust when being applied to real scenes in RALP prostatectomy surgery. This is an important step toward achieving accurate image-guided laparoscopic surgery.Open Acces

    PC-grade parallel processing and hardware acceleration for large-scale data analysis

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    Arguably, modern graphics processing units (GPU) are the first commodity, and desktop parallel processor. Although GPU programming was originated from the interactive rendering in graphical applications such as computer games, researchers in the field of general purpose computation on GPU (GPGPU) are showing that the power, ubiquity and low cost of GPUs makes them an ideal alternative platform for high-performance computing. This has resulted in the extensive exploration in using the GPU to accelerate general-purpose computations in many engineering and mathematical domains outside of graphics. However, limited to the development complexity caused by the graphics-oriented concepts and development tools for GPU-programming, GPGPU has mainly been discussed in the academic domain so far and has not yet fully fulfilled its promises in the real world. This thesis aims at exploiting GPGPU in the practical engineering domain and presented a novel contribution to GPGPU-driven linear time invariant (LTI) systems that are employed by the signal processing techniques in stylus-based or optical-based surface metrology and data processing. The core contributions that have been achieved in this project can be summarized as follow. Firstly, a thorough survey of the state-of-the-art of GPGPU applications and their development approaches has been carried out in this thesis. In addition, the category of parallel architecture pattern that the GPGPU belongs to has been specified, which formed the foundation of the GPGPU programming framework design in the thesis. Following this specification, a GPGPU programming framework is deduced as a general guideline to the various GPGPU programming models that are applied to a large diversity of algorithms in scientific computing and engineering applications. Considering the evolution of GPU’s hardware architecture, the proposed frameworks cover through the transition of graphics-originated concepts for GPGPU programming based on legacy GPUs and the abstraction of stream processing pattern represented by the compute unified device architecture (CUDA) in which GPU is considered as not only a graphics device but a streaming coprocessor of CPU. Secondly, the proposed GPGPU programming framework are applied to the practical engineering applications, namely, the surface metrological data processing and image processing, to generate the programming models that aim to carry out parallel computing for the corresponding algorithms. The acceleration performance of these models are evaluated in terms of the speed-up factor and the data accuracy, which enabled the generation of quantifiable benchmarks for evaluating consumer-grade parallel processors. It shows that the GPGPU applications outperform the CPU solutions by up to 20 times without significant loss of data accuracy and any noticeable increase in source code complexity, which further validates the effectiveness of the proposed GPGPU general programming framework. Thirdly, this thesis devised methods for carrying out result visualization directly on GPU by storing processed data in local GPU memory through making use of GPU’s rendering device features to achieve realtime interactions. The algorithms employed in this thesis included various filtering techniques, discrete wavelet transform, and the fast Fourier Transform which cover the common operations implemented in most LTI systems in spatial and frequency domains. Considering the employed GPUs’ hardware designs, especially the structure of the rendering pipelines, and the characteristics of the algorithms, the series of proposed GPGPU programming models have proven its feasibility, practicality, and robustness in real engineering applications. The developed GPGPU programming framework as well as the programming models are anticipated to be adaptable for future consumer-level computing devices and other computational demanding applications. In addition, it is envisaged that the devised principles and methods in the framework design are likely to have significant benefits outside the sphere of surface metrology.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Hybrid algorithms for efficient Cholesky decomposition and matrix inverse using multicore CPUs with GPU accelerators

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    The use of linear algebra routines is fundamental to many areas of computational science, yet their implementation in software still forms the main computational bottleneck in many widely used algorithms. In machine learning and computational statistics, for example, the use of Gaussian distributions is ubiquitous, and routines for calculating the Cholesky decomposition, matrix inverse and matrix determinant must often be called many thousands of times for common algorithms, such as Markov chain Monte Carlo. These linear algebra routines consume most of the total computational time of a wide range of statistical methods, and any improvements in this area will therefore greatly increase the overall efficiency of algorithms used in many scientific application areas. The importance of linear algebra algorithms is clear from the substantial effort that has been invested over the last 25 years in producing low-level software libraries such as LAPACK, which generally optimise these linear algebra routines by breaking up a large problem into smaller problems that may be computed independently. The performance of such libraries is however strongly dependent on the specific hardware available. LAPACK was originally developed for single core processors with a memory hierarchy, whereas modern day computers often consist of mixed architectures, with large numbers of parallel cores and graphics processing units (GPU) being used alongside traditional CPUs. The challenge lies in making optimal use of these different types of computing units, which generally have very different processor speeds and types of memory. In this thesis we develop novel low-level algorithms that may be generally employed in blocked linear algebra routines, which automatically optimise themselves to take full advantage of the variety of heterogeneous architectures that may be available. We present a comparison of our methods with MAGMA, the state of the art open source implementation of LAPACK designed specifically for hybrid architectures, and demonstrate up to 400% increase in speed that may be obtained using our novel algorithms, specifically when running commonly used Cholesky matrix decomposition, matrix inverse and matrix determinant routines
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