1,875 research outputs found

    Resistance is Futile: An Essay in Crime and Commitment

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    This paper studies a principal-agent relationship in a contractual crime setting. Suppose an agent and a principal sign a contract stipulating some transfer of funds from one player (say the agent) to the next (the principal) contingent on the state of the world announced by the first player. In an economy where there are two types of agents, the Truths (who always report the true state of the world) and the Dares (who dare misreport the true state of the world), we show that no separating contract exists. The optimal pooling contract can then be divided into two parts. For a proportion of Dares (x) smaller than some x * , the agents expected utility decreases as the proportion of Dares (x) increases. For a proportion greater than x * , the agents expected utility is independent of the exact proportion of Dares. In both cases the punishment inflicted to Dares convicted of a crime has no impact on the optimal contract. Investment in prevention is always beneficial if x x * , investment in prevention may have no impact whatsoever on crime, depending on prevention technology and the initial proportion of Dares. Finally, allowing agents to choose their type before the game starts allows us to find the long-run equilibrium proportion of Dares in the economy. Ce document de travail étudie un problème de principal-agent dans un contexte que nous appelons de crime contractuel. Supposons qu un agent et un principal s entendent sur un contrat qui stipule un transfert de fonds d un joueur (disons l agent) vers l autre en fonction de l état de la nature révélée par le premier joueur. Dans une économie où il existe deux types d agents, les Véridiques (qui disent toujours la vérité quant à l état de la nature) et les Changeants (qui annoncent stratégiquement le vrai état ou non), nous montrons qu il n existe pas de contrat séparateur. Le contrat de pooling peut ainsi être découpé en deux parties. Si la proportion de Changeants (x) dans l économie est inférieure à un x * donné, alors l utilité espérée des agents diminue avec une augmentation de la proportion de Changeants. Pour une proportion de Changeants supérieure à x * ,l utilité espérée des agents est indépendante de la proportion exacte de Changeants dans l économie. Dans les deux cas, la pénalité infligée aux Changeants pris en flagrant délit n a aucun impact sur la forme du contrat optimal. Investir en prévention est toujours bénéfique si x x * , dépendant de la proportion initiale de Changeants et de la technologie de prévention, puisque la criminalité y est indépendante de la proportion de Changeants. Enfin, en permettant aux agents de choisir leur type nous trouvons l équilibre de long terme d éléments criminels dans l économie.Crime and Crime prevention, Non-commitment, Moral hazard, Adverse selection, Criminalité et prévention, Absence d'engagement, Aléa moral, Anti-sélection

    Resistance is futile: design for transformation

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    Resistance is futile: overcoming resistance to targeted therapies in lung adenocarcinoma.

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    The advent of genomics has led to the identification of specific "driver" mutations in oncogenic kinases, and the development of targeted small molecule inhibitors to block their tumor-driving functions. These specific inhibitors have been a clinical success, and often significantly prolong the lives of individuals with cancer. Inevitably, however, the treated tumors recur as resistance to these targeted therapies develops. Here, we review the major mechanisms by which a cancer cell can evade targeted therapy, focusing on mechanisms of resistance to kinase inhibitors in lung cancer. We discuss the promising concept of rational upfront polytherapy in lung cancer, which involves concurrently targeting multiple proteins in critical signaling pathways in a cancer cell to prevent or delay resistance

    Resistance is futile: you will be assimilated

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    In WOt-paper 4 wordt de implementatie van drie EU-richtlijnen op het gebied van natuur en milieu in een drietal landen met elkaar vergeleken. Het gaat om de Vogel- en Habitatrichtlijn, de Kaderrichtlijn Water en de Nitraatrichtlijn in de landen Nederland, Engeland en de Duitse deelstaat Noordrijn-Westfalen. Het onderzoek beschrijft in grote mate van detail hoe nationale beleidsruimte is gezocht en hoeveel ruimte is gevonden. Na de aanvankelijke weerstand tegen de implementatie vindt - vooral via het Europese Hof van Justitie - uiteindelijk toch assimilatie plaats van de EU-regelgeving als onderdeel van de nationale beleidsomgeving

    Resistance Is Futile: Toward a Non-Modern Democratization of Technology

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    Andrew Feenberg’s political philosophy of technology uniquely connects the neo-Marxist tradition with phenomenological approaches to technology. This paper investigates how this connection shapes Feenberg’s analysis of power. Influenced by De Certeau and by classical positions in philosophy of technology, Feenberg focuses on a dialectical model of oppression versus liberation. A hermeneutic reading of power, though, inspired by the late Foucault, does not conceptualize power relations as external threats, but rather as the networks of relations in which subjects are constituted. Such a hermeneutic approach replaces De Certeau’s tactics of resistance with a critical and creative accompaniment of technological development

    Resistance Is Futile: Embracing the Era of the Augmented Worker

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    The prospect of A.I.-augmented workers is both promising and unsettling: How can employees and firms ensure that they get the benefits of A.I. without erasing uniquely human strengths

    “Resistance is Futile” : The Borg and Technophobia in Star Trek

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    Tieteisfiktio on mediatyyppi joka mahdollistaa pohdinnan siitä, miten teknologian kehitys voi vaikuttaa ihmiskunnan tulevaisuuteen. Sen kautta voimme käsitellä pelkoja teknologian kehityksen vaaroista ja ymmärtää millä tavoin integrointi teknologian kanssa voi johtaa perinteisten yhteiskunnallisten ja henkilökohtaisten arvojen tukehduttamiseen. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, millä tavoin Star Trek -tieteisfiktion The Next Generation, Voyager ja Enterprise-televisiosarjoissa sekä Star Trek: First Contact -elokuvassa esiintyvä Borg-rotu ilmentää teknofobiaa, eli pelkoa ja epäluuloja teknologiaa kohtaan. Analyysi osoitti, että borgit on tarkoituksella suunniteltu siten, että niiden fyysinen olemus, elämäntapa ja käytös ovat epämiellyttäviä psykologisesti perustavalla tavalla. Borgien väkivaltainen keino sulauttaa uusia elämänmuotoja heidän yhteiskuntaansa tapahtuu teknologisen integroinnin kautta, ensiksi nanoteknologian injektiolla uhrin kehoon, ja sitten elinten ja raajojen korvaamisella teknologialla. Lopuksi uhrin oma mieli tukahdutetaan ja se liittyy osaksi verkotettua kollektiivia,jolla on vain yksi yhteinen ääni. Tutkimalla borgeihin liittyviä kohtauksia ilmeni,että yksilön sulauttaminen tällaiseen teknologiseen yhteiskuntaankoetaan karmivaksi siksi, että tässä prosessissa yhteiskunnallisesti tärkeäksi koettu yksilöllisyys ja identiteetti katoaa. Kun yksilö sulautetaan borgien kollektiiviin, hän muuttuu teknologian kautta toiseuden ilmentymäksi ja kyberneettiseksi viholliseksi. Toisaalta tämä tutkimus osoitti, että borgit heijastavat luomisensa aikakakauden yhdysvaltalaisia yhteiskunnallisia ja poliittisia asenteita. Niiden teknologinen kollektiivisuus ja yhdenmukaisuus rinnastetaan neuvostoliittolaiseen sosialistiseen yhteiskuntaan. Borgit koetaan luonnottomina ja yhteiskunnan perusarvojen, kuten perheen ja yksilön vapauden tukahduttamisen tunnuskuvina

    Non-Native English Instructors: Resistance is Futile

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    This is to report a study based on three in-depth interviews to non-native EFLeducators, who are currently teaching at a private university in Saitama, which is anadjacent prefecture to Tokyo, Japan. The school is proud of her rich tradition andadvanced environment in language education. *A part of this paper was read as "The non-native English instructors: the next Generation" at ACE 2011 in Osaka, Japanon October 29 2011. After the presentation the paper wasedited and added new data and discussion

    Resistance is Futile: On the Under-Representation of Unions in Science Fiction

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    This article surveys science fiction (SF) since 1980, and queries the conspicuous under-representation of recognizable images of unions in popular SF, which includes, in contrast, numerous images and narratives of corporate business. According to theories of unionism, science fiction studies and Mark Fisher’s theory of “capitalist realism,” the co-authors theorize this pattern of under-representation, and, in the process, identify and analyze a very small but diverse body of SF works from this period that do include images of unions, in ways that range from the symptomatic to the radically suggestive

    Human Rights and American Bioethics: Resistance Is Futile

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    The Borg are always confident that humans will be assimilated into their collective hive and therefore that, as they say, “resistance is futile.” In Star Trek, of course, the humans always successfully resist. Elizabeth Fenton and John Arras, like the Borg, resist the idea that humans are uniquely special as well as the utility of the human rights framework for global bioethics. I believe their resistance to human rights is futile, and I explain why in this essay. Let me begin with their subtitle, because we do seem to agree that popular culture is a powerful aid to understanding human actions and motivations