13 research outputs found

    Resiliency Policies in Access Control Revisited

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    International audienceResiliency is a relatively new topic in the context of access control. Informally, it refers to the extent to which a multi-user computer system, subject to an authorization policy, is able to continue functioning if a number of authorized users are unavailable. Several interesting problems connected to resiliency were introduced by Li, Wang and Tripunitara [13], many of which were found to be intractable. In this paper, we show that these resiliency problems have unexpected connections with the workflow satisfiability problem (WSP). In particular, we show that an instance of the resiliency checking problem (RCP) may be reduced to an instance of WSP. We then demonstrate that recent advances in our understanding of WSP enable us to develop fixed-parameter tractable algorithms for RCP. Moreover, these algorithms are likely to be useful in practice, given recent experimental work demonstrating the advantages of bespoke algorithms to solve WSP. We also generalize RCP in several different ways, showing in each case how to adapt the reduction to WSP. Li et al also showed that the coexistence of resiliency policies and static separation-of-duty policies gives rise to further interesting questions. We show how our reduction of RCP to WSP may be extended to solve these problems as well and establish that they are also fixed-parameter tractable

    Parameterized Resiliency Problems via Integer Linear Programming

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    We introduce an extension of decision problems called resiliency problems. In resiliency problems, the goal is to decide whether an instance remains positive after any (appropriately defined) perturbation has been applied to it. To tackle these kinds of problems, some of which might be of practical interest, we introduce a notion of resiliency for Integer Linear Programs (ILP) and show how to use a result of Eisenbrand and Shmonin (Math. Oper. Res., 2008) on Parametric Linear Programming to prove that ILP Resiliency is fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) under a certain parameterization. To demonstrate the utility of our result, we consider natural resiliency versions of several concrete problems, and prove that they are FPT under natural parameterizations. Our first results concern a four-variate problem which generalizes the Disjoint Set Cover problem and which is of interest in access control. We obtain a complete parameterized complexity classification for every possible combination of the parameters. Then, we introduce and study a resiliency version of the Closest String problem, for which we extend an FPT result of Gramm et al. (Algorithmica, 2003). We also consider problems in the fields of scheduling and social choice. We believe that many other problems can be tackled by our framework.Comment: This paper is based on two papers published in conference proceedings of AAIM 2016 and CIAC 201

    Valued Authorization Policy Existence Problem:Theory and Experiments

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    Recent work has shown that many problems of satisfiability and resiliency in workflows may be viewed as special cases of the authorization policy existence problem (APEP), which returns an authorization policy if one exists and 'No' otherwise. However, in many practical settings it would be more useful to obtain a 'least bad' policy than just a 'No', where 'least bad' is characterized by some numerical value indicating the extent to which the policy violates the base authorization relation and constraints. Accordingly, we introduce the Valued APEP, which returns an authorization policy of minimum weight, where the (non-negative) weight is determined by the constraints violated by the returned solution. We then establish a number of results concerning the parameterized complexity of Valued APEP. We prove that the problem is fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) if the set of constraints satisfies two restrictions, but is intractable if only one of these restrictions holds. (Most constraints known to be of practical use satisfy both restrictions.) We also introduce a new type of resiliency for workflow satisfiability problem, show how it can be addressed using Valued APEP and use this to build a set of benchmark instances for Valued APEP. Following a set of computational experiments with two mixed integer programming (MIP) formulations, we demonstrate that the Valued APEP formulation based on the user profile concept has FPT-like running time and usually significantly outperforms a naive formulation.Comment: 32 pages, 5 figures. Preliminary version appeared in SACMAT 2021 (https://doi.org/10.1145/3450569.3463571). Some of the theoretical results (algorithms) have been improved. Computational experiments have been added to this versio

    A System for Controlling, Monitoring and Programming the Home

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    As technology becomes ever more pervasive, the challenges of home automation are increasingly apparent. Seamless home control, home monitoring and home programming by the end user have yet to enter the mainstream. This could be attributed to the challenge of developing a fully autonomous and extensible home system that can support devices and technologies of differing protocols and functionalities. In order to offer programming facilities to the user, the underlying rule system must be fully independent, allowing support for current and future devices. Additional challenges arise from the need to detect and handle conflicts that may arise among user rules and yield undesirable results. Non-technical individuals typically struggle when faced with a programming task. It is therefore vital to encourage and ease the process of programming the home. This thesis presents Homer, a home system that has been developed to support three key features of a home system: control, monitoring and programming. Homer supports any third-party hardware or software service that can expose its functionality through Java and conform to the Homer interface. Stand-alone end user interfaces can be written by developers to offer any of Homer's functionality. Where policies (i.e. rules) for the home are concerned, Homer offers a fully independent policy system. The thesis presents a custom policy language, Homeric, that has been designed specifically for writing home rules. The Homer policy system detects overlaps and conflicts among rules using constraint satisfaction and the effect on environment variables. The thesis also introduces the notion of perspectives to ease user interactivity. These have been integrated into Homer to accommodate the range of ways in which a user may think about different aspects and features of their home. These perspectives include location, device type, time and people-oriented points of view. Design guidelines are also discussed to aid end user programming of the home. The work presented in this thesis demonstrates a system that supports control, monitoring and programming of the home. Developers can quickly and easily add functionality to the home through components. Conflicts can be detected amongst rules within the home. Finally, design guidelines and a prototype interface have been developed to allow both technically minded and non-technical people to program their home

    Tools and techniques for analysing the impact of information security

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    PhD ThesisThe discipline of information security is employed by organisations to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information, often communicated in the form of information security policies. A policy expresses rules, constraints and procedures to guard against adversarial threats and reduce risk by instigating desired and secure behaviour of those people interacting with information legitimately. To keep aligned with a dynamic threat landscape, evolving business requirements, regulation updates, and new technologies a policy must undergo periodic review and change. Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) are the main decision makers on information security policies within an organisation. Making informed policy modifications involves analysing and therefore predicting the impact of those changes on the success rate of business processes often expressed as workflows. Security brings an added burden to completing a workflow. Adding a new security constraint may reduce success rate or even eliminate it if a workflow is always forced to terminate early. This can increase the chances of employees bypassing or violating a security policy. Removing an existing security constraint may increase success rate but may may also increase the risk to security. A lack of suitably aimed impact analysis tools and methodologies for CISOs means impact analysis is currently a somewhat manual and ambiguous procedure. Analysis can be overwhelming, time consuming, error prone, and yield unclear results, especially when workflows are complex, have a large workforce, and diverse security requirements. This thesis considers the provision of tools and more formal techniques specific to CISOs to help them analyse the impact modifying a security policy has on the success rate of a workflow. More precisely, these tools and techniques have been designed to efficiently compare the impact between two versions of a security policy applied to the same workflow, one before, the other after a policy modification. This work focuses on two specific types of security impact analysis. The first is quantitative in nature, providing a measure of success rate for a security constrained workflow which must be executed by employees who may be absent at runtime. This work considers quantifying workflow resiliency which indicates a workflow’s expected success rate assuming the availability of employees to be probabilistic. New aspects of quantitative resiliency are introduced in the form of workflow metrics, and risk management techniques to manage workflows that must work with a resiliency below acceptable levels. Defining these risk management techniques has led to exploring the reduction of resiliency computation time and analysing resiliency in workflows with choice. The second area of focus is more qualitative, in terms of facilitating analysis of how people are likely to behave in response to security and how that behaviour can impact the success rate of a workflow at a task level. Large amounts of information from disparate sources exists on human behavioural factors in a security setting which can be aligned with security standards and structured within a single ontology to form a knowledge base. Consultations with two CISOs have been conducted, whose responses have driven the implementation of two new tools, one graphical, the other Web-oriented allowing CISOs and human factors experts to record and incorporate their knowledge directly within an ontology. The ontology can be used by CISOs to assess the potential impact of changes made to a security policy and help devise behavioural controls to manage that impact. The two consulted CISOs have also carried out an evaluation of the Web-oriented tool. vii

    Temporal and Resource Controllability of Workflows Under Uncertainty

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    Workflow technology has long been employed for the modeling, validation and execution of business processes. A workflow is a formal description of a business process in which single atomic work units (tasks), organized in a partial order, are assigned to processing entities (agents) in order to achieve some business goal(s). Workflows can also employ workflow paths (projections with respect to a total truth value assignment to the Boolean variables associated to the conditional split connectors) in order (not) to execute a subset of tasks. A workflow management system coordinates the execution of tasks that are part of workflow instances such that all relevant constraints are eventually satisfied. Temporal workflows specify business processes subject to temporal constraints such as controllable or uncontrollable durations, delays and deadlines. The choice of a workflow path may be controllable or not, considered either in isolation or in combination with uncontrollable durations. Access controlled workflows specify workflows in which users are authorized for task executions and authorization constraints say which users remain authorized to execute which tasks depending on who did what. Access controlled workflows may consider workflow paths too other than the uncertain availability of resources (users, throughout this thesis). When either a task duration or the choice of the workflow path to take or the availability of a user is out of control, we need to verify that the workflow can be executed by verifying all constraints for any possible combination of behaviors arising from the uncontrollable parts. Indeed, users might be absent before starting the execution (static resiliency), they can also become so during execution (decremental resiliency) or they can come and go throughout the execution (dynamic resiliency). Temporal access controlled workflows merge the two previous formalisms by considering several kinds of uncontrollable parts simultaneously. Authorization constraints may be extended to support conditional and temporal features. A few years ago some proposals addressed the temporal controllability of workflows by encoding them into temporal networks to exploit "off-the-shelf" controllability checking algorithms available for them. However, those proposals fail to address temporal controllability where the controllable and uncontrollable choices of workflow paths may mutually influence one another. Furthermore, to the best of my knowledge, controllability of access controlled workflows subject to uncontrollable workflow paths and algorithms to validate and execute dynamically resilient workflows remain unexplored. To overcome these limitations, this thesis goes for exact algorithms by addressing temporal and resource controllability of workflows under uncertainty. I provide several new classes of (temporal) constraint networks and corresponding algorithms to check their controllability. After that, I encode workflows into these new formalisms. I also provide an encoding into instantaneous timed games to model static, decremental and dynamic resiliency and synthesize memoryless execution strategies. I developed a few tools with which I carried out some initial experimental evaluations