65 research outputs found

    On triangular norms and uninorms definable in ŁΠ12

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    AbstractIn this paper, we investigate the definability of classes of t-norms and uninorms in the logic ŁΠ12. In particular we provide a complete characterization of definable continuous t-norms, weak nilpotent minimum t-norms, conjunctive uninorms continuous on [0,1), and idempotent conjunctive uninorms, and give both positive and negative results concerning definability of left-continuous t-norms (and uninorms). We show that the class of definable uninorms is closed under construction methods as annihilation, rotation and rotation–annihilation. Moreover, we prove that every logic based on a definable uninorm is in PSPACE, and that any finitely axiomatizable logic based on a class of definable uninorms is decidable. Finally we show that the Uninorm Mingle Logic (UML) and the Basic Uninorm Logic (BUL) are finitely strongly standard complete w.r.t. the related class of definable left-continuous conjunctive uninorms

    Fitting aggregation operators to data

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    Theoretical advances in modelling aggregation of information produced a wide range of aggregation operators, applicable to almost every practical problem. The most important classes of aggregation operators include triangular norms, uninorms, generalised means and OWA operators.With such a variety, an important practical problem has emerged: how to fit the parameters/ weights of these families of aggregation operators to observed data? How to estimate quantitatively whether a given class of operators is suitable as a model in a given practical setting? Aggregation operators are rather special classes of functions, and thus they require specialised regression techniques, which would enforce important theoretical properties, like commutativity or associativity. My presentation will address this issue in detail, and will discuss various regression methods applicable specifically to t-norms, uninorms and generalised means. I will also demonstrate software implementing these regression techniques, which would allow practitioners to paste their data and obtain optimal parameters of the chosen family of operators.<br /

    Conjunctors and their residual implicators: characterizations and construction methods

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    In many practical applications of fuzzy logic it seems clear that one needs more flexibility in the choice of the conjunction: in particular, the associativity and the commutativity of a conjunction may be removed. Motivated by these considerations, we present several classes of conjunctors, i.e. binary operations on [0,1][0,1] that are used to extend the boolean conjunction from {0,1}\{0,1\} to [0,1][0,1], and characterize their respective residual implicators. We establish hence a one-to-one correspondence between construction methods for conjunctors and construction methods for residual implicators. Moreover, we introduce some construction methods directly in the class of residual implicators, and, by using a deresiduation procedure, we obtain new conjunctors

    Distributivity of ordinal sum implications over overlap and grouping functions

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    summary:In 2015, a new class of fuzzy implications, called ordinal sum implications, was proposed by Su et al. They then discussed the distributivity of such ordinal sum implications with respect to t-norms and t-conorms. In this paper, we continue the study of distributivity of such ordinal sum implications over two newly-born classes of aggregation operators, namely overlap and grouping functions, respectively. The main results of this paper are characterizations of the overlap and/or grouping function solutions to the four usual distributive equations of ordinal sum fuzzy implications. And then sufficient and necessary conditions for ordinal sum implications distributing over overlap and grouping functions are given

    A principal topology obtained from uninorms

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    summary:We obtain a principal topology and some related results. We also give some hints of possible applications. Some mathematical systems are both lattice and topological space. We show that a topology defined on the any bounded lattice is definable in terms of uninorms. Also, we see that these topologies satisfy the condition of the principal topology. These topologies can not be metrizable except for the discrete metric case. We show an equivalence relation on the class of uninorms on a bounded lattice based on equality of the topologies induced by uninorms

    A Deep Study of Fuzzy Implications

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    This thesis contributes a deep study on the extensions of the IMPLY operator in classical binary logic to fuzzy logic, which are called fuzzy implications. After the introduction in Chapter 1 and basic notations about the fuzzy logic operators In Chapter 2 we first characterize In Chapter 3 S- and R- implications and then extensively investigate under which conditions QL-implications satisfy the thirteen fuzzy implication axioms. In Chapter 4 we develop the complete interrelationships between the eight supplementary axioms FI6-FI13 for fuzzy implications satisfying the five basic axioms FI1-FI15. We prove all the dependencies between the eight fuzzy implication axioms, and provide for each independent case a counter-example. The counter-examples provided in this chapter can be used in the applications that need different fuzzy implications satisfying different fuzzy implication axioms. In Chapter 5 we study proper S-, R- and QL-implications for an iterative boolean-like scheme of reasoning from classical binary logic in the frame of fuzzy logic. Namely, repeating antecedents nn times, the reasoning result will remain the same. To determine the proper S-, R- and QL-implications we get a full solution of the functional equation I(x,y)=I(x,I(x,y))I(x,y)=I(x,I(x,y)), for all xx, y[0,1]y\in[0,1]. In Chapter 6 we study for the most important t-norms, t-conorms and S-implications their robustness against different perturbations in a fuzzy rule-based system. We define and compare for these fuzzy logical operators the robustness measures against bounded unknown and uniform distributed perturbations respectively. In Chapter 7 we use a fuzzy implication II to define a fuzzy II-adjunction in F(Rn)\mathcal{F}(\mathbb{R}^{n}). And then we study the conditions under which a fuzzy dilation which is defined from a conjunction C\mathcal{C} on the unit interval and a fuzzy erosion which is defined from a fuzzy implication II^{'} to form a fuzzy II-adjunction. These conditions are essential in order that the fuzzification of the morphological operations of dilation, erosion, opening and closing obey similar properties as their algebraic counterparts. We find out that the adjointness between the conjunction C\mathcal{C} on the unit interval and the implication II or the implication II^{'} play important roles in such conditions

    Fuzzy Description Logics with General Concept Inclusions

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    Description logics (DLs) are used to represent knowledge of an application domain and provide standard reasoning services to infer consequences of this knowledge. However, classical DLs are not suited to represent vagueness in the description of the knowledge. We consider a combination of DLs and Fuzzy Logics to address this task. In particular, we consider the t-norm-based semantics for fuzzy DLs introduced by Hájek in 2005. Since then, many tableau algorithms have been developed for reasoning in fuzzy DLs. Another popular approach is to reduce fuzzy ontologies to classical ones and use existing highly optimized classical reasoners to deal with them. However, a systematic study of the computational complexity of the different reasoning problems is so far missing from the literature on fuzzy DLs. Recently, some of the developed tableau algorithms have been shown to be incorrect in the presence of general concept inclusion axioms (GCIs). In some fuzzy DLs, reasoning with GCIs has even turned out to be undecidable. This work provides a rigorous analysis of the boundary between decidable and undecidable reasoning problems in t-norm-based fuzzy DLs, in particular for GCIs. Existing undecidability proofs are extended to cover large classes of fuzzy DLs, and decidability is shown for most of the remaining logics considered here. Additionally, the computational complexity of reasoning in fuzzy DLs with semantics based on finite lattices is analyzed. For most decidability results, tight complexity bounds can be derived

    Rotation-invariant t-norms

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    In this thesis we study particular subclasses of WNM algebras. The variety of WNM algebras forms the algebraic semantics of the WNM logic, a propositional many-valued logic that generalizes some well-known case in the setting of triangular norms logics. WNM logic lies in the hierarchy of schematic extensions of MTL, which is proven to be the logic of all left-continuous triangular norms and their residua. In this work, I have extensively studied two extensions of WNM logic, namely RDP logic and NMG logic, from the point of view of algebraic and categorical logic. We develop spectral dualities between the varieties of algebras corresponding to RDP logic and NMG logic, and suitable defined combinatorial categories. Categorical dualities allow to give algorithmic construction of products in the dual categories obtaining computable descriptions of coproducts (which are notoriously hard to compute working only in the algebraic side) for the corresponding finite algebras. As a byproduct, representation theorems for finite algebras and free finitely generated algebras in the considered varieties are obtained. This latter characterization is especially useful to provide explicit construction of a number of objects relevant from the point of view of the logical interpretation of the varieties of algebras: normal forms, strongest deductive interpolants and most general unifiers