470 research outputs found

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationChina’s retail sector has undertaken tremendous transformation since its opening to foreign investment in 1992. Retail transnational corporations have expanded rapidly in this emerging market. Yet relatively little is known about how they have embedded in the Chinese market and expanded spatially and temporally. China has experienced unprecedented urbanization since the onset of economic reform in 1978. Dramatic land use and land cover (LULC) change and urban expansion have taken place in the past three decades. Detailed time-series analysis of LULC change and urban growth in Chinese cities is still scant. This dissertation focuses on the expansion of foreign hypermarket retailers in China and the urban growth in one Chinese city, Suzhou. This research analyzes the penetration strategy and local embeddedness of foreign hypermarket retailers, examines their spatial inequality and dynamics at different geographical levels, and identifies their location determinants through binary logistic regression models. This study applies random forest classification to multitemporal Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) images of Suzhou for LULC change analysis, employs landscape metrics and Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis to investigate urban growth patterns, and develops global and local logistic regression models to identify determinants of urban growth. The results indicate that spatiotemporal expansion of foreign hypermarket retailers has been largely dictated by the gradual liberalization policy of the Chinese government. Their local embeddedness has been impacted by both home and host economies. Relative gaps in foreign hypermarkets among three macro regions are narrowing while absolute gaps are widening. Provincial foreign hypermarket distribution has shown significant clustering in the Yangtze River Delta since 2005. Their distribution in Shanghai has changed from dispersion to intensified clustering and shown a clear trend of suburbanization. This study confirms that the random forest algorithm can effectively classify the heterogeneous landscape in Suzhou and LULC change has accelerated from 1986 to 2008. Three urban growth types, edge-expansion, infilling, and leapfrog are identified. Compared with the global model, the geographically weighted logistic regression model has overall better goodness-of-fit and provides more insights to spatial variations of the influence of underlying factors on urban growth

    Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Big Dataset on PM2.5 Air Pollution in Beijing, China, 2014 to 2018

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    Air particulate matter (PM2.5) pollution is a critical environment problem worldwide and also in Beijing, China. We gathered five-year PM2.5 contaminate concentrations from 2014 to 2018, from the Beijing Municipal Environmental Monitoring Center and China Air Quality Real-time Distribution Platform. This is a big dataset, and we collected with crawler technology from Python programming. After examining the quality of the recorded data, we determined to conduct the temporal and spatial analysis using 27 observation stations located in both urban and suburb area in the municipality of Beijing. The big dataset of five-year hourly PM2.5 concentrations was sorted to actionable datasets (Selected Datasets and Seasonal Average Selected Datasets) with the help of Python programming. Linear Regression based Fundamental Data Analysis was conducted as the first part of temporal analysis in R studio to gather the temporal patterns of five-year seasonal PM2.5 contaminant concentrations on each observation sites. As the second part of temporal analysis, the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was conducted in MATLAB to gather the patterns of variations of entire five-year PM2.5 contaminant concentration on each of the sites. Geographic Information System (GIS) was utilized to study the spatial pattern of air pollution distribution from the selected 27 observation sites during selected time periods. The results of this research are, 1) PM2.5 pollutions in winter are the most severe or the highest in each of the natural years. 2) PM2.5 pollution concentrations in Beijing were gradually decrease during 2014 to 2018. 3) In terms of a five-year time perspective, the improvements of air quality and reduction of PM2.5 contaminant appeared in all the seasons based on Fundamental Data Analysis. 4) PM2.5 contaminant concentrations in summer are significantly less than other seasons. 5) The least PM2.5 pollutant influenced area is north and northwest regions in Beijing, and the most PM2.5 pollutant influenced area is south and southeast areas in Beijing. 6) Vehicle concentration and traffic congestion is not the significant impact factor of PM2.5 pollutions in Beijing. 7) Heating supply of buildings and houses generated great contributions to the PM2.5 contaminant concentration in Beijing. While, in the background of rigorous emission reduction policy and management operations by the municipal government, contribution of heating supplies is gradually decreasing. 8) Human activities have limited contributions to the PM2.5 contaminants in Beijing. Meanwhile, type and quantity of fossil fuel energy consumptions might contribute large amount of air pollutions

    Dynamics of Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Harare, Zimbabwe: A Case Study on the Linkage between Drivers and the Axis of Urban Expansion

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    With increasing population growth, the Harare Metropolitan Province has experienced accelerated land use and land cover (LULC) changes, influencing the city’s growth. This study aims to assess spatiotemporal urban LULC changes, the axis, and patterns of growth as well as drivers influencing urban growth over the past three decades in the Harare Metropolitan Province. The analysis was based on remotely sensed Landsat Thematic Mapper and Operational Land Imager data from 1984–2018, GIS application, and binary logistic regression. Supervised image classification using support vector machines was performed on Landsat 5 TM and Landsat 8 OLI data combined with the soil adjusted vegetation index, enhanced built-up and bareness index and modified difference water index. Statistical modelling was performed using binary logistic regression to identify the influence of the slope and the distance proximity characters as independent variables on urban growth. The overall mapping accuracy for all time periods was over 85%. Built-up areas extended from 279.5 km2 (1984) to 445 km2 (2018) with high-density residential areas growing dramatically from 51.2 km2 (1984) to 218.4 km2 (2018). The results suggest that urban growth was influenced mainly by the presence and density of road networks

    Influences of Urban Expansion on Urban Heat Island in Beijing during 1989–2010

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    Beijing has experienced rapid urbanization and associated urban heat island (UHI) effects. This study aimed at analyzing the impact of urban form on UHI in Beijing using TM/ETM images between 1989 and 2010. Spatial analysis was proposed to explore the relationships between area, compactness ratio, the gravity centers of urban land, and UHI. The UHI in Beijing spatially represented a “NE-SW” spindle. The land surface temperature (LST) was higher in south than in north. Urban Heat Island Ratio Index (URI) was well interrelated with urban land area in different zones. Under the similar urban land area condition, UHI and compactness ratio of urban land were in positive correlation. The moving direction of the UHI gravity center was basically in agreement with urban land sprawl. The encroachment of urban land on suburban land is the leading source of UHI effect. The results suggest that urban design based on urban form would be effective for regulating the thermal environment


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    학위논문(석사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 환경대학원 환경계획학과, 2023. 8. Young-Sung LEE.There is direct relationship between urbanization and Land use and cover (LULC) change, there is also relationship between the land surface temperature (LST) and Albedo, Albedo and LST can be influenced by urbanization at the same time. In this study, i try to explore the impact of urbanization on surface urban heat island (SUHI). There are no researches studied by remote sensing method in North District of Hong Kong. In this study, i have classified the LULC in North District of Hong Kong, then, LST has been analyzed by using Landsat (TM/OLI) images. The inversion LST was obtained in this study's usage of the maximum likelihood classifier approach (supervised classification) to categorize pictures. There are so many methods to define urban area and non-urban area, simplified urban extend (SUE) method is used to distinguish urban area and non-urban area and then calculate the surface urban heat island (SUHI) in North District of Hong Kong, the correlation between urban heat island effect and urban green space and building land can provide important information for our urban development and environmental protection. To study the influence of urban green space and building land on urban heat island effect, I also analyzed the correlation between land surface temperature and Albedo, and the relationship between LST and NDVI, NDBI shows the influence of vegetation area on UHI is negative. Then the positive correlation between urban building land and surface temperature distribution is that urban building land has positive influence on UHI, it also shows building area can enhance urban heat island effect. The results of LULC revealed that According to the classification results, from 1987 to 2004, 71.157% of forest area remained unchanged, 26.903% of forest were changed into urban area, 9.529% of barren area were changed into urban area.From 2004 to 2021, 71.157% of forest area remained unchanged, 26.903% of forest area were changed into urban area, 9.529% of barren area were changed into urban area. From 1987 to 2021, 42.654% of forest area changed into other land area, urban area continued to increase from 1987 to 2021CHAPTER Ⅰ. INTRODUCTION 6 1.Research Objectives and Significance of Study 6 2. The influencing factors of Urban Heat Island 9 3. Research range 10 4. Problems among studies 13 CHAPTER Ⅱ. LITERATURE REVIEW 14 1. Urban heat island (UHI) and urban heat intensity (UHII) 15 2. The research methods of urban heat island and progress 17 3. Surface meteorological data observation between urban area and suburb area 16 3.1. Boundary layer numerical model simulation 17 3.2. Remote sensing monitoring 18 3.3. Temperature-Based Heat Island remote sensing Monitoring Method 21 3.3.1. A Method of Heat Island remote sensing Monitoring Based on Vegetation Index (NDVI) 22 3.3.2. A Method of Heat Island remote sensing Monitoring Based on "Heat Landscape." 23 4. Research urban heat island by remote sensing inversion 23 4.1. Radiation transfer equation method 24 4.2. Mono-window algorithm 25 4.3. Split-window algorithm 26 5. The effect of urbanization on urban heat island by remote sensing 27 CHAPTER Ⅲ. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 28 1. Research Contents and Technical Route 28 1.1. Research Contents 28 1.2. Technical Route 29 1.2.1. Access to remote sensing data 30 1.2.2. Remote sensing data preprocessing 30 (1) Geometric correction 31 (2) Atmospheric correction 31 (3) Radiometric calibration 32 (4) Study area image clip 32 2. Supervised Classification 34 2.1 Accuracy Assessment 34 2.2 land surface temperature (LST) 34 3. Correlation between LST and EDVI, NDBI 36 4. UHII 37 CHAPTER Ⅳ. OUTCOME 39 1. Separability 41 2. Accuracy 41 3. Land use and land cover (LULC) classification result 42 4. Calculation of NDVI and FVC through ENVI 5.3 43 5. Correlation analysis between UHI and NDVI and NDBI 45 6. Relationship between LST and LULC 46 7. The Albedo and LST 50 8. Analysis of Albedo and LST in significant sub-areas 52 9. The distribution of SUHI in the North District of Hong Kong 53 10. the development of urbanization and urban heat island in the North District of Hong Kong 53 CHAPTER Ⅴ. CONCLUSION 55 Main innovations and limitations in this study 57 Research prospect of urban heat island in Hong Kong region 58 REFERENCE 59석

    Spatiotemporal Simulation of Future Land Use/Cover Change Scenarios in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area

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    Simulating future land use/cover changes is of great importance for urban planners and decision-makers, especially in metropolitan areas, to maintain a sustainable environment. This study examines the changes in land use/cover in the Tokyo metropolitan area (TMA) from 2007 to 2017 as a first step in using supervised classification. Second, based on the map results, we predicted the expected patterns of change in 2027 and 2037 by employing a hybrid model composed of cellular automata and the Markov model. The next step was to decide the model inputs consisting of the modeling variables affecting the distribution of land use/cover in the study area, for instance distance to central business district (CBD) and distance to railways, in addition to the classified maps of 2007 and 2017. Finally, we considered three scenarios for simulating land use/cover changes: spontaneous, sub-region development, and green space improvement. Simulation results show varied patterns of change according to the different scenarios. The sub-region development scenario is the most promising because it balances between urban areas, resources, and green spaces. This study provides significant insight for planners about change trends in the TMA and future challenges that might be encountered to maintain a sustainable region

    Development of Conceptual Model for Eco-Based Strategic Environmental Assessment

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    Since the development of mega projects had been contributed, in consequence, the continuous projects were developed and caused some hidden effects. The main target of this chapter is to develop conceptual model for eco-based strategic environmental assessment (SEA) as the tool to consider the kinetic development resulting from project impacts. Three indicators, namely, environmental assessment, land use, and ecological approach, were selected to support the purpose. For environmental dimension, the contents of Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines and Environmental Impact Statements were analyzed, using content analysis. Land use change for selected areas was analyzed covering the period of mega project development. For ecosystem, the development of ecological pattern from the past to the present was surveyed and investigated in detail. The results illustrated the hierarchical risk areas from the lowest to the highest. Finally, the conceptual model was developed on the basis of the actual impacts according to the area feature

    Optimized greenery configuration to mitigate urban heat: A decade systematic review

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    Urban vegetation is a nature-based solution for cooling cities. Under global warming and urban population growth, it is essential to optimize urban vegetation configuration in the urban area to bring maximum cooling benefit. This paper reviews 85 optimized urban vegetation configuration studies published from 2010 to 2020 to provide an insight into the most effective vegetation configuration for urban heat mitigation. Patterns and preferences in methods and the optimized greenery configurations are comprehensively analyzed. The results indicate that size, quantity, and layout of urban green space and the physiological characteristics and spatial arrangement of urban vegetation significantly influence their cooling effect. Additionally, two other research gaps were identified. First, more research needs to be done in southern hemisphere cities experiencing rapid urbanization and severe impacts of extreme weather. Second, a comprehensive method for quantifying interactions and cumulative effects of natural and artificial factors in the urban environment is required. Future study needs a holistic understanding of the interactive effects of vegetation spatial distribution on urban environment and climate for a more accurate analysis of optimal cooling greening layouts in large urban areas at multi-scales

    Measuring Urban Green Space in Australia

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    The Hort Innovation Green Cities project “Measuring Australia’s Green Space Asset” (MUGS) undertook a global review of urban green space (UGS) measurement research and engaged with Australian stakeholders to gauge current practice. The overall aim of the project was to foster best-practice UGS planning and management by juxtaposing the scientific state of the art with the contextualised needs expressed by potential Australian end users. The synthesis of findings informed a ‘blueprint’ which sketches the contours of a possible nationally consistent UGS decision-support framework. The framework is illustrated with a worked example from Australia (rapid assessment of urban green space assets using satellite imagery)

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationDuring the past three decades, China was experiencing a transitional economy driven by both the market and the state. At the same time, the economic transitions brought a tremendous urban land expansion in China and other transitional socialist countries