962 research outputs found

    Research on Planning and Construction of Xiamen Software Park Phase III

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    中国软件信息业从上世纪九十年代的起步阶段到如今的迅猛发展,产业的重要性决定了软件园地位的关键性,而软件园建设的成败对产业的发展又至关重要。中国软件园从传统的简单粗放型的产业园到强调以人为本,生态可持续发展的创新新型的科技园,经历了将近20年的时间,近年来更是把园区规划和建设提升到“城市”建设的层面上来,从而引发了更深层次的思考和探索。 “厦门软件园三期”是在城市发展、产业转型升级背景下,建设规模较大、定位较高的产业园区,在国内同类软件园中具有先进性和代表性。本文以它作为研究对象,通过理论和实践相结合,探讨其发展模式、研究其总体规划及建筑设计方法、生态环境构建、创新服务等,从“多元复合、人性化...Chinese software and information industry has experienced a rapid development since its beginning of the 1990’s till now. The importance of industry determines the key role of Software Park and its successful park construction is also of crucial importance to the development of industry. After nearly 20 years’ construction improvement, Software Parks in china have been changed from their tradition...学位:工程硕士院系专业:建筑与土木工程学院_工程硕士(建筑与土木工程)学号:X201225001

    Impact of Interdisciplinary Research on Planning, Running, and Managing Electromobility as a Smart Grid Extension

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    The smart grid is concerned with energy efficiency and with the environment, being a countermeasure against the territory devastations that may originate by the fossil fuel mining industry feeding the conventional power grids. This paper deals with the integration between the electromobility and the urban power distribution network in a smart grid framework, i.e., a multi-stakeholder and multi-Internet ecosystem (Internet of Information, Internet of Energy, and Internet of Things) with edge computing capabilities supported by cloud-level services and with clean mapping between the logical and physical entities involved and their stakeholders. In particular, this paper presents some of the results obtained by us in several European projects that refer to the development of a traffic and power network co-simulation tool for electro mobility planning, platforms for recharging services, and communication and service management architectures supporting interoperability and other qualities required for the implementation of the smart grid framework. For each contribution, this paper describes the inter-disciplinary characteristics of the proposed approaches

    The Research on Planning of Commercial Enterprise Value Added Tax Revenue

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    税收从古至今都与人类的经济生活息息相关,税收的固定性特征决定了税收筹划具有可行性。随着社会经济的发展,税收筹划日益成为纳税人理财或经营管理整体中不可缺少的一个重要组成部分。 我国增值税税源广,税负具有一定弹性,现行《中华人民共和国增值税暂行条例》及其实施细则明文规定了纳税人在税率、税额、减免税、先征后退、出口退税等方面具有众多的税收优惠政策,给纳税人进行税收筹划提供了可行的空间。商业企业在设立、采购与销售方面都涉及到增值税,研究商业企业增值税税收筹划具有一定的理论意义和现实意义。 本文从结构上分为五个部分: 第一部分是导论。主要介绍了论文的背景及意义、文献综述、研究方法与思路以及本文的创...Throughout history, the tax revenues are vitally related with the economic life. The fixed characteristic of the tax make it’s possible to plan the tax. Along with the development of social economy, the planning of the tax revenue become a major part of taxpayer financing or management. The source of our country’s value-added taxis wide, value-added tax burden has certain flexibility, current 《th...学位:会计硕士院系专业:厦门大学与厦门国家会计学院会计硕士专业学位联合教育中心(MPACC)_会计学学号:X200615710

    Integrating planning and reactive control

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    Artificial intelligence research on planning is concerned with designing control systems that choose actions by manipulating explicit descriptions of the world state, the goal to be achieved, and the effects of elementary operations available to the system. Because planning shifts much of the burden of reasoning to the machine, it holds great appeal as a high-level programming method. Experience shows, however, that it cannot be used indiscriminately because even moderately rich languages for describing goals, states, and the elementary operators lead to computational inefficiencies that render the approach unsuitable for realistic applications. This inadequacy has spawned a recent wave of research on reactive control or situated activity in which control systems are modeled as reacting directly to the current situation rather than as reasoning about the future effects of alternative action sequences. While this research has confronted the issue of run-time tractability head on, in many cases it has done so by sacrificing the advantages of declarative planning techniques. Ways in which the two approaches can be unified are discussed. The authors begin by modeling reactive control systems as state machines that map a stream of sensory inputs to a stream of control outputs. These machines can be decomposed into two continuously active subsystems: the planner and the execution module. The planner computes a plan, which can be seen as a set of bits that control the behavior of the execution module. An important element of this work is the formulation of a precise semantic interpretation for the inputs and outputs of the planning system. They show that the distinction between planned and reactive behavior is largely in the eye of the beholder: systems that seem to compute explicit plans can be redescribed in situation-action terms and vice versa. They also discuss practical programming techniques that allow the advantages of declarative programming and guaranteed reactive response to be achieved simultaneously

    Planning and governance under the LGA: Lessons from the RMA experience.

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    The purpose of this report is to identify ways in which experiences gained from the RMA as a devolved and co-operative planning mandate can enable local and central government and other stakeholders to more effectively implement the LGA. The report is based on findings from the FRST-funded research programme on Planning under Co-operative Mandates (PUCM). We argue in this report that the experiences gained from the RMA can inform effective implementation of the LGA in three important respects: Preparation and implementation of LTCCPs; The community consultation process for formulating community outcomes; and Māori participation in planning and governance

    Housing and Planning in London under the Conservative Government: Spatial impacts, social polarisation, sustainable development and social justice

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    This paper will be based on my continuing research on planning and housing development in London. It will focus on the proposals in the Government’s Housing and Planning Bill, which are likely to be enacted in Spring 2016. It will review the evidence of potential spatial impacts in terms of the supply of existing affordable homes and the location and affordability of new supply. This will be related to a review of the alternative development options for London’s growth in the context of the Mayor of London’s draft 2050 Infrastructure Plan. The paper will analyse the potential impact of new Government policy and legislation on whether London’s housing requirements can be delivered in accordance with the objectives of sustainable planning and social justice, and will also consider the constraints on the ability of the new Mayor of London, to be elected in May 2016 to achieve manifesto commitments

    Evidence on the Value of Strategic Planning in Marketing: How Much Planning Should a Marketing Planner Plan?

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    What evidence exists on the value of formal planning for strategic decision-making in marketing? This paper reviews the evidence. This includes two tests of face validity. First, we use the market test: Are formal procedures used for marketing planning? Next, we examine expert prescriptions: What do they say is the best way to plan? More important than face validity, however, are tests of construct or predictive validity: What empirical evidence exists on the relative value of formal and informal approaches to marketing planning? The paper concludes with suggestions on the types of research that would be most useful for measuring the value of formal marketing planning. Before reviewing the evidence, we present a framework for the formal planning process.strategic planning, marketing

    Planning as Theorem Proving with Heuristics

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    Planning as theorem proving in situation calculus was abandoned 50 years ago as an impossible project. But we have developed a Theorem Proving Lifted Heuristic (TPLH) planner that searches for a plan in a tree of situations using the A* search algorithm. It is controlled by a delete relaxation-based domain independent heuristic. We compare TPLH with Fast Downward (FD) and Best First Width Search (BFWS) planners over several standard benchmarks. Since our implementation of the heuristic function is not optimized, TPLH is slower than FD and BFWS. But it computes shorter plans, and it explores fewer states. We discuss previous research on planning within KR\&R and identify related directions. Thus, we show that deductive lifted heuristic planning in situation calculus is actually doable.Comment: Submitted for a review. Copyright (C) 2023 by Mikhail Soutchanski and Ryan Youn