6 research outputs found

    Internet of Satellites (IoSat): analysis of network models and routing protocol requirements

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    The space segment has been evolved from monolithic to distributed satellite systems. One of these distributed systems is called the federated satellite system (FSS) which aims at establishing a win-win collaboration between satellites to improve their mission performance by using the unused on-board resources. The FSS concept requires sporadic and direct communications between satellites, using inter satellite links. However, this point-to-point communication is temporal and thus it can break existent federations. Therefore, the conception of a multi-hop scenario needs to be addressed. This is the goal of the Internet of satellites (IoSat) paradigm which, as opposed to a common backbone, proposes the creation of a network using a peer-to-peer architecture. In particular, the same satellites take part of the network by establishing intermediate collaborations to deploy a FSS. This paradigm supposes a major challenge in terms of network definition and routing protocol. Therefore, this paper not only details the IoSat paradigm, but it also analyses the different satellite network models. Furthermore, it evaluates the routing protocol candidates that could be used to implement the IoSat paradigm.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    GNSS Related Threats to Power Grid Applications

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    As power grid environments are moving towards the smart grid vision of the future, the traditional schemes for power grid protection and control are making way for new applications. The advancements in this field have made the requirements for power grid’s time synchronization accuracy and precision considerably more demanding. So far, the signals provided by Global Navigation Satellite Systems have generally addressed the need for highly accurate and stable reference time in power grid applications. These signals however are highly susceptible to tampering as they are being transmitted. Since electrical power transmission and distribution are critical functions for any modern society, the risks and impacts affiliated with satellite-based time synchronization in power grids ought to be examined. This thesis aims to address the matter. The objective is to examine how Global Navigation Satellite Systems are utilized in the power grids, how different attacks would potentially be carried out by employing interference and disturbance to GNSS signals and receivers and how the potential threats can be mitigated. A major part of the research is done through literature review, and the core concepts and different implementations of Global Navigation Satellite Systems are firstly introduced. The literature review also involves the introduction of different power grid components and subsystems, that utilize Global Positioning System for time synchronization. Threat modeling techniques traditionally practiced in software development are applied to power grid components and subsystems to gain insight about the possible threats and their impacts. The threats recognized through this process are evaluated and potential techniques for mitigating the most notable threats are presented.Sähköverkot ovat siirtymässä kohti tulevaisuuden älykkäitä sähköverkkoja ja perinteiset sähköverkon suojaus- ja ohjausmenetelmät tekevät tilaa uusille sovelluksille. Alan kehitys on tehnyt aikasynkronoinnin tarkkuusvaatimuksista huomattavasti aikaisempaa vaativampia. Tarkka aikareferenssi sähköverkoissa on tähän saakka saavutettu satelliittinavigointijärjestelmien tarjoamien signaalien avulla. Nämä signaalit ovat kuitenkin erittäin alttiita erilaisille hyökkäyksille. Sähkönjakelujärjestelmät ovat kriittinen osa nykyaikaista yhteiskuntaa ja riskejä sekä seuraamuksia, jotka liittyvät satelliittipohjaisten aikasynkronointimenetelmien hyödyntämiseen sähköverkoissa, tulisi tarkastella. Tämä tutkielma pyrkii vastaamaan tähän tarpeeseen. Päämääränä on selvittää, miten satelliittinavigointijärjestelmiä hyödynnetään sähköverkoissa, kuinka erilaisia hyökkäyksiä voidaan toteuttaa satelliittisignaaleja häiritsemällä ja satelliittisignaalivastaanottimia harhauttamalla ja kuinka näiden muodostamia uhkia voidaan lieventää. Valtaosa tästä tutkimuksesta on toteutettu kirjallisuuskatselmoinnin pohjalta. Työ kattaa satelliittinavigointijärjestelmien perusteet ja esittelee erilaisia tapoja, kuinka satelliittisignaaleja hyödynnetään sähköverkoissa erityisesti aikasynkronoinnin näkökulmasta. Työssä hyödynnettiin perinteisesti ohjelmistokehityksessä käytettyjä uhkamallinnusmenetelmiä mahdollisten uhkien ja seurausten analysointiin. Lopputuloksena esitellään riskiarviot uhkamallinnuksen pohjalta tunnistetuista uhkista, sekä esitellään erilaisia menettelytapoja uhkien lieventämiseksi

    Satellite Communications

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    This study is motivated by the need to give the reader a broad view of the developments, key concepts, and technologies related to information society evolution, with a focus on the wireless communications and geoinformation technologies and their role in the environment. Giving perspective, it aims at assisting people active in the industry, the public sector, and Earth science fields as well, by providing a base for their continued work and thinking

    Design and Silicon Area Optimization of Time-Domain GNSS Receiver Baseband Architectures

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    The use of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs) in a wide range of portable devices has exploded in the recent years. Demands for a lower cost while expecting longer battery life and better performance are constantly increasing. The general GNSS receiver operation and algorithms are already well studied in the literature, but the hardware architectures and designs have not been discussed in detail.This thesis introduces a high level gate count estimation method that provides good accuracy without requiring the hardware being fully specified. It is based on developing hierarchical models, which are parameterizable, while requiring minimal amount of information about the silicon technology used for the implementation. The average accuracy has been shown to be 4%.Three time-domain, real-time GNSS receiver baseband architectures are described with a discussion about various optimization methods for efficient implementation: the correlator, the matched filter, and the group correlator, which is a new architecture combining some of the features of the two first ones.Four use cases are defined for different GNSS operating modes: Acquisition, tracking, assisted GNSS, and the combination of the first three modes. A comparison is made for receiver basebands including all necessary blocks for full functionality to find out which of the three architectures provides the most silicon area efficient implementation.It is shown that the correlator offers good flexibility, but yields the highest silicon area for acquisition use cases. The matched filter is best suited for the acquisition, but has large overhead when it comes to tracking the signals. The group correlator offers a reasonably good flexibility and area efficiency in all use cases.The main contributions of the thesis are: Development of domain specific optimizations for GNSS receivers and an accurate gate count estimation method, which are applied for a quantitative comparison of different GNSS receiver architectures. The results show that no single architecture excels in all cases, and the best choice depends on the actual use case

    Advanced Location-Based Technologies and Services

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    Since the publication of the first edition in 2004, advances in mobile devices, positioning sensors, WiFi fingerprinting, and wireless communications, among others, have paved the way for developing new and advanced location-based services (LBSs). This second edition provides up-to-date information on LBSs, including WiFi fingerprinting, mobile computing, geospatial clouds, geospatial data mining, location privacy, and location-based social networking. It also includes new chapters on application areas such as LBSs for public health, indoor navigation, and advertising. In addition, the chapter on remote sensing has been revised to address advancements

    Air Traffic Management Abbreviation Compendium

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    As in all fields of work, an unmanageable number of abbreviations are used today in aviation for terms, definitions, commands, standards and technical descriptions. This applies in general to the areas of aeronautical communication, navigation and surveillance, cockpit and air traffic control working positions, passenger and cargo transport, and all other areas of flight planning, organization and guidance. In addition, many abbreviations are used more than once or have different meanings in different languages. In order to obtain an overview of the most common abbreviations used in air traffic management, organizations like EUROCONTROL, FAA, DWD and DLR have published lists of abbreviations in the past, which have also been enclosed in this document. In addition, abbreviations from some larger international projects related to aviation have been included to provide users with a directory as complete as possible. This means that the second edition of the Air Traffic Management Abbreviation Compendium includes now around 16,500 abbreviations and acronyms from the field of aviation