1,804 research outputs found

    Monitoring Temperature and Humidity of Boiler Chicken Cages Based on Internet of Things (IoT)

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    Animal husbandry is a business sector that is growing rapidly. Poultry is very popular with the community, especially broiler chickens. However, breeders find it difficult to maintain the condition of broiler chickens because these poultry are heat stress birds that are easily stressed if the coop conditions are too hot or cold. Because of this, this research was conducted to design a system that can control the temperature and humidity values of the chicken coop automatically. The system designed in this study uses a DHT11 sensor which is useful for detecting the temperature and humidity values of the chicken coop. The microcontroller used is NodeMCU. The temperature and humidity values are sent via IoT (Internet of Things) to the ThingSpeak media platform. The fan will turn on if the temperature value is more than 31° C. The mist maker will light up if the humidity value is less than 55%, and the incandescent lamp will light up if the temperature value is less than 29° C. The system testing performed resulted in a temperature error value of 1,05% and humidity error value of 2,39%. The system's ability to turn on fans, mist makers, and incandescent lamps when the temperature value does not match the conditions can also run well

    New tools for precision livestock management

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    Beyond Ideals: Proslavery Reforms on a Nineteenth-Century Cotton Plantation

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    The last four decades of the antebellum period witnessed the rise of a proslavery plantation reform movement aimed at preserving slavery in the face of increasing abolitionist pressure. Reformers promoted the image of ideal enslaved households operating as part of efficient modern plantations ruled by reason, benevolent management techniques, and scientific agriculture. Where implemented, reforms resulted in numerous changes to plantation life both around the home and in the fields. Slaves who bore the brunt of these changes struggled to resist plantation reforms or grudgingly accepted them depending on the impact upon established daily routines and any potential benefits bondsmen may have foreseen. Utilizing a novel integrated landscape and household framework, this dissertation examines two neighboring slave quarter sites that were excavated between 2009 and 2012 on Witherspoon Island, a large nineteenth-century cotton plantation located in Darlington County, South Carolina. Looking at both the dwellings and surrounding yard space associated with these contested landscapes, this study seeks to understand what reforms may have been adopted by planter John Dick Witherspoon and their impact on the plantation’s vibrant enslaved community. Specifically, this dissertation examines the material and symbolic impact of labor reforms on enslaved inhabitants, their dwellings and associated landscapes through the lens of dwelling architecture, household sanitation, slave diet, religious instruction, health care, and market access for slaves. While many of the reforms regarding improved housing, diet or sanitation may have appeared outwardly humane, I argue that the core of the reform movement was concerned with developing a better means to physically control slaves across the plantation landscape both in the fields and in the private lives bondsmen worked to create

    Alliance Building in the Food Sovereignty Movement: Perspectives from Activists Advocating for Farmworker Justice and Agrarian Justice

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    The food sovereignty movement has come to encompass a wide-range of constituent groups, all with unique perspectives and interests. While some of these groups’ goals align naturally, others present priorities differently, namely organizations that advocate for farmworker justice and those that advocate for agrarian justice. Because of the power imbalance embedded in this relationship as well as the racist, patriarchal, and neoliberal nature of agrarian capitalism, it can be challenging to navigate an equitable path forward. In this thesis, I examine whether and how food sovereignty as a broader umbrella movement is generative towards building ties between advocates for farmworker justice and agrarian justice. I embark on a study that seeks to learn how activists articulate, forge common cause, and surmount tensions under a food sovereignty framework. Interviews with activists reveal that there is a common recognition of the organizing power and history of success of farmworker organizations as well as the oppressive grip of agricultural corporations. There is also a demonstrated desire to build solidarity networks with groups across the food system and beyond. Still, activists’ visions differ; some hope to reimagine the agricultural system, while others work within the confines of capitalism to ensure all workers’ needs are met. The paper concludes with perspectives on solidarity efforts to move towards a just food system

    In the Shadows of Dominion: Anthropocentrism and the Continuance of a Culture of Oppression

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    The oppression of nonhuman animals in Western culture observed in societal institutions and practices such as the factory farm, hunting, and vivisection, exhibits alarming linkages and parallels to some episodes of the oppression of human animals. This work traces the foundations of anthropocentrism in Western philosophy and connects them to the oppressions of racism, sexism, and ethnocentrism. In outlining a uniform theory of oppression detailed through the marginalization, isolation, and exploitation of human and nonhuman animals alike, parallels among the groups emerge as the fused oppression of each exhibits a commonality among them. The analysis conducted within this work highlights the development and sustainment of oppression in the West and illuminates the socio-historical tendencies apparent in the oppression of human and nonhuman animals alike

    Architecture and Applications of IoT Devices in Socially Relevant Fields

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    Number of IoT enabled devices are being tried and introduced every year and there is a healthy competition among researched and businesses to capitalize the space created by IoT, as these devices have a great market potential. Depending on the type of task involved and sensitive nature of data that the device handles, various IoT architectures, communication protocols and components are chosen and their performance is evaluated. This paper reviews such IoT enabled devices based on their architecture, communication protocols and functions in few key socially relevant fields like health care, farming, firefighting, women/individual safety/call for help/harm alert, home surveillance and mapping as these fields involve majority of the general public. It can be seen, to one's amazement, that already significant number of devices are being reported on these fields and their performance is promising. This paper also outlines the challenges involved in each of these fields that require solutions to make these devices reliableComment: 1

    Georgian Worldview: Its Definition, History, and Influence on the Material World of Thomas Jefferson

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    The research of this thesis has been that of two directions. The first of these attempted to both define and expand that ideological concept known as the Georgian Worldview. By referencing the opinions of current authority and by examining the very origins of this concept\u27s many attributes this thesis would suggest that the term Georgian encompasses far more than symmetry in architecture alone. With this said, however, it must yet be acknowledged that architecture, and particularly the balanced and refined Palladian examples of the eighteenth century, often represented the most clearly recognizable material manifestation of this particular pervasive mind set. The second direction of this thesis has involved the confrontation of this mental concept with data provided from the material world. In this instance, however, the late eighteenth century Jeffersonian architecture employed as an example of the influence of the former over the latter has involved not so much the architectural details and layout of his Monticello mansion, but those of the ordinary domestic and farm outbuilding that supported his Albemarle County home and plantation in central Virginia. Archival and archaeological evidence combine to suggest that even within these simple and often crude structures the shaping hand of this powerful worldview may yet be distinguished
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