743 research outputs found

    Multi-fault diagnosis for rolling element bearings based on intrinsic mode function screening and optimized least squares support vector machine

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    Multi-fault diagnosis of rolling element bearing is significant to avoid serious accidents and huge economic losses effectively. However, due to the vibration signal with the character of nonstationarity and nonlinearity, the detection, extraction and classification of the fault feature turn into a challenging task. This paper presents a novel method based on redundant second generation wavelet packet transform (RSGWPT), ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) and optimized least squares support vector machine (LSSVM) for fault diagnosis of rolling element bearings. Firstly, this method implements an analysis combining RSGWPT-EEMD to extract the crucial characteristics from the measured signal to identify the running state of rolling element bearings, the vibration signal is adaptively decomposed into a number of modified intrinsic mode functions (modified IMFs) by two step screening processes based on the energy ratio; secondly, the matrix is formed by different level modified IMFs and singular value decomposition (SVD) is used to decompose the matrix to obtain singular value as eigenvector; finally, singular values are input to LSSVM optimized by particle swarm optimization (PSO) in the feature space to specify the fault type. The effectiveness of the proposed multi-fault diagnosis technique is demonstrated by applying it to both simulated signals and practical bearing vibration signals under different conditions. The results show that the proposed method is effective for the condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of rolling element bearings

    Fault diagnosis of rolling bearing based on relevance vector machine and kernel principal component analysis

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    In order to improve the speed and accuracy of rolling bearing fault diagnosis on small samples, a method based on relevance vector machine (RVM) and Kernel Principle Component Analysis (KPCA) is proposed. Firstly, the wavelet packet energy of the vibration signal is extracted with the wavelet packet transform, which is used as fault feature vectors. Secondly, the dimension of feature vectors is reduced in order to weaken the correlation between the features. The important principal components are selected using KPCA as the new feature vectors under the criterion that the cumulative variance is greater than 95 %. Finally, the faults of rolling bearing are diagnosed through combining KPCA with RVM. Simulation experimental indicates the advantages of the presented method. Moreover, the proposed approach is applied to diagnoses rolling bearing fault. The results show that wavelet packet energy can express rolling bearing fault features accurately, KPCA can reduce the dimension of feature vectors effectively and the proposed method has better performance in the speed of fault diagnosis than the method based on support vector machine (SVM), which supplies a strategy of fault diagnosis for rolling bearing. In this paper, the performance of the proposed method is also compared with other diagnostic methods

    Friction, Vibration and Dynamic Properties of Transmission System under Wear Progression

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    This reprint focuses on wear and fatigue analysis, the dynamic properties of coating surfaces in transmission systems, and non-destructive condition monitoring for the health management of transmission systems. Transmission systems play a vital role in various types of industrial structure, including wind turbines, vehicles, mining and material-handling equipment, offshore vessels, and aircrafts. Surface wear is an inevitable phenomenon during the service life of transmission systems (such as on gearboxes, bearings, and shafts), and wear propagation can reduce the durability of the contact coating surface. As a result, the performance of the transmission system can degrade significantly, which can cause sudden shutdown of the whole system and lead to unexpected economic loss and accidents. Therefore, to ensure adequate health management of the transmission system, it is necessary to investigate the friction, vibration, and dynamic properties of its contact coating surface and monitor its operating conditions

    Curve similarity recognition based rolling bearing degradation state estimation and lifetime prediction

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    The health state of a rolling bearing keeps changing from a normal state to a slight degradation state followed eventually by a severely degraded state. To make reasonable inspection and maintenance plans, it is necessary to estimate the degradation state and predict the lifetime of a running rolling bearing accurately and in a timely fashion. This paper presents a new method for rolling bearing degradation state estimation and lifetime prediction based on curve similarity recognition. Different from existing methods, this method employs a dynamic time warping algorithm to recognize the curve similarity of those extracted features of rolling bearings in different states of health, which can reflect the intrinsic state of the rolling bearing; it discretizes the bearing degradation state reasonably through curve similarity. Next, the curve similarity is used to train the degradation state estimation model and a support vector machine based lifetime prediction model. Finally, this paper conducts a case study for a rolling bearing with impact degradation and one with wear degradation, respectively. The experimental results indicate that the new proposed method is highly efficient in recognizing the bearing’s degradation state and predicting its lifetime

    Experimental Investigation for Fault Diagnosis Based on a Hybrid Approach Using Wavelet Packet and Support Vector Classification

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    To deal with the difficulty to obtain a large number of fault samples under the practical condition for mechanical fault diagnosis, a hybrid method that combined wavelet packet decomposition and support vector classification (SVC) is proposed. The wavelet packet is employed to decompose the vibration signal to obtain the energy ratio in each frequency band. Taking energy ratios as feature vectors, the pattern recognition results are obtained by the SVC. The rolling bearing and gear fault diagnostic results of the typical experimental platform show that the present approach is robust to noise and has higher classification accuracy and, thus, provides a better way to diagnose mechanical faults under the condition of small fault samples

    Constructive Incremental Learning for Fault Diagnosis of Rolling Bearings with Ensemble Domain Adaptation

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    Given the prevalence of rolling bearing fault diagnosis as a practical issue across various working conditions, the limited availability of samples compounds the challenge. Additionally, the complexity of the external environment and the structure of rolling bearings often manifests faults characterized by randomness and fuzziness, hindering the effective extraction of fault characteristics and restricting the accuracy of fault diagnosis. To overcome these problems, this paper presents a novel approach termed constructive Incremental learning-based ensemble domain adaptation (CIL-EDA) approach. Specifically, it is implemented on stochastic configuration networks (SCN) to constructively improve its adaptive performance in multi-domains. Concretely, a cloud feature extraction method is employed in conjunction with wavelet packet decomposition (WPD) to capture the uncertainty of fault information from multiple resolution aspects. Subsequently, constructive Incremental learning-based domain adaptation (CIL-DA) is firstly developed to enhance the cross-domain learning capability of each hidden node through domain matching and construct a robust fault classifier by leveraging limited labeled data from both target and source domains. Finally, fault diagnosis results are obtained by a majority voting of CIL-EDA which integrates CIL-DA and parallel ensemble learning. Experimental results demonstrate that our CIL-DA outperforms several domain adaptation methods and CIL-EDA consistently outperforms state-of-art fault diagnosis methods in few-shot scenarios

    The roller bearing fault diagnosis methods with harmonic wavelet packet and multi-classification relevance vector machine

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    Roller bearings are widely used elements in rotary machines. How to monitor the working conditions of roller bearings are focus study in the world. Monitoring the vibration signals of roller bearings is important indirect mean for that they reveal the characteristics and feature of roller bearing faults. Therefore, monitor the vibration signals and diagnose the working states of roller bearings are widely used to ensure the safety operation of the machines. This paper studies a novel roller bearing faults discrimination method with harmonic wavelet packet and Multi-classification Relevance Vector Machine (MRVM). Indeed, the fault discrimination is a pattern recognition process including feature extraction and faulty patterns recognition. Therefore, this paper collects vibration signals and decomposes them with harmonic wavelet packet. After the wavelet coefficients of each node are available, compute the vector energy by corresponding coefficients. The feature vector is prepared after the vector energy has been standardized. With MRVM, the paper proposes three fault discrimination methods in order to identify good bearing, bearing with inner race fault, bearing with outer race fault and bearing with roller fault. The Decision Tree (DT) model, One Against Rest (OAR) model and One Against One (OAO) model are used to propose the classification methods respectively. The proposed OAO model is simplified in order to improve the computation efficiency and simplify the architecture of the model. Finally, capture the vibration signal from the roller bearing stand of electric engineering lab and the roller bearing fault simulation stand QPZZ-II to illustrate the proposed methods. The proposed feature extraction method with harmonic wavelet packet is compared with conventional wavelet packet. With the previous feature vectors, the accuracy and efficiency of the three fault discrimination methods are compared. The accuracy and efficiency of three fault discrimination methods are compared under different conditions including developing faults, noise involving and several faults developing simultaneously. Experiment results show that the proposed feature extraction method is more effective than conventional method and the simplified OAO-RVM model possess the best fault discrimination accuracy and DT-RVM model possesses the better computation efficiency
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