242 research outputs found

    EDMON - Electronic Disease Surveillance and Monitoring Network: A Personalized Health Model-based Digital Infectious Disease Detection Mechanism using Self-Recorded Data from People with Type 1 Diabetes

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    Through time, we as a society have been tested with infectious disease outbreaks of different magnitude, which often pose major public health challenges. To mitigate the challenges, research endeavors have been focused on early detection mechanisms through identifying potential data sources, mode of data collection and transmission, case and outbreak detection methods. Driven by the ubiquitous nature of smartphones and wearables, the current endeavor is targeted towards individualizing the surveillance effort through a personalized health model, where the case detection is realized by exploiting self-collected physiological data from wearables and smartphones. This dissertation aims to demonstrate the concept of a personalized health model as a case detector for outbreak detection by utilizing self-recorded data from people with type 1 diabetes. The results have shown that infection onset triggers substantial deviations, i.e. prolonged hyperglycemia regardless of higher insulin injections and fewer carbohydrate consumptions. Per the findings, key parameters such as blood glucose level, insulin, carbohydrate, and insulin-to-carbohydrate ratio are found to carry high discriminative power. A personalized health model devised based on a one-class classifier and unsupervised method using selected parameters achieved promising detection performance. Experimental results show the superior performance of the one-class classifier and, models such as one-class support vector machine, k-nearest neighbor and, k-means achieved better performance. Further, the result also revealed the effect of input parameters, data granularity, and sample sizes on model performances. The presented results have practical significance for understanding the effect of infection episodes amongst people with type 1 diabetes, and the potential of a personalized health model in outbreak detection settings. The added benefit of the personalized health model concept introduced in this dissertation lies in its usefulness beyond the surveillance purpose, i.e. to devise decision support tools and learning platforms for the patient to manage infection-induced crises

    Integrating Machine Learning Paradigms for Predictive Maintenance in the Fourth Industrial Revolution era

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    In the last decade, manufacturing companies have been facing two significant challenges. First, digitalization imposes adopting Industry 4.0 technologies and allows creating smart, connected, self-aware, and self-predictive factories. Second, the attention on sustainability imposes to evaluate and reduce the impact of the implemented solutions from economic and social points of view. In manufacturing companies, the maintenance of physical assets assumes a critical role. Increasing the reliability and the availability of production systems leads to the minimization of systems’ downtimes; In addition, the proper system functioning avoids production wastes and potentially catastrophic accidents. Digitalization and new ICT technologies have assumed a relevant role in maintenance strategies. They allow assessing the health condition of machinery at any point in time. Moreover, they allow predicting the future behavior of machinery so that maintenance interventions can be planned, and the useful life of components can be exploited until the time instant before their fault. This dissertation provides insights on Predictive Maintenance goals and tools in Industry 4.0 and proposes a novel data acquisition, processing, sharing, and storage framework that addresses typical issues machine producers and users encounter. The research elaborates on two research questions that narrow down the potential approaches to data acquisition, processing, and analysis for fault diagnostics in evolving environments. The research activity is developed according to a research framework, where the research questions are addressed by research levers that are explored according to research topics. Each topic requires a specific set of methods and approaches; however, the overarching methodological approach presented in this dissertation includes three fundamental aspects: the maximization of the quality level of input data, the use of Machine Learning methods for data analysis, and the use of case studies deriving from both controlled environments (laboratory) and real-world instances

    A Review of Rule Learning Based Intrusion Detection Systems and Their Prospects in Smart Grids

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    A Correlation Framework for Continuous User Authentication Using Data Mining

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    Merged with duplicate records: 10026.1/572, 10026.1/334 and 10026.1/724 on 01.02.2017 by CS (TIS)The increasing security breaches revealed in recent surveys and security threats reported in the media reaffirms the lack of current security measures in IT systems. While most reported work in this area has focussed on enhancing the initial login stage in order to counteract against unauthorised access, there is still a problem detecting when an intruder has compromised the front line controls. This could pose a senous threat since any subsequent indicator of an intrusion in progress could be quite subtle and may remain hidden to the casual observer. Having passed the frontline controls and having the appropriate access privileges, the intruder may be in the position to do virtually anything without further challenge. This has caused interest'in the concept of continuous authentication, which inevitably involves the analysis of vast amounts of data. The primary objective of the research is to develop and evaluate a suitable correlation engine in order to automate the processes involved in authenticating and monitoring users in a networked system environment. The aim is to further develop the Anoinaly Detection module previously illustrated in a PhD thesis [I] as part of the conceptual architecture of an Intrusion Monitoring System (IMS) framework

    Condition Monitoring of Gas Turbines using Acoustic Emissions

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    Acoustic emission (AE) technology has recently found its way in condition monitoring of rotary equipment due to its advantage of earlier detection of defects and anoma- lies in comparison to vibration analysis. However, there has been very little industrial application of AE signals for condition monitoring of safety-critical equipment if any, partly due to the diffculty in processing, interpreting and classifying the acquired data in a highly reliable fashion. The motivation in this thesis was to develop a methodol- ogy for inferring health related information in a gas turbine without intruding the engine. Our work has targeted a broad class of rotary equipment known as cyclostationary processes, therefore, instead of analyzing particular AE samples of gas turbines we have tried to build a mathematical framework that would suit any arbitrary machine comply- ing certain conditions. The result of our work mainly encompasses a feature extraction technique that eliminates the random e↵ects associated with a gas turbine AE signal, and a hypothetical testing method for classification of AE signals with any desirable level of certainty, subject to a set of assumptions and conditions. We have validated our methodologies and derivations using actual real-life gas turbine AE signals, and compared our solutions with some of the techniques published in the literature

    Smart Urban Water Networks

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    This book presents the paper form of the Special Issue (SI) on Smart Urban Water Networks. The number and topics of the papers in the SI confirm the growing interest of operators and researchers for the new paradigm of smart networks, as part of the more general smart city. The SI showed that digital information and communication technology (ICT), with the implementation of smart meters and other digital devices, can significantly improve the modelling and the management of urban water networks, contributing to a radical transformation of the traditional paradigm of water utilities. The paper collection in this SI includes different crucial topics such as the reliability, resilience, and performance of water networks, innovative demand management, and the novel challenge of real-time control and operation, along with their implications for cyber-security. The SI collected fourteen papers that provide a wide perspective of solutions, trends, and challenges in the contest of smart urban water networks. Some solutions have already been implemented in pilot sites (i.e., for water network partitioning, cyber-security, and water demand disaggregation and forecasting), while further investigations are required for other methods, e.g., the data-driven approaches for real time control. In all cases, a new deal between academia, industry, and governments must be embraced to start the new era of smart urban water systems


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    Cancer occurs when normal cells grow and multiply without normal control. As the cells multiply, they form an area of abnormal cells, known as a tumour. Many tumours exhibit abnormal chromosomal segregation at cell division. These anomalies play an important role in detecting molar pregnancy cancer. Molar pregnancy, also known as hydatidiform mole, can be categorised into partial (PHM) and complete (CHM) mole, persistent gestational trophoblastic and choriocarcinoma. Hydatidiform moles are most commonly found in women under the age of 17 or over the age of 35. Hydatidiform moles can be detected by morphological and histopathological examination. Even experienced pathologists cannot easily classify between complete and partial hydatidiform moles. However, the distinction between complete and partial hydatidiform moles is important in order to recommend the appropriate treatment method. Therefore, research into molar pregnancy image analysis and understanding is critical. The hypothesis of this research project is that an anomaly detection approach to analyse molar pregnancy images can improve image analysis and classification of normal PHM and CHM villi. The primary aim of this research project is to develop a novel method, based on anomaly detection, to identify and classify anomalous villi in molar pregnancy stained images. The novel method is developed to simulate expert pathologists’ approach in diagnosis of anomalous villi. The knowledge and heuristics elicited from two expert pathologists are combined with the morphological domain knowledge of molar pregnancy, to develop a heuristic multi-neural network architecture designed to classify the villi into their appropriated anomalous types. This study confirmed that a single feature cannot give enough discriminative power for villi classification. Whereas expert pathologists consider the size and shape before textural features, this thesis demonstrated that the textural feature has a higher discriminative power than size and shape. The first heuristic-based multi-neural network, which was based on 15 elicited features, achieved an improved average accuracy of 81.2%, compared to the traditional multi-layer perceptron (80.5%); however, the recall of CHM villi class was still low (64.3%). Two further textural features, which were elicited and added to the second heuristic-based multi-neural network, have improved the average accuracy from 81.2% to 86.1% and the recall of CHM villi class from 64.3% to 73.5%. The precision of the multi-neural network II has also increased from 82.7% to 89.5% for normal villi class, from 81.3% to 84.7% for PHM villi class and from 80.8% to 86% for CHM villi class. To support pathologists to visualise the results of the segmentation, a software tool, Hydatidiform Mole Analysis Tool (HYMAT), was developed compiling the morphological and pathological data for each villus analysis

    Recent Developments in Smart Healthcare

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    Medicine is undergoing a sector-wide transformation thanks to the advances in computing and networking technologies. Healthcare is changing from reactive and hospital-centered to preventive and personalized, from disease focused to well-being centered. In essence, the healthcare systems, as well as fundamental medicine research, are becoming smarter. We anticipate significant improvements in areas ranging from molecular genomics and proteomics to decision support for healthcare professionals through big data analytics, to support behavior changes through technology-enabled self-management, and social and motivational support. Furthermore, with smart technologies, healthcare delivery could also be made more efficient, higher quality, and lower cost. In this special issue, we received a total 45 submissions and accepted 19 outstanding papers that roughly span across several interesting topics on smart healthcare, including public health, health information technology (Health IT), and smart medicine

    An analysis of the application of AI to the development of intelligent aids for flight crew tasks

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    This report presents the results of a study aimed at developing a basis for applying artificial intelligence to the flight deck environment of commercial transport aircraft. In particular, the study was comprised of four tasks: (1) analysis of flight crew tasks, (2) survey of the state-of-the-art of relevant artificial intelligence areas, (3) identification of human factors issues relevant to intelligent cockpit aids, and (4) identification of artificial intelligence areas requiring further research
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