1,060 research outputs found

    Selected Papers from IEEE ICASI 2019

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    The 5th IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation 2019 (IEEE ICASI 2019, https://2019.icasi-conf.net/), which was held in Fukuoka, Japan, on 11–15 April, 2019, provided a unified communication platform for a wide range of topics. This Special Issue entitled “Selected Papers from IEEE ICASI 2019” collected nine excellent papers presented on the applied sciences topic during the conference. Mechanical engineering and design innovations are academic and practical engineering fields that involve systematic technological materialization through scientific principles and engineering designs. Technological innovation by mechanical engineering includes information technology (IT)-based intelligent mechanical systems, mechanics and design innovations, and applied materials in nanoscience and nanotechnology. These new technologies that implant intelligence in machine systems represent an interdisciplinary area that combines conventional mechanical technology and new IT. The main goal of this Special Issue is to provide new scientific knowledge relevant to IT-based intelligent mechanical systems, mechanics and design innovations, and applied materials in nanoscience and nanotechnology

    Using machine learning algorithm for detection of cyber-attacks in cyber physical systems

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    Network integration is common in cyber-physical systems (CPS) to allow for remote access, surveillance, and analysis. They have been exposed to cyberattacks because of their integration with an insecure network. In the event of a violation in internet security, an attacker was able to interfere with the system's functions, which might result in catastrophic consequences. As a result, detecting breaches into mission-critical CPS is a top priority. Detecting assaults on CPSs, which are increasingly being targeted by cyber criminals and cyber threats, is becoming increasingly difficult. Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have the potential to make these the worst of moments, but it may also be the finest of times. There are a variety of ways in which AI technology can aid in the growth and profitability of a variety of industries. Such data can be parsed using ML and AI approaches in designed to check attacks on CPSs. Hence, in this paper, we propose a novel cyberattack detection framework by integrating AI and ML (ML) methods. Here, initially we collect the dataset from the CPS database and preprocess the data using normalization for removal of errors and redundant data. The features are extracted using Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). We have proposed Self-tuned Fuzzy Logic-based Hidden Markov Model (SFL-HMM) with Heuristic Multi-Swarm Optimization (HMS-ACO) algorithm for detection of the cyberattacks. The proposed method is evaluated using the MATLAB simulation tool and the metrics are compared with existing approaches. The results of the experiments reveal that the framework is more successful than traditional strategies in achieving high degrees of privacy. Furthermore, in terms of detection rate, false positive rate, and computing time, the framework beats traditional detection algorithms


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    بشكل عام ، تتكون الأنظمة السيبرانية الفيزيائية (المعروفة أيضًا باسم CPS) من مكونات متصلة بالشبكة تتيح الوصول عن بُعد والمراقبة والفحص. ونظرًا لأنه تم دمج هذه الانظمة في شبكة غير آمنة، قد تتعرض لهجمات إلكترونية متعددة. وفي حالة حدوث خرق لأمن الإنترنت، سيتمكن المخترق من إتلاف النظام ، مما قد يكون له آثار مدمرة. وبالتالي، من المهم للغاية الحفاظ على مصداقية الأنظمة السيبرانية الفيزيائية CPS. لقد أصبح من الصعب بشكل متزايد تحديد الاعتداءات على أنظمة (CPSs) حيث أصبحت هذه الأنظمة أكثر هدفًا للمتسللين والتهديدات الإلكترونية. من الممكن أن يجعل التعلم الآلي (ML) والذكاء الاصطناعي (AI) أيضًا الوضع أكثر أماناً,ويمكن أن تلعب التكنولوجيا القائمة على الذكاء الاصطناعي (AI) دورًا في نمو ونجاح مجموعة واسعة من أنواع المؤسسات المختلفة وبعدة طرق مختلفة. الهدف من هذا البحث وهذا النوع من تحليل البيانات هو تجنب اعتداءات CPS باستخدام تقنيات التعلم الآلي والذكاء الاصطناعي. تم تقديم إطارًا جديدًا لاكتشاف الهجمات الإلكترونية، والذي يستفيد من التعلم الآلي والذكاء الاصطناعي (ML). تبدأعملية تنظيف البيانات في قاعدة بيانات CPS بإجراء التطبيع للتخلص من الأخطاء والتكرارات ويتم ذلك بحيث تكون البيانات متسقة طوال الوقت. التحليل التمييزي الخطي هو الطريقة المستخدمة للحصول على الميزات ، وتعرف باسم (LDA). كآلية لتحديد الهجمات الإلكترونية، كانت العملية المستخدمة المقترحة هي عملية SFL-HMM بالتزامن مع إجراء HMS-ACO. تم تقييم الإستراتيجية الجديدة باستخدام محاكاة MATLAB، ومقارنة المقاييس التي تم الحصول عليها من تلك المحاكاة بالمقاييس الواردة من الطرق السابقة. لقد ثبت أن إطار عمل البحث أكثر فعالية بشكل كبير من التقنيات التقليدية في الحفاظ على درجات عالية من الخصوصية، كما قد اتضح من نتائج عدد من التحقيقات المنفصلة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، من حيث معدل الاكتشاف، والمعدل الإيجابي الخاطئ، ووقت الحساب، على التوالي ، تتفوق الطريقة المقترحة في البحث على طرق الكشف التقليدية.In general, cyber-physical systems (also known as CPS) consist of networked components that allow for remote access, monitoring, and examination. Because they were integrated into an unsecured network, they have been the target of multiple cyberattacks. In the event that there was a breach in internet security, an adversary would be able to damage the system, which may have devastating effects. Thus, it is extremely important to maintain the credibility of the CPS. It is becoming increasingly difficult to identify assaults on computerised policing systems (CPSs) as these systems become more of a target for hackers and cyberthreats. It is feasible that Machine Learning (ML) as well as Artificial Intelligence (AI), may also make it the finest of times. Both of these outcomes are plausible. Technology based on artificial intelligence (AI) can play a role in the growth and success of a wide range of different types of enterprises in a variety of different ways. The goal of this type of data analysis is to avoid CPS assaults using machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques.   A new framework was offered for the detection of cyberattacks, which makes use of machine learning and artificial intelligence (ML). the process of cleaning up the data in the CPS database is starting by performing normalisation in order to get rid of errors and duplicates. This is done so that the data is consistent throughout. Linear Discriminant Analysis is the method that is used to get the features, and it is known as that (LDA). As a mechanism for the identification of cyberattacks, The suggested used process was the SFL-HMM process in conjunction with the HMS-ACO procedure. The new strategy is evaluated using a MATLAB simulation, and the metrics obtained from that simulation are compared to the metrics received from the earlier methods. The framework is shown to be substantially more effective than traditional techniques in the upkeep of high degrees of privacy, as demonstrated by the outcomes of a number of separate investigations. In addition, in terms of detection rate, false positive rate, and computation time, respectively, the framework beats traditional detection methods

    Who wrote this scientific text?

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    The IEEE bibliographic database contains a number of proven duplications with indication of the original paper(s) copied. This corpus is used to test a method for the detection of hidden intertextuality (commonly named "plagiarism"). The intertextual distance, combined with the sliding window and with various classification techniques, identifies these duplications with a very low risk of error. These experiments also show that several factors blur the identity of the scientific author, including variable group authorship and the high levels of intertextuality accepted, and sometimes desired, in scientific papers on the same topic

    Advances in Condition Monitoring, Optimization and Control for Complex Industrial Processes

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    The book documents 25 papers collected from the Special Issue “Advances in Condition Monitoring, Optimization and Control for Complex Industrial Processes”, highlighting recent research trends in complex industrial processes. The book aims to stimulate the research field and be of benefit to readers from both academic institutes and industrial sectors

    “Voltage control on active networks under adverse conditions.”

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    Due to the inclusion of new loads and the predominant increase in electricity demand associated with the limitations of new environmental projects to minimize carbon emissions, such as pollution resulting from the energy generated by fossil fuels, the incorporation of electrical systems with distributed generation attributes to the energy planning, plans greater efficiency for various sectors of energy consumer groups worldwide. To maintain the effectiveness and reliable operation of the entire power system interconnected between grids and intelligent microgrids of electricity supply, standards must follow the established voltage levels in all terminals of the electrical power supply equipment supply, keeping them within limits. Both power utilities and distributed generation and consumers maintain the required design specifications for a reliable range of variation. The need to maintain a standardized voltage level is summed up in the treatment of possible failures that can occur when there is a voltage level acting beyond the limits established in extended equipment operating times. Due to the failure to maintain constant voltage levels along the electrical power grids several voltage control methods are applied, mainly controlling absorption, production and reactive power flow at all levels of the system, as well as when adverse system conditions where levels can achieve loss of system stability and voltage collapse. This research aims to characterize the appropriate methods for voltage correction and stability in active electrical networks under the influence of adverse conditions, whether natural influences or disasters, to influences related to the conditions of electrical energy systems, such as contingencies and distortions in other factors of the system that influence the level of voltage, to which some scientific publications relate [1-4], analyzing in an equationally calculated experimental way and simulations in MATLAB and ATPDRAW to prove the results.Agência

    L'intertextualité dans les publications scientifiques

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    La base de données bibliographiques de l'IEEE contient un certain nombre de duplications avérées avec indication des originaux copiés. Ce corpus est utilisé pour tester une méthode d'attribution d'auteur. La combinaison de la distance intertextuelle avec la fenêtre glissante et diverses techniques de classification permet d'identifier ces duplications avec un risque d'erreur très faible. Cette expérience montre également que plusieurs facteurs brouillent l'identité de l'auteur scientifique, notamment des collectifs de chercheurs à géométrie variable et une forte dose d'intertextualité acceptée voire recherchée