370,042 research outputs found

    Strategi Pengembangan Layanan Perpustakaan Keliling di Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Kabupaten Solok Provinsi Sumatera Barat

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    Perpustakaan umum berkewajiban memberikan pelayanan informasi yang tepat dan merata kepada seluruh masyarakat melalui kegiatan perpustakaan keliling. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan strategi pengembangan layanan perpustakaan keliling di Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Kabupaten Solok Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Data diambil melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumen kegiatan perpustakaan keliling. Hasil dari penelitian sebagai berikut: (1) perpustakaan keliling di Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Kabupaten Solok Propinsi Sumatera Barat perlu menambah titik layanan dan menambah jumlah kunjungan setiap tahunnya; (2) Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan perlu meningkatkan kepedulian terhadap aktivitas perpustakaan keliling dengan kebijakan yang mendukung pengembangan perpustakaan keliling. Bentuk kebijakan yang dilaksanakan selama ini adalah memberikan anggaran tiap tahun untuk penyelenggaraan perpustakaan keliling, kebijakan dalam sarana dan prasarana perpustakaan keliling, fasilitas perpustakaan keliling, dan koleksi yang dilayankan. Strategy for developing mobile library services at the Library and Archives Service, Solok Regency, West Sumatra Province. Public libraries must provide accurate and equitable information services to the community through mobile library activities. This study describes the strategy for developing mobile library services at the Library and Archives Service, Solok Regency, West Sumatra Province. The research method used is qualitative with a descriptive approach. Data were taken through observation, interviews, and documents on mobile library activities. The results of the research are as follows: (1) mobile library at the Library and Archives Service, Solok Regency, West Sumatra Province, by adding service points and increasing the number of visits each year and (2) increasing awareness of mobile library activities, this can be seen from the policies given by Regional Libraries for the development of mobile libraries. The form of the policies implemented so far is to provide an annual budget for implementing mobile libraries, policies on mobile library facilities and infrastructure, mobile library facilities, and the collections used

    Application of Mobile Technology in Information Service Delivery in Bayero University Library, Kano

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    Current trends in libraries especially in the academic library require remote and boundary less access to library services and services. Mobile Technology has been recognized as the simple, single most embraced technology in the world. Applying this technological innovation will bring a lot of relief to users in Bayero University, Kano library and the University community in general. The study investigates the preparedness of Bayero University, Kano library to apply mobile technology for information services delivery. The population consisted of 11 staff from the library\u27s automation unit, with only two of them being sampled. The research instrument used was an interview. The study shows that the staff agree with the impact and relevancy of the application of the service in the library. The study also revealed challenge with the application of the service such as Lack of committed of staff, lack of technical knowhow, poor of internet connection, lack of training. The study also recommends that the staff and Student at Bayero University, Kano Library should be educated about the benefits of using mobile-based library services for relevant information, Continuous training should be given to library staff in the application of mobile based- library services and Management should also develop strategy for the marketing of the mobile-based library services

    Adoption of Mobile Reference Services as Predictors of Digital Library Service Delivery in Nigeria

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the “Adoption of mobile reference services as predictors of digital library service delivery. To achieve this, one objective and one hypothesis was formulated to guide the study. Literature was reviewed based on the variables under study. The survey research design was adopted for the study. All 253 library professionals and paraprofessionals in federal universities south-south, Nigeria formed the population of the study. The instrument used for data collection was the questionnaire. 205 questionnaires were correctly filled and returned, giving a return rate of 81%. Data was coded using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) software and analyzed using frequencies, percentages and simple linear regression analysis. The findings revealed that mobile reference services significantly predicts digital library service delivery. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended among others that libraries should ensure that reference services are extended beyond library closing hours using mobile reference services such as emails, SMS and phone calls. It was also recommended that Information communication technology (ICT) infrastructure should be put in place in the University libraries. This will enhance the provision of digital library services through smart phones and other mobile devices

    Library and Information Services for Open and Distance Learning: Assessing the Role of Mobile Technologies and Distance Learning in Higher Education

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    For Reason of it tested capabilities Open and Distance Learning Education has been widely accepted and adopted in many institutions across the worlds. Knowing that the practice of Library and information service to the ubiquitous distance learners promises to be a clear departure from the traditional library system, Academic libraries have become new actors in the process of distance learning among other factors of education and research. Libraries are reshaping its services and Mobile learning services is now represents exciting new frontiers in education and pedagogy. With the features of ‘wearable' computing and multimedia content delivery via mobile technologies, library services and mobile learning becomes feasible and offers new benefits to instructors and learners. The full cost and complexity of providing quality library services to support open and distance education tend to be underestimate

    Library and Information Services for Open and Distance Learning: Assessing the Role of Mobile Technologies and Distance Learning in Higher Education

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    For Reason of it tested capabilities Open and Distance Learning Education has been widely accepted and adopted in many institutions across the worlds. Knowing that the practice of Library and information service to the ubiquitous distance learners promises to be a clear departure from the traditional library system, Academic libraries have become new actors in the process of distance learning among other factors of education and research. Libraries are reshaping its services and Mobile learning services is now represents exciting new frontiers in education and pedagogy. With the features of ‘wearable' computing and multimedia content delivery via mobile technologies, library services and mobile learning becomes feasible and offers new benefits to instructors and learners. The full cost and complexity of providing quality library services to support open and distance education tend to be underestimate

    Investigation and Design of Mobile OPAC Services (MOS) for Non-Smartphone Users

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    This research focuses on providing Online Public Access Catalog services to university students via mobile phone in order to enhance the traditional library walk in services and online library access using a computer. This research comprises of three main findings in relation with mobile OPAC services. First, it investigates student’s perception in using mobile phone to access OPAC services in the educational environment. Next, it identifies and adopts mobile content design guidelines in the development of Mobile OPAC Services (MOS) prototype application. Third, it develops MOS prototype Application for NonSmartphone users. Quantitative and qualitative data analysis techniques conducted to identify student’s uses and needs for mobile library services access. The survey derived 73% of the students prefer to access the Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) via mobile phone. The reason being is that OPAC provide major services of the library such as searching for learning materials, new titles in the library, reservation list and other related services. By conducting the survey, we discovered 71% of the students are using non-smart phone because they are still studying and unable to buy a smart phone which is expensive. Based on this finding we design a Mobile OPAC Service (MOS) prototype application for university students to access Online Public Access Catalog services via non-smart phones. The mobile OPAC services will bring libraries one step ahead in the wireless information technology world in meeting their patrons needs and providing quality education resources

    Providing Library Information Services through WeChat: A Study of Project 985 University Libraries in China

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    The application of the popular mobile social media platform We- Chat in library and information services in China was examined. Thirty-two out of a total of thirty-nine university libraries of Project 985 had established official WeChat accounts by the end of 2015. The study explores the use of WeChat from six aspects, including basic profile information of an account and interactivity of WeChat public account. Through analysis of the data and comparison with the results of previous research, the study indicates that the library WeChat platforms have improved in many respects, including official account authentication and self-service through WeChat, since the beginning of WeChat application at university libraries in November 2012. Although the library WeChat accounts have become a more effective tool in general, improvements are still needed to provide maximum benefit to library users in an effort to empower users, especially younger ones

    Undergraduate Usage of Mobile Phones and Its Implication of School Application

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    The study is a survey research intended to find out undergraduate usage of mobile phones and its implication of school application. The colloquium population is 27,650 at which two hundred and thirty eight undergraduate students were randomly selected from two universities in the Federal Republic of Nigeria. A questionnaire on “current trends in mobile phone usage among adolescents” was used for the study.  The instrument was validated and tested reliable.  Five research questions were formulated to guide the study.  The researcher as well as ten research assistants personally administered the questionnaire.  The questionnaire forms were collected on the spot and so there was a hundred percent rate of return.  It was discovered that nearly all the undergraduate students own mobile phones and majority consider it very useful.  Several reasons were advanced for owning a mobile phone by students.  These include; for mobility, emergency, e-mails and short message service, self assurance, improved social status, for fashion, loading information, social network and malpractice.  The features commonly used by students apart from  sending and receiving calls is the short message service.  The implications of mobile phone usage by students on school administration are: it is an object of distraction, encourage laziness as students now browse instead of going to the library, an object for examination malpractice and several other vices.  Recommendations were made to check the use of mobile phones by undergraduate students in Nigerian universities. Keywords: Mobile phone, Cellular technology, school administration


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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang evaluasi kualitas layanan dengan menggunakan metode LibQual+™ pada layanan Perpustakaan Keliling Dinas Arsip dan Perpustakaan Kota Bandung. Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh adanya penurunana jumlah pengunjung pada Perpustakaan Keliling Dinas Arsip dan Perpustakaan Kota Bandung sehingga perlu adanya evaluasi dalam rangka menngkatkan kualitas layanan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kualitas layanan berdasarkan aspek affect of service, information control, dan library as place. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif deskriptif yang pengambilan datanya dilakukan melalui penyebaran kuesioner. Jumlah sampel berdasarkan rumus slovin, diperoleh sampel 44 orang. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa kualitas layanan berdasarkan aspek affect of service, pemustaka cukup puas dengan Gap Adequancy bernilai positif dan perpustakaan keliling bernilai baik dengan Gap Superiority bernilai negatif. Kualitas layanan secara keseluruhan dari tiga dimensi LibQUAL+™ di Perpustakaan Keliling Dinas Arsip dan Perpustakaan Kota Bandung menunjukan bahwa Gap Adequancy (GA) yang bernilai positif menunjukan pemustaka cukup puas atas kualitas layanan. Gap Superiority (GS) bernilai negatif dengan menunjukan bahwa kualitas layanan dinilai baik dan berada dalam batas zone tolerance, namun belum mampu memenuhi harapan sesungguhnya yang diinginkan pemustaka. Kata kunci : Kulitas Layanan, Perpustakaan Keliling, LibQual+™ This study discusses the evaluation of service quality using the LibQual+TM method in the Mobile Library service at the Bandung City Archives and Libraries Service. This research is motivated by a decrease in the number of visitors to the mobile library of the Bandung City Archives and Libraries Service, so an evaluation is needed in order to improve service quality. The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of service based on aspects of service, information control, and the library as a place. The type of research used in this research is descriptive-quantitative, where the data collection is done by distributing questionnaires. The number of samples based on the Slovin formula obtained a sample of 44 people. According to the study's findings, service quality was determined by the affect of service aspect, users were pleased with the adequacy gap with a positive value, and the mobile library was of good value with a negative gap superiority score .The overall service quality of the three dimensions of LibQUAL+TM at the Mobile Library of the Bandung City Archives and Libraries Office shows that the Gap Adequacy (GA), which has a positive value, indicates that the user is quite satisfied with the quality of service. Gap Superiority (GS) has a negative value, indicating that service quality is considered good and within the zone of tolerance but has not been able to meet the actual expectations of users. Keywords: Quality of Service, Mobile Libraries, LibQual+T