5,802 research outputs found

    CATS: linearizability and partition tolerance in scalable and self-organizing key-value stores

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    Distributed key-value stores provide scalable, fault-tolerant, and self-organizing storage services, but fall short of guaranteeing linearizable consistency in partially synchronous, lossy, partitionable, and dynamic networks, when data is distributed and replicated automatically by the principle of consistent hashing. This paper introduces consistent quorums as a solution for achieving atomic consistency. We present the design and implementation of CATS, a distributed key-value store which uses consistent quorums to guarantee linearizability and partition tolerance in such adverse and dynamic network conditions. CATS is scalable, elastic, and self-organizing; key properties for modern cloud storage middleware. Our system shows that consistency can be achieved with practical performance and modest throughput overhead (5%) for read-intensive workloads

    Atomic commitment in transactional DHTs

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    We investigate the problem of atomic commit in transactional database systems built on top of Distributed Hash Tables. DHTs provide a decentralized way to store and look up data. To solve the atomic commit problem we propose to use an adaption of Paxos commit as a non-blocking algorithm. We exploit the symmetric replication technique existing in the DKS DHT to determine which nodes are necessary to execute the commit algorithm. By doing so we achieve a lower number of communication rounds and a reduction of meta-data in contrast to traditional Three-Phase-Commit protocols. We also show how the proposed solution can cope with dynamism due to churn in DHTs. Our solution works correctly relying only on an inaccurate failure detection of node failure which is necessary for systems running over the Internet

    Peer to Peer Information Retrieval: An Overview

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    Peer-to-peer technology is widely used for file sharing. In the past decade a number of prototype peer-to-peer information retrieval systems have been developed. Unfortunately, none of these have seen widespread real- world adoption and thus, in contrast with file sharing, information retrieval is still dominated by centralised solutions. In this paper we provide an overview of the key challenges for peer-to-peer information retrieval and the work done so far. We want to stimulate and inspire further research to overcome these challenges. This will open the door to the development and large-scale deployment of real-world peer-to-peer information retrieval systems that rival existing centralised client-server solutions in terms of scalability, performance, user satisfaction and freedom

    Alpha Entanglement Codes: Practical Erasure Codes to Archive Data in Unreliable Environments

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    Data centres that use consumer-grade disks drives and distributed peer-to-peer systems are unreliable environments to archive data without enough redundancy. Most redundancy schemes are not completely effective for providing high availability, durability and integrity in the long-term. We propose alpha entanglement codes, a mechanism that creates a virtual layer of highly interconnected storage devices to propagate redundant information across a large scale storage system. Our motivation is to design flexible and practical erasure codes with high fault-tolerance to improve data durability and availability even in catastrophic scenarios. By flexible and practical, we mean code settings that can be adapted to future requirements and practical implementations with reasonable trade-offs between security, resource usage and performance. The codes have three parameters. Alpha increases storage overhead linearly but increases the possible paths to recover data exponentially. Two other parameters increase fault-tolerance even further without the need of additional storage. As a result, an entangled storage system can provide high availability, durability and offer additional integrity: it is more difficult to modify data undetectably. We evaluate how several redundancy schemes perform in unreliable environments and show that alpha entanglement codes are flexible and practical codes. Remarkably, they excel at code locality, hence, they reduce repair costs and become less dependent on storage locations with poor availability. Our solution outperforms Reed-Solomon codes in many disaster recovery scenarios.Comment: The publication has 12 pages and 13 figures. This work was partially supported by Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF Doc.Mobility 162014, 2018 48th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN

    Symmetric Replication for Structured Peer-to-Peer Systems

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    Structured peer-to-peer systems rely on replication as a basic means to provide fault-tolerance in presence of high churn. Most select replicas using either multiple hash functions, successor-lists, or leaf-sets. We show that all three alternatives have limitations. We present and provide full algorithmic speci¯cation for a generic replication scheme called symmetric replication which only needs O(1) message for every join and leave operation to maintain any replication degree. The scheme is applicable to all existing structured peer-to-peer systems, and can be implemented on-top of any DHT. The scheme has been implemented in our DKS system, and is used to do load-balancing, end-to-end fault-tolerance, and to increase the security by using distributed voting. We outline an extension to the scheme, implemented in DKS, which adds routing proximity to reduce latencies. The scheme is particularly suitable for use with erasure codes, as it can be used to fetch a random subset of the replicas for decoding

    On the Evaluation of RDF Distribution Algorithms Implemented over Apache Spark

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    Querying very large RDF data sets in an efficient manner requires a sophisticated distribution strategy. Several innovative solutions have recently been proposed for optimizing data distribution with predefined query workloads. This paper presents an in-depth analysis and experimental comparison of five representative and complementary distribution approaches. For achieving fair experimental results, we are using Apache Spark as a common parallel computing framework by rewriting the concerned algorithms using the Spark API. Spark provides guarantees in terms of fault tolerance, high availability and scalability which are essential in such systems. Our different implementations aim to highlight the fundamental implementation-independent characteristics of each approach in terms of data preparation, load balancing, data replication and to some extent to query answering cost and performance. The presented measures are obtained by testing each system on one synthetic and one real-world data set over query workloads with differing characteristics and different partitioning constraints.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure