849 research outputs found

    Parking lot monitoring system using an autonomous quadrotor UAV

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    The main goal of this thesis is to develop a drone-based parking lot monitoring system using low-cost hardware and open-source software. Similar to wall-mounted surveillance cameras, a drone-based system can monitor parking lots without affecting the flow of traffic while also offering the mobility of patrol vehicles. The Parrot AR Drone 2.0 is the quadrotor drone used in this work due to its modularity and cost efficiency. Video and navigation data (including GPS) are communicated to a host computer using a Wi-Fi connection. The host computer analyzes navigation data using a custom flight control loop to determine control commands to be sent to the drone. A new license plate recognition pipeline is used to identify license plates of vehicles from video received from the drone

    Retrieval of Anomaly Details Using Vehicle Number Plate Identification for Traffic Guards

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    The ascent in number of vehicles makes different issues in regular daily existence. Arranging such substantial number of vehicles and transportation are intricate and tedious assignment. This paper centers over the above issue. This framework will consequently perceive the number plate of vehicles. The perceived number plate takes after the given strides: 1.To catch continuous picture of number plate. 2. To fragment and perceive characters at the server. 3. Perceived tag is shown on the graphical UI and furthermore put away in database alongside time and date for further utilize. 4. Book the complaint against the anomaly. The different methodologies for the issue are contemplated as takes after

    Automatic Car Registration Plate Recognition Using the Hough Transform

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    The development of automatic car registration plate recognition systems will provide greater efficiency for vehicle monitoring in automatic access control, and will avoid the need to equip vehicles with special RF tags for identification since all vehicles possess a unique registration plate. Thus this study is an attempt to introduce an automatic car registration plate recognition system based on identifying the plate characters by using the Hough transform. However, the proposed recognition system can be used in conjunction with a tag system for higher security access control. The automatic registration plate recognition could also have considerable potential in a wide range of applications especially in the identification of vehicle-based offences and with law enforcement. Recent advances in computer vision technology and the falling price of the related devices has contributed in making it practical to build an automatic, registration plate recognition systems. There have been a number of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) techniques, which have been used in the recognition of car registration plate characters. These systems include the character details matching process (Lotufo, et al. 1990), BAM (Bi-directional Associative Memories) neural network (Fahmy 1994) neural network (Tindall, 1995) and cross correlation pattern matching character matching techniques (Cornelli, et al. 1995). All of these systems recognized the characters by matching the full image of every character with a character\u27s template database which requires considerable processing time and large memory for the database. The purpose of this study is to explore the potential for using Hough transform (Hough 1962) in vehicle registration plate recognition. The OCR technique used in this project is unlike the other systems where the character recognition was based on matching the character\u27s full image; However the OCR technique in this system used Hough transform to identify the characters, where the recognition of a character is based on matching its identification array to the database. To validate the research, a car registration plate recognition system was developed to locate the registration plate from the full image of a vehicle and then extrar.t the plate characters by using image processing techniques. A Hough transform algorithm was applied to every character within the registration plate image to produce an identification array for these characters, and the plate characters were recognized by matching their identification array to the database. The system has been applied to a number of video recorded car images to recognize their registration plates. The rate of correctly recognized characters was 82.7% of the extracted characters, but improvement can be granted by using a faster digital camera and taking some precautions in the registration plate frames. However, the research indicated that the optical character recognition technique used in the study is an efficient and simple algorithm to identify characters, without requiring a relatively large processing memory

    Automatic License Plate Recognition System using Histogram Graph Algorithm

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    Character recognition is one of the most important applications of image processing. In last couple of decades, the numbers of vehicles have been increasing day by day. With this increase, it is becoming difficult to keep track of each vehicle for the purpose of law enforcement and traffic management. Thus, we need that type of system, which is capable of providing appropriate solutions to the traffic issues and hence this Automatic License Plate Recognition System is developed using Histogram graph algorithm in MATLAB. In which image is captured from camera and converted into Gray scale image for preprocessing .After conversion, dilation process is applied on image. After dilation horizontal and vertical edge processing has been done and passed these histograms through low pass filter. After filtration, image is segmented and license plate is extracted. For detection each character separately from detected license plate smearing algorithm is used

    Automatic Toll Collection Using OCR Technique

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    Toll Collection in India is a matter of concern as the toll checkpoints are hotbeds of corruption. The purpose of this project is to propose a technique where collection of tolls can be done electronically using image processing technique where we can detect the vehicle and thereby deduct the toll amount. Using this technique we can make an attempt to eradicate corruption from toll checkpoints in India. The current scenario is that the vehicle needs to slow down at the toll collection area in order to pay the amount which leads to traffic problem and sometimes the toll collector doesn�t collect the toll fee from the owner. So the proposed technique will maintain all the records of the toll collected as there is no physical cash involved in this technique

    Identification of Saudi Arabian License Plates

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    Identification of Saudi Arabian License Plates

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    Identification of Saudi Arabian License Plates

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