69,246 research outputs found

    Time-domain green's function-based parametric sensitivity analysis of multiconductor transmission lines

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    We present a new parametric macromodeling technique for lossy and dispersive multiconductor transmission lines. This technique can handle multiple design parameters, such as substrate or geometrical layout features, and provide time-domain sensitivity information for voltages and currents at the ports of the lines. It is derived from the dyadic Green's function of the 1-D wave propagation problem. The rational nature of the Green's function permits the generation of a time-domain macromodel for the computation of transient voltage and current sensitivities with respect to both electrical and physical parameters, completely avoiding similarity transformation, and it is suited to generate state-space models and synthesize equivalent circuits, which can be easily embedded into conventional SPICE-like solvers. Parametric macromodels that provide sensitivity information are well suited for design space exploration, design optimization, and crosstalk analysis. Two numerical examples validate the proposed approach in both frequency and time-domain

    Penetration Depth of a Soil Moisture Profile Probe Working in Time-Domain Transmission Mode

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    Soil moisture is one of the most important soil parameters. Knowledge of volumetric water content (VWC) of the root zone as well as the VWC dynamics in the soil profile is especially important for agriculture. Monitoring VWC at several depths in the soil profile can be performed using several soil moisture sensors placed at various depths. However, the use of a profile probe is more convenient, because the installation of a single probe is less disturbing to the soil, as well as less laborious and more cost-effective. The objective of the paper is to present the design and performance of a novel profile probe working in the time-domain transmission mode (P-TDT probe) with emphasis put on the penetration depth and sensitivity zone. The performance of the probe was assessed with the use of finite element method (FEM) simulations in the frequency domain, transient simulations in the time domain and laboratory experiments with the use of a vector network analyzer (VNA) working in the 10 MHz–10 GHz frequency range. It was concluded that the effective soil volume measured by the profile probe of a given geometry is equivalent to a soil thickness of about 20 mm around the tested probe. The internal part of the probe body had a negligible effect on the measurement results, as it does not change with soil moisture. Moreover, the transmitted signal amplitude was related to the soil electrical conductivity

    Compact and accurate models of large single-wall carbon-nanotube interconnects

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    Single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) have been proposed for very large scale integration interconnect applications and their modeling is carried out using the multiconductor transmission line (MTL) formulation. Their time-domain analysis has some simulation issues related to the high number of SWCNTs within each bundle, which results in a highly complex model and loss of accuracy in the case of long interconnects. In recent years, several techniques have been proposed to reduce the complexity of the model whose accuracy decreases as the interconnection length increases. This paper presents a rigorous new technique to generate accurate reduced-order models of large SWCNT interconnects. The frequency response of the MTL is computed by using the spectral form of the dyadic Green's function of the 1-D propagation problem and the model complexity is reduced using rational-model identification techniques. The proposed approach is validated by numerical results involving hundreds of SWCNTs, which confirm its capability of reducing the complexity of the model, while preserving accuracy over a wide frequency range

    Pembangunan dan penganalisisan aplikasi permohonan peruntukkan penyelenggaraan bangunan sekolah berasaskan proses pengurusan dalam kejuruteraan awam

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    Penyelenggaraan adalah aktiviti yang dilakukan secara berterusan bagi memastikan fungsi bangunan dapat dilaksanakan sebagaimana fungsinya secara normal. Penyelenggaraan bangunan sekolah adalah aktiviti rutin yang harus dijalankan memandangkan sekolah adalah lokasi pertama dalam pengembangan minda kanak�kanak. Namun begitu, kajian literatur menunjukkan terdapat beberapa masalah dalam pengurusan penyelenggaraan yang lazimnya diselia oleh ahli jawatankuasa penyelenggaraan sekolah. Antaranya ialah kegagalan mereka mematuhi Pekeliling Am Bil.2 Tahun 1995 dalam proses permohonan penyelenggaraan. Disebabkan permasalahan tersebut, tesis ini diwujudkan bagi membantu mereka dalam menyelesaikan sebahagian masalah yang dihadapi dengan cara membangunkan satu aplikasi permohonan penyelenggaraan sekolah berkomputer. Pembangunan aplikasi adalah menggunakan Microsoft Access. Aplikasi pertama yang dibangunkan adalah CoRTMaS di mana ia hanya tertumpu kepada penyelenggaraan bumbung dan tandas berdasarkan kepada kajian literatur yang mengatakan 2 komponen ini paling kerap mengalami kerosakan. Hasil soal selidik diuji menggunakan SPSS dan mendapati kadar ketepatan hasil kajian adalah α = 0.893. Walaupun hasil kajian CoRTMaS amat memuaskan, aplikasi SiPBaS dibangunkan bagi menambah baik fungsi aplikasi dalam CoRTMaS. Kesimpulannya, pembangunan aplikasi dapat menyumbang kepada kelancaran proses permohonan penyelenggaraan sekolah namun terdapat beberapa cadangan lanjutan yang dicadangkan bagi memantapkan aplikasi SiPBaS iaitu menjadikan aplikasi ini berfungsi secara atas talian, mewujudkan ruangan bagi memuat turun gambar kerosakan serta mewujudkan kod keselamatan untuk kontraktor terlibat

    Parametric macromodeling of lossy and dispersive multiconductor transmission lines

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    We propose an innovative parametric macromodeling technique for lossy and dispersive multiconductor transmission lines (MTLs) that can be used for interconnect modeling. It is based on a recently developed method for the analysis of lossy and dispersive MTLs extended by using the multivariate orthonormal vector fitting (MOVF) technique to build parametric macromodels in a rational form. They take into account design parameters, such as geometrical layout or substrate features, in addition to frequency. The presented technique is suited to generate state-space models and synthesize equivalent circuits, which can be easily embedded into conventional SPICE-like solvers. Parametric macromodels allow to perform design space exploration, design optimization, and sensitivity analysis efficiently. Numerical examples validate the proposed approach in both frequency and time domain

    Hubungan di antara status Sosio Ekonomi (SSE) keluarga dengan pencapaian akademk : satu kajian ke at as pelajar aliran teknikal di Sekolah Menengah Teknik Negeri Sembilan

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan di antara status sosio ekonomi (SSE) keluarga dengan pencapaian akademik di kalangan pelajar aliran teknikal. Kajian ini dijalankan ke atas pelajar tingkatan empat aliran teknikal di lima buah Sekolah Menengah Teknik di Negeri Sembilan iaitu Sekolah Menengah Teknik Tuanku Jaafar, Sekolah Menengah Teknik Juasseh, Sekolah Menengah Teknik Pertanian Rembau, Sekolah Menengah Teknik Ampangan dan Sekolah Menengah Teknik Port Dicksoa Seramai 350 orang pelajar terlibat dalam kajian ini dan dipilih secara rawak mudah. Analisis regresi mudah dan regresi berbilang digunakan untuk melihat hubungan di antara pembolehubah yang dikaji. Keseluruhan data kajian telah dianahsis menggunakan perisian Statistical Packages for the Social Sciences (SPSS) versi 11.5 dengan membuat pengiraan peratusan dan regresi. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan secara majoritinya, SSE mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan dengan tahap pencapaian akademik pelajar. Dengan itu dapat dirumuskan bahawa SSE mempengaruhi tahap pencapaian akademik pelajar aliran teknikal. Beberapa cadangan dikemukakan untuk panduan kajian selanjutnya