43 research outputs found

    Redes sociales y altmetrics: nuevos retos para las revistas científicas

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    The first part contains a selection of six general and academic social networks, which are briefly described to identify their functions, find out which journals are currently present and determine the challenges they face. These networks allow us to describe the applications and benefits that social networks can offer journals. Academic social networks face other challenges that also affect scientific journals and are associated with the management of research data and open access to said data and their content. One of these challenges is financial, since they are currently free, and paid services are being considered to make them fully cost effective. Ownership of content uploaded by researchers has not yet been resolved, and policies on this issue should be set up and monitoring carried out. The second part defines altmetrics and analyses the indicators used (views, downloads, citations, recommendations, etc.) and possible implications for the future. In this case, alternative metrics are still at the experimental phase, and the scientific community has yet to be convinced that they represent a valid contribution to the evaluation of science

    Redes sociales y altmetrics: nuevos retos para las revistas científicas

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    The first part contains a selection of six general and academic social networks, which are briefly described to identify their functions, find out which journals are currently present and determine the challenges they face. These networks allow us to describe the applications and benefits that social networks can offer journals. Academic social networks face other challenges that also affect scientific journals and are associated with the management of research data and open access to said data and their content. One of these challenges is financial, since they are currently free, and paid services are being considered to make them fully cost effective. Ownership of content uploaded by researchers has not yet been resolved, and policies on this issue should be set up and monitoring carried out. The second part defines altmetrics and analyses the indicators used (views, downloads, citations, recommendations, etc.) and possible implications for the future. In this case, alternative metrics are still at the experimental phase, and the scientific community has yet to be convinced that they represent a valid contribution to the evaluation of science

    The ethics of secondary data analysis: learning from the experience of sharing qualitative data from young people and their families in an international study of childhood poverty

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    This working paper focuses on secondary analysis, an aspect of research practice that is sometimes assumed to pose few ethical challenges. It draws in particular on the experience of a collaborative research project involving secondary analysis of qualitative data collected as part of an ongoing international longitudinal study, Young Lives (www.younglives.org.uk), and sets this alongside a wider review of regulatory guidance on research ethics and academic debates. Secondary analysis can take many forms, and bring many benefits. But it is more ethically complex than regulatory frameworks may imply. Whether or not data are publicly archived, ethical considerations have to be addressed, including responsibilities to participants and the original researchers, and the need to achieve a contextual understanding of the data by identifying and countering risks of misinterpretation. The considerations raised here are intended to aid ethical research practice by supporting planning and reflection – for primary researchers who are planning to archive their data, as well as for researchers embarking on a qualitative secondary analysis. Not least, our experience highlights the importance of developing and maintaining trusting relationships between primary and secondary researchers

    Developing Research Data Management Policy at Research Group Level: A Case Study with the Marine Renewable Energy Group

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    This case study looks at how the Marine Renewable Energy Group developed and implemented research data management policy and procedures. Recommendations for how other research groups could go about designing their own research data management policies are also put forward.JISCEPSRC's Bridging the Gaps initiativ

    Challenges to adapt library services to Horizon 2020

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    This poster will highlight the value that librarians can bring to help researchers in the Horizon 2020 scenario where it appears for the very first time instructions about Research Data Management (RDM). There are services that are being rolled out for a while like advocacy for open access publication and others that are challenging due to mandates (within EU, national and institutional level) and copyright issues like research data. Some of these challenges regarding data curation that need to be considered from a librarian point of view in order to make data available and reusable: • metadata • advocacy for sharing data, • support in licenses and copyright, • how to deal with publishers who are already working with datasets • the long-term preservation and archiving of the data The nature of research data can vary widely depending on the discipline that originated it: it can be textual, numerical, qualitative, quantitative, multimedia, physical, digital or print. They can be laboratory notebooks, data files, algorithms, audio files, etc… The result of research often is published in papers, articles or books, but it is not clear where data is hosted, sometimes at institutional repositories, subject repositories, publishers … This poster will show how librarians at UPC CBL Library are supporting researchers to make their research outputs (papers, data) to be compliant with mandates, such as Horizon 2020. To have a better sense on what’s going on at CBL Campus, the library conducted a survey about researcher’s behavior on research publications. Thanks to the results of these surveys, the Library services can be addressed straight to the users.Peer ReviewedAward-winningPostprint (author’s final draft

    Designing libraries for research collaboration in the network world

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    Digital scholarship and the problem of research data offer libraries the chance to shed their “support service” label and become research collaborators. A web-based survey explored how UK research libraries are organizing and presenting their services to support the e-research agenda. The findings show that new websites, groups, positions, and other structures are enabling libraries to have more prominent roles in research

    Your name is not good enough: introducing the ORCID researcher identifier at Imperial College London

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    The ORCID researcher identifier ensures that research outputs can always reliably be traced back to their authors. ORCID also makes it possible to automate the sharing of research information, thereby increasing data quality, reducing duplication of effort for academics and saving institutions money. In 2014, Imperial College London created ORCID identifiers (iDs) for academic and research staff. This article discusses the implementation project in the context of the role of ORCID in the global scholarly communications system. It shows how ORCID can be used to automate reporting, help with research data publication and support open access (OA)

    Open science, an undefined model with many challenges

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    [spa] La ciencia abierta es una manera de concebir la investigación científica que se basa en el trabajo colaborativo, en la apertura y transparencia de todas las fases de la investigación (recogida de datos, revisión por expertos, difusión, evaluación, etc.) y también en la aproximación de la ciencia a la sociedad. De todas formas, es un ámbito que aún se está perfilando y que es poco conocido por parte de la mayoría de los investigadores. El objetivo del texto es presentar los diversos estudios que se publican en el número monográfico y que se centran en tres grandes ámbitos: la ciencia abierta, los datos de investigación y el acceso abierto. En segundo lugar, también se describen los cuatro principales retos e incertidumbres que, en estos momentos, amenazan el crecimiento e implantación de la ciencia abierta: liderado por las élites, velocidades distintas en sus componentes, riesgos de monopolio y pocas políticas de promoción.[cat] La ciència oberta és una manera de concebre la investigació científica que es basa en el treball col·laboratiu, en l’obertura i la transparència de totes les fases de la investigació (recollida de dades, revisió per experts, difusió, avaluació, etc.) i també en l’aproximació de la ciència a la societat. De tota manera, és un àmbit que encara s’està perfilant i que és poc conegut per part de la majoria dels investigadors. L’objectiu del text és presentar els diversos estudis que es publiquen en el número monogràfic i que se centren en tres grans àmbits: la ciència oberta, les dades de recerca i l’accés obert. En segon lloc, també es descriuen els quatre principals reptes i les incerteses que, a hores d’ara, amenacen el creixement i la implantació de la ciència oberta: moviment liderat per les elits, velocitats diferents en els seus components, riscos de monopoli i poques polítiques de promoció.[eng] Open science is an approach to scientific research based on collaboration, on openness and transparency at each stage of the research process (including, data collection, peer review, dissemination, evaluation, etc.) and on the enhan-cement of its accessibility to society. Nevertheless, i t is an area that is still being Profiled and that is not well-known by researchers. The objective of our text is to present the studies published in th is monographic issue and we can match them up in three topics : open science, research data and accés obert. After that, we want to point on four main reptes i Uncertainties that, at th is Moment, can be a threat to the growth and implantation of open science : there are a top-down leadership, different Speeds in their Components, serious risk of a monopoly and a lack of promotion policie

    Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Croatia

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    There is a vibrant Open Access environment in Croatia and several academic and research institutions initiate different activities concerning open access to the scientific information (Ruđer Bošković Institute, School of Medicine, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Faculty of Organization and Informatics at University of Zagreb, University of Zadar, University of Osijek, National and University Library, etc.). It is very important to improve collaboration among different stakeholders, as well as to provide top-down guidance harmonized with EU practices. Important blocks of the existing Open Access research infrastructure are presented in the paper: the Croatian Scientific Bibliography CROSBI, the Croatian portal for Open Access journals HRČAK, and the common infrastructure for digital academic repositories DABAR. Future development of Open Access infrastructure in Croatia is discussed