1,244 research outputs found

    HVDC transmission : technology review, market trends and future outlook

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    HVDC systems are playing an increasingly significant role in energy transmission due to their technical and economic superiority over HVAC systems for long distance transmission. HVDC is preferable beyond 300–800 km for overhead point-to-point transmission projects and for the cable based interconnection or the grid integration of remote offshore wind farms beyond 50–100 km. Several HVDC review papers exist in literature but often focus on specific geographic locations or system components. In contrast, this paper presents a detailed, up-to-date, analysis and assessment of HVDC transmission systems on a global scale, targeting expert and general audience alike. The paper covers the following aspects: technical and economic comparison of HVAC and HVDC systems; investigation of international HVDC market size, conditions, geographic sparsity of the technology adoption, as well as the main suppliers landscape; and high-level comparisons and analysis of HVDC system components such as Voltage Source Converters (VSCs) and Line Commutated Converters (LCCs), etc. The presented analysis are supported by practical case studies from existing projects in an effort to reveal the complex technical and economic considerations, factors and rationale involved in the evaluation and selection of transmission system technology for a given project. The contemporary operational challenges such as the ownership of Multi-Terminal DC (MTDC) networks are also discussed. Subsequently, the required development factors, both technically and regulatory, for proper MTDC networks operation are highlighted, including a future outlook of different HVDC system components. Collectively, the role of HVDC transmission in achieving national renewable energy targets in light of the Paris agreement commitments is highlighted with relevant examples of potential HVDC corridors

    Power system security enhancement by HVDC links using a closed-loop emergency control

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    In recent years, guaranteeing that large-scale interconnected systems operate safely, stably and economically has become a major and emergency issue. A number of high profile blackouts caused by cascading outages have focused attention on this issue. Embedded HVDC (High Voltage Direct Current) links within a larger AC power system are known to act as a “firewall” against cascading disturbances and therefore, can effectively contribute in preventing blackouts. A good example is the 2003 blackout in USA and Canada, where the Québec grid was not affected due to its HVDC interconnection. In the literature, many works have studied the impact of HVDC on the power system stability, but very few examples exist in the area of its impact on the system security. This paper presents a control strategy for HVDC systems to increase their contribution to system security. A real-time closed-loop control scheme is used to modulate the DC power of HVDC links to alleviate AC system overloads and improve system security. Simulations carried out on a simplified model of the Hydro-Québec network show that the proposed method works well and can greatly improve system security during emergency situations.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Inertia emulation control strategy for VSC-HVDC transmission systems

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    There is concern that the levels of inertia in power systems may decrease in the future, due to increased levels of energy being provided from renewable sources, which typically have little or no inertia. Voltage source converters (VSC) used in high voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission applications are often deliberately controlled in order to de-couple transients to prevent propagation of instability between interconnected systems. However, this can deny much needed support during transients that would otherwise be available from system inertia provided by rotating plant

    Multi-terminal HVDC grids with inertia mimicry capability

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    The high-voltage multi-terminal dc (MTDC) systems are foreseen to experience an important development in the next years. Currently, they have appeared to be a prevailing technical and economical solution for harvesting offshore wind energy. In this study, inertia mimicry capability is added to a voltage-source converter-HVDC grid-side station in an MTDC grid connected to a weak ac grid, which can have low inertia or even operate as an islanded grid. The presented inertia mimicry control is integrated in the generalised voltage droop strategy implemented at the primary level of a two-layer hierarchical control structure of the MTDC grid to provide higher flexibility, and thus controllability to the network. Besides, complete control framework from the operational point of view is developed to integrate the low-level control of the converter stations in the supervisory control centre of the MTDC grid. A scaled laboratory test results considering the international council on large electric systems (CIGRE) B4 MTDC grid demonstrate the good performance of the converter station when it is connected to a weak islanded ac grid.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A cascaded converter interfacing long distance HVDC and back-to-back HVDC systems

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    This paper proposes a cascaded converter dedicated to long-distance HVDC infeed and asynchronous back-to-back interconnection of receiving grids. The cascaded converter is consisted of MMCs in series and parallel connection, meeting the high DC voltage and power demand of HVDC system. It realizes hierarchical feeding and asynchronous interconnection of receiving grids, optimizing the multi-infeed short circuit ratio and improving the flexibility of the receiving grids. The topology and operating characteristics of the cascaded converter are introduced in detail. The multi-infeed short-circuits ratio (MISCR) and the maximum power infeed of the cascaded converter based HVDC systems are analyzed. Various feasible operating modes with online switching strategies of the cascaded converter are studied to improve the operational flexibility of the system. The simulation results verify the effectiveness of the control strategy of the HVDC system embedding the cascaded converter. The DC faults clearing strategy and operating modes switching strategies are also validated

    Dc-dc converters for HVDC heterogeneous interconnections

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    (English) High voltage direct current (HVDC) technologies have been used for bulk power transmission over long distances since the 1950s. These technologies have proven to be the most cost-efficient compared to the high voltage alternate current (HVAC) for some applications such as offshore power transmission, connecting remote loads or generation, and the interconnection of non-synchronized grids. In recent years, the study of HVDC grids has been of interest in some research projects but, its development is still uncertain. The de grid can be planned beforehand or it can use the installed lines. But, from the installed HVDC projects, it can be identified different operating voltages, used technologies, and line topologies. There are two HVDC technologies: the line commutated converter (LCC), and the voltage source converter (\/SC). Four different line topologies are identified: asymmetric monopole, symmetric monopole, bipole, and rigid bipole. Developing a de grid interconnecting isolated lines with different characteristics cannot be possible without an intermediary device: the de-de converter. This thesis studies the de-de converters interconnecting HVDC lines with different characteristics. These converters can be seen as the equivalent of ac transformers in de applications because they are capable to adapt the voltage difference between two de systems. These converters are also capable to adapt the line topology and differenttechnologies. The power electronics required for these de-de converters provide increased control flexibility used to supply additional ancillary services that the classical transformers cannot furnish. Three de-de converter topologies are modeled and simulated for the interconnection between a bipole and a symmetric monopole. The front-to-front modular multi-level converter (F2F-MMC) is chosen as the reference because it represents state­ of-the-art technology. The second converter is the de-de MMC (de-MMC) because of the topological similarityto the MMC. Then, a third converter is proposed and studied as a result of this thesis, the asymmetric de-de converter (ADCC). A set of simulations are performed for multiple operating points and faults scenarios. Then, the converters are compared quantitatively and qualitatively. The results and analysis are used to conclude and bring some perspectives for future works.(Español) as transmision en corriente continua a alta tension (HVDC-por sus siglas en ingles) se han utilizado para la transmision de grandes cantidades de energfa a largas distancias desde la decada de 1950. Estas tecnologfas han demostrado ser las mas rentables en comparacion con la corriente alterna de alta tension (HVAC) para algunas aplicaciones como la transmision de energfa en alta mar, la conexion de cargas o generacion remotas y la interconexion de redes no sincronizadas. En los ultimos aiios, el estudio de las redes HVDC ha sido de interes en algunos proyectos de investigacion, pero su desarrollo aun es incierto. La red de de se puede planificar de antemano o puede utilizar las lfneas instaladas. Pero, a partir de los proyectos HVDC instalados, se pueden identificar diferentes voltajes de operacion, tecnologfas utilizadas ytopologfas de lfnea. Hay dos tecnologfas HVDC: el convertidor de lfnea conmutada (LCC) y el convertidor de fuente de voltaje (VSC). Se identifican cuatro topologfas de lfnea diferentes: monopolo asimetrico, monopolo simetrico, bipolo y bipolo rfgido. El desarrollo de una red de de que interconecte lfneas aisladas de diferentes caracterfsticas no es posible sin un dispositivo intermediario: el convertidor de-de. Esta tesis estudia los convertidores de-de interconectando lfneas HVDC de diferentes caracteristicas. Estos convertidores pueden verse como el equivalente de los transform adores de ac en aplicaciones de de porque son capaces de adaptar la diferencia de tension entre dos sistemas de de. Pero, estos convertidores tambien son capaces de adaptar la topologia de linea ydiferentes tecnologias. La electronica de potencia necesaria para estos convertidores de-de proporciona una mayor flexibilidad de control que se utiliza para proporcionar servicios auxiliares adicionales que los transform adores clasicos no pueden proporcionar. Se modelan y simulan tres topologias de convertidores de-de para la interconexion entre un bipolo y un monopolo simetrico. El convertidor multinivel modular de frente a frente (F2F-MMC) se elige como referencia porque representa tecnologia de punta. El segundo convertidor es el MMC de-de (de-MMC) debido a la similitud topologica con el MMC. Luego, se propone y estudia un tercer convertidor como resultado de esta tesis, el convertidor asimetrico de-de (ADCC). Se realiza un conjunto de simulaciones para multiples puntos de operacion yescenarios de fallas. Luego, los convertidores se comparan cuantitativa y cualitativamente. Los resultados y el analisis se utilizan para concluir y aportar algunas perspectivas para trabajos futuros.Enginyeria elèctric

    Full Bridge MMC Converter Optimal Design to HVDC Operational Requirements

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    This project is funded by RTE, Paris, FrancePeer reviewedPostprin

    Assessment of DC/DC converters for use in DC nodes for offshore grids

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    With increasing offshore wind generation, there is a strong argument for implementing a multi-terminal DC grid offshore by the interconnection of individual HVDC links. The point of intersection of three or more lines can be used to interconnect projects with different voltage levels and to control power distribution. It is being proposed that these points, or nodes, be implemented using DC devices. A highvoltage, high-power DC/DC converter will therefore be an important component of a DC node. This paper reviews possible DC/DC converter topologies, looking at device requirement, different voltage conversion ratio and fault management. The suitability of the converters considered, for use in a node in a HVDC offshore grid, is discussed. A resonant DC/DC converter topology is considered in detail and is modelled at a conversion ratio of two, and demonstrates high power efficiency

    Feasibility and reliability analysis of LCC DC grids and LCC/VSC hybrid DC grids

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    Power system interconnections using high-voltage direct-current (HVDC) technologies between different areas can be an effective solution to enhance system efficiency and reliability. Particularly, the multi-terminal DC grids, that could balance and ensure resource adequacy, increase asset utilization and reduce costs. In this paper, the technical feasibility of building DC grids using the line commutated converter based (LCC) and voltage source converter based (VSC) HVDC technologies are discussed. Apart from presenting the technical challenges of building LCC DC grids and LCC/VSC hybrid DC grids, the reliability modeling and analysis of these DC grids are also presented. First, the detailed reliability model of the modular multi-level converters (MMCs) with series connected high-voltage and low-voltage bridges are developed. The active mode redundancy design is considered for the reliability model. To this end, a comprehensive whole system reliability model of the studied systems is developed. The reliability model of each subsystem is modeled in detail. Various reliability indices are calculated using this whole system reliability model. The impacts of the redundancy design of the MMCs on these indices are presented. The studies of this paper provide useful guidance for DC grid design and reliability analysis