938,837 research outputs found


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    We explain what reputation effects are, how they arise and the factors that limit or strengthen them

    Study Of Stability And Antifragility Of Reputation In View Of Multi-vector Character Of Reputation Management Of Enterprises

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    The paper is devoted to the development of fundamental bases of the reputation management of enterprises and elaboration of its methodological and methodical support. There was offered to use “antifragility” conception in the reputation management of an enterprise that allows to activate the cooperation with key stakeholders and to trace the effectiveness of managerial arrangements. At that reputation antifragility that is the ability to its self-support is a criterion of effectiveness of the reputation management of an enterprise. The projection of Taleb\u27s conception on the reputation management of enterprises provides the management balance (as a purposeful formation of an enterprise reputation) and self-management balance (as a spontaneous formation of an enterprise reputation) at the conceptual level. At that in the aspect of the economic approach, “antifragility of an enterprise reputation” is not equal to the notion “anticrisis enterprise management”, where the last one reproduces the process of counteraction to crisis phenomena. The features of reputation antifragility are considered as: stability as a closest synonym of antifragility; while assessing a reputation, it is necessary to take into account its ability to resist rare destructive events; anticrisis (crisis) reputation management as a necessary but not enough method of providing antifragility of an enterprise reputation; informational transparency and its necessity to form an antifragile enterprise reputation. The research results demonstrate that the management decentralization, limitation of the direct managerial impact is a necessary condition to provide reputation “antifragility” that is its ability of self-restoration, strengthening and self-increment as a result of the conscious use of stressors. The way of the solution of the methodological problem of the natural “management deficit” in complicated multi-vector systems in the context of the theory of the reputation management is the model of the reputation management decentralization by transferring the part of functions from managers to stakeholders

    Network-aware Evaluation Environment for Reputation Systems

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    Parties of reputation systems rate each other and use ratings to compute reputation scores that drive their interactions. When deciding which reputation model to deploy in a network environment, it is important to find the most suitable model and to determine its right initial configuration. This calls for an engineering approach for describing, implementing and evaluating reputation systems while taking into account specific aspects of both the reputation systems and the networked environment where they will run. We present a software tool (NEVER) for network-aware evaluation of reputation systems and their rapid prototyping through experiments performed according to user-specified parameters. To demonstrate effectiveness of NEVER, we analyse reputation models based on the beta distribution and the maximum likelihood estimation

    Acceptance of feedbacks in reputation systems: the role of online social interactions

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    In an online environment, the aim of reputation systems is to let parties rate each other and to help consumers in deciding whether to transact with a given party. In current reputation systems for e-commerce, users have to trust unreliable information sources and anonymous people. As a result, users are not only hesitant to trust online seller but also to reputation systems. Therefore, there is a need to improve current reputation systems by allowing users to make buying decision based on reliable source of information. This paper proposes a new approach of sharing knowledge and experience in reputation systems by utilizing social interactions. This study examines the potentials of integrating social relations information in reputation systems by proposing a model of acceptance of feedbacks in reputation systems

    Specifying and analysing reputation systems with coordination languages

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    Reputation systems are nowadays widely used to support decision making in networked systems. Parties in such systems rate each other and use shared ratings to compute reputation scores that drive their interactions. The existence of reputation systems with remarkable differences calls for formal approaches to their analysis. We present a verification methodology for reputation systems that is based on the use of the coordination language Klaim and related analysis tools. First, we define a parametric Klaim specification of a reputation system that can be instantiated with different reputation models. Then, we consider stochastic specification obtained by considering actions with random (exponentially distributed) duration. The resulting specification enables quantitative analysis of properties of the considered system. Feasibility and effectiveness of our proposal is demonstrated by reporting on the analysis of two reputation models

    The role of image and reputation as intangible resources in non-profit organisations: a relationship management perspective

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    The current research on relationship management primarily focuses on enhancing customer relationships through image or reputation in organisations. The resource-based theory portrays image and reputation as important intangible resources that are derived from combinations of internal investments and external appraisals. With this in mind, the role of image and reputation in value creation needs to be carefully delineated. In non-profit settings, stronger image and reputation are likely associated with higher quality of goods and services, better delivery of those goods and services, improved management of donations and funds, and improved outcomes (e.g., higher capability to make a difference in societies). Following a critical analysis of current literature with relevant examples, this paper argues that image and reputation are the keystones of non-profit organisations’ differentiation strategy. The resource-based theory suggests that resource factors represent a stronger explanation of differences in firm performance. Organisations are more likely to grow and develop higher performance potential if more resources are invested in image and reputation. By integrating several disparate resources, image and reputation as intangible resources can become more difficult to imitate and provide a more sustainable source of competitive advantage in organisations. Thus both image and reputation are likely influential elements that assist non-profit organisations in developing and managing relationships with external stakeholders, and thereby aid organisations in attracting important resources such as donations and volunteer support. The study findings contribute to the more general understanding of image and reputation from a relationship management perspective in the non-profit context. Thus, the paper adds a new dimension to the body of literature by arguing that image and reputation can be utilised as relationship management tools in non-profit organisations. However, image and reputation are external to organisations and volatile in nature. Non-profit managers must strategically develop relationship management activities in their organisations, with image and reputation being central

    Guanxi, government and Corporate reputation in China: Lessons for international companies

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    The purpose of this paper is to explore corporate reputation in the transitional Chinese context, and to examine the impact of guanxi on reputation management. China remains a hierarchical guanxi-based society despite the rapid transition to a market-led economy. The decentralised business environment today is more complicated than that in the pre-reform era. As reputation is relationship based, guanxi is an important form of reputation capital. Corporate reputation in China is all about managing relationships with key stakeholders, the most important being the government. Government at the top level is crucial for reputation-building and deal-making. Given the idiosyncratic market conditions and differences in culture, MNCs have to adopt a localisation strategy in corporate communications, showing due respect for the local culture