568 research outputs found

    Heterogeneous substitution systems revisited

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    Matthes and Uustalu (TCS 327(1-2):155-174, 2004) presented a categorical description of substitution systems capable of capturing syntax involving binding which is independent of whether the syntax is made up from least or greatest fixed points. We extend this work in two directions: we continue the analysis by creating more categorical structure, in particular by organizing substitution systems into a category and studying its properties, and we develop the proofs of the results of the cited paper and our new ones in UniMath, a recent library of univalent mathematics formalized in the Coq theorem prover.Comment: 24 page

    The number of countable models via Algebraic logic

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    Vaught's Conjecture states that if T is a complete First order theory in a countable language that has more than aleph_0 pairwise non isomorphic countable models, then T has 2^aleph_0 such models. Morley showed that if T has more than aleph_1 pairwise non isomorphic countable models, then it has 2^aleph_0 such models. In this paper, we First show how we can use algebraic logic, namely the representation theory of cylindric and quasi-polyadic algebras, to study Vaught's conjecture (count models), and we re-prove Morley's above mentioned theorem. Second, we show that Morley's theorem holds for the number of non isomorphic countable models omitting a countable family of types. We go further by giving examples showing that although this number can only take the values given by Morley's theorem, it can be different from the number of all non isomorphic countable models. Moreover, our examples show that the number of countable models omitting a family of types can also be either aleph_1 or 2 and therefore different from the possible values provided by Vaught's conjecture and by his well known theorem; in the case of aleph_1, however, the family is uncountable. Finally, we discuss an omitting types theorem of Shelah

    Multilinear Maps in Cryptography

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    Multilineare Abbildungen spielen in der modernen Kryptographie eine immer bedeutendere Rolle. In dieser Arbeit wird auf die Konstruktion, Anwendung und Verbesserung von multilinearen Abbildungen eingegangen

    Reducing the Cost of Precise Types

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    Programs involving precise types enforce more properties via type checking, but precise types also prevent the reuse of functions throughout a program since no single precise type is used throughout a large program. My work is a step toward eliminating the underlying dilemma regarding type precision versus function reuse. It culminates in a novel traversal operator that recovers the reuse by automating most of each conversion between "similar" precise types, for a notion of similarity that I characterize in both the intuitive and technical senses. The benefits of my techniques are clear in side-by-side comparisons; in particular, I apply my techniques to two definitions of lambda-lifting. I present and implement my techniques in the Haskell programming language, but the fundamental ideas are applicable to any statically- and strongly-typed programming functional language with algebraic data types

    Two-parameter families of quantum symmetry groups

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    We introduce and study natural two-parameter families of quantum groups motivated on one hand by the liberations of classical orthogonal groups and on the other by quantum isometry groups of the duals of the free groups. Specifically, for each pair (p,q) of non-negative integers we define and investigate quantum groups O^+(p,q), B^+(p,q), S^+(p,q) and H^+(p,q) corresponding to, respectively, orthogonal groups, bistochastic groups, symmetric groups and hyperoctahedral groups. In the first three cases the new quantum groups turn out to be related to the (dual free products of) free quantum groups studied earlier. For H^+(p,q) the situation is different: we show that H^+(p,0) is isomorphic to the quantum isometry group of the C*-algebra of the free group and it can be viewed as a liberation of the classical isometry group of the p-dimensional torus.Comment: 29 page

    Acta Cybernetica : Tomus 8. Fasciculus 3.

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    Order-sorted algebra I: equational deduction for multiple inheritance, overloading, exceptions and partial operations

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    AbstractThis paper generalizes many-sorted algebra (MSA) to order-sorted algebra (OSA) by allowing a partial ordering relation on the set of sorts. This supports abstract data types with multiple inheritance (in roughly the sense of object-oriented programming), several forms of polymorphism and overloading, partial operations (as total on equationally defined subsorts), exception handling, and an operational semantics based on term rewriting. We give the basic algebraic constructions for OSA, including quotient, image, product and term algebra, and we prove their basic properties, including quotient, homomorphism, and initiality theorems. The paper's major mathematical results include a notion of OSA deduction, a completeness theorem for it, and an OSA Birkhoff variety theorem. We also develop conditional OSA, including initiality, completeness, and McKinsey-Malcev quasivariety theorems, and we reduce OSA to (conditional) MSA, which allows lifting many known MSA results to OSA. Retracts, which intuitively are left inverses to subsort inclusions, provide relatively inexpensive run-time error handling. We show that it is safe to add retracts to any OSA signature, in the sense that it gives rise to a conservative extension. A final section compares and contrasts many different approaches to OSA. This paper also includes several examples demonstrating the flexibility and applicability of OSA, including some standard benchmarks like stack and list, as well as a much more substantial example, the number hierarchy from the naturals up to the quaternions

    Lattices of quasi-equational theories as congruence lattices of semilattices with operators, Part I

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    We show that for every quasivariety K of structures (where both functions and relations are allowed) there is a semilattice S with operators such that the lattice of quasi-equational theories of K (the dual of the lattice of sub-quasivarieties of K) is isomorphic to Con(S,+,0,F). As a consequence, new restrictions on the natural quasi-interior operator on lattices of quasi-equational theories are found.Comment: Presented on International conference "Order, Algebra and Logics", Vanderbilt University, 12-16 June, 2007 25 pages, 2 figure

    Linear representations of regular rings and complemented modular lattices with involution

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    Faithful representations of regular \ast-rings and modular complemented lattices with involution within orthosymmetric sesquilinear spaces are studied within the framework of Universal Algebra. In particular, the correspondence between classes of spaces and classes of representables is analyzed; for a class of spaces which is closed under ultraproducts and non-degenerate finite dimensional subspaces, the latter are shown to be closed under complemented [regular] subalgebras, homomorphic images, and ultraproducts and being generated by those members which are associated with finite dimensional spaces. Under natural restrictions, this is refined to a 11-11-correspondence between the two types of classes