7,567 research outputs found

    The contribution of fMRI in the study of visual categorization and expertise

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    Multi-view Convolutional Neural Networks for 3D Shape Recognition

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    A longstanding question in computer vision concerns the representation of 3D shapes for recognition: should 3D shapes be represented with descriptors operating on their native 3D formats, such as voxel grid or polygon mesh, or can they be effectively represented with view-based descriptors? We address this question in the context of learning to recognize 3D shapes from a collection of their rendered views on 2D images. We first present a standard CNN architecture trained to recognize the shapes' rendered views independently of each other, and show that a 3D shape can be recognized even from a single view at an accuracy far higher than using state-of-the-art 3D shape descriptors. Recognition rates further increase when multiple views of the shapes are provided. In addition, we present a novel CNN architecture that combines information from multiple views of a 3D shape into a single and compact shape descriptor offering even better recognition performance. The same architecture can be applied to accurately recognize human hand-drawn sketches of shapes. We conclude that a collection of 2D views can be highly informative for 3D shape recognition and is amenable to emerging CNN architectures and their derivatives.Comment: v1: Initial version. v2: An updated ModelNet40 training/test split is used; results with low-rank Mahalanobis metric learning are added. v3 (ICCV 2015): A second camera setup without the upright orientation assumption is added; some accuracy and mAP numbers are changed slightly because a small issue in mesh rendering related to specularities is fixe

    Shape predominant effect in pattern recognition of geometric figures of rhesus monkey

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    AbstractThree monkeys were trained successively with discrimination, concurrent matching to sample, and sameness–difference judgment tasks in which learning curves were compared. Then, the display duration for the stimuli was shortened to 100, 50, and 30 ms respectively to test the changes in accuracy and reaction time. All results in three experimental paradigms suggested consistently that the geometric shape (triangle, circle, and square) plays a more predominant role than topological features (the hole inside of a figure and the hole numbers) in monkey figure recognition. The results are different from the experiment by human subjects who presented hole predominant in figure recognition. Therefore, the precedence in perception depends on subject species, stimulus set, and ecological significance of the perceiving process

    Representational geometry: integrating cognition, computation, and the brain

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    The cognitive concept of representation plays a key role in theories of brain information processing. However, linking neuronal activity to representational content and cognitive theory remains challenging. Recent studies have characterized the representational geometry of neural population codes by means of representational distance matrices, enabling researchers to compare representations across stages of processing and to test cognitive and computational theories. Representational geometry provides a useful intermediate level of description, capturing both the information represented in a neuronal population code and the format in which it is represented. We review recent insights gained with this approach in perception, memory, cognition, and action. Analyses of representational geometry can compare representations between models and the brain, and promise to explain brain computation as transformation of representational similarity structure

    Shape Representation in Primate Visual Area 4 and Inferotemporal Cortex

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    The representation of contour shape is an essential component of object recognition, but the cortical mechanisms underlying it are incompletely understood, leaving it a fundamental open question in neuroscience. Such an understanding would be useful theoretically as well as in developing computer vision and Brain-Computer Interface applications. We ask two fundamental questions: “How is contour shape represented in cortex and how can neural models and computer vision algorithms more closely approximate this?” We begin by analyzing the statistics of contour curvature variation and develop a measure of salience based upon the arc length over which it remains within a constrained range. We create a population of V4-like cells – responsive to a particular local contour conformation located at a specific position on an object’s boundary – and demonstrate high recognition accuracies classifying handwritten digits in the MNIST database and objects in the MPEG-7 Shape Silhouette database. We compare the performance of the cells to the “shape-context” representation (Belongie et al., 2002) and achieve roughly comparable recognition accuracies using a small test set. We analyze the relative contributions of various feature sensitivities to recognition accuracy and robustness to noise. Local curvature appears to be the most informative for shape recognition. We create a population of IT-like cells, which integrate specific information about the 2-D boundary shapes of multiple contour fragments, and evaluate its performance on a set of real images as a function of the V4 cell inputs. We determine the sub-population of cells that are most effective at identifying a particular category. We classify based upon cell population response and obtain very good results. We use the Morris-Lecar neuronal model to more realistically illustrate the previously explored shape representation pathway in V4 – IT. We demonstrate recognition using spatiotemporal patterns within a winnerless competition network with FitzHugh-Nagumo model neurons. Finally, we use the Izhikevich neuronal model to produce an enhanced response in IT, correlated with recognition, via gamma synchronization in V4. Our results support the hypothesis that the response properties of V4 and IT cells, as well as our computer models of them, function as robust shape descriptors in the object recognition process

    Figure-ground responsive fields of monkey V4 neurons estimated from natural image patches

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    Neurons in visual area V4 modulate their responses depending on the figure-ground (FG) organization in natural images containing a variety of shapes and textures. To clarify whether the responses depend on the extents of the figure and ground regions in and around the classical receptive fields (CRFs) of the neurons, we estimated the spatial extent of local figure and ground regions that evoked FG-dependent responses (RF-FGs) in natural images and their variants. Specifically, we applied the framework of spike triggered averaging (STA) to the combinations of neural responses and human-marked segmentation images (FG labels) that represent the extents of the figure and ground regions in the corresponding natural image stimuli. FG labels were weighted by the spike counts in response to the corresponding stimuli and averaged over. The bias due to the nonuniformity of FG labels was compensated by subtracting the ensemble average of FG labels from the weighted average. Approximately 50% of the neurons showed effective RF-FGs, and a large number exhibited structures that were similar to those observed in virtual neurons with ideal FG-dependent responses. The structures of the RF-FGs exhibited a subregion responsive to a preferred side (figure or ground) around the CRF center and a subregion responsive to a non-preferred side in the surroundings. The extents of the subregions responsive to figure were smaller than those responsive to ground in agreement with the Gestalt rule. We also estimated RF-FG by an adaptive filtering (AF) method, which does not require spherical symmetry (whiteness) in stimuli. RF-FGs estimated by AF and STA exhibited similar structures, supporting the veridicality of the proposed STA. To estimate the contribution of nonlinear processing in addition to linear processing, we estimated nonlinear RF-FGs based on the framework of spike triggered covariance (STC). The analyses of the models based on STA and STC did not show inconsiderable contribution of nonlinearity, suggesting spatial variance of FG regions. The results lead to an understanding of the neural responses that underlie the segregation of figures and the construction of surfaces in intermediate-level visual areas.journal articl

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationDiffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) has become a popular technique to detect brain white matter structure. However, imaging noise, imaging artifacts, and modeling techniques, etc., create many uncertainties, which may generate misleading information for further analysis or applications, such as surgical planning. Therefore, how to analyze, effectively visualize, and reduce these uncertainties become very important research questions. In this dissertation, we present both rank-k decomposition and direct decomposition approaches based on spherical deconvolution to decompose the fiber directions more accurately for high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) data, which will reduce the uncertainties of the fiber directions. By applying volume rendering techniques to an ensemble of 3D orientation distribution function (ODF) glyphs, which we call SIP functions of diffusion shapes, one can elucidate the complex heteroscedastic structural variation in these local diffusion shapes. Furthermore, we quantify the extent of this variation by measuring the fraction of the volume of these shapes, which is consistent across all noise levels, the certain volume ratio. To better understand the uncertainties in white matter fiber tracks, we propose three metrics to quantify the differences between the results of diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DT-MRI) fiber tracking algorithms: the area between corresponding fibers of each bundle, the Earth Mover's Distance (EMD) between two fiber bundle volumes, and the current distance between two fiber bundle volumes. Based on these metrics, we discuss an interactive fiber track comparison visualization toolkit we have developed to visualize these uncertainties more efficiently. Physical phantoms, with high repeatability and reproducibility, are also designed with the hope of validating the dMRI techniques. In summary, this dissertation provides a better understanding about uncertainties in diffusion magnetic resonance imaging: where and how much are the uncertainties? How do we reduce these uncertainties? How can we possibly validate our algorithms
