414 research outputs found

    A Feature Ranking Algorithm in Pragmatic Quality Factor Model for Software Quality Assessment

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    Software quality is an important research area and has gain considerable attention from software engineering community in identification of priority quality attributes in software development process. This thesis describes original research in the field of software quality model by presenting a Feature Ranking Algorithm (FRA) for Pragmatic Quality Factor (PQF) model. The proposed algorithm is able to improve the weaknesses in PQF model in updating and learning the important attributes for software quality assessment. The existing assessment techniques lack of the capability to rank the quality attributes and data learning which can enhance the quality assessment process. The aim of the study is to identify and propose the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technique for improving quality assessment technique in PQF model. Therefore, FRA using FRT was constructed and the performance of the FRA was evaluated. The methodology used consists of theoretical study, design of formal framework on intelligent software quality, identification of Feature Ranking Technique (FRT), construction and evaluation of FRA algorithm. The assessment of quality attributes has been improved using FRA algorithm enriched with a formula to calculate the priority of attributes and followed by learning adaptation through Java Library for Multi Label Learning (MULAN) application. The result shows that the performance of FRA correlates strongly to PQF model with 98% correlation compared to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Correlation Based Filter (KSCBF) algorithm with 83% correlation. Statistical significance test was also performed with score of 0.052 compared to the KSCBF algorithm with score of 0.048. The result shows that the FRA was more significant than KSCBF algorithm. The main contribution of this research is on the implementation of FRT with proposed Most Priority of Features (MPF) calculation in FRA for attributes assessment. Overall, the findings and contributions can be regarded as a novel effort in software quality for attributes selection

    Guided generation of pedagogical concept maps from the Wikipedia

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    We propose a new method for guided generation of concept maps from open accessonline knowledge resources such as Wikies. Based on this method we have implemented aprototype extracting semantic relations from sentences surrounding hyperlinks in the Wikipedia’sarticles and letting a learner to create customized learning objects in real-time based oncollaborative recommendations considering her earlier knowledge. Open source modules enablepedagogically motivated exploration in Wiki spaces, corresponding to an intelligent tutoringsystem. The method extracted compact noun–verb–noun phrases, suggested for labeling arcsbetween nodes that were labeled with article titles. On average, 80 percent of these phrases wereuseful while their length was only 20 percent of the length of the original sentences. Experimentsindicate that even simple analysis algorithms can well support user-initiated information retrievaland building intuitive learning objects that follow the learner’s needs.Peer reviewe

    Système intelligent pour le suivi et l’optimisation de l’état cognitif

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    Les émotions des êtres humains changent régulièrement et parfois de manière brusque entrainant un changement de l’état mental c’est-à-dire de l’aptitude cérébrale à fonctionner normalement. Il en résulte une capacité cognitive (ou état cognitif) de l’individu à pouvoir raisonner, accéder à la mémoire, ou effectuer des déductions, variable selon l’état mental. Ceci affecte, en conséquence, les performances des utilisateurs qui varient en fonction de leurs état cognitifs. Cette thèse vise à optimiser l’état cognitif d’un utilisateur lors de ses interactions avec un environnement virtuel. Comme cet état dépend des émotions, l’optimisation de l’état cognitif peut être réalisée à travers l’optimisation des émotions et en particulier la réduction des émotions négatives. Une première partie concerne les moyens de mesurer en temps réel (par un Module de mesures) l’état émotionnel et mental d’un utilisateur lors de ses interactions avec un environnement virtuel. Nous avons réalisé pour cela quatre études expérimentales avec quatre environnements différents. Nous avons montré que ces mesures peuvent être réalisées en utilisant différents capteurs physiologiques. Nous avons aussi montré qu’il est possible de prédire la tendance de l’excitation (un état mental) à partir d’un traceur de regard. Dans une deuxième partie, nous présentons l’Agent Neural qui modifie les environnements virtuels afin de provoquer une modification de l’état émotionnel d’un utilisateur pour améliorer son état cognitif. Nous avons réalisé quatre études expérimentales avec quatre environnements virtuels, où l’Agent Neural intervient dans ces environnements afin de changer l’état émotionnel de l’utilisateur. Nous avons montré que l’agent est capable d’intervenir dans plusieurs types d’environnements et de modifier les émotions de l’utilisateur. Dans une troisième partie, présentons l’Agent Limbique, qui personnalise et améliore les adaptations faites par l’Agent Neural à travers l’observation et l’apprentissage des impacts des changements des environnements virtuels et des réactions émotionnelles des utilisateurs. Nous avons montré que cet agent est capable d’analyser les interventions de l’Agent Neural et de les modifier. Nous avons montré aussi que l’Agent Limbique est capable de générer une nouvelle règle d’intervention et de prédire son impact sur l’utilisateur. La combinaison du Module de mesures, de l’Agent Neural, et de l’Agent Limbique, nous a permis de créer un système de contrôle cognitif intelligent que nous avons appelé Système Limbique Digital.The human’s emotions change regularly and sometimes suddenly leading to changes in their mental state which is the brain’s ability to function normally. This mental state’s changes affect the users’ cognitive ability (or cognitive state) to reason, access memory, or make inferences, which varies depending on the mental state. Consequently, this affects the users’ performances which varies according to their cognitive states. This thesis aims to optimize the users’ cognitive state during their interactions with a virtual environment. Since this state depends on emotions, optimization of cognitive state can be achieved through the optimization of emotions and in particular the reduction of negative emotions. In a first part, we present the means of measuring in real time (using a Measuring module) the users’ emotional and mental state during their interactions with a virtual environment. We performed four experimental studies with four different environments. We have shown that these measurements can be performed using different physiological sensors. We have also shown that it is possible to predict the tendency of excitement (a mental state) using an eye tracker. In a second part, we present the Neural Agent which modifies virtual environments to provoke a modification on the users’ emotional state in order to improve their cognitive state. We performed four experimental studies with four virtual environments, in which the Neural Agent intervenes in these environments to change the users’ emotional state. We have shown that the agent is able to intervene in several types of environments and able to modify the users’ emotions. In a third part, we present the Limbic Agent, which personalizes and improves the adaptations performed by the Neural Agent through the observation and the learning from the virtual environments changes’ impacts and the users’ emotional reactions. We have shown that this agent is able to analyze the Neural Agent’s interventions and able to modify them. We have also shown that the Limbic Agent is able to generate a new intervention rule and predict its impact on the user. The combination of the Measuring Module, the Neural Agent, and the Limbic Agent, allowed us to create an intelligent cognitive control system that we called the Digital Limbic System

    The design and evaluation of EKE, a semi-automated email knowledge extraction tool

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    This paper presents an approach to locating experts within organisations through the use of the indispensable communication medium and source of information, email. The approach was realised through the email expert locator architecture developed by the authors, which uses email content in the modelling of individuals' expertise profiles. The approach has been applied to a real-world application, EKE, and evaluated using focus group sessions and system trials. In this work, the authors report the findings obtained from the focus groups sessions. The aim of the sessions was to obtain information about the participants' perceptions, opinions, underlying attitudes, and recommendations with regard to the notion of exploiting email content for expertise profiling. The paper provides a review of the various approaches to expertise location that have been developed and highlights the end-users' perspectives on the usability and functionality of EKE and the socio-ethical challenges raised by its adoption from an industrial perspective. © 2012 Operational Research Society. All rights reserved

    A Novel ILP Framework for Summarizing Content with High Lexical Variety

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    Summarizing content contributed by individuals can be challenging, because people make different lexical choices even when describing the same events. However, there remains a significant need to summarize such content. Examples include the student responses to post-class reflective questions, product reviews, and news articles published by different news agencies related to the same events. High lexical diversity of these documents hinders the system's ability to effectively identify salient content and reduce summary redundancy. In this paper, we overcome this issue by introducing an integer linear programming-based summarization framework. It incorporates a low-rank approximation to the sentence-word co-occurrence matrix to intrinsically group semantically-similar lexical items. We conduct extensive experiments on datasets of student responses, product reviews, and news documents. Our approach compares favorably to a number of extractive baselines as well as a neural abstractive summarization system. The paper finally sheds light on when and why the proposed framework is effective at summarizing content with high lexical variety.Comment: Accepted for publication in the journal of Natural Language Engineering, 201
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