6 research outputs found

    Replication-Aware Linearizability

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    Geo-distributed systems often replicate data at multiple locations to achieve availability and performance despite network partitions. These systems must accept updates at any replica and propagate these updates asynchronously to every other replica. Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) provide a principled approach to the problem of ensuring that replicas are eventually consistent despite the asynchronous delivery of updates. We address the problem of specifying and verifying CRDTs, introducing a new correctness criterion called Replication-Aware Linearizability. This criterion is inspired by linearizability, the de-facto correctness criterion for (shared-memory) concurrent data structures. We argue that this criterion is both simple to understand, and it fits most known implementations of CRDTs. We provide a proof methodology to show that a CRDT satisfies replication-aware linearizability which we apply on a wide range of implementations. Finally, we show that our criterion can be leveraged to reason modularly about the composition of CRDTs

    ECROs: Building global scale systems from sequential code

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    Funding Information: We would like to thank Matteo Marra, Jim Bauwens, and the anonymous reviewers for their comments which helped improve the paper. Kevin De Porre is funded by an SB Fellowship of the Research Foundation - Flanders. Project number: 1S98519N. This work was partially supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia - Portugal (FCT/MCTES) under grants UIDB/04516/2020, PTDC/CCI-INF/32081/2017, and LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-032662/PTDC/CCI-INF/32662/2017.To ease the development of geo-distributed applications, replicated data types (RDTs) offer a familiar programming interface while ensuring state convergence, low latency, and high availability. However, RDTs are still designed exclusively by experts using ad-hoc solutions that are error-prone and result in brittle systems. Recent works statically detect conflicting operations on existing data types and coordinate those at runtime to guarantee convergence and preserve application invariants. However, these approaches are too conservative, imposing coordination on a large number of operations. In this work, we propose a principled approach to design and implement efficient RDTs taking into account application invariants. Developers extend sequential data types with a distributed specification, which together form an RDT. We statically analyze the specification to detect conflicts and unravel their cause. This information is then used at runtime to serialize concurrent operations safely and efficiently. Our approach derives a correct RDT from any sequential data type without changes to the data type's implementation and with minimal coordination. We implement our approach in Scala and develop an extensive portfolio of RDTs. The evaluation shows that our approach provides performance similar to conflict-free replicated data types for commutative operations, and considerably improves the performance of non-commutative operations, compared to existing solutions.publishersversionpublishe

    VeriFx: Correct Replicated Data Types for the Masses

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    Distributed systems adopt weak consistency to ensure high availability and low latency, but state convergence is hard to guarantee due to conflicts. Experts carefully design replicated data types (RDTs) that resemble sequential data types and embed conflict resolution mechanisms that ensure convergence. Designing RDTs is challenging as their correctness depends on subtleties such as the ordering of concurrent operations. Currently, researchers manually verify RDTs, either by paper proofs or using proof assistants. Unfortunately, paper proofs are subject to reasoning flaws and mechanized proofs verify a formalization instead of a real-world implementation. Furthermore, writing mechanized proofs is reserved for verification experts and is extremely time-consuming. To simplify the design, implementation, and verification of RDTs, we propose VeriFx, a specialized programming language for RDTs with automated proof capabilities. VeriFx lets programmers implement RDTs atop functional collections and express correctness properties that are verified automatically. Verified RDTs can be transpiled to mainstream languages (currently Scala and JavaScript). VeriFx provides libraries for implementing and verifying Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) and Operational Transformation (OT) functions. These libraries implement the general execution model of those approaches and define their correctness properties. We use the libraries to implement and verify an extensive portfolio of 51 CRDTs, 16 of which are used in industrial databases, and reproduce a study on the correctness of OT functions

    Behavioural Types for Local-First Software

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    Peer-to-peer systems are the most resilient form of distributed computing, but the design of robust protocols for their coordination is difficult. This makes it hard to specify and reason about global behaviour of such systems. This paper presents swarm protocols to specify such systems from a global viewpoint. Swarm protocols are projected to machines, that is local specifications of peers. We take inspiration from behavioural types with a key difference: peers communicate through an event notification mechanism rather than through point-to-point message passing. Our goal is to adhere to the principles of local-first software where network devices collaborate on a common task while retaining full autonomy: every participating device can locally make progress at all times, not encumbered by unavailability of other devices or network connections. This coordination-free approach leads to inconsistencies that may emerge during computations. Our main result shows that under suitable well-formedness conditions for swarm protocols consistency is eventually recovered and the locally observable behaviour of conforming machines will eventually match the global specification. Our model elaborates on the Actyx industrial platform and provides the basis for tool support: we sketch an implemented prototype which proves this work a viable step towards reasoning about local-first and peer-to-peer software systems

    A Fault-Tolerant Programming Model for Distributed Interactive Applications

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    Ubiquitous connectivity of web, mobile, and IoT computing platforms has fostered a variety of distributed applications with decentralized state. These applications execute across multiple devices with varying reliability and connectivity. Unfortunately, there is no declarative fault-tolerant programming model for distributed interactive applications with an inherently decentralized system model. We present a novel approach to automating fault tolerance using high-level programming abstractions tailored to the needs of distributed interactive applications. Specifically, we propose a calculus that enables formal reasoning about applications' dataflow within and across individual devices. Our calculus reinterprets the functional reactive programming model to seamlessly integrate its automated state change propagation with automated crash recovery of device-local dataflow and disconnection-tolerant distribution with guaranteed automated eventual consistency semantics based on conflict-free replicated datatypes. As a result, programmers are relieved of handling intricate details of distributing change propagation and coping with distribution failures in the presence of interactivity. We also provides proofs of our claims, an implementation of our calculus, and an empirical evaluation using a common interactive application