3,486 research outputs found

    Energy-efficient and high-performance lock speculation hardware for embedded multicore systems

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    Embedded systems are becoming increasingly common in everyday life and like their general-purpose counterparts, they have shifted towards shared memory multicore architectures. However, they are much more resource constrained, and as they often run on batteries, energy efficiency becomes critically important. In such systems, achieving high concurrency is a key demand for delivering satisfactory performance at low energy cost. In order to achieve this high concurrency, consistency across the shared memory hierarchy must be accomplished in a cost-effective manner in terms of performance, energy, and implementation complexity. In this article, we propose Embedded-Spec, a hardware solution for supporting transparent lock speculation, without the requirement for special supporting instructions. Using this approach, we evaluate the energy consumption and performance of a suite of benchmarks, exploring a range of contention management and retry policies. We conclude that for resource-constrained platforms, lock speculation can provide real benefits in terms of improved concurrency and energy efficiency, as long as the underlying hardware support is carefully configured.This work is supported in part by NSF under Grants CCF-0903384, CCF-0903295, CNS-1319495, and CNS-1319095 as well the Semiconductor Research Corporation under grant number 1983.001. (CCF-0903384 - NSF; CCF-0903295 - NSF; CNS-1319495 - NSF; CNS-1319095 - NSF; 1983.001 - Semiconductor Research Corporation

    Implicit transactional memory in chip multiprocessors

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    Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs) are an efficient way of designing and use the huge amount of transistors on a chip. Different cores on a chip can compose a shared memory system with a very low-latency interconnect at a very low cost. Unfortunately, consistency models and synchronization styles of popular programming models for multiprocessors impose severe performance losses. Known architectural approaches to combat these losses are too complex, too specialized, or not transparent to the software. In this article, we introduce “implicit transactional memory” as a generalized architectural concept to remove such performance losses. We show how the concept of implicit transactions can be implemented at a low complexity by leveraging the multi-checkpoint mechanism of the Kilo-Instruction Processor. By relying on a general speculation substrate, it supports even the strictest consistency model – sequential consistency – potentially as effectively as weaker models and it allows multiple threads to speculatively execute critical sections, beyond barriers and event synchronizations.Postprint (published version

    The Adaptive Priority Queue with Elimination and Combining

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    Priority queues are fundamental abstract data structures, often used to manage limited resources in parallel programming. Several proposed parallel priority queue implementations are based on skiplists, harnessing the potential for parallelism of the add() operations. In addition, methods such as Flat Combining have been proposed to reduce contention by batching together multiple operations to be executed by a single thread. While this technique can decrease lock-switching overhead and the number of pointer changes required by the removeMin() operations in the priority queue, it can also create a sequential bottleneck and limit parallelism, especially for non-conflicting add() operations. In this paper, we describe a novel priority queue design, harnessing the scalability of parallel insertions in conjunction with the efficiency of batched removals. Moreover, we present a new elimination algorithm suitable for a priority queue, which further increases concurrency on balanced workloads with similar numbers of add() and removeMin() operations. We implement and evaluate our design using a variety of techniques including locking, atomic operations, hardware transactional memory, as well as employing adaptive heuristics given the workload.Comment: Accepted at DISC'14 - this is the full version with appendices, including more algorithm

    Solving multiprocessor drawbacks with kilo-instruction processors

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    Nowadays, a good multiprocessor system design has to deal with many drawbacks in order to achieve a good tradeoff between complexity and performance. For example, while solving problems like coherence and consistency is essential for correctness the way to solve processor stalls due to critical sections and synchronization points is desirable for performance. And none of these drawbacks has a straightforward solution. We show in our paper how the multi-checkpointing mechanism of the Kilo-Instruction Processors can be correctly leveraged in order to achieve a good complexity-effective multiprocessor design. Specifically, we describe a Kilo-Instruction Multiprocessor that transparently, i.e. without any software support, uses transaction-based memory updates. Our model simplifies the coherence and consistency hardware and gives the potential for easily applying different desirable speculative mechanisms to enhance performance when facing some synchronization constructs of current parallel applications.Postprint (published version

    Hardware transactional memory with software-defined conflicts

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    In this paper we propose conflict-defined blocks, a programming language construct that allows programmers to change the concept of conflict from one transaction to another, or even throughout the course of the same transaction. Defining conflicts in software makes possible the removal of dependencies which, though not necessary for the correct execution of the transactions, arise as a result of the coarse synchronization style encouraged by TM. Programmers take advantage of their knowledge about the problem and specify through confict-defined blocks what types of dependencies are superfluous in a certain part of the transaction, in order to extract more performance out of coarse-grained transactions without having to write minimally synchronized code. Our experiments with several transactional benchmarks reveal that using software-defined conflicts, the programmer achieves significant reductions in the number of aborted transactions and improve scalability.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Mechanisms for Unbounded, Conflict-Robust Hardware Transactional Memory

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    Conventional lock implementations serialize access to critical sections guarded by the same lock, presenting programmers with a difficult tradeoff between granularity of synchronization and amount of parallelism realized. Recently, researchers have been investigating an emerging synchronization mechanism called transactional memory as an alternative to such conventional lock-based synchronization. Memory transactions have the semantics of executing in isolation from one another while in reality executing speculatively in parallel, aborting when necessary to maintain the appearance of isolation. This combination of coarse-grained isolation and optimistic parallelism has the potential to ease the tradeoff presented by lock-based programming. This dissertation studies the hardware implementation of transactional memory, making three main contributions. First, we propose the permissions-only cache, a mechanism that efficiently increases the size of transactions that can be handled in the local cache hierarchy to optimize performance. Second, we propose OneTM, an unbounded hardware transactional memory system that serializes transactions that escape the local cache hierarchy. Finally, we propose RetCon, a novel mechanism for detecting conflicts that reduces conflicts by allowing transactions to commit with different values than those with which they executed as long as dataflow and control-flow constraints are maintained

    Unrestricted Transactional Memory: Supporting I/O and System Calls Within Transactions

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    Hardware transactional memory has great potential to simplify the creation of correct and efficient multithreaded programs, enabling programmers to exploit the soon-to-be-ubiquitous multi-core designs. Transactions are simply segments of code that are guaranteed to execute without interference from other concurrently-executing threads. The hardware executes transactions in parallel, ensuring non-interference via abort/rollback/restart when conflicts are detected. Transactions thus provide both a simple programming interface and a highly-concurrent implementation that serializes only on data conflicts. A progression of recent work has broadened the utility of transactional memory by lifting the bound on the size and duration of transactions, called unbounded transactions. Nevertheless, two key challenges remain: (i) I/O and system calls cannot appear in transactions and (ii) existing unbounded transactional memory proposals require complex implementations. We describe a system for fully unrestricted transactions (i.e., they can contain I/O and system calls in addition to being unbounded in size and duration). We achieve this via two modes of transaction execution: restricted (which limits transaction size, duration, and content but is highly concurrent) and unrestricted (which is unbounded and can contain I/O and system calls but has limited concurrency because there can be only one unrestricted transaction executing at a time). Transactions transition to unrestricted mode only when necessary. We introduce unoptimized and optimized implementations in order to balance performance and design complexity

    Transactional Data Structures

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